I will be crowned king

Chapter 283 Win!

Ethan is a hapless man.

As a skirmisher with three years of military service, he is absolutely rare in a conscripted regiment like the Storm Division; especially when the top commander is a skirmisher, a veteran like him It was supposed to be very popular.

But I don’t know whether it was because everything must be reversed, or because I was reported by the logistics department for hiding trophies before. As a result, I have been staying in the Fourth Infantry Regiment, serving as a scout and messenger.

Even on such a night of heavy rain, the other recruits could hide in the tent after "farewelling" the Aiden Army all afternoon, drink boiling salted meat soup and dry bread, and sleep well without a drop of rain on their bodies. , but he had to stand guard in the rain until dawn.

Standing in the corner of the moldy and damp barricade, soaked Ethan leaned on his rifle and leaned against the barricade, looking boredly at the deserted streets filled with craters and rubble.

For a Clovis army, military discipline is often closely related to treatment and war situation; a Clovis regular army with stable supplies, countless battles, and full of honors is often closely related to the frequency of combat and the proportion of casualties it endures. The empire was also amazed.

As for the levied corps... Well, since they are all "levied corps", you really can't ask too much of them except that they won't collapse at the first touch on the battlefield.

Relying on relatively stable supplies and a high share of loot, Anson's Storm Division's military discipline is much better than that of ordinary levy regiments; but many times they have to turn a blind eye and cannot ask for too much.

For tasks like tonight's sentry duty on a rainy day, usually no one would say anything even if he hid somewhere sheltered from the rain for the night.

But I don't know what happened to the leader who was always lazy even himself today, and warned him over and over again what would happen if he violated the mission.

Ethan's throat twitched as he was in an extremely depressed mood. He lowered his head and patted his coat pocket with his right hand. He found that there was still the last cigarette left in the shriveled carton.


This unexpected discovery made the unlucky Ethan a little excited.

Although Clovis military regulations prohibited fireworks at night - or indeed any army - especially sentries, because they could easily become targets for the enemy and expose their targets.


Holding the cigarette holder tremblingly, Ethan flattened the cigarette case and threw it on the ground. He began to dig out matches. He didn't know if it was because of the dampness, but even a dozen matches didn't draw any sparks.


Just when the unlucky Ethan was feeling depressed again, an attractive little flame suddenly stretched out in front of him, and he immediately leaned towards it in excitement.

"Thank you, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Ethan's eyes widened slightly in the faint firelight.

That alluring little flame was not a lit match, but a floating one.

Floating above the tip of a guy's outstretched index finger.

The unlucky Ethan was holding a cigarette in his mouth, trembling all over, and slowly raised his eyes.

His shocked gaze passed through the swirling smoke, and the originally empty streets full of craters and rubble suddenly became "lively" - hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at him silently through the heavy rain.

Standing in the front row, the "good Samaritan" who had just lit a cigarette for him smiled silently at him. The small flame he held illuminated his face, revealing the pointed ears on the temples.

"Fuck me!"

These were the last words of the unlucky Ethan before he was torn into pieces by dozens of rounds of lead bullets.


Similar situations occurred repeatedly at the outposts of all Storm Division outposts at almost the same time.

In the green city shrouded in heavy rain, hundreds of figures suddenly appeared from the narrow and winding streets. They quickly assembled under the cover of darkness and rain, and rushed towards the position in front of the Storm Division at an astonishing speed.

These elites who are scattered throughout the North City and can still move unimpeded in the dark are the truth behind Duke Eden's "exiting the city ceremony" with great fanfare!

When the Storm Division puts all its attention on the majestic soldiers, the grand ceremony and the roaring cannons, it is easy to only pay attention to the organization and size of the troops, and cannot notice whether each unit is better than before. Shrunk... So when everyone thought that the Aiden Legion had evacuated from the Green Valley, three thousand elite soldiers and the spell casters of the Thirteen Council were already on standby in the city!

In the first round of raids, the sentries in the Storm Division's forward positions were almost wiped out immediately.

For the Eden Legion, which previously occupied the commanding heights of the city, the tower of the northern city wall, every move of the Storm Division, including but not limited to sentries, gaps in the defense range, strength of troops and firepower configuration...all are under the supervision of Duke Eden. Down.

Therefore, even if a very small number of veterans had time to be alert, they had no time to run away. They were surrounded by ambushes who quietly circled behind or blocked at the corner of the alley, and disappeared silently.

There was only a pool of blood washed away by the rain, and a cigarette butt soaked in the blood.

After quietly taking down the outer sentries, 3,000 Aiden soldiers with no casualties, mixed with the casters of the Thirteenth Council, launched an offensive directly towards the outer positions of the Storm Division under the cover of heavy rain.

So accompanied by sparse gunfire, running footsteps, piercing bugles, the collision of bayonets, and curses and wailing in various accents...

Ethan, who was getting colder and colder, fell into a pool of his own blood. His body that had been torn apart by lead bullets continued to overflow with blood; the pouring rain mixed with plasma seeped into his already dilated pupils.

The elf caster with slightly cold eyes stood beside him, with a hint of madness in his eyes, which fell on the cigarette butt that slipped from the corner of his mouth; with an expressionless face, he slowly squatted down and held the unburned cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

The small flame on the index finger of his right hand quickly rose into the sky along with the smoke he exhaled, exploding into a dazzling firework in the rainy sky.

The flash of orange-red sparks is like a signal, like the last small match that detonates the bomb, the last wave that tears apart the dam...

The moment it went out, the entire Green Valley began to shake slightly - thousands of Aiden legions were like floods pouring out of a broken dam, almost crazily pouring out of the main entrance and two breaches of the northern city wall. Entering the city, they rushed unstoppably towards the Storm Division's forward position.

Obviously, the Aiden Legion, which was "eager to retreat", would not remember to help Carindia repair the city wall before leaving.

“God bless Aiden—!!!!”

The shouts resounded through the sky, followed by the charge of thousands of Ayden Legions who roared and fought fiercely, rushing endlessly in the heavy rain.

The Battle of Green Valley ushered in the first shot before its successful conclusion.


"The governor's residence has been captured! There was only a small amount of resistance. The Clovis on both sides are constantly retreating. Count Luwang is leading troops to clear out the remaining enemy forces in the stronghold!"

"The left-wing army encountered stubborn resistance from the Clovis people. The leading troops suffered heavy casualties. The second-line reserve troops were entangled with the enemy in the position. The flanking reinforcements tried to organize a bayonet charge, but were repulsed by the barricade defenders with grenades. They are currently exchanging fire with the enemy. Asking for more support!”

"Baron Dick has broken through the Clovis blockade and led two infantry companies to attack the warehouse stronghold! The Baron requested more reserves to support the streets on the west side, saying that he only needed to allocate one more infantry regiment to blockade the warehouse stronghold. street!"

"The artillery positions have been fully deployed, and the shooting elements have been aimed. They can carry out the mission at any time and launch a one-minute indiscriminate bombing of the warehouse stronghold!"

"The scouts have controlled the northern city wall tower and all commanding heights around the town. No enemy artillery positions or reinforcements have been found from any direction. They are continuing to monitor the warehouse stronghold and the southern city wall!"

"The position on the west side of the Storm Division has been defeated by our army and is retreating from the barricades and defensive positions; our army has suffered minor casualties. Baron Woden is leading his infantry regiment to continuously advance and carry out key strikes on the enemy forces trying to resist! "

Accompanied by the deafening shouts of death and the sound of gunfire, one message after another was sent from the front battlefield to the Ayden Military Camp outside the northern city wall.

Under the pouring rain, although the young Duke Eden desperately tried to stay calm and composed, cold sweat continued to seep out from his temples, the back of his neck and the palms of his clenched hands along with the rain.

It's a big gamble.

Although Anson Bach's life or death is uncertain, although he is well aware of the deployment of the entire Storm Division, although the strength of the Storm Division is only less than one-half of his own side...but they are Clovis people.

Even in a head-on confrontation with the empire, they were able to keep up with the odds. They completely annihilated the Iser Guards in one battle, and wiped out the Clovis, one of the Seven Cities Alliance, in just two days!

A prey of this level, no matter how weak it looks now, must be vigilant!

What's more, the Ayden Legion, which seemed to have the upper hand, was already at the end of its strength. The average ammunition for each soldier in each company was less than twenty rounds. Many people did not even have spare bayonets and could only continue to fight with dull knives or damaged weapons.

If they cannot rely on their strength to gain an advantage, they are destined to be defeated step by step. Based on the numbers of both sides, a complete defeat will certainly not be possible, but once defeated, they are destined to pay the price for the act of "blatantly tearing up the agreement."

But it seems to be going well now.

Relying on the reconnaissance of the Storm Division before the war and the three thousand infantry and elf spellcasters ambushed in the city, he successfully caught Anson Bach off guard and firmly controlled one of the most important strongholds in the past - the Governor's Mansion. -Occupying this place is equivalent to occupying the center line of the battlefield. After that, you can deploy your troops without any scruples and continuously compress the Storm Division's living space...

Until they are blocked in one stronghold after another, and then the dogs are shut down and beaten.

But even so, Duke Eden's face was still serious, and there was no trace of the joy of victory.

Because it went so smoothly!

The forward position that the Storm Division took two days to establish had collapsed by two-thirds in less than two hours, and a series of important barricades and defensive nodes had been lost, allowing the Ayden Army to attack across the board without restraint.

Those positions that originally looked extremely strong, and even Duke Eden was prepared to pay two or three times casualties, collapsed as quickly as a dam bursting under the full offensive of Eden's army.

Judging from the intelligence received from the front line, except for the Storm Division defenders on the western front who put up a decent resistance, the remaining defenders probably did not put up any organized resistance, and even started without firing a shot. He retreated in panic.

Is this reasonable?

This is unreasonable!

According to the information provided by Matthias, although this Clovis army is a levy, its sponsors and organizers are the two major families of Rune and Franz - the former is the oldest bloodline of Clovis, and the latter The leader of the family is the archbishop of Clovis!

Therefore, even if they are slightly inferior to the ordinary Clovis army, their combat effectiveness should be the same as that of the Empire's army. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why they were able to annihilate the Guards Corps in a battle at Eagle Point City.

But the Clovis army opposite now is completely different - if it weren't for the unicorn flag, Duke Ayden almost thought he was facing a Carinthian army!

The too smooth battle situation made him wary, and he even rejected all the requests of his generals for additional troops. He tightly held the reserve army of 5,000 people in his hands and refused to send more troops to the front line.

Even though he knew very well that as long as he invested a thousand more people, what a tempting result he would get based on the current situation.

"What are you worried about?"

Seeing the young Duke once again driving back the messenger who requested reinforcements, Matthias, who had always remained silent, could not sit still - he also invested huge costs and risks in this battle, and if he was exposed, the consequences would be simply Unrecoverable:

"The fruits of victory are already close before our eyes, why not pick them off?"

"Because it could be a poison apple!"

Duke Aiden said coldly, with an extremely complicated expression under his long hair soaked by the rain: "Clovis's army is not that fragile, this must be a trap!"

"Maybe it's because Anson Bach is dead?" Matthias asked:

"He does have some relationship with the Luen family, but as far as I know, he is probably just a not-so-talented person - among you humans, there are records of talented people who are also spell casters."

"But what if he is not dead?!" Duke Eden asked:

"What if all of this is part of his plan, and he pretends to die so that we can take the initiative to attack and tear up the agreement, and then uses the method of luring the enemy in-depth to lure us around the warehouse stronghold and defeat us, then what should we do?!"

Before he finished speaking, a soaked messenger suddenly broke into the tent and shouted impatiently to the two of them:

"Report! Baron Dick and Baron Woden have completely broken through the defense line and are currently besieging the warehouse stronghold. Requesting reinforcements for support!"


"So fast?!"

The two people were stunned and shouted in unison, looking at each other.

"It seems that the great Primordial Ring has personally delivered victory to you." Mattias looked at Duke Aiden and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth:

"So...what are you waiting for?"

Feeling the burning gazes of two pairs of eyes beside him, Duke Eden's expression changed as he tried desperately to restrain his inner impulse.

Ten minutes later, a loud bugle sounded accompanied by the roar of thousands of soldiers; Duke Eden, who was determined, threw all the reserve troops into the battlefield except the guards.

Looking coldly at the retreating legion, Duke Eden in the rain clutched the hilt of his knife tightly, his expression extremely ferocious:


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