I will be crowned king

Chapter 284 Attack

"Enemy fire is coming——!"

Along with the intensive gunfire, Carl Bain's hoarse roar rang out simultaneously in the warehouse stronghold.

The not-so-spacious stronghold was already in chaos at the moment, and soldiers of different numbers could be seen hurriedly everywhere; the sounds of passwords, footsteps, mixed with some cursing shouts, and the non-stop gunshots and shouts of killing outside... It stimulated every soldier with red eyes.

Fifteen minutes ago, less than two thousand Aiden people broke through the central defense line and directly launched a siege on the warehouse stronghold that is the headquarters of the Storm Division.

This was not a problem at first. The 3rd and 4th Infantry Regiments, which were well established and well organized, were still able to withstand the enemy's bayonet charges one after another and retreat steadily.

But for the Aiden Legion, which has an absolute advantage in strength, once it breaks through the defense line, it is more than just a breakthrough - the enemies on both wings immediately shift their attack direction towards the center line after discovering that the situation has opened up on their side.

When twice or even four times the number of enemies pressed forward desperately, the two infantry regiments finally couldn't stand it anymore... abandoned their positions and quickly retreated to seek cover around the warehouse stronghold.

The Ayden Legion, which broke through the defense line, poured in desperately like a flood that had its outlet opened.

"The square to the north has been lost, and the 3rd Infantry Regiment is organizing a retreat, hoping to receive skirmishing fire support!"

"The two barricades on the west side of the street have been captured. The Fourth Infantry Regiment requests to retreat, otherwise it will be surrounded by the enemy on both sides and will be cut off from the stronghold at any time!"

"We found a small group of enemy troops trying to outflank the south city wall on the back line. Their number is about two infantry companies. Please send troops to clear it out immediately; otherwise, once the south city gate falls, our army will completely lose its retreat route!"

...With the thunderous volleys mixed in the heavy rain, Carl Bain, who was lying behind the barricade, was almost hit by a series of bad news before he could figure out the situation.

"Damn, this is different from what we promised at the beginning!"

The extremely depressed Carl Bain roared in his heart while directing the counterattack.

According to the deduction of the "perfect plan" of a certain deputy commander, Duke Eden on the opposite side should be a very cautious guy. Unless he is quite sure, he will not take risks easily.

Therefore, even if he has gained a slight advantage, his biggest goal tonight should be to defeat the Storm Division's frontal defense line; at most, he can rely on his strength advantage to block the connections between the Storm Division's strongholds, launch an encirclement network, and then slowly push forward one by one. Lose.

This is a tactic that maximizes the advantage of troops and fights steadily; it is also more in line with the performance of the Aiden Army against Carindia in the previous battle of Green Valley.

But this is obviously not the case now.

"Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!!"

In the dark rainy night, the towering warehouse stronghold was like the only island in the violent storm; countless huge waves rolled up dark red blood and golden red gun flames, constantly trying to tear it apart and engulf it.

Thunderous gunshots continued to explode, and the Aiden Legion, which had forced its way through the defense line, launched an almost desperate attack on the warehouse; a team of less than 300 people braved the hail of bullets, and under the flanks of the firepower points on both wings, Launch a bayonet charge towards the north gate of the warehouse.

Two minutes later, the stormtroopers were completely wiped out; the heavy rain covered up their screams and wails, and the bones broken by lead bullets, torn limbs and flesh were scattered all over the street... but the people in the warehouse were still shocked. The defenders felt a lingering fear.

Obviously, the reality deviated "a little bit" from Anson's expectation.

As Duke Eden completely released his last reserve force, Eden's vanguard troops, which had already broken through the defense line, no longer planned to wait for follow-up reinforcements. They penetrated directly into the inside of the Storm Division's defense line, attempting to charge all the way through with bayonets.

The reinforcements coming from the rear could not see the shadow of the leading troops at all, and they did not even know the direction of the main attack. They could only roughly judge the location of the main battlefield from the surrounding traces and the sound of gunfire.

In addition, Green Valley is a small town and cannot tolerate more than 20,000 people fighting each other. The rear army that was blocked in the front can detour, so the front is widened again, and the entire army spreads out like a flood without caring. Rush over.

As the number of enemies increased, the strongholds of the Storm Division, which became increasingly unable to defend themselves, began to be divided by a tidal wave of offensives. Reinforcements did not even have time to arrive on the battlefield, and they would start to engage in firefights with the enemy halfway.

On the chaotic battlefield, the two armies have been completely entangled together, and each company has fallen into a situation of fighting independently; it is fully achieved that you have me among you, and you have me among you.

Looking at the dark night and rain in front of him, where he could only rely on gunfire to judge the enemy's firepower, Carl Bain, who couldn't help but want to curse, finally knew where the problem lay.

Battlefield vision!

More than 90% of the previous siege battles in Green Valley took place during the day. At that time, the Aiden Corps controlled the north wall tower, the only commanding height in the city, and could fully grasp the battlefield situation and direction, and quickly move to the front line. The troops gave the order.

It can be said that the initiative on the battlefield at that time was completely in the hands of the Ayden Legion. The Carinthians were being led by the nose and beaten. Of course, they were beaten however they wanted. Whether it was fast and hateful or slowly tortured all depended on their mood.

What now?

With the current visibility, even if we stand face to face, it’s hard to say whether we can see people five meters away, right? Not to mention being on top of a tower—it’s a hell of a view!

He could only get news from the front line from the messengers, and barely relied on the sound and gunfire to judge the actual battlefield location... Isn't Duke Eden now so confident that he is sure to win? !

If that were the case, it would be understandable that he would throw all his troops in so desperately.

How weird!

"Let the 4th Infantry Regiment retreat as soon as possible, try to delay the enemy's attack speed as long as possible, and re-establish a defense line at the west gate of the warehouse!"

"The North Square is lost? Tell the 3rd Infantry Regiment that there is no support and let them find a way to retreat on their own. The warehouse can at most guarantee that they will provide fire cover when they retreat within 300 meters!"

"Where are the members of the Second Infantry Regiment? Let them send out the skirmishers to bite the rats that are coming. They can do whatever they like, as long as they don't let the rats occupy the south gate!"

"Send out the reconnaissance company and keep an eye on all movements in the direction of the south city gate. If there is any situation, report it immediately!"

Amidst the roar of guns and artillery, the major chief of staff continued to issue orders, "calmly" directing the battle in three directions at the same time; his calm expression and decisive response made the officers and soldiers of the Storm Division present feel extremely at ease.

Although he himself was extremely panicked.

As a "former captain and civilian officer" - now a major - even though he has taken countless scapegoats for many officers in his career, he has also fought many battles, big and small, with wins and losses, so it counts. I have rich experience and have seen a lot.

But the problem is that Karl has no actual combat experience of commanding a regiment, or even thousands of men.

It is one thing to organize the army for the superior, formulate tactics and take the blame afterwards, but it is another thing to sit in this position and make decisions before the battle.

This made him, who had always been cautious, feel unprecedented pressure. The cold sweat all over his body had never stopped since the beginning of the war... He was obviously indoors, but his whole body was almost completely soaked.

Fortunately... although the Storm Division's "retreat" was faster than originally planned, and the Aiden Army was desperate to attack the whole line, pounced on like a mad dog that had escaped from the reins; but because the attack surface was too wide, Being too scattered, coupled with the blocked vision on a rainy night, even alleviated the pressure faced by the stormtroopers to some extent.

Both sides are blind to the situation fifty meters away from their own positions. Unless they send scouts or troops to "light up the field of vision", they will not know the specific situation at all. Even if it is "lighted up", it will take a while to know.

Therefore, the Storm Division, which immediately shrunk its defense line, has slightly better command efficiency than the opposite Aiden Corps... Of course, it is only limited, but it also greatly relieves the pressure on Carl Bain.

After all, even the worst intelligence on the battlefield is 10,000 times better than no intelligence at all - that means that the organization of the troops is on the verge of collapse, the command system is paralyzed, and each combat unit is no longer able to obtain any effective intelligence or orders, and can only do their own thing. To fight...

Whether the whole front will collapse, the army will rebel, or an epic victory will follow has nothing to do with him as the chief of staff.

As for why he, a small chief of staff, had to do the job of deputy division commander... Karl couldn't help but roll his eyes when he thought of this.

At this moment, a dull roar sounded above everyone's heads without any warning.


Everyone in the warehouse was stunned. They looked up at the ceiling where debris and dust kept falling down, with curious expressions on their faces.

The sound just now... didn't seem to be the sound of a volley of gunfire, right?

It's louder, more muffled, and...it can't possibly come from above my head...

"No, it's artillery!"

Carl Bain, who was stunned for three seconds, finally came to his senses and screamed hysterically at the people around him with a horrified look on his face:

"Enemy fire is coming! Avoid the cannon!!!!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a scream that broke through the air in the heavy rain - the dark twelve-pound cannon shells tore through the layers of rain and landed on the defensive position of the warehouse stronghold with incomparable accuracy. At that moment, the fire of the explosion even Light up half of the green valley.

Dust and rubble mixed with broken limbs rolled up, and the traces were quickly submerged by the heavy rain.

As this round of indiscriminate bombing came to an abrupt end, the roar of the Aiden Legion's fierce fighting could be heard again in the dark rain curtain, desperately rushing towards the blast point of the shell just now.


At the same time, the battlefield on the eastern front in Green Valley.

Accompanied by the choking gunpowder smoke that lingered even in the heavy rain, the Aiden Legion charged desperately against the volleys of Stormtrooper soldiers, attacking the barricade that looked dilapidated and collapsed as soon as it was charged.

But this "collapsible" barricade has withstood at least ten rounds of attacks by Aiden's army in the past thirty minutes, and caused the street opposite to be covered with corpses, flowing into the gaps in the stone road. Not even rain can wash away all the blood stains.

To be honest, even though it was a night street battle, the performance of Aiden's regiment was definitely not bad. The breakthroughs, Xu Jin shooting and even bayonet charges were all in good shape. The individual combat effectiveness was definitely not worse than that of the Storm Division. Some veterans were even comparable to The elite of Biclovis's standing army.

The only thing that limits them is their rigid tactics and the rifles in their hands.

Needless to say, the military tactics of the Hantu Seven Cities Alliance, which has been peaceful and prosperous all year round, are worse than the last; most of them can only be equipped with obsolete goods purchased from the empire or Clovis, and the weapons of ordinary soldiers are even worse. Mixed with shotguns used for hunting, or old-fashioned shotguns with a very short range - that is, trumpet guns, and a mess of homemade firearms.

Although Anson also agrees that weapons are not the decisive factor on the battlefield - of course Major General Ludwig's kind has to be considered separately - but a skirmisher holding the latest model of Borni can't even shoot at him if he only has a second-hand front-loading rifle. Hantu Line Private, then he can really get out.

The poor visibility coupled with the extremely high rate of fire prevented the Aiden Corps, which had the advantage in strength, from overcoming the defense line on the east side of the street.

So after spending a lot of time and failing to successfully conquer it, and after their own people had torn apart the central defense line, the besieging Aiden Army decisively abandoned the hard nut in front of them and turned around to attack the more important warehouse stronghold.

As for what to do if there is an enemy stronghold behind us... then just leave it to the reinforcements behind us. The casualties on our side are not small anyway, so it would definitely make sense to retreat immediately and stand by.

Officer Aiden, who led the troops, thought so.


The moment he turned around, the crisp sound of Borney's lead bullet suddenly sounded in the rain. The hot lead bullet dragged the rain and penetrated his head along with the helmet, rushing out of the exploded right eyeball, dead. Deadly embedded in the wall.

Officer Aiden, who was blind in one eye, fell down in the rain with a "Plop!" and desperately tried to hold the wound on his face, but he could not stop streams of blood from gushing out from the wound.

Soon, he gradually stopped convulsing with blood overflowing; when he was about to die, he desperately reached out towards the retreating direction of the army to ask for help, but no one looked back; the excited Ayden Army soon disappeared in the rain, and they He was left there with all his dead companions.


After finishing the shooting, Lisa put away her gun and poked her little head out from behind the barricade. Her emerald green eyes were wide and round as she looked towards the street: "It seems...it seems like there is really no one?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl's face showed an expression of excitement. She turned around and looked at Anson who was loading another rifle: "Anson guessed it right. All those guys abandoned us and ran away." , went to find Karl!”

Anson chuckled, pinched the girl's red cheek, took a deep breath, stood up and faced the soldiers behind him:

"The whole army is in position!"

“Target—Aiden Legion Headquarters!”

"Storm Group—Attack!"

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