I will be crowned king

Chapter 295 Pacifist

On the second day of the seventh month in the hundredth year of the Saint's Calendar, the Stormtroopers, who had spent two days gathering their troops, suddenly crossed the border between Carindia and the Grand Duchy of Myst, letting the flag of the bloody unicorn fly over Han for the first time. Flying under the sky in the hinterland of the earth.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Clovis' army, the Myster lords who were fighting each other to the death suddenly panicked; no matter which side this army joined, it would instantly change the situation of the current Myster civil war.

Because its military strength is fully 20,000!

After receiving the 8,000-strong servant army provided by the Principality of Ayden, the strength of the Clovis-Thun coalition, which had already approached 10,000 people, instantly doubled in strength. Rounding off a little, there were almost 20,000 people.

Now Anson Bach is finally no longer an infantry division commander with the title of deputy commander, but a legion commander who truly commands an army of 20,000 in combat!

Of course, his legion is actually quite watery - first of all, the number of directly affiliated troops has not increased, and the number of troops has even declined due to the continuous battles over a period of time.

Secondly. Aiden and Thun are the absolute main force of this legion; whether they are loyal or not is secondary, and it is still unknown to what extent they can carry out the orders of his deputy commander.

In addition to these software problems, the hardware is also a headache; although both Duke Eden and Archduke Thun are very happy to fulfill the agreement without any breach of contract, the gap in equipment is still obvious.

The infantry equipment is mainly based on the old-fashioned front-loading rifles of the empire, and there are various styles, and there are so many models that the logistics personnel can explode on the spot; in this regard, the Ysel Elf Trophies and the Clovis-armed Thun are slightly better, but Also better points are limited.

Not to mention artillery, the Clovis Army's standard is at least one thousand people per artillery, but the Archduke of Thun provided 5,000 reinforcements and could only manage 1,500 people per artillery; the Ayden Army was even worse, with eight Thousands of men without even a single artillery piece.

But these are not the most important things. What is even more troublesome is that the logistics system of these two armies is in chaos, which is comparable to bandits robbing homes. Previously, the Thun army relied entirely on the supply line of the Storm Division, and now it has suddenly increased by 8,000 With the human aiden army, the problem was immediately exposed.

The logistics administrative unit lacks planning, and the timely supply depends entirely on the distance between the troops and the logistics unit; the supplies lack uniformity and belong to Schrödinger's food box; it is difficult to deliver materials directly to the soldiers, and often can only be distributed to the military camp and then layer by layer. carve up...

In the end, the most suitable way of supplying this vast army was to "deliver supplies on the spot" - to put it bluntly, it was robbery, and it was often large-scale and disorderly robbery. Occasionally, they would be counterattacked if they encountered "hard fights". kill.

According to Anson’s experience and the knowledge of the military academy, the degree of “modernization” of an army in this era is basically proportional to the size of its logistics team system; the more complete the logistics, the more capable it is of conducting high-intensity operations and executing More complex commands.

Of course, most of the time, it doesn't matter if the level of your own people is too low, as long as the enemy is more rubbish - although the armies of Aiden and Thun can only be considered a semi-"modern" feudal army, the level of the Mysterians is even worse. Still stuck in the medieval era, the level of armed force is as good as a joke, comparable to the street gangs in Clovis City.

In addition, the entire Mist is still fighting a civil war, and the entire Grand Duchy has been divided into four. Even the strongest numerical advantage cannot be used; it is a shabby house that is already crumbling, and it can collapse with a hard kick. kind.

Therefore, as soon as Clovis's army crossed the border, without even making any clear statement, the entire Mysteria seemed to have experienced a magnitude 7 earthquake. Countless ambitious noble lords felt that they were struck by thunder and did not know what to do. good.

However, before they could figure out how to deal with General Clovis—actually just a colonel, but Anson hardly mentioned his rank in front of the Hantu people—another news full of "surprises" spread throughout the night. All Mist.

The Grand Duke of Thun, Claude Francois, and the Duke of Ayden, Victor Emmanuel, both expressed their intention to intervene in the Myst civil war!

"...At this point, in order to protect the lives and safety of the people of Hantu, to defend the glory of the Seven Cities Alliance, and to revive the glory of the Dawn Mountains...I, Claude Francois (Victor Emmanuel), picture The Lord of En (Aiden), the gatekeeper of Hantu, officially announces the dispatch of Mist troops!"

By the next day, the iron boots of the 30,000-strong Ayden Army and the 40,000-strong Thun Army set foot on the territory of Mist following the declaration of the two dukes.

Coupled with the Storm Division in the south, a hundred thousand troops surrounded Mister from three directions at the same time.

What is a surprise? This is a surprise!

To deal with this vast and densely populated country - of course in relative terms - Anson never considered attacking castle after castle from the beginning. A crushing war of conquest.

Facing large-scale attacks by enemies from three directions at the same time, the lords of the Grand Duchy of Mist still seemed to have no idea of ​​uniting and uniting for warmth; not only that, they even increased their desire to annex and invade each other.

It seems that for the current Mist Lords, the best strategy to defend against the enemy is to pretend that the enemy does not exist and continue to do whatever they need to do.

Well, anyway, I can't stop Clovis's army. If I can stop it, I can't defeat it. If I can defeat it, I won't be able to survive it for long. If I survive for too long, it will only bring greater disaster... So I just stick my head in the sand. , just give them what they want when they come to you.

As long as the other party allows him to continue to maintain his territory, there is nothing wrong with changing his allegiance to another lord or becoming a vassal of the Clovis people.

Even if Visenya, the Lord of Mysteria, comes back one day, wouldn't it be enough to say that she just pretended to be loyal before and repent?

In a sense, this is indeed a no-brainer.


The southern border of the Grand Duchy of Mist, Dusk Town.

After three days of marching, the Storm Division, which deliberately slowed down its march, finally arrived at the most important town in the southern border of Mist on a cloudless morning.

The reason why it is important is that this seemingly inconspicuous town is actually the core of the transportation network of half of the Grand Duchy of Mist; the road extending from here can lead directly to the capital of Mist, and connects nearly two people around it. There are several forts and fortresses, as well as large and small farms near the castle.

what does that mean?

This means that starting from here, the army can march along roads rather than through muddy plains, dense jungles or rugged hilly areas.

This means that the army can use this place as a stable logistics base. The surrounding castles and fortresses can not only provide very good security and defense here, but also provide stable and sufficient supplies - for the army that has recently been on the verge of collapse due to crazy army expansion. Storm Master, the significance of this place is not even inferior to that of Carindia Port!

In fact, Ruko Visenya, the heir to the Grand Duchy of Mist, used this place as his base camp to raise a flag of rebellion against his father for the same reason; only Twilight Town has such convenient transportation, and at the same time A business center with many granaries allowed him to gather as many supporters as possible.

Otherwise, given the terrifying logistics level of the Hantu Army, the rebels who had just been concentrated for two days would probably start killing each other because they ran out of food before the counter-rebellion troops arrived.

In order to defeat his eighty-seven-year-old father, who is still in good health, Ruco Visenya, who is also seventy years old, worked hard to gather many supporters and pulled out the victory in just one month. An army of thousands of people.

But when the high-powered Stormtrooper army appeared outside the city, these colorfully dressed and equipped Mist rebels immediately understood what it means to be a mighty army and what it means to be ashamed of themselves.

Especially when they saw the Storm Division's artillery battery with fifteen field cannons neatly arranged outside the city, the rebels' last thoughts of trying to maintain their majesty were wiped out on the spot, and they decisively opened the city gates to welcome the enemy. King Luo Wei entered the city.

Even the seventy-year-old heir to the Grand Duchy of Mist, despite his declining body, took the initiative to greet the deputy commander of the Southern Army outside the city, fully demonstrating the tradition of hospitality of the Mist people.

Accompanied by bursts of roaring salutes, the Stormtroopers entered the town amidst the cheers of the Mist troops and majestically hoisted the royal flag of Clovis on the city wall.

Ruco Visenya chose to ignore this and enthusiastically invited Anson and his party to a dinner he had specially prepared.

"Before we begin, please allow me to ask you a small question."

In the luxurious hall, sitting on an armchair, Ruco Visenya, dressed in rich clothes, held a glass of warm wine and looked at Anson sitting opposite him with eyes that were almost invisible under his gray eyebrows. ·bach.

This is an old man who is already seventy years old, but with his stooped back and droopy cheeks as wrinkled as orange peels, no one would doubt him even if he was eighty years old.

He desperately leaned back on the chair, tightened his chin, and there were traces of powder on his forehead and cheeks, as if he wanted to look more majestic, but no one must have told him that this was completely useless.

"His Excellency Deputy Commander Anson Bach, why are you willing to agree to my request?"


Anson raised his eyebrows and shook the wine glass in his hand: "I agreed to your request and extended a helping hand... Does this count as a problem?"

"It wasn't once, but it is now!"

The old man raised his voice slightly, which sounded like the whirring of a broken bellows: "If you only have an army of five or ten thousand people, I will probably be ecstatic."

"But now you have 20,000 troops under your command, and at the same time, nearly 80,000 troops from Aiden and Thun have entered Mist; there is no other meaning, but as the successor of Mist, I have to wonder if you intend to... …”

"Divide Mister?" Anson suddenly interrupted.

The old man's words stopped abruptly, and he sipped the warm wine silently, keeping his eyes fixed on Anson's expression.


"Pfft! Pfft...hahahaha...ahahahaha..."

Hearty laughter echoed around the walls of the hall, and a stunned Ruco Visenya stared at the guy who suddenly put down his cup and couldn't control his laughter.

"Excuse me...do you think what I just said is ridiculous?"

The old man's expression was a little ugly.

"No, no, no, I understand your concerns - at the beginning." Anson quickly stopped his smile and waved his hands repeatedly:

"I just didn't expect that you would still worry about this after hearing about the actions of Aiden and the Thuns?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Meaning, if I let Aiden and Thun divide Mister, what benefits can I get? What benefits can Clovis get?" Anson's eyes widened:

"I am a Clovis, and I am destined to be unable to stay in Hantu; in this case, what can I get from letting Thun or Aiden increase the territory - nothing, nothing!"

"Not only will I get nothing, I will also suffer a lot of losses because they want to expand their territory - my army needs loot. Obviously once those lands are occupied by them, will the loot I can get decrease soon? ?”

Anson said to Ruco Visenya with a matter-of-fact expression.

"So..." The shocked old man still couldn't believe it:

"This three-party invasion of Mist war..."

"That's not my original intention." Anson nodded heavily, his eyes solemn:

"Thun has become an ally of Clovis, and Ayden still has power - they have millions of people and an army of nearly 100,000 people. I only have a few thousand people, and I even need them to provide me with some of my troops. .”

"So you understand, it's not that I, Anson Bach, want to invade Myst. I don't want to. I prefer that Myst can directly conclude peace with a treaty like Carindia did - I am a soldier, but not What a war maniac, to a certain extent, I am still a pacifist."


"Those who hope to use non-war means to resolve conflicts." Anson pressed his right hand on his chest and looked at the Mist heir who still looked suspicious with the most sincere sincerity:

"Your Excellency Ruko Visenya, you don't have to believe in me, the Storm Master or the Kingdom of Clovis, it's okay; but you must believe in one thing, that is you... are the only one who can save Mist. hope!"

"Only when you defeat your father and the traitors and wear the crown symbolizing the Grand Duke of Myster, can Aiden and Thune lose their excuse to invade this land, and peace can be restored to the land!"

"And I may be the only one who is still willing to support you and help you right now."

"Because I am a true pacifist, and no one in this world hates war more than me."

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