I will be crowned king

Chapter 296 Our Era

Ruco Visenya was shocked and stunned.

Before actually facing Anson Bach, he also collected a lot of relevant intelligence - crossing the Dawn Mountains, conquering Eagle Point City, and making a surprise attack on the Green Valley...

Of course, Thun turned against the Yser elves, forcing Carindia and the Principality of Aiden to sign city alliances respectively.

To sum up, in the eyes of the aged Mist heir, Anson Bach is undoubtedly a madman who loves taking risks. He catches everyone off guard with his mad dog-like ferocity and is extremely greedy.

Those who are his enemies will naturally not end well, but even if they extend an olive branch, they will most likely be skinned and cramped - don't believe it? If you don’t believe it, just look at Kalindia now.

He imagined countless scenarios of confrontation with Anson, how the other party would threaten and force him to sign one unequal treaty after another, or even simply make himself a puppet and become a puppet at his mercy; and how he would argue with his arguments, If you really can't do it anymore, if you continue to compromise, you can make yourself feel better in terms of face.

Well, in fact, as long as Anson promises to make him the Grand Duke of Mist, he will definitely give him as much as he wants.

Living to the age of seventy, for this Mist heir, replacing his father is no longer an ambition, but more of an obsession.

What Ruco Visenya is really worried about is actually whether the other party intends to use him as a decoration, a machine for squeezing oranges; after squeezing out the juicy oranges of the "Grand Duchy of Mist" until every drop is left, he will just throw them away. to the ground.

But what he never expected was that Anson Bach actually said that he was...

A... what did he say?

Ah, pacifists!

A warmonger who wants to kill enemies and allies alike, and plunges the entire land into a war of iron and blood. He says he is actually a... pacifist?

Lu Ke suddenly had an inexplicable impulse and wanted to ask the deputy commander if he had any misunderstanding about the word "peace"?

But Anson Bach's sincere eyes seemed to be conveying something silently.

And what he just said is indeed not unreasonable - expanding the territory of Thun and Ayden will not bring any benefits to this warmonger or the Kingdom of Clovis, and will even reduce his ability to benefit from this war. of income.

So... is it really like what he said, that all this is to prevent Aiden and Thune from having any reason to continue to expand their territory, rather than to use themselves as a flag to carve up Mist?

Is he really a "pacifist" as he says?

Ruco Visenya closed his eyes. A fantasy that seemed extremely absurd and his obsession with the title of Grand Duke of Mist kept violently colliding in his mind.

Indeed, without the support of the Clovis people, not only would he not be able to become the Grand Duke of Myster, it would even be unknown whether the Visenya family could continue to rule Myster under the double-teaming of the rising Aiden and Thune. …

Silence, a long silence.

After a long time, the old man's broken bellows-like voice finally sounded in the silent hall:

"Dear Deputy Commander, when do you plan to march?"

His voice sounded tired, and the "majestic posture" he had been trying so hard to maintain also showed a bit of slackness. It was obviously because after making an important decision, his body naturally relaxed along with his spirit.

"There is only a rough plan now. After all, I really didn't know much about Mist here before I actually entered it." Anson put down his wine glass and smiled slightly:

"But... it's expected to be three days later."

"Why do you have to wait three days?" Lu Ke asked.

"Because I am a pacifist, I hope that I can at least give your father, the current Grand Duke of Myster, a decent outcome; a result that can save Iron Bell Castle, the capital of Myster that has existed for thousands of years, from the flames of war and the destruction of life. "

"Within three days, the armies of Aiden and Thun are not enough to conquer the territories on the east and west borders of Mist, but they can help Grand Mist understand the situation and understand that abdicating the throne is the most beneficial choice for the Vessenian family and Mist. .”

Anson straightened his back and looked directly at the old man sitting in the seat: "Please believe that I am telling you this matter very seriously!"

Faced with Anson's aggressive sincerity, Luco hesitated for two seconds and licked his lips stained red by wine:

"Okay, then in three days."

"But you must ensure that the armies of Aiden and Thun must cease fire immediately after we capture the Iron Bell Castle, and return all the castles they have occupied to the Vesseniya family!"

"No problem." Anson nodded gently, with a kind smile on his lips:

"Now that Aiden and Thun's heirs are in Dusk Town, you can question them face to face - and I can guarantee you with my credibility that they will never refuse such a legitimate request of yours."


"This is impossible, I refuse."

After listening to Anson's explanation, the heir to the Principality of Ayden, Lenore Emmanuel, expressed his objection expressionlessly and with good reason:

"It was precisely because you promised to allocate at least one-third of the territory from Mist to Aiden that our Emmanuel family agreed to send troops. Forgive me for being rude, but your proposal, Deputy Commander Anson Bach, It seems that there is a suspicion of going back on one's word."

Anson smiled, with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

Carl Bain rolled his eyes and hugged his shoulders, looking like "I knew it would be like this".

The former Guards officer slowly looked back and looked at the heir of Aiden with a smile. The expressionless little Renault also raised his head and looked into Fabian's eyes without flinching.

"Maintaining Mist's independence is crucial to the peace and unity of Hantu!"

Before Anson could figure out how to discuss it with the Ayden heir, little Leon, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help shouting, "Bang!" and slapped the case:

"Can't we really ask Duke Eden to make a little sacrifice?!"

The frightened Lenore opened his eyes wide, and looked up in shock at the Thun heir who stood up to question him, and then frowned slightly: "Are you...serious?"

"Of course!" Leon nodded vigorously and seriously, with proud eyes:

"I will personally convince my father to give up occupying Mist's territory, because this is crucial to the future of Hantu!"

Renault was even more surprised. The eyes on his originally cold cheeks were almost bulging out of their sockets.

"You...I mean...you really believe this?"

"Why don't you believe it?" This time it was Leon who was confused:

"As long as differences can be eliminated and clear spheres of influence can be divided, Hantu, which was once divided, can usher in a real peace that is not imposed by aliens in a truly united way. It has not been seen for hundreds of years. United for The dawn of one…isn’t this bad?”


Renault wanted to say what this had to do with Aiden. Anyway, even if the land was unified, the crown would not belong to the Emmanuel family. What difference would it make to Aiden whether he surrendered to Thun or to the Ysel elves?

But noticing the looks of everyone in Anson beside him, he quickly changed his words: "Does this have anything to do with not occupying Mist's territory? Since we want to unify, shouldn't we try to weaken the forces that oppose unification and reduce the number of independent countries? "

"Of course I should, but Mist is different."

"Why is it different?!"

"Because she is the largest country in Hantu!"

Leon said loudly: "If we dismember her and divide her into two or three, what Hantu will win next will definitely not be peace, but a war, a bloody war!"

"Neither Aiden nor Thune will accept that the other party controls the remaining half of Myster; and the Mysterians who have been enslaved and their country has been divided will not be willing to accept such a result. They will definitely resist. !”

"So what you're saying is that if Aiden refuses to hand over the territory, or insists on occupying one-third of Mist..." Lenore stared at Leon coldly:

"Thun...will declare war on Aiden?"

"...That's the last thing I want to do." Leon, who was greeted coldly by Renault, frowned, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes:

"I fought against Aiden in the Green Valley. Your bravery and chivalry are really commendable; but if only by eliminating Aiden can we achieve the great cause of unifying the land...I, Leon Francois..."

"There won't be any hesitation!"

Faced with Leon's impassioned declaration, Renaud, who had been silent for a while, said, "So you are absolutely sure to convince the Grand Duke of Thun to give up his interests in Mist?"

"That's right!" Leon said with certainty, his expression still a little proud:

"In fact, when we agreed to send troops, I had already made an agreement with him. If the Grand Duchy of Mist can restore peace and end the civil war in the shortest possible time, Thun will not have any territorial claims against her."

Renault was startled at first, and then the corners of his mouth raised, showing an expression of "Sure enough,".

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, just a little emotional."

Lenore said coldly: "Only the Grand Duke of Thun can say it so easily - you have controlled the rich east, and now rely on the Clovis people to occupy most of Carindia. Of course, it will not be like the heavy losses. Aiden is just as eager to gain territory.”

"What if Thun is willing to give up three points and one Carindia?" Leon suddenly said.

"What did you say?!"

Lenore finally could no longer remain indifferent and stared at Leon in shock.

"I said... If Aiden is willing to give up his interests in Mist, Thun can give up one-third of Carindia's territory." Leon suddenly said in a very calm voice:

"Exchanging one-third of Carindia for one-third of Mist is of course not very cost-effective, but it can at least make up for part of Aiden's loss."

"As for who owns Carindia Port, or whether each controls a part of it, or let her continue to remain independent... As long as Aiden is willing to speak, all of these are fine..."


The shocked Renault suddenly raised his hand to stop Leon, staring at him with his eyes:

"Are these your own ideas, or the opinions of Grand Duke Thun?!"

"Of course it's my own idea." Leon said to him matter-of-factly:

"But I have absolute confidence that I can convince my father to accept this result."


"This is the best way and the only chance to unify the land!"

Leon stood up suddenly, pressed Renault's shoulders before he could react, and looked into his eyes:

"If we carve up the entire Grand Duchy of Myster, the final result will definitely be that Aiden and Thun, who have finally reached a consensus, will end up at war with each other - until that day, it will be between half of the Hantu and the other half of the Hantu. Killing each other is definitely not the best way to peacefully unify the entire land!"

"Renaud Emmanuel, I know what you are worried about; you are worried that the Francois family, which is growing in strength, will dominate the land and eventually become king... right?!"

"Isn't it?!"

Little Leno, whose shoulders were pressed tightly, struggled desperately, eyes wide open in nervousness, staring at the cheek that was about to press against him.

"Of course it is! Because of this, we must let Mist exist - so that the two most powerful countries in Hantu can still maintain friendship instead of fighting each other for profit and the crown!"

The excited little Leon clutched his shoulders and shook them vigorously: "But that approach cannot unify Hantu, because by then both of us will do whatever it takes to eliminate each other, and the strength of both sides is destined to be the end of the world. A protracted war - the final result is likely to be the split of Hantu!"

"Merely relying on the thinking of competing for hegemony among nations in the dark ages, or simply mutual compromise and concession, cannot bring real dawn to Han - the Hantu Kingdom and the ridiculous Seven Cities Alliance in the old era are bloody examples."

"Now the heavy responsibility of unifying the land falls on our shoulders. Only by uniting and trusting each other can we avoid the mistakes of our predecessors!"

"If letting the Emmanuel family become king will help unify Hantu, then I don't mind giving you the crown; if only giving up the chance of Francois family to dominate can bring peace to Hantu, then I will also It will be as delicious as sugar!"

"So Lenore Emmanuel, the future Hantu belongs to the era of you and me - lend me your power, let us fight side by side, and realize the great cause of the unification of Hantu together!"

At that moment, Léon Francois's eyes flashed with endless light, so that Renault, who was held down by him, was stunned again.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't even say a complete sentence. He hesitated for a long time and only shouted one...


After receiving the answer, little Leon showed an ecstatic smile: "Okay, then it's settled!"

"I will go to the Thun Army and convince my father, Claude Francois, in person!"

After saying that, he left Renault and Anson behind and left the conference room in a hurry.

Update in advance today~

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