I will be crowned king

Chapter 297 Which one is important?

Under the tireless "persuasion" of young Leon, Lenore Emmanuel "unbearably" promised the deputy commander that he would lobby his father, Duke Eden - on the premise that he could not go back on his words this time and must spend enough money. Come out with sincerity.

Of course, Anson would not refuse, and signed his name in black and white on the "letter of commitment" prepared by the other party; by the way, he felt deeply in his heart that the heir of Aiden really just looked more mature than little Leon, but actually believed in " "Black and white" can threaten yourself.

The final result... basically didn't exceed Anson's expectations.

So two days later, when the Mist heir Ruko Visenya received letters from the two Dukes Ayden and Thun at the same time, the elderly man was so surprised and excited that he almost lost his status forever. Chance for Archduke Mist.

It was clearly written on the letterhead that Grand Duke Thun and Duke Ayden respectively made the most solemn promises. As long as Ruko Visenya could replace his father as soon as possible and end the current civil strife in Mist, they would return the money they had already lost. Occupied Mist territory.

In case Ruco Visenya still didn't believe it, or to increase the credibility of the letter, the two dukes also marked their respective family coats of arms on the letterhead, as well as no less than two digits of vassals around them. They also signed their names at the end of the letter.

This is so shocking!

Not only Luko Visenya, but also little Renault was dumbfounded. After returning to Twilight Town, he always looked like he was in a trance with lingering lingering effects.

He couldn't figure out why his father, who was so ambitious and greedy - no derogatory sense - could agree so happily.

Obviously I just said a few words casually to deal with it, why did my father pay attention instead?

As for little Leon... He is emotionally stable about his father's "such generous act" and takes it for granted - now he has completely believed in Anson's "career" theory and regards the unification of the land as his lifelong mission. mission.

As long as it is conducive to the unification of Hantu (or to Anson's interests), even if the swords have been drawn against each other, they are still his friends, and vice versa, they are his unrelenting enemies.

Based on this theory, although the dog-like Republic of Carindia has never threatened the Francois family, their cowardice and division are destined to destroy the unity of the land; and although Aiden and Mist have always been competitors of Thun , but because their existence helps maintain the stability of Hantu, they must unite.

As for the rest of the stinking fish and rotten shrimps, the free cities, independent or semi-independent earls and baronies scattered throughout the entire land...their end will be the bright future of the land.

After repeatedly confirming the authenticity of the letter with the heirs of the two principalities, Ruco Visenya, who was unconscious and foaming at the mouth, woke up. His whole body instantly changed from shock to ecstasy, and he was completely immersed in the joy of victory. among.

With the full support of Clovis and the hundreds of thousands of troops from the two principalities, he just wanted to ask who else could stop him from becoming the Grand Duke of Myster?

Who else? !

The Mist heir, who was nearly seventy years old, stood up from his bed with his rickety body, climbed to the top of Dusk Town's bell tower on crutches, and excitedly announced the good news to his supporters.

That night, the entire Dusk Town was in a state of excitement.

Not only because of the joy of "definitely winning", but also because of the declaration of the Clovis-Eden-Thun coalition, they suddenly changed from rebel rebels to the saviors of Myster!

Their victory will not only save themselves, but also save the entire Mist from the devastation of war, and will allow the entire land to regain precious peace.

What a glory this is, how great this is!

That night, Dusk Town held another grand banquet. As the host and the future Grand Duke of Myst, Ruco Visenya, who was seventy years old and wearing full armor and a golden-red cloak, personally raised a glass at the banquet. Add to the fun.

He generously rewarded a large number of "meritorious ministers", and at the same time made numerous verbal promises to the heirs of the two principalities of Renault and Leon, saying that "the friendship between our three countries is destined to last forever."

Naturally, when everyone is in such high spirits, it is not easy to notice the figures of some guys who should have appeared but never showed up from beginning to end.



Under the dim light, Carl Bain, who was holding a bottle of rum, "respectfully" filled the glass with the translucent wine syrup, and placed his hands in front of Anson: "A few words will make the future Grand Duke Myster respect you. It’s amazing to be so obedient.”

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Anson, who was smiling with a smile on his face, took the wine glass a little embarrassedly:

"This matter is mainly due to Leon, and it actually has nothing to do with me."

"No no no..."

Karl, who was wide-eyed, waved his hands repeatedly and poured himself a glass: "You can't be so humble. You are so beautiful at taking retreat in order to make progress. I am really convinced."

"Let's put it this way, I used to think that you just had a lower limit occasionally, but now I see that you are really a role model for all of us - I used to think that just using my own relatives was abhorrent enough, but look at you again... I think you are now Even if Leon betrays his father, he probably feels that you are sacrificing yourself for the sake of everyone."

"No, not really." Anson waved his hand with a smile:

"Not to that point yet...well...I think."

"What do you think, do you think I praise you?!"

Karl rolled his eyes, picked up the cup and drank the rum in one gulp, looking a little depressed at Anson who seemed to be very satisfied with the current situation:

"Can I ask a question?"

"Say." Anson shrugged lazily.

"What do you want to do now?"

"What are you doing?"

"What exactly are you going to do with Mist?!"

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, the chief of staff pushed the table away and rushed directly to Anson with a frown on his face: "I originally thought you were going to rope in Aiden and Thun, divide Mister, and completely ransack this place!"

"But now you have to keep the secret secret again, and even go back on your word - although this is a trivial matter to you - asking Aiden and Thun to voluntarily give up their interests in Myster to support a seventy-year-old man who will be ready at any time. That old kicking thing!"

"To be honest, I can't understand your plan more and more now; my deputy commander, can you tell me, what exactly do you want to do?!"

"What do I want to do?" Anson shrank back and looked sideways at Karl, who looked drunk:

"You do not understand?"

"I don't understand!" Karl, who was staring, leaned forward again.

"Then let me put it this way." Anson snatched the bottle from his hand:

"Aiden, Thun, Mist... Which of the three do you think is the most important to me?"

"most important?"

Karl narrowed his eyes and thought for five seconds: "Thun-Thun is an ally of Clovis. In this battle to protect it, at least your military exploits will not escape."

Anson shook his head.

"That's...Aiden?" Karl frowned:

"If you win over Aiden, the empire will not be able to march into Hantu, and you will be able to monopolize the Seven Cities Alliance!"

Anson shrugged and shook his head again.

"It can't be Mist, right?"

Karl's expression became a little impatient: "Keep it, that old guy, he will give you whatever you ask for, and you can also divide Aiden and Thun so that neither of them can dominate the family?"

"It makes sense, but it's not this." The corners of Anson's mouth began to rise slightly, he lifted the bottle and poured rum into Karl's glass:

"What will happen to Thun, Aiden and Mist, including Hantu, and whether Clovis can open up a situation in the south... it doesn't matter to me."

"It's very important to me whether we can maximize our interests and not be robbed by others 'justifiably'!"

"So whether it's Hantu, Aiden or Mist... when I need them to unite, let them unite; when I need them to divide, let them divide as much as possible; it doesn't matter the situation, blood source, or... Or win or lose.”

"Just because this is the most beneficial choice for me and us, and the best choice for more people to survive!"

"This is the most important!"

I'm too busy today, so I have to reduce the number of updates~Sorry~

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