I will be crowned king

Chapter 298 Leon’s Diary

The two drank a few more drinks in silence. Watching Anson throw the empty bottle on the ground, Karl, who had a complicated expression, took out a new bottle from behind.

"...Then Thun and Aiden, how did you get them to agree to give up their interests in Mist?"

"I'll say it again, I didn't ask them to give up, they did it voluntarily." Anson smiled bitterly:

"I can probably understand what Claude Francois is thinking - entering Mister seems to be able to get a big piece of the cake, but the price is that it must be divided with the equally powerful Aiden, and with this equally powerful A head-on conflict breaks out in the principality.”

"For Thun, who is committed to unifying the vast land, this is a very costly thing; the Grand Duke Thun's wishful thinking is to rely on Clovis's support and the 60,000 troops in his hands to unify the entire country without a single blow with absolute superiority. Hantu.”

"So for Claude Francois, it is not cost-effective to have a head-on conflict with Aiden. On the contrary, it is more cost-effective to let the weak Mist remain independent. The purpose of attacking Mist is to destroy the Seven Cities Alliance and expand its power. and sphere of influence; protecting Mist is to contain Aiden.”

"So what Leon said was the true thoughts of him and the François family, and he wasn't persuaded by you?" Karl bit open the cork and asked impatiently.

"Of course! Am I the kind of evil person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals?"

Anson glared at him with an aggrieved look: "And don't treat Leon as a fool just because he is simple; Thun only really rose by betraying the Ysel elves and joining the alliance with Clovis; he could preserve his strength and unify the land. It’s in their best interest, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses in order to unify the land by force, and they will have to be at the mercy of Clovis – it’s that simple!”

"What about Aiden?!"

Karl still refused to let him go: "That Duke almost died in your hands, why should he obey you?"

"How do I know?!" Anson rolled his eyes and grabbed the bottle:

"For the last time, this is all of their own free will. I'm just guessing - Duke Aiden probably also knows that if he has to get Mist's piece of cake, Thun and Aiden will have to fight; then we will also be Clovis People will most likely side with Thun instead of him.”

"Instead of asking for a hot potato, it is better to take away one-third of Carindia safely; not to mention Aiden's influence in Carindia Port, it is much easier to win over Thun."

"So Thun takes two-thirds of Carindia, Aiden takes one-third, and allows Mist to remain independent, and the land of Han will be able to usher in peace?"

"At least it's peaceful now." Anson shrugged indifferently:

"As for whether it will be divided into two or truly become one in the future, that is all the Hantu people's own business and has nothing to do with us."

"So you still lied to Leon, that cousin who believes whatever you say." Karl stared at Anson drunkenly, and burped motionlessly.

"I didn't lie to him...at least not a word of what I told him was a lie."

Anson smiled: "I may be a bad guy sometimes, but I'm definitely not a liar."

"Yes, you are not a liar." The drunken Karl also smiled:

"But you are particularly good at making others fall in love with you!"

"Uh... I just thought you were complimenting me." Anson laughed bitterly and picked up the wine glass:

"A toast to victory."

Karl snorted coldly, and half-awake and half-drunk, he picked up the wine glass:

"A toast to life!"

The two people's eyes were facing each other, and the wine glasses collided hard, making a crisp sound.



Accompanied by the golden-red firelight that lit up the ground, swarms of solid bullets violently collided with the old walls of Iron Bell Fort, making a deafening roar.

As the capital of the Grand Duchy of Mist with the most extensive territory and the most dense population in the entire Han Territory, Iron Bell Fort is even as strong as Eagle Point City - with towering and majestic city walls, densely forested towers, And a giant bunker protected by layers of iron gates... enough to make any enemy put her at risk.

It can be said that it is precisely because of their firm control of this giant fortress that the weak Vessenian family has been able to maintain its position as Grand Duke of Myster over the past hundred years, making all the rebels hate it. Under the city.

But sadly, like Eagle Point, or any "aging" fortress... times have changed.

The vertical city wall that was once built to prevent soldiers from climbing is no longer as indestructible in the face of heavy artillery; the towering towers used to be battlefield observation points and defense platforms, but now they are not only too tall and too thin to withstand artillery. The recoil also became a fixed target for artillery, and instead became a threat to the defenders in the city.

All in all, this old-fashioned fortress can still barely show off its majesty when facing an enemy with only light weapons and pure infantry; but once the besieging army is equipped with a little heavy firepower, her body may be more honest than many small fortresses.

Under the morning sun on July 10, the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, the Storm Division, with a total strength of 18,000 men, launched a siege position on the outskirts of the city, surrounding Iron Bell Castle on three sides; except for the north gate facing the Dawn Mountains, all roads were closed Within the fire coverage of the Storm Division.

After a short but fierce battle, all the strongholds, military stations, outposts and towers outside the city had been captured and occupied by the Storm Division before the evening of July 9th; even the bridges on the moat outside the city had been The flag of King Clovis was planted.

Fully realizing that his army was just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps, the eighty-seven-year-old Archduke Myster no longer tried to fight the Storm Division in the field, but decisively withdrew the remaining defeated soldiers into the city, preparing to live and die with the Iron Bell Castle. .

But the consequence of doing so is to completely give up the initiative and completely switch to a passive defense state; in other words, it is really only a matter of time before Tiezhong Fort, which has no reinforcements and no retreat, falls.

"...Although victory was imminent, Anson Bach, the deputy commander of the Southern Army and the supreme commander of the Storm Division, still rejected Major Fabian's suggestion of a strong attack at the military meeting and criticized the radical style of some officers."

"...We are proud Clovis people. Our cause in Hantu is not to conquer the proud Hantu people, nor to use bloody and cruel sieges to create tens of thousands or even millions of enemies for Clovis... …”

"...For Iron Bell Castle, we must encircle it but not attack it. Let Grand Duke Mister and the defenders in the city understand the situation and make the truly correct choice..."

"After listening to Anson Bach's impassioned speech, Ruko Visenya, the successor of Mist who originally insisted on attacking by force, immediately repented. After thanking the deputy commander, he expressed his belief that the clever Mist in the Iron Bell Castle People must be able to make the most correct choice.”

“As an ordinary Hantu person, I... Leon Francois, I simply don’t know how to express my gratitude to Anson Bach.”

"A Clovis man traveled thousands of miles to come to Hantu to fight against the Yiser elves. He showed no self-interest and wholeheartedly made a great contribution to the great cause of the unification of Hantu. He worked hard for the friendship and alliance between the two countries and even risked his life many times. Fighting on the front line risking lives."

"What kind of spirit is this? What kind of spirit is this?!"

"Facts have proved that Deputy Commander Anson Bach made a very correct choice - on July 13, that is, the third day after the siege began, Tiezhongbao, which had never responded, sent a force of less than 2,000 men. The army attempted to break through the defense lines of the besieged position."

"The battle broke out around 6:30 in the morning. Half an hour later, the defeated Mist enemy troops immediately chose to surrender and revealed a lot of intelligence to our army."

"A fierce quarrel broke out between Archduke Mist and his last supporters over whether they should continue to resist stubbornly. These enemies who finally stood in the way of the unification of Hantu have become alienated and it is only a matter of time before they are divided and disintegrated."

"At the same time, more good news and good news are still coming - in the west, Duke Eden, who led an army of 30,000, has defeated the rebels of the Earl of Copper Mountain Castle at a place called Antler Castle. The main force begins the final offensive against Tongshan Fort."

"Similarly on the eastern battlefield, the Grand Duke of Thun, my father, Claude Francois, also defeated and captured the Earl of Gray Forest Valley head-on, and forced his heir to lead the remaining rebels to attack Thune surrenders."

"This means that the rebels are at their wits end and the civil war in the Grand Duchy of Mist has entered the final countdown stage!"

"Of course, both Thun and Aiden will unconditionally return the occupied territories to the new Grand Duke of Mist after the civil war is over, and will join forces with him to rebuild the land of Han."

"When he was so sure of victory, Anson Bach did not start to calculate and plan things after the war, as I imagined - or like many people in the military camp - but continued business as usual, planning and planning in an orderly manner. We are advancing our work and constantly collecting information and intelligence from all aspects.”

"Of course, what really surprised me was not his caution, but his attitude towards the current situation - according to him, this war is far from over."

"But besides Mist, is there any powerful existence in the vast earth that he can regard as an enemy? Now that the Ysel Elf has been completely crushed by Clovis, I really can't imagine anyone else. , or some force can make Anson Bach so nervous."

"Perhaps this is the gap between me and real military strategists... They can always see the dangers that we cannot see when we are at ease; and they can also detect the opportunities that we cannot find when we are in desperate situations."

... He put down the pen in his hand with emotion. Just when little Leon breathed a sigh of relief and was about to relax his sore wrist, he found that Lenore Emmanuel appeared beside him out of nowhere, looking at him in shock. Diary on the table.

"...is something wrong?"

Little Leon, who tilted his head, looked at him sideways, and lightly knocked on the table to remind him.


Leno was shocked when he was awakened, and his expression quickly returned to its original indifference, but the complicated eyes still betrayed his emotions at the moment: "I'm just...a little...curious."

"Curious?" Leon blinked:

"What are you curious about?"



"Yeah." Hesitating Lenore pointed to the diary on the table with some embarrassment:

"You...really believe this?"

Leon was stunned for a second, and then looked at him with an even more confused expression:

"This is what I wrote."

"I know, I mean..."

Lenore frowned: "Do you really believe that Anson Bach did all this...for Hantu?"

"Yeah." Leon nodded: "Otherwise?"

Lenore Emmanuel: "...Have you ever doubted that he might actually be using you?"

"Use me?" Leon's expression became even more confusing:

"What are you using me for?"

Renault thought hard for a minute: "Use you... to search for Hantu's wealth."

Then Leon burst into laughter.

"If he really wants to plunder the wealth of Hantu, why should he accept the surrender of Carindia, maintain the peace of Carindia Port, and end the civil war in Mist - let Hantu continue to be in such chaos? Isn’t it more in his interest?”

"I just said it was possible." Renault frowned slightly:

"And he is a Clovis man. What good will the unification of the land do to him?"

"Yes, it is because there is no benefit that proves that Anson Bach really wants to unify the land!" Leon stood up excitedly and pressed his shoulders with a "pop!":

"I know that your father was once his enemy, and strictly speaking, you are still Anson Bach's hostage - please believe me, he is really different from the people you think he is!"

"If it weren't for him, the Seven Cities Alliance would never have collapsed so easily, and Hantu would never have seen the dawn of reunification so quickly."

"You..." Renault's expression became even more shocked:

"You don't believe him...you worship him?"

"That's right!"

Leon admitted without hesitation.

"Worship a Clovis?!"

"It has nothing to do with who he is, but if you insist on saying that, I won't object!" Leon suddenly laughed:

"I understand... In the beginning, like you, I just regarded him as an ordinary Clovis man, but soon one fact after another convinced me that he... Anson Bach... is really different from ordinary people. Same."

"As long as you get to know him a little more deeply, it's not difficult to find out what's unique about him - really, it's hard to describe in words and vocabulary. Many times you don't know what he is doing at all, but in the end those are the most correct choices. .”

"So, dear Lenore, even if you are really full of doubts about him, why don't you try to understand him? I can lend you this diary temporarily. It should be helpful to eliminate the misunderstanding in your mind."

Smiling Leon picked up the diary on the table, held it in both hands and handed it to Renault.

At that moment, an illusion seemed to appear in front of the young heir of Aiden. The smiling Leon turned into an old priest in the church in his hometown. The diary in his hand became the "Original Code" of the Ring of Order, and he said to himself:

"Let's take a look. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. You won't suffer any loss if you take a look."

Lenore is creepy!

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