As the roar of the explosion sounded in the forest, Freya's figure was also engulfed by the rising flames.

It is like a kerosene lamp that flickers out and disappears after a moment of brilliant bloom, leaving only scorch marks, broken fragments and "traces" that were blown up everywhere, plus a strong and choking blackness. cigarette.

In the billowing smoke, the elf princess's burnt-black limbs were shattered into pieces - her delicate and lovely face and head turned into a puddle, her torso merged with the burnt blouse, cloak and metal breastplate, and her completely carbonized limbs lay in the air. It was torn apart in the explosion, mixed with dust and sand and scattered all over the place.

Ashes and smoke disappeared, no flesh and blood remained.

Looking at the small motionless figure at the center of the explosion, Ludwig, who was lying on the ground, once again confirmed that he had made the right decision to import infantry equipment from the August Military Factory.

Although it is one-half more expensive than Leyden's grenade, it is definitely worth the extra price in terms of explosion radius and power.

It seems that once the supply line is opened, we will have to find a way to replenish a batch of infantry equipment produced by the August Military Factory... Ludwig thought to himself.

In the forest on the side, Roman coughed violently and got up from the ground, threw away the only handle of the knife in his hand and walked towards this side.

At this moment, the commander of the Grenadier Corps looked very embarrassed - his helmet had disappeared, and his uniform was torn to pieces. He was covered from head to toe with a smelly dark red viscous liquid, and his right hand and exposed There are still traces of severe burns on the skin...

But his eyes were still sharp, and his stern face showed a certain calmness that neither regarded other people's lives as his own, nor his own.

Reaching out to help Ludwig up from the ground, Roman stood up straight with an expressionless face and gave a standard military salute to the commander-in-chief:


"How is the Legion?" Ludwig returned the military salute and immediately got to the point.

"The enemy's first offensive has been repulsed."

Roman immediately replied in a deep voice, neither of them mentioned what had just happened: "The baggage and wounded have been counted, and the loss of the entire legion is about a quarter."

"Two infantry regiments have completely lost their combat capabilities. The remaining infantry regiments have each lost one company to half a battalion. There are about 2,000 lightly wounded people, and seriously wounded people...I haven't got the statistics yet, but it shouldn't be too much."

"Because the shelling mainly targeted our army's camps and peripheral positions, the structure of each infantry regiment was severely damaged. Many troops were no longer able to maintain their original structure and had to be disbanded and reorganized; especially middle- and lower-level officers suffered serious casualties and needed to be replaced as soon as possible."

"At the end of the first round of the enemy's offensive, they failed to break through our defense line, so they became angry and used spellcasters; our ordinary line infantry tried to block it, but suffered heavy casualties. In the end, they could only gather hand grenades and shrapnel to carry out point-to-point encirclement and kill... Three guards were killed in the company. Two-thirds."

Ludwig's breathing became slightly rapid, while Roman's report continued:

"One-half of the logistics reserves and two-thirds of the ammunition were destroyed by the enemy's artillery fire. There is only a base number of various types of artillery shells left, and they have all been exhausted in the blocking battle just now."

"After the first round of offensive, I collected as much trophies and weapons as there were no people on the position, ensuring that each infantryman still had about one day's rations left, enough ammunition to last one to two battles."

"Currently, the enemy is temporarily encircling our army's outer positions, and the main force's command system is in a semi-paralyzed state. It is completely unable to effectively block our army's operations, and there is no sign of organizing a new round of attack."

"Since the enemy is no longer able to launch a new offensive, organize a retreat immediately." Ludwig said calmly:

"March quickly and try to get to the Cliff Fortress within one day!"

"The heavy baggage soldiers and the lightly wounded are being sorted out, and the vanguard troops and skirmishers have officially set off." Roman said without changing his expression:

"According to the action plan, the leading troops will arrive at the Cliff Fortress at 15:30 tomorrow, and the rear troops will arrive at the Cliff Fortress at 17:00!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a neighing sound not far from the woods; Draco, riding a bay-red horse, rushed towards this direction, leading another military horse of the same color behind him.

Looking at the figure who hurriedly got off the saddle, the two stopped talking in perfect agreement.

"I thought you would never come back, Lord Draco Vertes."

Ludwig looked at the embarrassed novelist rather mockingly, with a relaxed smile on his face: "Why, do you think the previous cell was uncomfortable and want to change it to one with a four-sided roof and iron bars?"

Draco, who was holding his shoulders and shivering - his clothes were either stripped off or burned - surprisingly ignored the Commander-in-Chief's ridicule. After running all the way over, he immediately leaned against the tree trunk next to him and gasped for air. As soon as my heartbeat slowed down a little, my first words were: "Where is the elf princess?!"

"Dead." Ludwig said coldly.

"Dead?!" Draco's eyes widened at first, and then his whole body shivered:

"Are you...are you sure?!"

"I blew her up with my own hands."

Roman frowned slightly and looked at him: "The head is gone, the rest is just there. If you don't believe me, you can see it yourself."

Draco's expression was stunned. As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up, pushed Roman away, and walked towards the center of the explosion.

The next second, his face turned pale, without any blood at all.

"What's wrong?"

Ludwig's eyes also became serious.

"No! No, no, no, no..." The pale novelist suddenly raised his head, holding his head and looking around nervously:


"What's wrong?" Roman, who asked, had already taken half a step forward, blocking Ludwig behind him. His burned right hand held the handle of the spare bayonet on his trouser leg.

"Nothing is right!"

Draco, with a hysterical expression on his face, didn't answer Roman's question at all. He jumped up as if possessed by an evil spirit, holding his head, and heavy cold sweat began to break out from his forehead again.

In the dark woods, Roman and Ludwig looked at each other, watching the novelist stand alone and go crazy.

"How is the evacuation going?" Ludwig, who was completely too lazy to pay attention to this guy, simply continued the topic:

"At the fastest speed, how long will it take for the rear troops to set off?"

"In about an hour."

Roman took a deep look at Draco, who was still hysterical, and replied in a deep voice: "I left the remaining one-third of the guard company and grenadier regiment at the front of the position to serve as scouts, and sent troops to the front every five minutes. The rear troops report the situation once to ensure that the evacuating troops will not be pursued by the enemy."

"Try to ensure smooth communication. The retreating troops should have drummers and buglers follow behind and beat the drums non-stop. Don't waste time." Ludwig nodded slightly:

"If necessary, I will personally command the rear troops..."

"She's alive!"

A hysterical Draco suddenly turned around and interrupted by screaming: "Thalia Moses Field...she's alive!"

"not dead?!"

Ludwig was startled at first, then grabbed Draco by the collar and pointed at the charcoal on the ground and said angrily: "Then tell me, what is this?!"


The novelist's cheeks twitched, and he stammered in a panic: "Um...have I ever told you that the spell casters of the Ysel elves...are not the same as those of us humans?"

"They don't use rituals or prayers - of course these are all what I've heard from hearsay, I'm not an old god - their method is emotion, extreme emotion, which will make a creature with the blood of elves flowing in its body …Awakening the power of one of the three old gods.”

"The awakening of this power is extremely uncertain, and is often directly related to the person's emotions - simply speaking, for example, the key to an elf's awakening power is anger, then the angrier she is, the more power she has. Maybe... uh... stronger."

Ludwig was stunned for a moment.

"Then... do you know what the casters of the Ysel elves, or the Council of Thirteen... do they use to divide the levels?" Draco swallowed and looked at the two of them carefully:

"The higher the blood purity of the spellcasters of the Ysel elves, the stronger and more extreme their power will be when awakening the caster's talent; and there are often spellcasters who have just awakened and are as powerful as a blasphemous mage... You should know...right?"

"Then Freya Moses Field...her father is the Elf King, and her mother is the Elf King's cousin. She can probably be considered one of the few Yisel elves with the 'purest' bloodline in the entire Kingdom of Yisel."

"So... although I really want to believe that you two have really killed this evil old god sect, but..." Draco's smile was uglier than crying:

"But for the sake of the Ring of Order, I sincerely remind you two, don't think of things as not that simple."

"Then this?!"

Staring at the corpse on the ground that had been reduced to charcoal by himself, Roman couldn't help but speak.

"I don't know, I really don't know!" Draco shook his head desperately, the fear in his eyes still growing:

"But if Her Highness has awakened and become a curse mage at the level of a blasphemous mage - which is very possible by the way - the restrictions imposed on her by things like the casting distance limit... are actually very minimal."

Ludwig and Roman were silent, looking at each other.

"How long will it take for the troops to evacuate?" Ludwig looked at Roman suddenly.

"One hour!" Roman's expression was extremely solemn.

"Too slow, forty-five..." Ludwig suddenly changed his words:

"No, thirty minutes! Thirty minutes at the latest, let all the troops retreat and march quickly!"


The moment the words fell, bursts of thunder suddenly came from the distant ground.

The three people in astonishment looked up almost at the same time, looking at the dazzling light rising slowly above their heads.




"You are really good at proving your incompetence, you scum."

Freya Moses Field, who looked calm, stood in front of the artillery position, looking down at the trembling Yser Elf generals who were kneeling on the ground.

"Two months of preparation, 20,000 soldiers, a hundred artillery pieces, thousands of artillery shells, dozens of excellent spellcasters...and tens of thousands of civilians who made sure they showed up here on time, and then...just give me this result?"

"Let Ludwig and his lackeys retreat calmly?"

"Very good, very good... Scumbags, you have given me another sufficient reason to abandon you completely; your incompetence has allowed our enemies to easily defeat us without even having to pay much price."

The elf girl said coldly.

"They still have talented people and artillery!" the trembling elf general emphasized:

"Our attack was blocked by their artillery fire. If it weren't for the fact that the enemy's artillery had not been destroyed, we would have definitely already..."

"So this is my fault, right?" Freya interrupted suddenly.

"No, I don't dare!"

The elf general trembled all over and plunged his head into the soil decisively, his body trembling violently like chaff.

"No, that's my mistake."

The Elf Princess's expression was still calm. She squatted down on one knee, gently stroked the Elf General's chin with her weak, boneless hands, and slowly lifted up the textbook "What is fear" face, so that the other person could be close to her? Eye level:

"I gave you so much trust that you were overwhelmed...right?"

"No, no, no... Your Highness, I..."

"I saw it when Louis was still there. You actually don't want so much trust; you regard him as a hero and a savior; not because you believe in him, but because you need a savior, one who...can make you don't have to do anything A Savior who can enjoy victory and glory no matter what.”

"No! I was wrong! I was really wrong, I..."

"You are such scum and dust... All the brilliance you have bloomed is due to my dear Louis; without him, you all deserved to be killed by the Clovis in Eagle Point City."

"I, we..."

"Now that you know the news that he is still alive, you must be very happy - the savior is still alive, and you can continue to be incompetent, continue to be as you once were... ignorant and arrogant, wantonly trampling on and enjoying everything the savior has brought."

"I beg you, I never dare, never again..."

"But the savior needs sacrifices... You and they are all sacrifices; I am so happy now, Louis is still alive! I want to celebrate, I want everyone to share my joy!" Freya smiled:

"Can you understand that feeling of happiness and blood boiling all over your body?"


"How about you feel it?"

"No, no, no, no...I, I really don't...ahhhhhh!!!"

A shrill wail exploded from the elf general's throat, and the skin all over his body suddenly glowed with a golden-red light - a light that burned away everything.

On the earth, the sun rose.

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