I will be crowned king

Chapter 311 Victory is not the end

"No, I object to sending troops immediately to support Major General Ludwig Franz!"

The sonorous and powerful voice of young clerk Alan Dawn echoed in the not-so-spacious room.

This was an impromptu emergency meeting - it was ten thirty, and the entire Storm Division and even the coalition forces had not yet woken up from the dinner party for the coronation ceremony of Grand Duke Mist.

One-third of the people are fast asleep with a hangover, one-third of the people are trying to prove to one or more bed partners that they are not drunk and are energetic; the remaining one-third have given up and Fight your body and enjoy the joy of being able to lie in bed during the day.

Karl, Fabian, and Allen, the only three people in the army who still maintained good work and rest habits, were "captured" by Anson for a meeting.

No map, no plan, no policy...just a letter.

Letter from Major General Ludwig Franz, Commander of the Army of the South.

This matter will have a showdown sooner or later, and it is probably impossible to avoid it - after all, Anson feels that he is still very loyal - of course, it is better to take advantage of the end of the Hantu War to reach a consensus at the top first, and then hold a military meeting to inform everyone. Army, and finally look at the attitudes of some "reliable allies" to decide how to finally rush to Ludwig's aid.

How should I put it... Mainly because Anson felt that at least among the four of them, there should be no one who dared to disobey orders without concealment and watch Ludwig die.


"According to the information that has been obtained so far, first of all, the Southern Army Corps has not suffered serious losses, its structure is intact, its core main force is still there, and it has a relatively stable supply line and a very solid forward base, and it has not been damaged at all! "

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, the little clerk holding the document made an impassioned speech: "Secondly, the legion's setback in the hinterland of the Iser Elf Kingdom was entirely due to the strategic mistakes of Major General Ludwig Franz. It was too much. The hasty attack caused the supply line to be unable to keep up with the front line, and without establishing a solid rear area, we blindly attacked the royal capital, leading to failure!"

"As for mobilizing 20,000 soldiers and 40,000 reserve troops within forty days...this is not a problem, but it will definitely shake the confidence of our allies in Clovis! More importantly, with the logistical strength of the Storm Division, it is simply impossible Provide adequate supplies for 60,000 soldiers!”

"In Hantu, we can still rely on the help of allies and some friendly people to a certain extent, but once we go north immediately, the Storm Division will have to bear all the burdens for them, which we absolutely cannot do!"

"The most important thing is that this is destined to be a thankless job - you will be punished if you don't do it well, but it means nothing if you do it well, because we just mechanically obeyed the commander-in-chief's instructions, and all the credit goes to us. Major General Ludwig Franz, there will be no reward for all our efforts, anything!”

As if he was afraid that others would not understand the seriousness of the situation, the little clerk gritted his teeth and emphasized, standing on the chair and smashing the table with his right fist "Pop! Pah!"

In response, the atmosphere in the conference room was strange.

"Ahem! That..."

Karl, who was sitting opposite him, coughed twice. He first looked at Anson, who looked embarrassed, and then carefully looked straight at the angry little clerk:

"I remember...you used to be a priest at Clovis Cathedral, right?"

"That's right!" Allen nodded, and then said in a serious tone:

"But now I am Colonel Ansen Bach's loyal secretary, and of course I have to put his interests first rather than others; it is completely not in the interest of Lord Ansen Bach to immediately set off to rescue Major General Ludwig Franz. So of course I object."

This speech was full of positive energy, and Karl couldn't help but roll his eyes.


Anson, who lowered his head, looked at his grenadier regiment commander with a somewhat questioning look in his eyes.

"I share some of the same views as His Excellency Alan Dawn. This is a thankless job - even if we really complete the tasks assigned by Major General Ludwig, the people of the Southern Army will not feel that we are It’s impossible to get any gratitude for saving them.”

"The more likely scenario is that they think we are here to show off and gain military exploits - of course I don't mean to slander, I am just objectively citing a common phenomenon."

"So to say the least, even if Major General Ludwig is grateful to you, in order to prevent others from feeling 'unjust', I'm afraid he won't have any good feelings toward you, and he won't even be able to give you too many benefits, but... …”

The former Guards officer said seriously: "But as a soldier, it is your bounden duty to carry out the orders of your superiors, and it has nothing to do with interests."

"So?" Anson winked at him.

"So if you have made up your mind, no matter how difficult it is or what the cost is, the Grenadier Regiment is committed to completing the mission - resolutely carrying out all your orders."

Fabian answered very cleverly.

Anson, who was "deeply moved" by this, also nodded slightly, expressed his approval to his grenadier commander, and then slowly turned his eyes to the chief of staff who was also "loyal" to him.

It means "it's your turn".

With a heavy sigh, Carl Bain, who looked helpless, put his elbows on the table to support his upper body - he had roughly guessed what Anson meant, but this bastard just wanted others to say it for him.

Well, to be more precise, he said it for him, as if he respected everyone's opinions.

"I think..." Karl, who spoke slowly, glanced at Anson without leaving any trace:

"must go."

"Why?!" the astonished little clerk blurted out.

"Yes, why?!" This was Anson Bach who was also "astonished".

Fabian, who was sitting behind the chief of staff, remained silent, looking thoughtfully at two of the other three people.

Resisting the urge to strangle someone alive, Carl Bain took a deep breath and raised the thumb and index finger of his right hand towards Anson: "Two reasons - first, what is this war called?"

Anson thought seriously for a second: "Uh... Iser Punishment Battle?"

"The Yser Punishment Battle, the main battlefield is the Yser Elf Kingdom, not the Seven Cities Alliance or Han Tu!" Karl glanced at everyone:

"Let me put it more directly. This war has nothing to do with Hantu from the beginning. We have only one enemy from the beginning to the end, and that is the Yser Elf."

"But not anymore," Fabian added.

"That's right! It's not the case anymore, so who gave it to you?" Karl knocked on the table:

"Now three and a half of the Seven Cities Alliance has fallen. The small countries have either become vassals or been annexed and divided by the big countries. Almost tens of thousands of people have died. The lead bullet shells can pile up a hill. They are the ones who took the initiative to make trouble and provoke Clovis?”

"Uh..." The little secretary, who was stared at by the chief of staff with glaring eyes, trembled and sat back on the chair very obediently:


"Yes! It was us who took the initiative to invade them, and that's why Hantu was involved so quickly." Karl patted the secretary's little head: "In other words, from the beginning, Hantu was not involved in the Army or the Privy Council at all. Within the plan, it is a secondary battlefield that was accidentally opened."

"To put it more bluntly, it doesn't matter to the country how the Hantu fights; but if the main force is frustrated in the Iser Elf Kingdom, it will be a major event that will affect Clovis's eastern strategy!"

"What does it mean to be frustrated on the main battlefield? Ludwig Franz is not the only one who is unlucky. He may be transferred to a less important western front and continue to be his major general; what about us? No one would think that The new commander can be as easy to talk to as Ludwig, right?"

Carl gave Anson a hard look.

"So, even if it is to keep what we have earned in Hantu and let the army continue to turn a blind eye to our show of strength on the secondary battlefield, we must also ensure that Ludwig is victorious on the frontal battlefield so that they can defeat the military power of the Southern Army. There is no way to say 'no' to action!"

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Anson nodded seriously, as if he had been completely convinced, and turned a blind eye to the different expressions of the three people: "What about the second one?"

"Second...The second is that once Ludwig loses, it will also threaten us." Karl picked up the letter on the table:

"Clovis in Hantu is full of people. We are the only five thousand people, and because of us, the Hantu army that has been mobilized has exceeded one hundred thousand; five thousand people can intimidate one hundred thousand people and make them obey an infantry division commander. What is the order based on?"

"Relying on our deputy commander's eloquence, or is he really invincible?" Karl sneered:

"It relies on the annihilation of the main force of the Guards in the first battle of Eagle Point City, as well as the national strength of the Kingdom of Clovis - but if the southern army is completely defeated in the Iser Elf Kingdom, Eagle Point City will be recaptured by the elven army. What do you think will happen next?”

"Even if the Francois family of Thun can still stand by our deputy commander for the sake of 'relatives'; but right now, in addition to the 5,000 Thun people, there are also 8,000 Aiden troops in the Iron Bell Castle. And the four thousand Myster Legion."

"Oh, and Carindia - Carindia's supply line currently accounts for two-thirds of the Storm Division's logistics, and a large amount of deposits are still in the Hantu Cathedral in Carindia Port; if the main force of the legion If we are annihilated and our retreat is cut off by the Yser elves, can they continue to fulfill their promises?"

"I don't know if you believe it or not. I don't believe it anyway." Karl spread his hands.

"You're right, we can't trust our Hantu allies too much."

Anson's tone was full of affirmation, and he looked at the other two people again: "So I decided to support Major General Ludwig Franz, what about you?"

"I agree!" The little secretary was the first to nod:

"The Chief of Staff is right, it is more in your interest to support Major General Ludwig Franz - I changed my mind!"

"I agree too."

Fabian still said seriously: "As a soldier, it is your bounden duty to obey orders, there is no doubt about it."

"Really, that's great!" Anson smiled happily: "It seems that we all think the same thing, so that can be considered a consensus?"

"Of course, because I am your secretary!"

"Yes, as a subordinate, it is important to be consistent with your commander's ideas."

Kal Bain rolled his eyes again.

At present, the storm masters have finally made a lot of money and have established a firm foothold in Hantu; but this does not prove that the Clovis people have established a firm foothold in Hantu; on the contrary, if it does not work well, they may still will be the beginning of the problem.

The reason is simple - the Storm Division is a foreign army, and Hantu's own war is over.

Whether Anson is voluntary or forced, he has used various methods to end the war in Hantu; then if the Storm Division wants to continue to stay here, it will either have to start another war or find a suitable one. enemy.

The Yser Elf is that "very suitable" enemy.

The new Hantu has changed from the Seven Cities Alliance to the "Three Kingdoms Alliance". If you want to truly unite these three countries, in addition to mutual interests and consensus, you also need a "voucher of nomenclature" - through the Iser Elf The war allowed them to maintain trust between each other and Clovis "without any grudges."

Anson was already preparing for such a "counterattack" by Hantu against the Yser elves, and Ludwig's letter for help only accelerated this plan.

The only thing he still doesn't understand is how much preparations these Thirteen Councils have made, and how far they intend to push the minimum limit of this war for their "greatness again".

No matter how you look at it now, the Elf Kingdom of Yser is probably completely divided within itself, and all the forces are completely scattered, but they can be united again for the same thing.

Intuition told Anson that the "Schrödinger's rupture" behind the Yisel elves may not be as simple as it seems. There may be more than one force behind it trying to influence and interfere with them - such as the Truth Society.

"In addition, although we have reached a consensus, this matter should not be spread out for the time being." Anson said to everyone with a solemn expression:

"The incident happened suddenly. If the explanation is not clear, it may be misunderstood that the main force of the Southern Army has been defeated and will be annihilated without support - such rumors must not be allowed to spread in the army, especially not to the ears of allies. inside!"

"Therefore, before a more secure method is discussed, no information can be spread out, but the work can already begin; try to achieve a smooth transition when it is announced, and if it is not possible, then consider making the truth public - but it must also be ensured Our ally is the last person to know the news, is it quite clear?"

"Understood!" Everyone said seriously.

Before he finished speaking, everyone in the room heard a loud "Bang!" - the door was knocked open.

Léon Francois, who opened the door, was disheveled, with a flustered face and a strong hint of drunkenness, as if he had been frightened by something just after waking up.

He walked quickly into the room, still holding a letter in his hand, and shouted to Anson as he walked:

"Sorry Anson, I heard that the Southern Army was frustrated in Yser and has been completely defeated!"

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