I will be crowned king

Chapter 316 Assassination

Iron horse hills, night rose river and hebei.

It is located in the northwest corner of the Kingdom of Clovis, close to the border with the empire, surrounded by stretches of forest, filled with swamps and wastelands; the cold Night Rose River passes through the undulating hills like the name of this land, forming a natural of river valley.

Louis Bernard, carrying his luggage, walked slowly in the open wasteland, followed by two Yser elves who volunteered to follow and protect him.

They are not members of the Guards Corps. They call themselves the elves of Hantu White Tower City, and they are half-elves that are not even "half-blood". In the class system of the Iser Elf Kingdom, they are only inferior to the non-elf aliens and Humans are slightly stronger.

Louis met them when he was heading north. At that time, the elven captives who were besieged by the White Tower City were handed back to the Iser Elf Kingdom; the two native "Han Earth Elves" were unwilling to return to their hometown and broke away from the large army. It happened that I bumped into the team "escorting the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guards".

After some conversation, Louis accepted the "allegiance" of the two elves...or promised to let them leave with him, go to the Principality of Adland, and then take a boat from a certain port in Adland to a colony in the New World.

For the "tramps" who were left alone in the turmoil of war and famine after sixty years of the Saints' Calendar, it was still a common choice to change jobs as "adventurers" and go to the new world.

So there were two more Yser elves in the escort team.

According to the agreement reached by both parties, Louis Bernard can return directly to the country after entering the territory of Clovis, on the condition that he is not allowed to return to the Elf Kingdom of Yser.

This was certainly not the result that the Army and the Privy Council wanted, but due to Ludwig's insistence and the fact that it was not easy to use him to blackmail and threaten the emperor, and would instead annoy Archduke Adlan, Clovis had no choice but to give up. Let the Bernard family pay a ransom and settle the matter.

However, abiding by the agreement does not mean that the army will really swallow its anger - after arriving at the border, the border guards who received the order refused to provide escort troops and any supplies along the way; they could only walk across the entire Iron Horse Hills and return to the empire.

On the tenth day of their return, after getting lost many times, they finally got a map from a kind-hearted Clovis hunter and bought some supplies.

The hunter knew that Louis was worth a lot when he first saw him, so he thoughtfully offered him five silver coins for a pound of bacon and ten gold coins for the map. The three people, who had been hungry for four days, decisively accepted the offer. This is a very good deal.

So they got lost again...the map was fake.

Fortunately, the three of them found that the hunter had left a mark to prevent them from getting lost when hunting in the wilderness, and successfully found the road to the empire. On the fourteenth day, they successfully crossed the border and entered the empire - although the scene in front of them was still Endless wilderness.

The Iron Horse Hills, covered with swamps and forests, has a harsh climate and a lack of resources. Clovis and the Empire lack interest in ruling it. The harsh climate and rugged terrain also make it difficult to establish a stable supply line to provide logistics for the army; therefore, both parties have a tacit understanding. They chose to set up only a few outposts on the periphery, and there was never any record of fighting here.

Louis was once very confused about this, and even wondered why the empire never tried to cross the Iron Horse Hills, cooperate with the North Sea Fleet to siege North Port in two directions, and even penetrate into the hinterland of the central province of Clovis!

This will definitely cause an extremely fatal blow to Clovis... Even if it is impossible to attack the royal capital, destroy several important railway hubs, and destroy one or two military factories or steel plants, it will still be far more effective than capturing a few of her southwest fortresses or towns. Lots of meaning.

After all, northern and central Clovis are the areas with the most dense population, the highest level of manufacturing, and the most prosperous commerce in Clovis. Once there is the risk of being attacked, the Clovis people will definitely be in a hurry and have no time to look south.

After personally experiencing several days of hellish journey, he finally realized how naive he had been and how this desolate land was far scarier than it seemed.

Any commander who attempts to lead an army across the Iron Horse Hills must be prepared for the possibility of losing one-third or even one-half of his troops, mutiny or even rebellion.

So...how did he do it?

Holding back the soreness of his feet, Louis moved his legs mechanically with his luggage on his back. The image of Anson Bach's always confident smile with malicious eyes appeared in his mind.

How did he allow his army to dare to climb the Chenxi Ice Peak, and even cross the Chenxi Mountains and enter the vast earth, until he was captured?

The more he recalled, the more Louis felt that his defeat in this battle was unbelievable - the defenders of Eagle Point City opened the city inexplicably, and Thun rebelled without warning... He could accept the gap in strength between himself and Anson, but this failure Obviously it has nothing to do with strength.

With confusion that could never be resolved, Louis, who said nothing, walked in front of three people - one person and two elves to be precise - heading straight towards a possible imperial border outpost.

It was getting late, and they set up camp outside a forest. One of the two Ysel elves walked into the woods to collect firewood in perfect agreement, and the other began to set up the tent. Louis, who was exhausted physically and mentally, leaned against the tree trunk and panted slightly, with a dazed expression. He looked at the wilderness to the south, looking in the direction of Eagle Point City in trance.

"Do you still care?"

The Yser Elf in the camp was picking up firewood and said to his back: "The war between Yser and Clovis - I heard that the Elf King of Moses Field was defeated again, and the Clovis army Towards his royal court.”

Louis looked sideways. The elf in front of him was dressed in a Hantu-style knight's costume. His brown hair was simply tied into a ponytail on the back of his head. Except for the pair of pointed ears, it was difficult to distinguish him from other Hantu people.

Looking at those curious eyes, Louis still remembered that his name was Morun, and it was said that his father was a knight; without this war, he would have had the opportunity to leave White Tower City and become a cuirassier in the Grand Duke Hantu's personal guard. bright future.

And now...

"No matter how much I care about it, it has nothing to do with me now." A self-deprecating smile appeared on Louis' pretty face:

"I blocked everything, hoping that I could win a decisive victory; then I lost, and I was an unlucky guy who lost completely."

"But you still care?" Mo Lun looked at Louis, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to look directly into people's hearts:


Louis, whose eyes flickered, remained silent.

"I don't understand." Molun couldn't help but said:

"You are a knight of the empire, a gifted person, a promising military attache, and the heir to the Principality of Adlan...Why would a person like you care so much about a war between Clovis and the Ysel elves?"

"Because I promised them." Louis said solemnly.


"I promised... to bring them victory."

The young knight's eyes became more and more dazed, and pain continued to spread in his pupils.

The sky is full of artillery fire, the burning positions, the choking smoke...

The charging Thun cavalry, the Clovis infantry who resisted, and the Eagle Point artillery that continued to sow death on the battlefield...

The collapsed lines, the destroyed artillery positions, and...


Freya Moses Field.

When he thought of the elf girl whose face was full of tears and who was forced to be dragged away by him and stared at him, the pain in Louis' heart became even more profound.

The second time...the second time that I had someone who cared so much about me fall into a desperate situation because of "Louis Bernard's incompetence."

On the way north from Eagle Point City, news from the direction of Yser continued to flow; the Clovis people were so professional in selling themselves and boasting that Louis didn't even need to spend much effort to get the latest battle reports.

The Guards Army was completely defeated... The Southern Army advanced rapidly to the east... The Guards Army disappeared in the hinterland of the Elf Kingdom of Yser, and was suspected of being broken up... The Southern Army besieged the Antler Fortress and was about to capture the Royal Court of Yser...

Even though the Clovis people exaggerated a lot in their battle reports, it is not difficult for people with a little common sense to see that once the southern legions continue to advance eastward, it is only a matter of time before they conquer the royal court.

At that time, what kind of bleak end will that innocent and simple elf girl who always revolves around him end up with?

With a heavy heart, Louis slowly raised his eyes, only to find that Mo Lun, who was standing across from him, had stood up at some point and was looking at the woods warily.

"What's wrong?"

"has a problem."

Morun didn't turn around and replied, nervously holding the handle of the dagger at his waist: "It's been almost an hour, Jorah...he hasn't come back yet."

Louis' mind immediately recalled another half-elf with a short head, a baby face and a pair of light brown eyes, who was always cheerful.

"You stay in the camp and don't move. I'll go look for you." Louis stood up and said to Mo Lun:

"Don't be nervous, this is Imperial territory - he might just be lost."

"Ah, how can this be done?! You are..."

"He's an unlucky guy." Louis smiled and patted Mo Lun on the shoulder, and took the dagger from his hand with both force and softness:

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the woods; Molun, who was left alone, looked at his back with an extremely complicated expression.

The empty woods are very peaceful. The gradually dimming light in the evening penetrates the treetops, leaking out cold and broken light, making the surroundings appear extremely empty.

Louis walked aimlessly in the forest, constantly looking around, looking for the whereabouts of the other half-elf; but there was no figure around, and there was not even any trace of anyone walking on the ground.


He suddenly stopped and looked at the empty forest in front of him.

Not because I found any clues, but...

"Finally ready to take action?"

Louis, who was standing there, suddenly spoke.

"When did you find out?"

The half-elf who appeared behind him at some point looked extremely ugly... His right hand kept snapping his fingers and rested firmly on the back of the young knight's head.

"very beginning."

Louis replied softly. He slowly let go of the dagger in his right hand and let the blade fall to the ground: "What I inherited is the purest 'Sea Knight' bloodline, and my senses are far more sensitive than ordinary talented people."

"You hide it very well, but the biggest shortcoming of elf spellcasters is that your power changes with emotional fluctuations."

"Moreover...hehe, a friend reminded me to pay attention to safety on the way home."

"Then why didn't you say it?" Half-elf...Jorah's expression became even more ugly.

"Because if your identity is exposed, then... the Clovis people will turn you into a legitimate excuse to invade Yser, and even gain the support of the church."

Louis said in a deep voice: "Although I don't know what you want to do, I can't let Clovis succeed."

"It's simple, we need you to die." Jorah snorted coldly:

"You are a dignified imperial knight, the emperor's military attache, and the heir to the Principality of Adlan... you died silently on the border. The empire must not sit idly by and ignore it! If Israel wants to rise, it must get the empire's full support. support!"

"Do you think that as long as I die, the empire will go all out to support Israel?"

"This will be an opportunity! The empire and Clovis have had grievances and conflicts for a long time. As long as the emperor can be given a sufficient excuse to unite the entire empire, Clovis's end will be just around the corner!"

Jorah yelled, the baby face that was always smiling now looked extremely ferocious, and the pale skin looked a little congested due to excitement; the pupils were bit by bit infected by the oozing blood, and they were losing color at a speed visible to the naked eye. reason.

"If you really think so, then you...the Thirteen Council are too naive."

Louis shook his head and sighed softly.

"What did you say?!"

"I said that the empire...not even my father, Grand Duke Adlan, would use all its strength to attack the Kingdom of Clovis because of my death."

Perhaps because he stayed out of the situation, or perhaps because of the experience he learned from "a certain friend," Louis was able to look at this war that almost affected the entire Order World from an extremely objective perspective for the first time.

"As you said, there are many conflicts between the Empire and the Kingdom of Clovis. The dispute between the two parties is no longer a dispute between the families that rule the two countries, but two systems; the Empire wants to bring Clovis under its own rule. , Clovis wants to rise, the two sides have the most fundamental conflict of interests; it is a conflict that will not end until one side collapses and disintegrates!"

"Because of this, so..."

"So!" Louis, who interrupted the half-elf, turned around suddenly and looked directly into the other person's eyes:

"The Empire...Adlan...all the people who are still conscious in this war will not make the most critical decisions because of temporary excitement!"

"Because this is not a duel of knights, nor a battle of wills! It is not for the glory of a certain family, or for a certain fertile territory! It is a fight for one's own survival, and for the future of the next fifty or even one hundred years!"

"A person's life or death is of no importance to this war! Do you understand this?!"

The stunned Jorah was so frightened by Louis' sudden rage that he could not speak. He stood there blankly.

At this moment, a roar of a ferocious beast suddenly sounded outside the woods.


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