I will be crowned king

Chapter 317 Best Friend

At the moment of the loud roar, the two people who were confronting each other subconsciously looked sideways and looked in the direction of the sound.

Over there... there seems to be...


Jorah, whose expression was stagnant, was stunned for a moment, even temporarily forgetting his mission to assassinate the heir of Adlan, and stared at the figure walking from the direction of the camp with a solemn expression.

It was an imperial knight wearing a full set of armor, looking like he had stepped out of an oil painting.

He wore a dark red cloak, and his bright silver armor shone like a mirror; he held a helmet decorated with pure white horsehair in his right hand, and under his loose golden hair was a handsome face like a lion, which looked heroic.

The moment he saw Louis and Jorah, the young Imperial knight's eyes immediately lit up and he quickly accelerated his pace.


Although he didn't know the identity of the other party, Jorah immediately pointed his clenched right hand at the suddenly "appeared" Imperial Knight, staring at the opponent's every move with his scarlet eyes.


Mo Lun...why didn't Mo Lun, who was guarding outside, stop him? !

The unexpected situation made Jorah feel confused. He was so nervous that he didn't notice the frightened expression of Louis behind him when he saw the knight's figure.

Facing the elf caster's warning, the young imperial knight acted as if he didn't hear it at all. He still swung his arms widely and hurried this way as if walking in a goose-step.


The moment he snapped his fingers, the golden-red fire turned into a shooting star, like a six-pound solid bullet that pounced on the approaching knight.

Looking at the oncoming fireball, the knight puffed up his chest and opened his mouth as hard as he could, staring blankly as if he was dumbfounded.


The bursting fire swallowed up the knight's figure. Louis, who was standing there, seemed to be stimulated by something, and fell to the ground suddenly, while burying his head in the soft soil.

A sneer appeared on Jorah's lips.


There were no screams in the ignited woods. On the contrary, the blazing fire was extinguishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The imperial knight covered in flames stood up from his half-crouched position on the ground, slowly moved his crossed arms in front of him, revealing his lion-like face, smiling at him.

Qiao La's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly snapped his fingers again, rolling up flames around his body.

Then, he heard a roar that he would never forget.

The roar of the dragon.


Amidst the loud noise of the earth shattering, Louis, who was lying on the ground and covering his ears, felt as if he had been kicked in the head, and as if a hundred sixty-eight-pound Caron naval guns were being blasted around him. ignite.

Even after activating the blood power of "Sea Knight", the severe pain and strong dizziness still made him almost comatose; blood flowed out of the corners of his eyes, nostrils and ears uncontrollably, and the blood vessels on his cheeks and neck continued to flow. The bulging of the roots... seems to make even the soul tremble.

The loud voice lasted for a long time...three minutes, maybe five minutes; when Louis, whose ears were ringing, desperately opened his bloodshot eyes, the surrounding woods had been wiped out, leaving only a piece of scorched earth.

The remaining tree trunks seemed to have just experienced a double blow of shrapnel and bombs, and only the burned stumps were left; burning leaves mixed with ashes were flying all over the sky.

Louis lowered his head, and there was no trace of him where Jorah had been standing just now, leaving only a pair of boots sunk deep in the mud and filled with "dust".

There were traces of scorch marks all over the ground under his feet. Only the place where he just lay down and the grass behind him were still intact.

At this time, the Imperial Knight came over, with a hearty smile, and stretched out his right hand towards Louis who was lying on the ground.



The knight, who was sitting in the shade of the tree with a smile on his face, took out a cigarette from his arms as if to show hospitality, lit it and handed it to Louis: "There are my special herbs in it, which are good for restoring the spirit."

Louis, who was in a daze, was not polite to him. He took it with three fingers and took a sip. He said weakly: "Why are you here?"

"Your father told me." The knight laughed heartily and ruffled his golden hair with his dusty right hand:

"He said that the scum of Clovis will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, so he will definitely let you come back from Iron Horse Hills. I didn't believe it at first, but the southern garrison said that there was no news of the handover of prisoners, so it must be here. ——These bad guys!"

As he said that, the knight suddenly darkened his face, hugged his shoulders and looked angry.

"That's what I said, but the Iron Horse Hills are so big, I don't know which direction you will come from. At first, I planned to wait for you at the outpost, but then I couldn't wait any longer, so I came from the border army camp. I borrowed a horse..."


Louis interrupted him with a surprised look on his face.

"Uh... I will definitely return it to them anyway!" The knight continued to scratch his head, then coughed twice, and said forcefully with a serious look on his face:

"Besides, I am a knight! Knight, can what a knight does for a noble mission be called stealing? By the way...at most, they may have just found out about it!"

Louis: "...You continue."

"Cough cough cough! There is nothing to say after that. I searched for a few days and found no sign of you. I thought you might have just set off, so I planned to wait for two days; but at this time I met a hunter who was willing to sell the map. He is a very honest-looking Imperial man, so he plans to pick you up along the way."

Speaking of this, the knight was furious again: "It turned out that the Imperial people, who seemed so honest, sold me a fake map - and even asked me for ten gold coins!"

Louis nodded slightly calmly. For the first time in his life, he discovered that Clovis and the Imperial people actually had many similarities: "What happens next?"

"No more! I first found traces of someone camping, and I found you along the road - first I met the Ysel elf guarding the camp, and then..." The knight shrugged and winked at Louis curiously. blink:

"By the way, didn't you go to fight for the Yser elves? Why do they want to kill you?"

"...This is not important." Sipping his cigarette holder, Louis found that his voice was still very weak:

"The important thing is... you haven't told me the reason why you are here, Arthur Herred."

The knight's cheerful laughter suddenly stopped.

After Louis finished speaking, his bloodshot eyes stared motionlessly at his face.

The cigarette with a faint fragrance slowly burned to ashes in the silence between the two of them, turning into ashes and falling onto the scorched earth-like ground.

"One more?"

Although he said this, the attentive Arthur ordered a new one and handed it to Louis.

"Why don't you smoke it yourself?" Louis curiously took the cigarette:

"I remember you used to be a heavy smoker."

"Dear Louis, it hurts so much when you say this - are we still not friends?!"

The shocked knight clutched his chest with an exaggerated expression and glared at him fiercely: "I'd like to, can you?!"

Louis was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered something: "You mean...throat?"

"Otherwise, what else could it be?!" The knight's expression was extremely depressed:

"This thing is not good for the lungs and throat. If it draws too much of my blood power, it will be useless."

Louis nodded slightly and expressed deep sympathy.

The Herid family, the owners of Xiaolong City, the emperor of the empire... possessing this ancient bloodline, they are the only family in the world that has mastered the power of the "Dragon Knight" bloodline.

There are various reasons for this - some say it is because the Herred family has refused to marry the great nobles for many years, some say it is because the Dragon Knight is the most powerful bloodline among the "Seven Knights" and is born with the power of blood. The power of rule; some people regard this as a symbol of the imperial power of the Herred family. Only those who firmly grasp this bloodline are worthy of ruling the world.

But it is undeniable that almost every knight who has awakened the "Dragon Knight Bloodline" is far stronger than talented people of the same age.

Arthur Herred, his strength is one of the best even within the Hered family; because of this powerful bloodline, even though he is not well-known, almost everyone has heard of his nickname. .

The dragon roars.

How powerful this power is, Louis has seen it with his own eyes; using the Herred family's favorite artillery comparison, that is the power of a sixty-eight-pound carron cannon - and it is a close shot.

Not to mention the lines formed by the flesh and blood of the infantry, even ordinary city gates...if they were not specially reinforced and made of relatively high-quality materials, they might not be able to withstand his voice.

But the power of blood, which is so tyrannical and unreasonable, has a huge flaw, or weakness.

That's the health of his own voice and lungs.

As long as the cough is severe, Arthur Reid's strength will be greatly reduced; if the chest is uncomfortable, or even if he just eats too salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and spicy, the power of his blood may completely fail!

This is almost a dilemma for a young man who loves coffee and wine, likes all kinds of strong food and is addicted to smoking.

Either get power or get life...you can only choose one or the other.

Thinking of this, Louis suddenly understood why as soon as he woke up, this guy was making excuses and hurriedly trying to light a cigarette for himself - and he was so close!

The unhappy Arthur took out a piece of candy wrapped in paper from his arms. After opening the wrapping paper, he stared at the candy ball with an incomparable expression.

He first lifted it up slowly, brought it to his nose and smelled it. The alluring sweet smell flowed into his brain along the nasal cavity, mixed with the leisurely smell of tobacco, making the whole person very intoxicated.

Then the hand holding the candy slowly lowered, bringing the candy coating close to his lips, opening the corners of his mouth little by little with the rhythm of his throat, opening his teeth slightly, and sticking out his tongue little by little, touching the candy Touched up and down.


For a moment, Arthur, who closed his eyes tightly, trembled violently as if his whole body had been electrocuted, showing an expression of extreme enjoyment.

Yes, it's no ordinary candy! At this moment... it is chocolate with milk and honey, the freshest, steaming coffee, a glass of wine dating back to the eighth year of the Saint's Calendar, salty and spicy roast beef, and the extremely sweet cherry cake... …At this moment, it carries human expectations for all the delicious food in the world!

Louis let out a long sigh.

"Actually...even if you don't tell me, I can probably guess the purpose of why you came to me." Louis said softly:

"I have lost this war. Even if His Majesty still has other plans for me, I have promised the Clovis people that I will not return to the battlefield of Iser - I am a knight, and I cannot break my promise."

"Well said, knights should not break their promises." Arthur gave him a thumbs up, and then changed the subject:

"So...what if it's Hantu?"


"Yes, it's the Seven Cities Alliance... there may not be as many as 'Seven Cities' now." Arthur scratched his head again:

"Clovis sent a partial force of less than 6,000 people to invade Hantu, messing up the entire Seven Cities Alliance. There is even a risk of integrating the entire Hantu and turning it into a vassal of the Kingdom of Clovis."

"In order to prevent the Clovis from opening up in Hantu and threatening the southern border of the empire, His Majesty is preparing to launch the 'Hantu Plan' in advance, marching from both sea and land, liberating Hantu and driving out the Clovis!"

"And I, Arthur Herred, a dignified member of the royal family, your best friend!" The knight patted his chest vigorously, with a look of pride on his face:

"He was appointed by His Majesty as a commander of the temporarily formed Southern Front Army, shouldering the important task of attacking and spearheading; currently there is still a lack of an adjutant who is particularly knowledgeable about military affairs, and knows more about Hantu and how to fight with these Clovis people - so I thought of you immediately!"

"How about it, am I so special and interesting?!"

Looking at Arthur, who became more and more excited as he talked, Louis couldn't laugh or cry:

"How many troops do you have?"

"It's not clear yet, but at least there is a regiment, that's the minimum - the commander-in-chief of the regiment is my brother-in-law, and he promised me!" Arthur put his hands on his hips proudly:

"There are a few people, but they are all elite! The company commanders are all talented people at the first level, and they are all my good friends!"

"Company Commander Level 1?" Louis was stunned for a moment:

"How many people did you find?"

"Four!" Arthur patted his shoulder hard:

"Counting you, five!"

So this is an infantry regiment with two battalions and four companies, less than 500 men... Louis was crying and laughing in his heart. He seemed to understand more and more why Arthur could convince his brother-in-law and allow him to go to the front line to fool around.

Since it is the future of the family, he will eventually go to the battlefield one day, so let him have a little experience under his care.

Yes...just like myself at Thunder Castle.

Louis' eyes became dazed again, and pain spread in his pupils again.

"Come on!" Arthur on the opposite side had not noticed the expression of his best friend:

"Come to my regiment and I will make you my deputy commander, okay?!"

"...Okay, I promise you." Louis nodded thoughtfully:

"The premise is that you have to tell me something first."

"What's up?"

"That Clovis branch that invaded Hantu, their commander... what's his name?"

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