I will be crowned king

Chapter 318 Bad luck is just the beginning

“On the 15th day of the seventh month in the 100th year of the Saint’s Calendar, there is still bad news one after another.”

"The main force of the Southern Army was frustrated in the hinterland of Yser, and the imperial army landed at the port of Carindia... Two pieces of news that couldn't be worse broke out at the same time, causing the future of Hantu, which had settled and gradually moved from war to peaceful reunification, to change. It has to be dark."

"The first to bear the brunt are the Carindians. This group of treacherous and bully Walled Grasslands originally had the idea of ​​​​stepping on two ships. They leased the ocean fleet to the Empire, causing the Imperial Army to calm down with two full infantry divisions. Landing at Carindia Port.”

"This not only gives the empire a foothold in the southern hinterland, which is the weakest part of Hantu, but also cuts off Hantu from east to west - if the Storm Division had not conquered Iron Bell Fort as quickly as possible, the coalition forces that had finally been united would have It’s going to be split in two!”

"Not only that, Carindia Port is still the most prosperous and richest port in Vast Earth. By controlling this place, in theory, the empire can continuously increase its troops from here, attack on three sides to the north, and drag half of Vast Territory back to the east. Into the flames of war.”

"And the cause of all this is the cowardice and greed of the Carinthians!"

"But these cowards may not be having an easy life now - according to the intelligence from the Storm Division scouts, the Imperials stationed at Carindia Port have no intention of rebuilding the city for them, let alone follow their wishful thinking. Immediately go north to attack and seize the territory of Carindia controlled by Thun and Aiden, but instead garrison on the spot and search for supplies.”

"When I think of these traitors living in dire straits under the rule of the empire, while I feel sorry for the Carinthians, I can't help but feel a sense of schadenfreude."

"Of course, that's not good."

"In addition to laughing at the Carinthians, as a knight of Hantu and the person who knows Anson Bach best, I clearly understand that compared to the imperial people who landed, the greater threat to Hantu actually comes from the north, from Iraq. The Elf Kingdom of Thyr.”

"Once the main force of the Southern Army, which has been frustrated in its attack, is surrounded by the Yser elves and even threatens Eagle Point City in the rear, it will have a fundamental impact on the entire war situation and even interrupt the entire process of unification of Hantu!"

"I know that if my diary is made public one day, how many people will criticize me verbally, but this is the fact - Hantu, which is rich but poor, cannot rise by relying on its own strength."

"She is rich and poor, brave and weak, united and divided; neither as vast as the empire, with thousands of years of history and countless sacred auras; nor as up-and-coming as Clovis, with Saint Isaac to herald a new era for them. The first whistle."

"Such a land must rely on an external force, the support of a truly powerful country to rise in unity and build an army that matches her and is strong enough to defend her homeland."

"Clovis is such a powerful country, and as her knight... Anson Bach fully demonstrates the attitude a strong country should have towards a weak country."

"Even when facing the dangerous situation of being attacked from both sides and having his retreat route cut off, he still did not show the slightest panic. Instead, he actively mobilized the troops and organized and prepared for war."

"Within two days, the Storm Division's headquarters held military meetings almost all the time. From the highest-ranking officers to the most ordinary soldiers, everyone was busy; the reconnaissance cavalry and skirmishers were so tired that they fell into coma, and the logistics troops performed three shifts. The system…the barracks are always brightly lit from day to night, and from night to day.”

"Many Hantu nobles told me that this is a sight they have never seen before - there has never been any such army in the history of Hantu that can operate at such a high intensity and at the same time, it can also divide labor and cooperate to complete various tasks. complex commands with almost no errors."

"And my guards said that the rumor that the Gray Shirts (referring to the Stormtroopers) are a group of steel machines covered in human skin has almost spread throughout the Iron Bell Fort."

"But none of them saw the true nature of the matter."

"As far as I know, my cousin Anson is not actually keen on discussing countermeasures with others. His military meetings are more used to understand and collect the ideas of other officers and soldiers, and to persuade them to agree to his plan. "

"So the current 'crazy' behavior of the Stormtrooper proves that he may have a bold plan, but has never found a way to convince others; therefore, high-intensity orders and tasks must be used to maintain the morale of the military and avoid letting the soldiers Think more when you are free."

"Of course, in addition to stabilizing his own people, this kind of madness can also demonstrate his strength and regain the confidence of the nobles and the army who were in turmoil due to the bad news. This should also be considered by him."

"But in the final analysis, this is a war for the Hantu people to fight for unification; in addition to trusting their partners, the Hantu people should take the initiative to stand up and fight for her!"

"Hantu, standing at the crossroads of destiny, needs a knight belonging to her to step forward! And we... the people of Thun will shoulder this mission again and use our blood to pave the way for Hantu's future."

"The only way to prevent the Yser Elves from turning defeat into victory is to send a strong army to Yser to protect the supply lines and reinforce the besieged southern army; allowing Major General Ludwig Franz to regroup and attack again .”

"Therefore I have sent a letter to Henares, asking him to give it to his brother, Count Arcade, who is guarding the Pass of the Eagle Point with thirty thousand men; in which I have stated in detail what is at stake, and in his case It is not difficult for wisdom to understand how important this is to Hantu and Thun."

"As long as Count Arcade attacks, everything will be fine."

"When 30,000 well-armed and brave Thun people advance towards the Elf Kingdom of Iser and save the Clovis people from despair, Hantu! will win true independence..."

This was the most exciting time that little Leon had ever written in his diary. Not only was his writing scrawled, but his right hand that used too much force almost caused the pen tip to penetrate the parchment directly.

After writing the last sentence, he calmed down a little and did not close it immediately. Instead, he calmed down and began to check it carefully.

I don’t know since when, Anson often “borrowed” his diary, and always forgot to return it after borrowing it.

When he thinks that he cares so much about his diary, little Leon can't help but become nervous. He can't help but check it twice more to prevent himself from making low-level mistakes such as spelling errors, or from making the handwriting difficult to read due to his excitement - so Sometimes he would re-copy.

After reading for a while, Leon, who still had no confidence in his handwriting, was about to copy it again; just as he was picking up the pen, the door was pushed open.

The dusty guard strode into the room and kept wiping sweat with his sleeves, but the big beads of sweat on his forehead were still like rain.

Little Leon quickly put down his pen and his eyes lit up: "How is it, have you seen Henares?"


The guard nodded breathlessly, stood in front of the desk and muttered: "He just happened to leave the military camp to go on patrol, so I met him not long after leaving Iron Bell Fort."

"Lord Henares said that Thun's army will arrive at the Iron Bell Castle in two days at the latest. Many things can be discussed in detail by then, so there is no need to be so anxious; he also said..."

"I know, but this matter is really important to Thun!" Leon quickly got a glass of water to the guard and handed it over:

"What else did he say?!"

"Lord Henares also said..."

The guard paused, drank it in one gulp as if to cheer himself up, glanced at Leon secretly with his head lowered, and said, "He said you were just messing around."

Leon was stunned and almost dropped the kettle in his hand to the ground.

"He also took the letter away from me and strictly ordered me to come back immediately. He warned you that you would never want to command Thun's army without your father." The guard pursed his lips in fear:

"It's useless even if you change someone else, or go to Eagle Point Pass to find Count Arcade in person, because he has already sent another messenger to tell Count Arcade to strictly guard the position. Unless Eagle Point City is lost, it must not be crossed. Half a step to the pass, these are...his exact words."

After speaking, the guard raised his head cautiously and looked at the figure opposite who suddenly became quiet.

Leon, who had a calm expression, said nothing and silently put the kettle on the table. He wanted to pick up the pen, but his hand was trembling and unable to move.

So he slowly sat down and said to the guard without raising his head: "You... get out."


The amnesty-ridden guard did not hesitate and left the room quickly and decisively.

Just when he was about to close the door, he looked through the crack in the door and saw something that looked like a kettle flying towards him.


The moment the door was closed, a crisp roar sounded in the corridor.

A brutal battle began in little Leon's room - the self-righteous Henares set up positions in every corner, while the brave and fearless Leon, the future Archduke François, attacked from all sides. , launched the most hysterical attack.

The battle started in the trench under the desk. Little Leon, who did not give the enemy any chance to take advantage of it, picked up a twelve-pound cannon (chair) and opened fire on the position. He also charged with a bayonet (boot) and used the most perfect infantry and artillery coordination to open up the situation. .

The battle was extremely brutal. The kettle was shot to pieces by a volley of guns from the line, and the bedmate was split into two by two rounds of Caron naval guns. The oil paintings and decorations on the wall were torn apart one by one in the random gunfire of the skirmishers.

The floor trembled under the momentum of the cavalry charge, and the gorgeous clothes made of satin and woolen screamed in front of the bayonets; glass bottles filled with fine wine fell side by side in a pool of blood, covering the wounds that could not be more miserable and blood gushed out like columns.

Fifteen minutes later, Lenore Emmanuel came to Leon's room and saw the guard trembling against the door, not daring to move.

"What's wrong?" Renault looked at the guard and then at the door behind him.

The guard shook his head tremblingly and stepped aside without saying a word.

Renault, who had an inexplicable look on his face, frowned, walked forward and slowly pushed the door open, and then...

"What...what's going on?"

In the not very spacious room, the whole room was in a mess as if it had just been hit by a twelve-pound shrapnel, or had been ransacked by a group of bandits, so that there was no place for the people who walked in to stay. .

The panting little Leon sat on top of the mess, his clothes stained colorfully by various liquids and dust. He also stared at himself with his eyes wide open.



"Yes...just cleaned the room."

"Clean the room and then..." Lenore pointed to the floor:

"Is this it?"

"Yes." Leon nodded:

"There was a mouse in the room. I wanted to catch it first, but then... I accidentally knocked over a few things."

"Oh..." Renault suddenly realized:

"What about the mouse?"


"And you threw him out?"

"I...uh...how do you know?"

"...I guessed it, was it right?"


Leon was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Renault, who looked calm, and laughed out loud, "Pfft!"

Renault, who was always indifferent, also slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

After patting the dust on his body, the embarrassed little Leon got up from the ground, picked up an unbroken bottle of wine and two broken glasses, poured a glass and handed it to the other person: "Why do you think of coming to me?" of?"

"Because you are the one among the three of us who can easily meet Anson Bach." Renaud took the wine glass and glanced at the hole on the glass with some disgust:

"I have important news that I must tell the deputy commander of the Southern Army immediately so that he can prepare early."

"What news..."

Before he finished speaking, little Leon suddenly remembered Renault's identity and was shocked: "Is it the Empire?!"

"Twenty thousand troops are already marching towards the Principality of Ayden." Renault, who looked solemn, nodded slightly and sighed deeply:

"The empire's response was far more swift and decisive than we imagined - this army appeared without any warning. With the strength of the empire, if it wasn't the emperor's whim, then it could only be that they had premeditated it!"

"The Principality of Ayden left five thousand men stationed at the border. After my father got the news, he immediately divided his troops into fifteen thousand men and returned from the Grand Duchy of Mist. But this time the enemy was the empire. To be honest... the Emmanuel family , not very confident.”

"Because as far as we know, 20,000 people are not all. The empire has prepared at least twice as many reserve troops. There are rumors that they are trying to repeat what the Storm Division once did, sending a small group of elites across the morning light. Mountains!”

"In addition, they have also mastered the Carinthian fleet. If in addition to the Carindia port they have already occupied, they also plan to attack from the coast closer to the west, Ayden... will be besieged on three sides. Got it!"

Renault's expression became increasingly ugly.

But Leon saw further than him.

The 20,000 legions on the Western Front, the landing force at Carindia Port, the resurrected Iser Guards Corps, the elites across the Dawn Ice Peak, the fleet floating on the sea...

The five-pronged army... is like a huge net, surrounding the vast earth.

And all of this is just the first step taken by the empire that has just entered the arena.

The second act of the Hantu War has just begun.

Today's update is a bit late, sorry

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