I will be crowned king

Chapter 320 Artist

The cavalry company commander, Lieutenant Jason Fruhauf...in Fabian's words, is a standard Clovis soldier.

This sentence means that he is a small rural nobleman - for the Guards, the entire Clovis only has the royal capital and the countryside - received a junior church-style college education, served in the army at a very young age, and relied on family connections to become a He became a trainee lieutenant and served in a certain fortress or reserve army.

According to the "standard", he will become a lieutenant before the age of twenty-five, a major before the age of thirty, a lieutenant colonel before the age of forty-five, enter the staff, logistics or civilian system at the age of fifty, and retire honorably at the age of sixty. ——If that day comes.

Jason is twenty years old. He is a cavalry lieutenant who has served on the eastern border for four years. He is very satisfied with his life so far.

The only dissatisfaction may be the too meager salary... The allowance of an army lieutenant is more than enough for one person to live on, but if you still want to occasionally go out for outings or listen to operas, join more "upscale" clubs and salons, buy real estate, and get married...

Either you have to tighten your belt, or you have to find a way to make extra money.

As a young officer who spent more money than he earned, Jason chose the second path.

The reason for joining the Storm Division is also very simple. Anson Bach promised a high proportion of loot distribution, coupled with his "Our Cause" speech in Eagle Point City, which really made Jason and many of his peers excited. All of a sudden, while being aggressive, I felt that I had become much nobler.

Of course, he did not expect that the war to invade Hantu would be fought so easily; he did not expect that the main force of the legion would be frustrated and the Empire would invade. The Stormtrooper who originally planned to get a vote and run away would actually become the only Crow who could stop the Empire's conspiracy. Wei army.

Looking across at Duke Eden, who frowned and stared at the letter, the cavalry lieutenant felt for the first time what it meant to be in an unpredictable situation.

"His Excellency Jason Fruhauf."

Just when the cavalry lieutenant was still thinking wildly, Duke Eden, whose cheek was covered by the letter, suddenly spoke, making him instinctively shake: "Here!"

"Want something to drink?"

As Duke Eden spoke, he waved to the servant at the wine cabinet, but although he was speaking politely, his tone was faintly cold and sulky.

"Thank you, but no need." Jason, who was sitting upright, said seriously:

"I am on official duty. According to Clovis military regulations, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited."

"Well, I'll have someone prepare a bottle of this year's new wine and put it with your gift." Duke Eden's expression was extremely calm:

"The horses for the return trip are ready and you can leave at any time."

After saying that, Duke Eden seemed to be saying no more polite words and stood up as if to leave.


The cavalry lieutenant was startled, then quickly stood up: "Then! Duke Eden, you haven't told me your answer yet..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Duke Eden, who had his back turned to Jason, suddenly shouted sharply: "This is my answer, do you hear me clearly?"

He turned back sharply and stared at the cavalry lieutenant with a ferocious beast-like gaze:

"Go back and tell Anson Bach... your deputy commander, I don't care how good the conditions he can come up with, or whether there are ten thousand or twenty thousand last resort reasons, Aiden's Emmanuel family will not If you surrender to the François family, you will never be able to accept him as the lord of the land!"


"I say it again, this is absolutely not okay!"

Anson didn't even give him time to finish his words. He was surprised at first, and then his face suddenly turned cold. Grand Duke Thun categorically objected: "Unify the land, but you have to give the Principality of Aiden absolute autonomy, and you have to remove Aiden from the Principality. To be promoted to a Grand Duchy, Carindia Port must also be included in the territory of Ayden?!"

Anson nodded slightly and said matter-of-factly: "Only in this way will Aiden be willing to surrender to the Francois family."

"If this is the case, why should I fight?!" Claude Francois said angrily:

"As a king in name only, I still need the help of you Clovis people?!"

"Of course not."

Anson took a sip of the wine on the table, smiled and pushed the wine glass towards the other party: "The François family is the legitimate ruler of Hantu. No one except you is qualified to be the king of all Hantu people... uncle."

This title made Grand Duke Thun's cheek twitch slightly. He took the wine glass handed by Anson angrily. The warm wine calmed his anger slightly, and he slowly said:

"I'm really touched that you care so much about the interests of the Francois family. Unifying the land is indeed my lifelong pursuit; but giving Aiden autonomy and ceding Carindia Port to him is really... yes……"

"If we don't do this, we must kill all the Aiden people." Anson interrupted coldly:

"Right now, Ayden has at least nearly 40,000 troops - 8,000 in the Iron Bell Castle at our feet, 15,000 entrenched in the western border of Mist, and the rest are scattered and stationed at border fortresses to resist the invasion of the empire."

"If you don't give him what he wants most, the rifles in the hands of these 40,000 people and the fortresses, warehouses and territories they guard will immediately become the possessions of the empire along with themselves."

"Except for the Iron Bell Fort at our feet, before the Empire invades the territory of Thun, there will be no fortress in the entire Hantu that can block the Empire's attack."

Anson sighed: "Of course, this is a more euphemistic way of saying it."

"What about the ungrateful ones?" Grand Duke Thun couldn't help but ask.

"Not tactfully..." Anson suddenly paused, "Pfft!" and laughed out loud:

"Let's put it this way... Leon may not have told you, but it actually only took me one day to knock down the Iron Bell Fort."

Claude Francois was stunned for a moment, and then his expression turned ugly.

"Even so, there is no need to cede Carindia Port to Aiden, right?" Grand Duke Thun was still very reluctant:

"It's not enough to give him one-third of the territory and cede the Green Valley to him. Do we have to give him the most prosperous city in the land as well?"


"That's right, what do I need Carindia Port for?" Lieutenant Duke Aiden's cavalry said coldly:

"Yes, I once wanted her very much...but that was in the past. The current port of Carindia was first revolted by the fleet, then looted by you Clovis people, then there was a city riot, and finally it was landed by the Empire. occupied."

"The current port of Carindia is nothing but ruins. There are thousands of hungry thugs who want to skin and eat the flesh of all the nobles and wealthy merchants! And in order to get these, I have to kill the imperial people stationed in the port first. You and I live and die!"

"In the eyes of your deputy commander, am I such a pure idiot?!"


Facing the furious Duke Eden, Jason really didn't know how to answer.

It's not that he thinks the Duke is an idiot - at least not purely - but because he feels that the deputy commander's idea is really crazy.

How to defeat the invasion of the empire in the fragmented land of Han? It's very simple, just unite the land and find a king who is willing to surrender to Clovis.

Then what? Gone.

It's that simple!

An ancient fertile land, thousands of people, more than a dozen ancient families with hundreds of years of history, powerful rulers... actually want to change because of the ideas of an ordinary Clovis man, to create a A brand new kingdom - and more importantly, it seemed feasible.

Is there anything crazier than this? !

The huge impact of reality made the cavalry lieutenant, who had long stopped believing in fairy tales, couldn't help but recall the story books he had read when he was a child... Suddenly, he felt a creepy feeling.

"Respected, respected Duke Eden, I understand your concerns." Jason, who suppressed the fear in his heart and trembled all over, said with a trembling voice:

"But even so, this still cannot change the fact that Carindia Port is the most prosperous city in the land - as long as we take it and build it seriously, it will be prosperous again in less than ten years. You still get your The most desired thing!”

"The price is to become a vassal and vassal of the Francois family." Duke Ayden said coldly:

"Do you know what happened to the last Duke of Eden who knelt down in front of others? All of Eden stood up to rebel against him, cut him to pieces, and then put his only surviving youngest son on the throne and brought him to the throne. Wearing a crown stained with his father's blood, he was regarded as a duke."

"That little son is my great-grandfather. He told my grandfather, my father, and me over and over again during his lifetime that the Emmanuel family members... will never bend the knee!"

"Well said!" the cavalry lieutenant praised quickly:

"And this time you don't have to kneel to the Francois family - the Grand Duke of Thun has agreed. As long as you are willing to nod, you will be the Grand Duke of Ayden. During the ceremony, you only need to caress your chest and salute the king, and you can also greet the king when he accepts the cheers. The kings stand side by side!”


"When did I promise this?"

The squinting Grand Duke Thun interrupted Anson, who was still talking:

"I want to give him autonomy, give him the port of Carindia, and promise that he won't have to kneel down to me - then wouldn't I, the king of the vast earth, be just a decoration?"

Then you have to say so, your king is really just a decoration; just like this, many people want to treat you as... Anson smiled slightly:

"This is just a stopgap measure."

"It's an expedient measure." Grand Duke Thun smiled coldly:

"Or the reins you Clovis put around my neck?"

"For weak and incompetent rulers, this makes no difference - because they have neither the determination nor the courage to get rid of them." Anson was noncommittal:

"But you are different, dear Uncle Claude, you are a truly ambitious ruler."

"Dear nephew Anson, you too." Grand Duke Thun still sneered:

"If I'm looking for a mouth to flatter, I don't need a smart guy like you."

"That's right, so everything I say is from the bottom of my heart."

Anson, who had a sincere face, still said seriously: "In the past, you had the ambition to rule Hantu, but you lacked a legitimate excuse, a title that could be used to rule Hantu, and you lacked the strength to defeat everyone."

"Now you just need to nod and you can have the latter two at the same time, but you still lack a slogan that can unite the entire land."

Against the Empire.

Grand Duke Thun played with the wine glass without saying a word. After a long silence, he lowered his head and said, "...how sure are you?"

"One hundred percent." Anson's face showed a confident smile:

"Jason Fruhauf is an excellent cavalry officer, from a well-established family, and will certainly earn the Duke of Eden's trust - I believe in him."


"Drag him out and kill him."

Duke Eden, who looked ferocious, suddenly said coldly: "This is a little warning to Anson Bach!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hall immediately resounded with the sound of guns being drawn and loaded, and a dozen figures rushed from all directions.


The panicked cavalry lieutenant quickly opened his arms and shouted nervously: "This is not a trap! Please believe me, this is really not a trap - I come with full sincerity!"

"I don't see any sincerity."

Duke Eden gritted his teeth and said with a fierce gaze like a wounded beast: "All I see is robbery and extortion!"

"You Clovis people, together with the Francois family, took advantage of the invasion of the empire to unify the land and turn Ayden into your territory - very good, very good, but don't expect to get what you want!"

"Let me repeat it again, even if I was beaten to death by the Imperials, cut to pieces by my own people, and even knelt before Claude Francois and surrendered, I still didn't want to see the flag of the Clovis people. On the land of Hantu..."

"Clovis's army will never be stationed in Hantu!" the cavalry lieutenant, whose head was pressed to the ground by seven or eight rifles, shouted hurriedly.

"What did you say?!"


"I repeat again, Clovis's army will never be stationed in Hantu." Anson looked at the shocked Archduke Thun calmly:

"This is the only promise I can make to you, Uncle Claude Francois."

"Why?!" Grand Duke Thun didn't understand very much:

"I can understand that this is because the empire will not allow it - as long as Clovis's army is still there, the empire will not stop attacking Hantu, but how do you ensure that Carlos II and his ministers..."

"Because Clovis doesn't have that many troops to waste." Anson picked up the wine glass and took a sip:

"If we want to defeat this powerful enemy like the Empire, just resisting the attack head-on will already exhaust all of Clovis's strength; if we send more troops to control Hantu, too few troops will be meaningless, and too many troops will be a waste."

"So I can assure you that Clovis's army will stop at Eagle Point City after this war is over, and will never station a single soldier further south."

"Does this promise reassure you?"


After pushing the door open and walking out of the room, Anson let out a long sigh of relief and happened to meet the little clerk who came out from behind another door: "How is it? Did he agree?"

"Agreed." The little secretary nodded and said:

"After the death of Luco Vessenya, Mysteria was divided into three parts, inherited by his grandsons, and pledged allegiance to the François family - on the condition that Luco Vesseniya remained the Grand Duke of Myst , and be equal to King Hantu."

After saying that, he couldn't help but sigh: "Sir Anson Bach, you are truly an artist."

"How to say?"

"Nothing." The young man smiled:

“Great art speaks for itself.”

After saying that, he turned around and left with the document in his arms.

Anson looked at his back and shrugged inexplicably, picked up the rum bottle and drank it in one gulp.

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