I will be crowned king

Chapter 321 Good old Clovis

Clovis City, Ximen Street, Outer City, Crown Tavern.

The sky was dark, and Karin Jacques, who was wearing a black workman's coat, faced the wall, put his hands in his pockets, and looked around from the corner of his eyes from under the peaked cap that was pressed on his head. He made sure again and again that there was no tail behind him, and then pushed the door with a shrinking head. Went into the tavern.

The tavern owner who had been familiar with him for many years saw him coming in and pointed to the side door of the box behind him without saying a word; Karin Jacques nodded, walked forward and knocked on the door.

There was a young man sitting in the box. Even though he was sitting in a hotel box in the early morning, he was still wearing a full black tuxedo. From his hairstyle to his clothes, he was meticulous and as clean and tidy as the empty box.

Probably because it was getting too early, the young man's slightly pale face was a little sluggish, but the coffee on the table had long since gone cold, and the cigarette lying flat on the gray ceramic bowl only had long ash left.

The moment he saw the figure entering the door, the sluggish young man's eyes immediately burst into glory; before he could think of getting up, Karin Jacques raised his hand to stop him:


The young man had no choice but to stumble back to his chair, watched him carefully close the door, and then asked rudely: "Have you brought anything?"

"Bring it!"

The young man nodded repeatedly, hurriedly picked up the briefcase that had been prepared on the ground, and took out an envelope and a package from the bag:

"According to your request, inside the envelope is an account with ten thousand gold coins. Inside the package is a magic prop called the 'Memory Pendulum', plus a two-hundred-word autograph manuscript by Saint Isaac about his vision for the future. Some of the difference engines..."

"That's enough!" Karin Jacques interrupted the young man again, raising his hand and pressing it on the envelope and package:

"With these things, I think... we should be able to convince Viscount Bognar."

His tone was sincere, but it was obvious that this was not enough for the young man: "How long will it take before the Privy Council can receive me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Karin Jacques, who had a sincere expression, immediately straightened his face, coldly returned the things to the young man, stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait, I didn't mean to rush you!"

Seeing that he seemed to be leaving, the pale young man immediately panicked:

"I know you are sincerely helping me, really! But I really need to know this now - it doesn't matter personally, but Carindia really can't wait any longer!"

"Right now, Aiden and Thune still control almost all of Carindia's territory. If Clovis doesn't interfere, Carindia will be annexed by them sooner or later; so please forgive me if I'm rude in any way, because I I really… really don’t have time!”

The young Carindia envoy shouted anxiously. He had tried desperately to identify himself to the people around him countless times before, but for some reason, the guards of the Privy Council still wouldn't let him in.

Because he did not have any real evidence on his body to prove that he was authorized by the Republic of Carindia.

The reason is also very simple. He was not actually sent by the Carindia Council, but was "semi-forced" by Anson Bach.

In the middle of the Hantu War, Carindia, who was intimidated by the Storm Division's illustrious army, decided to surrender. However, in order to make an unexpected time difference, Anson did not let the Carindia envoy return, but asked him to arrive. The city of Clovis submitted a diplomatic application to the Privy Council and His Majesty Carlos to "establish formal diplomatic relations."

Then Anson didn't care about anything.

No certificate was issued, no explanatory letter was submitted to the Army, and no contact address was left... nothing.

So when the young Carindia envoy came to Clovis City alone (the two guards escaped halfway and stole the carriage), he was horrified to find that he did not even know where the Privy Council was.

Even because he was a "suspicious foreigner," he was arrested by the police and served a few days in jail. In prison, he desperately tried to prove his identity, but was released as a madman by the sympathetic police.

For more than a month, the confused Carindia envoy wandered around the streets of Clovis City; although he finally used cash and conversation to get rid of the suspicion of a madman and a beggar, he was still regarded as a beggar because he had no identification. "A liar who wants to pretend to be a foreign envoy but refuses to put on a show."

This state lasted for more than ten days, and even though the Carindia envoy tried his best, he still could not find any way; then one night, a warm-hearted black-robed priest took the initiative to visit...


Karin Jacques, who stopped in front of the door, turned his back to him and let out a long sigh.

"You know that even if you run to the palace now and tell them that you are the envoy of Carindia, His Majesty will not receive you, right?"


The young man nodded repeatedly.

"You know that almost everyone in the upper echelons of Clovis regards you as a liar pretending to be a messenger, right?" Karin Jacques asked again.

"I know." The young man's expression was a little embarrassed.

"Then you must also know that apart from me, there will not be another person in the entire Clovis City who is capable and sincerely willing to help you, right?!" Karin Jacques continued to ask.

The young man who did not dare to say anything more could only lower his head silently.

"If you know, why do you ask so many questions?"

Karin Jacques deliberately made his voice hoarse and low, full of oppression: "Is there a second way to choose from in front of you?!"

"No, so I believe in you wholeheartedly, Mr. Collins Dick!" The young man's pale face became eager again:

"To be honest, it doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned - but Carindia... I believe you will be able to keep your promise, but no matter what, please give me a time when I can feel relieved!"

When things got to this point, Kalindia, who was almost desperate, had almost given up long ago.

He was originally half-forced by Anson, and he also knew that without any proof on his body, it was simply impossible to get an audience with King Clovis alone... After being imprisoned and released as a madman, he even I don't have any hope for this "mission".

Until he saw a biographical novel about someone in the newspaper - well, it was "The War of the Vast Earth" published in the "Clovis Truth Newspaper".

Author: Léon François.

This second-rate legendary novel, which claims to be a news report, mainly contains the diary of young Leon, plus some of Anson's own, and was finally revised by the newspaper editors to add some "exaggerated but reasonable plots at first sight"; it is currently in Grammar It has a high influence among readers of the middle and lower classes in Lowe City, and can even occasionally appear in the salons of some upper-class clubs.

It is still mainly based on the diary of young Leon. It is conceivable that he will not have anything good to say about the Carinthians who surrendered voluntarily and were both at the same time. Plus, with the editors' enhancement...

Anyway, when the young Carindia envoy saw it, according to the description in the "news", the current Carindia has reached the point where "the one step forward is to subjugate the country, and the next step is to be divided and annexed" - in short, it is death. It's decided, it's completely dead.

He didn't know the true wishful thinking of the Carindia nobles; he only knew that if Clovis did not intervene, the best outcome for Carindia would be to be divided and vassalized by the other powerful nations.

What was originally a forced mission suddenly became Carindia's life-saving straw, and he became the only hero capable of turning the tide.

"One week, one week at the latest, there will be results from Viscount Bogner." Karin Jacques sighed helplessly:

"The office hours of the Privy Council are calculated according to working days...well, that is, the first five days of the week. For the remaining two days, no one can convene the parliament unless there is a decree from the king; so Viscount Bogner must wait until next week Only then can you find an opportunity to apply and let the Privy Council receive you."

"The Viscount also has to take risks when doing this kind of thing - after all, you don't have anything on you to prove your identity. What if, of course, I'm talking about what if, if someone accuses you of being a counterfeit, and the Viscount lets someone The fake envoy can meet with His Majesty..."

"I understand, I understand!" The messenger nodded repeatedly:

"If there is any way I can help, please just ask!"

"The Viscount doesn't need anything from you. He just feels pity for a young man who is loyal to his country and wants to lend a helping hand - of course, I am the same way."

Karin Jacques smiled sincerely and took the packages and envelopes on the table into his arms without any pretense:

"We are all willing to try our best to help you and the country behind you; after all, you are Anson Bach's friend, so you are also our friend. Friends should help each other!"

"Yes, you said... yes."

The young man laughed with her, but it was a little embarrassing - especially when he thought of the culprit of the whole thing.

"So you don't have to think about anything, just wait here with peace of mind, and try not to show yourself in public again - your previous behavior has left a very bad impression on Clovis's upper circle."

Karin Jacques continued: "So the best way is to let them forget about you, and wait until Viscount Bogner brings it up, and then you can enter the house as the 'Carindia Diplomatic Envoy'."

"This way no one will remember what happened to you before, and no one will dare to oppose Viscount Bognar easily - the best of both worlds."

"Let me make you a promise by the way. At the latest in early August, you will be able to meet His Majesty Carlos II!"

Karin Jacques patted his chest and said.

"Really?!" The young man looked surprised.

"I promise the Ring of Order that the Republic of Carindia will go hand in hand with the Kingdom of Clovis to create glory together!"

Karin, believer of the old god, conjurer, contraband and information dealer, black market leader, member of the Society of Truth, trial informant, trainee priest, Jacques, promised with great sincerity.


"So you really agreed to him?"

In the kitchen of the Crown Tavern, the surprised tavern owner pointed to the side door of the box with his thumb: "Let him see the king before the end of August?"


Karin Jacques nodded absently, took out the package from his arms and handed it to the boss. After repeatedly confirming that there was no one around except them, he breathed a long sigh of relief:

"Find time to send it to a trustworthy person to send it out. I gave you the address last time; this time the item is extremely important and there must be no mistake."

"If it's so important, why do you need me to send it?"

The tavern owner couldn't help but ask: "Can't you run away yourself...ah!"

The words stopped abruptly.

"Remember?" Karin Jacques looked at the other party who finally came to his senses with a face full of resentment:

"I am now an informant in the trial court - the newly appointed Judge Dorian is watching me like a thief. Even when I came to you today, I sneaked here. I'm afraid the church heard something. "

Karin Jacques became more and more angry as he talked, especially when he thought about the guy who caused all this, he couldn't help but scratch his head: "You can't show up easily. They haven't targeted you yet, but that doesn't prove that they haven't suspected you. "

"I know."

The tavern owner nodded sullenly, and hid the package in the middle of a hollowed-out piece of cheese: "But I really didn't expect that Saint Isaac's manuscript would actually end up in Carindia - if I remember correctly, He has never been to that place in his life, has he?”

"He has never even left the city of Clovis a few times in his life, but the "Great Magic Book" has been scattered all over the world." Karin Jacques muttered:

"All the manuscripts about the Difference Engine in the world are in the hands of the Church. We are really lucky this time. We were able to get a two-hundred-word manuscript from a small Carindia noble. Fragments.”

"What do you mean?"

"It means that according to my experience, every time you are 'very lucky', it has little to do with luck."

Karin Jacques spread his hands: "Think about it, how many years have we been chasing these things? Suddenly, a desperate guy with this thing comes to the door. How lucky is this?!"

"So...this is a trap?"

"It's possible, but it's also possible that I'm overthinking it." Karin Jacques shrugged:

"So we need to get it out quickly before it becomes a problem."

The tavern owner nodded and agreed: "Yes, it should be given to those companions who are best at dealing with trouble."


The two looked at each other in tacit understanding - even though neither of them spoke, the same name already appeared in their minds.

"So you really want to help that fool meet the king?"

"Of course! I have already collected the money. When have you seen me not doing anything after receiving the money?" Karin Jacques glared at the tavern owner with some complaints:

"I will do my best to persuade Viscount Bogner to propose to receive an envoy from Carindia at the Privy Council meeting to negotiate the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and let him meet His Majesty Carlos II - —at the beginning of August."

"Of course, that's only if there is such a country at that time!"

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