I will be crowned king

Chapter 337 “Crazy” Plan

"Long live the Empire——!!!"

Amidst the loud shouts, eight column squares with a total of more than a thousand line infantry, and two full infantry regiments rushed from behind Renault along the direction in which the Hantu Army had just arrived.

Almost at the same time, the three infantry regiments he had just defeated seemed to have stopped running away blindly. A certain knight officer seemed to be desperately gathering them up to form a new line of defense.

The main force of the Hantu Army, which had just defeated the barricade defense line and paved the way with human lives, had grown from three thousand at the beginning to less than a thousand, and everyone was injured, and their energy and physical exertion had reached their limit.

In an instant, the originally powerful Hantu Army turned into a lonely boat in the heavy rain, surrounded by groups in the center of Carindia Port, and was in a dilemma.

To be honest, although the empire is always called "the cavalry is first-rate, the artillery is first-rate, and the infantry is third-rate", it gives many small countries in the outside world a kind of "the empire's infantry has poor combat effectiveness, so just find a way to restrain their cavalry and artillery." illusion.

But the fact is that this stereotype of "the empire does not value infantry" was slowly formed after the rise of the Kingdom of Clovis - compared with other small countries in the world of order, the empire can easily defeat any one of them. Hit them!

Give different orders to different troops at the same time, and eventually let them attack the enemy at the same location; after the line collapses, the soldiers can be regrouped, and even take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack... With this level of organization, the entire Order World only has the Empire and Clovis Can get it.

If he had broken through the barricade a little slower, he would have faced not just these two infantry regiments, but he would have been attacked by front and rear firepower and beaten to a pulp by lead bullets... Renaud thought mockingly to himself.

Looking at the enemy that was approaching, Renault suddenly found that he didn't feel any panic, not even a little nervous, and felt very calm inside...

Well, I'm still a little excited.

The excitement of seeing food...prey.

Swallowing hard, Renault was curious and felt the blood boiling in his body. It was obviously so hot that it was about to burn, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

Is this the power of the "Wild Hunt Knight" bloodline?

The blood of the Wharton family flows in his body. Renault knows this. In the history of the Emmanuel family, there have been talented people who inherited the blood power of the "Knight of the Wild Hunt", but the number is too small. And he could basically ignore me to the extent that he never expected to become a talented person.

This power allows him to use his emotions to influence the minds of the people around him, and even control their will to a certain extent, making them manic, cowardly, brave, timid... very direct, and very violent.

He can turn his soldiers into fanatics and fearless of death, turn his enemies into cowards who collapse at the first touch, and even make the imperial knight who calls himself "Luthor Igor" so scared of him that he doesn't dare to run away and kneels down to beg for mercy. .

Of course, the price is also very violent...the more extreme the emotion, the faster it will devour one's own reason.

To describe it intuitively, it is probably equivalent to a seesaw whose length can be adjusted at will. Of course, it can move heavy things with very little force.

But as long as you fail to grasp the balance a little, extreme emotions can also come back to bite you.

Just like now...Leno suddenly felt that he was extremely hungry, so much so that it seemed like a claw was stretching from his stomach to his throat.

And this hunger cannot be filled with bacon and bread.

Want something more, more fresh, fresh...

"Array up!"

Suppressing the desire in his heart, Lenault held the military flag high and roared in a hoarse voice: "Get ready to attack!"

Under the influence of the power of Renault's blood, the remaining Hantu soldiers did not raise any objections to the order, and used the fastest speed to control the barricade abandoned by the enemy, and took over the three six-pound infantry that had been thrown down by the defeated troops. gun plus remaining shells.

After doing some inventory, I found that there were still ten rounds of shrapnel, thirty rounds of solid bullets, plus about half a box of broken lead bullets that could be used as shotshells.

Barely enough... Lenore relaxed a little, but did not relax his vigilance.

After realizing that the barricade had fallen, the flood of Imperial line soldiers shifted from horizontal formation to offensive and breakthrough column with an efficiency beyond the imagination of the Hantu people, and at the same time significantly accelerated their speed of action.

Holding the military flag tightly in his hand, Leno's eyes were crimson and his thoughts were spinning rapidly at this moment, desperately thinking of ways to break out of the encirclement.

He is not the type to act impulsively. After realizing that the initial battle was completely bankrupt, Lenore had given up his plan to capture the port of Carindia in World War I; but he did not want to give up, let alone surrender to the empire. , or be driven out and killed.

If he learned anything from his time as Anson Bach's "hostage", it was to squeeze profits to the limit with only a little capital on hand.

The compromise in the Battle of Green Shade Valley, the Mist civil war to support the new Grand Duke, and after the empire's invasion, they did everything possible to support Claude Francois's coronation as king... this is all true.

And now...when it is no longer possible to defeat the imperial advance army, what else can I do?

Renault, who already had the answer in his mind, slowly raised his head and looked at the Lighthouse Palace in the distance, which was obscured by layers of rain.

It is the second largest building in Carindia Port, the seat of the Carindia Parliament, and the center of the noble district.

He wants to capture the Lighthouse Palace and then ally with Carindia!

Turn the Carindia nobles who have been on both sides of the gang, who have repeatedly stood on the wall, betrayed and defected to Aiden many times, into his allies!

Even from the current situation in Carindia City, it is not difficult to see that these wallflowers are probably really suppressed miserably by their savior empire; as long as they can capture the Lighthouse Palace, they can even kill or capture alive the commander-in-chief of the advance army. Commanding, the superficial loyalty of these scumbags will naturally win.

What's more, I have a very good reason - Hantu has established a country, and the port of Carindia is the fiefdom of the Emmanuel family. Naturally, the nobles of Carindia have become vassals of the Emmanuel family. .

Crazy? It seems quite crazy, but it seems to be the best option other than being immediately killed by the imperial advance army; not to mention that with the troops he currently has on hand, even if he can capture the port, it will be useless.

If we capture the Lighthouse Palace, there may be a turning point!

This may not be able to defeat the Imperial advance army immediately, but it can create chaos, and chaos... is the best opportunity.

The corners of Renault's mouth couldn't help but rise.

Of course, the premise of all this is to defeat the pursuing troops of the Imperial Advance Army... If you don't cut off these "tails", you will be bitten to death by them sooner or later.

"The artillery is in position and the shrapnel is loaded - give back to them the 'surprise' that the imperial scum gave us just now, twice as much!"

The move is over and normal updates will resume tomorrow

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