I will be crowned king

Chapter 338 Stupid “Son”

At four o'clock in the morning, at Carindia Port, heavy rain and war still enveloped this port city that was almost in ruins.

The Battle of Carindia Port, initiated by Lenore's first assault, had lasted almost a whole day.

Relying on the cover of the weather, familiarity with the terrain and a little bit of luck, the Hantu Army gained a great advantage at the beginning of the war. Not only did they conquer the heavily guarded North Gate, they even completed a breakthrough on all the surrounding positions and forts. And rely on the superiority of troops to divide and surround it.

On the central battlefield, Renault, who personally led the 3,000-strong main force, successfully completed the penetration. He continuously broke through the barricades, pursuing troops and besieged enemy troops on the main road in the city, advancing one-third of Carindia in just thirty minutes. Hong Kong is unstoppable.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Hantu Legion who broke into the city continued to disperse, wreaking havoc on the imperial strongholds and warehouses in the city. The resulting urban riot spread rapidly like a torrent of lava, destroying the control of the imperial advance army over the city.

But their luck ended there.

After experiencing the initial surprise and panic, the well-trained Imperial advance army relied on high morale and an organization level that far exceeded that of the Hantu Army. It withstood the strong attack and maintained its balance, and began to quickly mobilize troops to turn the tide of the war. .

When the entire Hantu Army was still immersed in the joy of the impending victory, Lawrence Igor, the commander-in-chief of the advance army of three infantry regiments, personally recaptured the captured North City Gate; and used it as a stronghold to cooperate with the position on the The defenders, who were still resisting bravely, quickly launched a pincer attack on the Hantu Army.

In less than an hour, the battle situation was completely reversed again.

The 10,000-strong Hantu Army lacked the heavy weapons to effectively attack the city fortress. Facing the onslaught from the highly qualified Imperial line soldiers behind them, the armies on both wings completely collapsed in just thirty minutes.

Some Hantu officers also tried to stabilize the front, forcibly broke through, and even once invaded the forts and positions. However, in the face of the Imperial Line soldiers who were able to continuously concentrate their superior forces for encirclement and suppression and rely on their positions to form cross firepower, except for a few who successfully broke into the city, The rest are still destined to be continuously annihilated in the rout.

As for the main force of the legion on the central battlefield, although they broke through the strongest square defense line and penetrated half of Carindia Port, the troops with heavy casualties were no longer able to support Renault to complete the original plan; more than a thousand remaining soldiers were defeated and turned around. After defeating the pursuers, he quickly disappeared into the rain.

So far, the Imperial advance army has basically won the battle of Carindia Port, almost completely defeating the Hantu Army that surrounded him; what remains are only the rioting mobs in the city and the pitifully few enemies in the outer strongholds.

Lawrence even sent an infantry regiment to launch a surprise attack on Green Shade Valley. The only three remaining infantry companies in the city resisted almost desperately, relying on the city wall and heavy rain to barely repulse the enemy's tentative offensive.

This small "frustration" did not ruin Lawrence's good mood at all. He had even begun to plan that if the "Clovis mercenaries" did not appear again, he would directly lead the advance army northward and besiege Iron Bell Castle.

But at this moment, the battle that originally seemed to be coming to an end took a new turn - the "fleeing" Lenore Emmanuel and his remaining defeated generals appeared again.

Not only did they show up, but they also took advantage of the gap where the advance army's troops concentrated on the city wall, captured the Lighthouse Palace, and took away the advance army's headquarters!

Not only did they capture the Lighthouse Palace, they also set off riots in most of the aristocratic district, destroying three advance army logistics warehouses one after another!

With the fall of the headquarters and the commanding heights of the entire Carindia Port, the Imperial advance troops scattered throughout most of the city once again fell into chaos, and riots of various sizes began to spread rapidly throughout the entire Carindia Port like fire.

The imperial soldiers in the city were shocked to find that they not only lost their headquarters, but also their logistics.

As the commanding heights of the city, the Lighthouse Palace itself is a fortress; Renault also found a large amount of ammunition stored by the advance army from the palace, coupled with the logistics warehouse captured by the riots in the noble district, more than a thousand "defeated soldiers" suddenly became , became a sharp knife inserted into the enemy's heart!

The newly victorious Imperial Advance Army was in a dilemma... They defeated Renault's Hantu Army, but as a result, they lost nearly half of their logistics reserves and headquarters, as well as control of the Carindia Port.

Based on the current situation, the most beneficial option for them is to retreat to the port and wait for the support of the Imperial Hantu Fleet, but this is tantamount to handing over the entire Carindia Port to their defeated generals.

But if they don't do this, they must suppress the intensifying riots in the city while staring at the Beacon Palace, which has more than a thousand defenders surrounded by bullets and bullets, has sufficient ammunition and has an absolute terrain advantage... Any commander who still has some sense, We all know how much casualties this will cost.

And if the "suppression" continues over and over again, there will probably not be a few people left alive in Carindia Port after the war.

Lawrence Igor didn't care about the life and death of the Carinthians, or in other words, he actually wished that these wallflowers were dead.

So he chose a more "sure" method: gradually advance inward along the city walls and peripheral positions to suppress the intensifying riot, and finally completely surrounded and isolated Lenore Emmanuel, who was defending the Lighthouse Palace.

In the heavy rain, at the Port of Carindia, the balance that was originally at one end became unstable again.

"So what do we do next?"

Looking at the Carindia Port in the distance, Cavalry Lieutenant Jason turned to look at the deputy commander of the legion with a gloomy expression and his brows almost squeezed together: "The Hantu legion opposite seems to be about to be defeated. We need to support him as soon as possible. Them?"

"Support? I need to support you... not now anyway!"

Anson rolled his eyes: "If we can support it, of course we must support it, but what is the situation now? The main force of the 10,000 Hantu Army has completely collapsed. All the enemy's peripheral positions and forts are intact, and the artillery fire is enough to cover the entire battlefield! "

"What about us..." Anson turned to look behind him: "Nearly 20,000 reinforcements marched forcefully for a day and a night. Their physical strength was almost exhausted and their organization was almost non-existent. It took three hours from the time of assembly to now to gather together 3,000 or 4,000. People, the remaining large troops and heavy firepower have almost dispersed all the way, what kind of support do I need?!"

"Uh...Deputy Commander, I think you should calm down first."

"I can't calm down!"

"Ah..." The cavalry lieutenant shrank when he was yelled at.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but he found that without Chief of Staff Carl Bain, the deputy commander suddenly became much more irritable.

Anson's mentality collapsed.

In his original guess, the worst-case scenario was that Renault's attack failed, the Hantu Army was defeated across the board, and even the Green Shade Valley was lost - at least the army was still intact, even if it was just the Storm Division itself, It would not be a big problem to regain the Green Valley and re-form the siege of Carindia Port.

But he never expected that the situation was worse than he imagined - the Hantu Army broke through the outer defense line, but was pushed back. The army of 10,000 people was killed and defeated, and there were also thousands of core main forces. Trapped in the city and surrounded by enemies.

What should I do on my own? !

It was impossible not to rescue. After all, he had to rely on Hantu's legion to defeat the empire's expeditionary force. But if he wanted to rescue... With the thousands of people at hand, how could he tear apart the heavily guarded forts and defense lines? !

The best way at the moment seems to be to wait for the artillery being dragged behind to arrive as soon as possible, open a breach at a weakly defended location on the periphery of Carindia, seize the north city gate and the entire peripheral defense line, and then wait for an opportunity. Is there any chance to cooperate with the Hantu Legion in the city to have a "central flowering"? If you are lucky, maybe...

"Deputy Commander!"

The voice of the cavalry lieutenant interrupted Anson's deep thoughts, with a hint of disbelief in his voice: "Look, the Imperial garrison at Carindia Port... they are... they seem to be retreating!"

What, retreat? !

With a look of confusion, Anson suddenly raised his head, took the monocular from the hands of the cavalry lieutenant, and looked towards the city wall.


The expressionless Lawrence Igor stood motionless, staring at the rain-soaked and extremely cold bones on the stretcher with his bloodshot eyes.

Imperial Knight, Advance Army Staff Officer, Preparatory Military Attaché, and Heir of the Igor Family... Luther Igor.

His eldest son, his only son.


There is still a gap in his chest that was pierced by a saber. The blood almost dyed his blue-and-white military uniform dark red. In addition, he has been soaked in the rain for who knows how long... Even a person with the talent to restore bloodline will not be able to deal with a body. Nothing can be done with the lifeless body.

The cold rain made the body stiffen faster than normal temperature. The dead Luther Igor stared at his empty eyes, and the panic and fear of the last moment of his life were solidified on his blue cheeks. His past emotions were completely gone. Courteous, and proud of being the heir to the Igor family.

When he received the news that the square's defense line had been breached, he quickly received information that the defeated troops had been quickly reorganized, so that Lawrence once thought that Luther was safe and sound, and he even planned to use this war to teach this former high-minded man a lesson. Yu Ding, the son who is always in a hurry when doing things.

Now...he would never get that chance.

Lawrence stood in the rain for more than ten minutes. The officers and staff around him were speechless, with their heads lowered and not even daring to make a sound, quietly waiting for the commander-in-chief to slowly recover from the great grief. .

After a long time, the expressionless Lawrence slowly raised his head and glanced at his knights with eyes that showed no trace of sadness or joy:

"Has the Lighthouse Palace been taken down?"

No one answered.

The knights who looked at each other saw the same frightened expressions on each other. They held their breath tightly, not daring to make the slightest sound, and even wished they could disappear from here.

So the expressionless commander-in-chief of the advance army could only look at his officers, and repeated in his extremely calm but slightly old and hoarse voice:

"I'm asking you if the Lighthouse Palace has been captured...answer me."

"Not yet!"

A knight plucked up the courage and took the initiative to stand out from the crowd and knelt down on one knee in front of Luther Igor's body: "Currently, our army is cleaning up rioting soldiers and rioters block by block along the city's main road. Thugs, for now..."

"how much longer?"


The knight who was asked was stunned for a second. He was not the staff officer responsible for the battle; but when he looked up and saw Lawrence's dark pupils, his whole body immediately trembled:

"Three, no! Two days! Within two days, all the thugs can be wiped out within two days, and then...

"I'm asking you...how long...!"

The expressionless Lawrence seemed to have aged twenty years suddenly, and every word required all his strength:

"How long will it take... to start... the general attack on the Lighthouse Palace?!"


The knight opened his mouth wide, and he looked sideways and looked behind him with his peripheral vision, but the knights around him also had the same frightened expressions as him, and they did not even dare to make any sign to him with their eyes.

"If it's possible... I think it's best... three..."


Lawrence raised his hand and took out his gun. The lead bullet, which was hot from the gun flame, flew off the knight's cheek, leaving a bloody mark on his face.

The knights around him lowered their heads, and no one even dared to look up at him.

The knight with his face covered in blood was still kneeling on the spot, his hands and knees shaking uncontrollably.

"Organize the army immediately, devote all the troops of the advance army, and attack the Lighthouse Palace with all your strength. We must annihilate the main force of the Hantu Army in the shortest possible time." Lawrence looked blankly at the knight with blood on his face, holding his shoulders:

"I give you all the authority. From now on...you will replace me as the on-site commander. Take down the Lighthouse Palace for me and take down the heads of those bastards. Do you understand?"

"Lord Lawrence!" The knight couldn't help but make one last attempt:

"Otherwise, we should wait until the riots in the city are completely suppressed before besieging the Lighthouse Palace! I promise you, at most two... no! At most one day, as long as you give me one day, I can..."

"Why can't you understand?! Why can't you learn!"

Lawrence suddenly became furious, stared at the knight and shouted: "The reason why those bastards in the city dared to riot is because they could see that the Lighthouse Palace was captured. They thought that we had been defeated and that the Hantu people had taken back the Card. Lindia Port—that’s the whole reason why they dare to resist us and provoke the empire!”

"As long as we conquer the Lighthouse Palace, raise the fleur-de-lis on the top of the palace again, and hang the heads of those bastards on the city wall for public display, the entire Carindia Port... no, the entire Carindia, the entire land will understand, What a heavy price to pay for humiliating the empire!"

"Do you understand, Luther...my stupid son!"

Lawrence snarled, patting the knight on the shoulder.

Why would I want to move to the sixth floor on the second day of exhaustion?

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