After sending away Karin Jacques, the loyal "worker", Sophia Franz's battle has just begun.

The next day, dozens of small newspapers in Clovis City, who had received the big news, also learned from a "special channel" that the "Morning News" and "Kingdom Loyal News" had actually obtained the news a long time ago. Because I planned to keep the lid closed and did not want the news of the defeat of Clovis's army to spread, I planned to delay posting for three or four days.

Regarding this information, everyone in the newspapers basically believed it, mainly because the "Kingdom Loyal News" had been doing this for more than a day or two.

Because the employer behind this is the Army, it is not easy to find negative news about the Army in the "Kingdom Loyal News".

For all military news, their usual approach is to describe a tragic defeat as a setback, a tie as a small victory, and a small victory as a big victory...

To retreat and then to advance is to move from one victory to another; to annihilate the entire army is to rush from darkness to light, and to advance towards hope in despair.

At the same time, a little maid in disguise was riding a carriage back and forth around various newspaper offices, spreading news non-stop. She was so tired that she wanted to cry. While crying, she imagined the dress and dance that the "cute" little master had promised her. shoe.

The time left for these street tabloids is only three days.

If this news cannot shock the entire Clovis City within three days and become a well-known headline, the final result will be nothing more than a replica of the last "Eagle Point City Battle Chronicle" incident.

No matter how early the news is released, the influence, coverage and authority of these street tabloids can still not be compared to the real big newspapers.

The only way to completely break the monopoly of big newspapers on news and public opinion is to arouse as many people as possible to participate in discussions on this matter.

Use the fastest speed to leave a deep enough impression in the collective memory, forcing major newspapers to be unable to discuss it from other angles and can only "follow the trend" in reporting.

In terms of news, if a newspaper cannot be the first to report it, and can only follow up with something that follows the trend, then as long as enough people know the news, no one will want to read it anymore.

Time was running out. In order not to repeat the "mistake" of the last time, Clovis tabloids burst out with great enthusiasm and mobilized all reporters and members plus temporary workers to participate in this "conference" that may affect the future of the entire Clovis city media industry. war"!

Internally, they adopted Sophia Franz's "suggestion" that each newspaper divide its boundaries according to its main "coverage" and focus on its own audience to avoid internal friction.

Externally, they adopted a brand new way of delivering news.

Due to urban infrastructure and purchasing power, the news dissemination method in Clovis City is basically "inside-out" - the richest neighborhoods are the first to see the day's news, followed by coverage of the entire inner city, and finally It was the turn of the outer city and further peripheral areas.

This time, they plan to do the opposite.

Concentrate all your efforts on releasing news to the outer city first, then to the junction of inner and outer cities, then to the inner city, and finally to the richest neighborhoods.

In Sophia's view, this has at least two benefits.

First of all, avoid an immediate conflict with the big newspaper and at the same time paralyze the enemy.

Whether "Morning News" or "Kingdom Loyal News", serving the public is a secondary function; letting the palace and the Privy Council understand the general situation of the previous day is their core business.

Secondly, the population of the outer city is at least four times that of the inner city; this means that once something is first known to people in the outer city, it is almost impossible to reverse public opinion or change the direction of the trend.

No one did this in the past because the infrastructure in outer cities was too poor and people lacked purchasing power and desire to read newspapers; after all, people who are hungry and precarious will not have much interest in things thousands of miles away.

But now things have changed.

The Clovis riots at the beginning of the year destroyed a large amount of infrastructure in the inner city; when the riots were over, both the royal family and the Privy Council began construction in the outer city.

An increase and a decrease will slightly "smooth" part of the gap between the two sides.

Of course, with the population of the outer city being four times that of the inner city, it is certainly not enough to expect this small improvement in efficiency; even if all the tabloid manpower is counted, throwing thousands of reporters into it will only result in nothing... We must concentrate our efforts and blast at targeted locations.

Taverns, coffee shops, labor unions, welfare homes, relief shelters... in short, any place where people can gather is their target.

For the tabloid journalists who were mixed up in society, and for Sophia Franz, who had been carrying out charity fundraising activities in the outer city for several months and established numerous funds, it was not difficult at all to agitate these places.

Even considering that most "readers" are likely to be illiterate, in addition to adding illustrations to newspapers, newspapers also hire a large number of people to read newspapers in public in these places.

What, the guy hired to read the newspaper can't read either?

It doesn't matter... as long as you invite him to the pub for a drink, a full meal, and give him a handful of coins, he will memorize the newspaper from cover to cover with the greatest enthusiasm, remembering where his home is. The meaning of each word.

After spending a whole day laying out the details, the next day, various newspapers published the "first-hand information" learned from Miss Sophia. The huge bold headline directly occupied one-third of the front page.

"The Hantu Army has been completely wiped out, and Eagle Point City is about to fall!" - "Clovis Truth Report".

"The southern front is in danger, will the Yser Elf War end disastrously?!" - "The Honest Man"

"The imperial army is approaching the city, who can save Hantu?!" - "White Lake News"

...After a few months, Anson Bach, who was almost "passed", finally became popular again; in one day and one night, the whole Clovis City knew the "news" that Hantu was about to be finished.

However, this time his image was slightly different from the previous "Conqueror of Eagle Point City", turning into an unlucky guy who was about to be crushed to pieces by the imperial army.

Of course, this is not a problem. After all, black and red are also red, not to mention the poor sales.

In order to completely break the monopoly of major newspapers, this time all newspapers have truly "stepped in step" - the same front page, the same content, but with completely different reporting angles according to the tastes and preferences of each reader.

Especially for street newspapers in inner cities like "White Lake News", their audience is the middle and upper class who have a little spare money. The readership is highly overlapped with that of big newspapers, and they shoulder the most important "sniper" task.

On the one hand, this avoids internal strife, and also makes it impossible for major newspapers that did not take action in time to start; they either pretend to be deaf and dumb, or they can only say the same content as the tabloids.

Without thinking or thinking, the "Morning News" and "Kingdom Loyal News", which did not expect that they would be "sniped", miscalculated unsurprisingly.

Just as the news that Hantu was about to end was spreading throughout the city of Clovis, some particularly sharp-eyed readers were "surprised" to find that the description of Hantu in these two newspapers turned out to be "Everything goes well, great things happen." The Clovis army is running steadily toward victory."

There was no mention of the news that the Hantu Army was defeated and the entire army was annihilated!

So under the instigation of some "well-informed people" and the reports fueled by major newspapers, boycotts against the "fake news" of major newspapers became rampant.

In major pubs, coffee shops, welfare homes and relief homes... in various gathering places, reporters from major newspapers and their hired "newspaper readers" turned into speakers and spread all kinds of "untrue facts" about major newspapers. Report", especially the part about the Guards.

Well, the Guards are finished anyway, bullying the dead is less risky than bullying the living.

"Kingdom Loyalty News once praised the Guards for their integrity and efficiency, and that they are an important force that truly safeguards the security of the capital..."

"Kingdom Loyalty has supported the Guards' violent law enforcement, saying that 'violence' is a necessary part of public security activities..."

"The "Kingdom Loyal News" has an editor stationed at the Guards headquarters. Under the supervision of the Guards, the report is revised word by word..."

""Kingdom Loyal News"..."

Faced with the intense public sentiment in Clovis and the flying rumors, the "Kingdom Loyal" newspaper representing the army and the "Morning News" representing the church expressed their emotional stability.

They knew that they were being plotted, and they knew very well who did it; in the entire Kingdom of Clovis, there were only a few people with this level of financial resources and execution capabilities.

Because of this, they didn't want to pay attention to the "nonsense" behavior of the eldest lady of the Franz family - because they didn't need to.

Although the detailed battle report has not yet been sent back, the news that the Storm Division defeated the Imperial Expeditionary Force and facilitated armistice negotiations has long been placed on their desk.

The reason why it was not reported was that besides not wanting to create publicity for Miss Franz’s investment, I also couldn’t find a good angle to turn it into a credit to Major General Ludwig or the entire army.

More importantly, when there was no progress on the Western Front battlefield, an army colonel from the levy regiment defeated 20,000 to 30,000 Imperial Expeditionary Forces in Hantu...

If this kind of news were reported, many people would be offended.

But now there is obviously no such problem - since those tabloids are so loudly promoting the annihilation of Hantu's army, as long as they publish the news of victory in time, they can not only restore the reputation of the newspaper, but also boost morale... without mentioning the army number. , and all the credit goes to the Army.

Turning defeat into victory, turning the tide... sounds so good.

So the next day, the two major newspapers published news as usual, as if nothing had happened, and published the news that the Hantu War was over.

In addition to the usual boasts about the greatness of the Kingdom of Clovis, the wisdom of His Majesty Carlos II, and the excellent leadership of the army, he also satirized the fake news and false reports of some "unscrupulous newspapers" and said that he would report them all. Go to court and put an end to this garbage that is poisoning the public.

Sophia had been waiting for this moment.

The day after the two major newspapers released the news, the "unscrupulous newspapers" once again repeated the previous round of "blanket news dissemination" from the outside in, and made extremely detailed reports on the Storm Division's efforts to turn the tide.

In the final analysis, neither "Kingdom Loyalist" nor "Morning News" understood from the beginning that their opponents' "home field" was not the stereotypical upper-middle class in the inner city at all; it was the poor people in the soup kitchen, the publican owner and his family. The regular customers are the clerks who come in and out of the coffee shop...

Whether the stereotype is really too serious or the consequences of rigid and rigid management, the final result is that their counterattack is not only ineffective, but also creates residual heat for the "street tabloids".

When the "detailed reports" from major newspapers came out, it once again caused a sensation in the whole city of Clovis.

In order not to offend anyone, the "Kingdom Loyal News" and "Morning News" both mentioned this victory in one stroke, and did not mention the specific battle report and unit number.

The unscrupulous tabloids not only directly stated that this unit was the Storm Division, but also quoted various battle records in Sophia's hands - Anson and Leon's diaries - including Anson's speech to the Storm Division when they set off.

The content in it about the empire's oppression of the Clovis people and the suppression of the Clovis Kingdom made many people "suddenly realize" in an instant, and they felt like being enlightened.

Why is my life so hard, because of the Empire!

Why is my business so difficult to do? Because of the empire!

Why are prices skyrocketing, wages low, communities unrest, bad news constant, and law and order terrible...because of the Empire!

All because of the empire! Yes, it's all her fault!

All the inequality, all the suffering of Clovis, all the suffering of Clovis's all her!

Only by defeating the Empire, the Clovis Kingdom, all Clovis people and even all Clovis friends... will have a bright future!

In just one day and one night, it was named the "Fleet Speech" by "Clovis Truth" and spread throughout the city of Clovis.

From this moment on, the people of Clovis finally remembered the name "Anson Bach" and remembered that there was an army that was feared by its enemies (this is controversial) and called the "Grey Shirts" .

So far, Sophia Franz's purpose of "building momentum" for the Stormtroopers and Anson Bach has been completely achieved; no matter how hard the "Morning News" and "Kingdom Loyal News" try to cover up, they can never cover up this military exploit.

But she didn't know why she won so easily, and her thoughts began to change a little - the eldest lady of the Franz family was no longer satisfied with such a simple thing as just "building momentum".

She wanted to have a newspaper of her own that could compete with the two major newspapers.

The key to everything lies in the final result of the subsequent battle at the Royal Court of Yser.

"So I leave everything to you."

In front of the desk, holding a coffee cup, Sophia looked out the window and murmured to herself in ecstasy:

"Your loyal Lord Anson Bach, please give me another surprise..."

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