I will be crowned king

Chapter 388 The Great Turn on the Western Front

Hantu Kingdom, west of Dengding Tower, Black Rock Village.

“What, you’re leaving—now?!”

The spacious tent echoed with little Leon's excited shouts, and even the kerosene lamp above his head seemed to be shaking in fright.

Lenore Francois on the side was a little calmer, but his dull face was also full of shock.

Finally defeated the Imperial Expeditionary Force, forcing the other side to sign a series of armistice agreements that were obviously beneficial to Hantu and the Kingdom of Clovis, and captured a large number of senior Imperial officers as hostages, including but not limited to a member of the Imperial royal family - Corpse It counts.

When it was finally time to sit down and "reward according to merit," the Clovis people...they actually wanted to leave?

And immediately!

To be honest, Renault felt that using "shocked" to describe his current mood was a little pale.

When he and Leon were called over at the beginning, he thought that the other party was planning to speak loudly, but he was too embarrassed to say it directly and planned to negotiate privately through himself and Leon as intermediaries.

If this is the case, then he can understand it. After all, the Storm Master's effort in this battle was very great. It is not an exaggeration to call it "decisive". It is natural for him to want to get more pieces of the cake.

But now that the other party said they were leaving, Lenore couldn't understand it at all.

"Did something happen again on the Yser Elf battlefield on the eastern front?!"

Before Fabian could open his mouth to explain, little Leon on the side couldn't wait to say: "If it's because of this, Hantu still has an army of 60,000, and reinforcements can be made at any time!"


Looking at the emotional little Leon and the weird-looking Renault, the slightly embarrassed former Guards officer forced a smile and felt sorry for Major General Ludwig for a second in his heart.

Alas, he is such a reliable person, why is it that everyone’s first reaction when hearing the news about him is like this...


"I think there may be some misunderstandings between us." Fabian explained with a smile:

"It's not because of what happened, but the instructions from the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Clovis, ordering the Storm Division to withdraw from Hantu as soon as possible and join up with the Southern Army."

As for the turmoil of the Old Gods in the Elf Kingdom of Iser, the usurpation of power by the Thirteen Council, and the letter from Archbishop Luther... Strictly speaking, this matter is actually still confidential.

"According to the army's order, the Storm Division must join the Southern Army before October 25th; according to this time, it must arrive at White Tower City within fourteen days...so it must set off immediately."

"Oh...that's right."

The two suddenly realized, but at the same time a new problem arose.

"What can we do to reach White Tower City within fourteen days?" Little Leon frowned, clasping his fingers and glancing at the map on the table out of the corner of his eye.

He has had personal experience - even if he is marching along the road in a hurry, carrying only the minimum weapons and supplies, if he wants to cross the entire vast land in ten days... the cavalry is probably possible, but the infantry is simply impossible.

Even if it is really done, the Storm Division that arrived at White Tower City fourteen days later will definitely have lost all its organizational points; an exhausted, hungry infantry division that may even have been decimated and fallen behind, how much combat effectiveness will it still have even if it is successfully reunited? ?

"That's why I specially invited you here." A smile appeared on Fabian's face, he put his elbows on the table, crossed his fingers, and leaned forward slightly:

"Concerning this, the deputy commander himself has a very perfect plan, and this plan needs a little help from you two..."


How to move five thousand soldiers from one location to another within a predetermined time limit is a rather complex science.

It involves multiple disciplines such as military, geography, overall planning, organization, management, etc. It requires an efficient team that works together, a plan that can set goals and all execution steps in advance to determine whether it will succeed or fail in the end.

As a devout believer in science, Anson thought his plan was perfect.

To summarize, the plan is divided into three steps:

The first step is to gather everyone;

The second step is to set off;

The third step is to arrive at Baita City within fourteen days.


Of course, such a concise and precise plan naturally requires strong execution ability; especially the third step, a lot of preliminary preparations are required to ensure that the plan can be executed without distortion.

The first thing is about the army's baggage. Because of some "unnecessary preparations" made by Secretary Alan Dawn, a complete set of infantry division equipment is now stored in White Tower City, which can be fully armed on the spot.

For this reason, the humble clerk did a deep self-reflection and repented deeply and submitted a letter of apology, saying that he would never make such a clever move again.

Anson readily accepted his self-criticism and said that he should continue to work hard, continue to use this excellent subjective initiative, and make up for his mistakes in the next work.

After getting rid of the excess baggage, the next question is how to get five thousand "people" to reach Baita City within two weeks.

In fact, fourteen days is indeed a bit too soon. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, and to follow up the attack on the Elf Kingdom of Yser, and to surround the royal court before October 25th, Anson's reservation period for the Storm Master is...ten days .

If you want to be faster than Ludwig and maintain sufficient combat power to deal with various emergencies, it means that the march speed from White Tower City cannot be too fast. While avoiding a decline in combat power, you must constantly replenish your weapons, especially It is a necessary heavy artillery for siege.

Since you have to slow down in the second half of the journey, you have to speed up in the first half.

If you want to speed up the march, the best way is of course to march along the road; as we all know, the smoother the road, the faster and more efficient the march will be.

Of course, just doing this is not enough; even if you don't need to carry any extra luggage, marching on foot empty-handed, it will take more than twenty days at the fastest from the Summit Tower to White Tower City.

This does not take into account the problem of supplies; if you include baggage trucks and each soldier is asked to carry more than three days of rations, the speed will only be slower.

And even if we can make it there, the physical exertion caused by twenty days of marching on foot is still not small; considering that the officers and soldiers of the Storm Division have already earned a lot of money in Hantu, the pure performance reward is already very large. It is difficult to stimulate their subjective initiative.


"Therefore, we must change our thinking." Looking at Karl sitting opposite him, the corner of Anson's mouth followed the index finger wandering on the map, raising the left corner at 45 degrees:

"Not only must we use Hantu's roads, but we must also utilize the entire supply line."

"Supply line, how can we benefit from that...?!"

Seeing Anson's proud smile, Carl Bain was stunned for a moment, then guessed something, and raised his right hand tremblingly: "You, you, you... you can't be..."

"He is indeed my best lieutenant, and we want to get together again!"

Anson smiled happily and snapped his fingers "Pa!"

As we all know, among the most powerful principalities of Hantu, Ayden is the poorest and has the worst infrastructure. The terrain here is complex and the grain output is extremely low. It is impossible to support all the supplies of Hantu's nearly 100,000 troops.

Therefore, the logistics of the Hantu Army and even the Storm Division are maintained by the supply line established by the Hantu Supreme Staff, Secretary Alan Dawn.

In order to raise this supply line, the little clerk, who had full authorization from Claude François, raised the entire Thun Company and all Mist's pack animals, as well as everything he could find with a flat plate and at least two wheels. s things.

These baggage carriages are like the carriages of steam trains, marching neatly and synchronously on the road; every day, a large number of baggage carriages are delivered to the military camp of the Hantu Army, and then either filled with loot, or transported the wounded and prisoners, or empty Car return.

The endless flow of carriages, alternating back and forth, converged into the lifeline of the 100,000 people in the Hantu Army.

What Anson has to do now is to turn the carriage originally responsible for transporting supplies into a "troop carrier" for the Storm Division.

"This...isn't this okay?"

Carl Bain's face was full of shock: "This is the supply line for tens of thousands of Hantu Legions. How do you make Claude Francois agree?"

"It's very simple - all the weapons dropped by the Storm Division will be given to them, and I won't take any ransom from the first batch of prisoners returned." Anson shrugged:

"Besides, what I want is a baggage train, not supplies; at most, the logistics of the 60,000 Hantu Army may be a little tight before leaving Ayden."

A little bit... Karl felt his cheeks begin to twitch unconsciously, and he rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Even if Hantu really agrees, how to solve the problem of transporting troops?" Karl couldn't help but ask: "That's a baggage train, not a carriage specifically for transporting soldiers - if there really is such a thing in this world - —How many carriages do you need to gather before we can set off?"

"This is the most perfect part of the whole plan - we don't have to wait at all, we can set off immediately!" Anson smiled even happier:

"The entire Storm Division immediately advanced on foot along the road. When they encountered a supply truck, they stopped it on the spot and let some soldiers get on the truck. The soldiers behind kept following up; in this way, the faster we advance, the faster the march will be - this It sounds like nonsense, but you know what I mean."

Because when the loyal little secretary dispatched the supply team, he strictly calculated the daily distance of each vehicle to ensure that each team could reach the destination at the appointed time.

This means that the faster the Storm Division advances, the earlier it can encounter the baggage trains behind it. After the soldiers get on the train, they can speed up the march, ultimately achieving an "animal-powered march" - which is similar to the legendary mechanized march. wonderful.

Based on the general calculation of three people per carriage, nearly two thousand carriages are needed to transport five thousand Stormtrooper soldiers; however, if five people are crammed into one vehicle, one thousand vehicles will be enough.

However, this number is still too large, which is not conducive to the efficiency of the army's "animal-driven" development. After verifying that the average ammunition truck is about two to three square meters, Anson believes that with a little squeeze, it is no problem to seat ten people in one vehicle.

Of course, such a crowded personnel carrier will definitely have some minor problems, such as causing the beast of burden to be too tired, resulting in a decrease in speed.

In this way, the bus is full of people, and half of them can get off at any time to replace these hard-working human companions. While watching the scenery, they can occasionally get out of the car and go for a run to stretch their bodies that have been stiff for a long time.

"What's even better is that this way we even save on logistical supplies, allowing the soldiers to truly march 'empty-handed'." Anson's expression became more and more excited:

"Alan Dawn told me that the baggage trains traveling from Iron Bell Castle to the Summit Tower now basically carry food - dry bread, cured meats, alcohol, salt... Only less than one tenth of the carriages It contains weapons and ammunition.”

"In this way, the soldiers in front only need to throw the supplies in the car to both sides of the road, and the people behind can get supplies while marching, without affecting the efficiency of the march. It couldn't be more perfect!"

"And our Storm Division only has 5,000 people, so the supplies we can take away are quite limited; this will also make it easier for the Hantu Legion to collect supplies on their return trip."

"So to a certain extent, I think this is actually a win-win situation, what do you think?" Anson looked at his chief of staff proudly.

"I think you've taken another step towards becoming a bastard." Carl Bain said very directly.

The more times he comes into contact with Anson, the more he has a new understanding of what a "highly flexible moral bottom line" is.

Although he is also essentially a bastard with a "flexible moral bottom line".

"I just don't understand one thing." Looking at the beaming Anson, Karl couldn't help but ask:

"Although this matter is not a bad thing, it definitely has nothing to do with the 'beautiful job' - so why are you so enthusiastic?"

"Because I am a devout believer in the Circle of Order."

Anson suddenly became serious and held his chest sincerely: "The faith in my heart does not allow me to watch all this happen; the church calls me to eradicate evil and eradicate evil, and I...have a duty!"

Karl simply rolled his eyes.

"Furthermore...it's because this is the order of Archbishop Luther; you know, our entire storm division is invested by the Franz family." Anson smiled frankly:

"It's impossible for me to disobey the order of my sponsor, right?"

The expressionless chief of staff suddenly noticed that the kerosene lamp above his head was unusually elegant, and he began to look at it with concentration.

"Of course, these are not the most important things." Anson smiled more frankly:

"What's more important is that Archbishop Luther Franz said in his letter that if everything goes well in the end, the Storm Division... is very likely to become a non-staff standing army from a levy corps."

"What?!" Karl was really shocked this time:

"standing army?!"

"And it is a non-staff standing army - this means that there is a high probability that we will not be sent to the front line, but to a large fortress, important city or port. We will serve as a garrison."

"And the place that is most short of manpower and needs the most reinforcements from the garrison is..."

"Clovis City?!"

"Exactly!" Anson spread his hands and said:

"So my dear Chief of Staff, do you understand the point of the matter? A wonderful and bright future is already waving to all of us!"

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