I will be crowned king

Chapter 395 Value

Amid Cole Dorian's hearty laughter, this unity meeting, this victory meeting ended in an extremely embarrassing atmosphere.

Of course, although this group of people has basically the same goal - or at least it seems so - they actually have their own agendas, and everyone has their own agenda:

The goal of the Truth Seeking Order is to eliminate the Thirteen Council before the Judgment Knights, to restore the face lost in the previous Black Mage and Clovis riots, and to avoid further escalation of the situation.

According to Serra Vigil, although the church's attitude this time was extremely tough, at least Archbishop Luther Franz himself did not approve of the situation escalating.

Although the church nominally does not interfere in secular affairs, since it is the largest bank in the entire world of order, it is of course impossible for it to really have no interference; coupled with the current war between Clovis and the empire, the relationship between the church and the rulers of various dioceses is very serious. Subtlety, and rashly disturbing the balance will cause unpredictable results.

Anson deeply agreed with this point and praised the two inquisitors for the archbishop's foresight and foresight. He would do his best to cooperate with their work unlimitedly within limited conditions.

Louis Bernard's reasons were revealed to Anson on his own initiative, and he insisted on saving Freya Moses Field from the clutches of the Thirteenth Council.

In addition, although he himself has repeatedly emphasized that he has no relationship with the elf princess and is just a knight's promise, Anson is still deeply suspicious.

Lieutenant Colonel Roman's reason was simpler. He was simply a representative of the Commander-in-Chief of the Legion, conveying the Commander-in-Chief's orders and messages to Anson Bach.

Obviously, Major General Ludwig Franz was deeply disgusted by his father's "complete ignorance of military affairs", so he only sent Roman and a cavalry battalion. By the way, he showed Anson that he had absolutely no "sincerity" in robbing him of his military exploits. ".

As for a certain novelist, he was simply dragged here by Lieutenant Colonel Roman - since he was leaving, how could he let this bastard stay with the general?

Anson again wholeheartedly agreed.

Mr. Karin Jacques, a former contraband and intelligence trafficker and current "battlefield reporter", is Sophia Franz's representative. His mission is to investigate the role of Stormtrooper and Anson Bach himself in this battle in detail from an absolutely objective perspective. Live coverage of key battles.

Anson conveyed his greetings to Miss Sophia and solemnly promised that everyone in the Storm Division would cooperate with the war reporter's work.

Afterwards, according to the transcript of the little clerk, it was written in black and white that His Excellency Karin Jacques was flattered to accept such a critical task and was so emotional that he could not restrain his happy tears throughout the process.

As for the Storm Division and Anson themselves, they are relatively simple and not as complicated as others. They just want to make money and then strive to join a full infantry division.

Such great missions as rescuing the innocent elf girl who was bewitched by the old god sect, restoring the faith of the Yisel elves, and changing the strategic dilemma of the Kingdom of Clovis should be left to others.

According to Anson's very "reasonable" idea, the Storm Division would conduct a feint attack and eight hours of artillery bombardment on the Royal Court to cover the Truth Seeking Order to complete its mission.

But it is a pity that although the judges of the Truth-Seeking Order have many good qualities, they do not include "reasoning" - Cole Dorian stated very simply that Anson Bach must participate in this operation.

This request was naturally opposed by everyone in the Storm Division. Little Leon even excitedly expressed his willingness to replace Anson, but was rejected by Cole Dorian unsurprisingly.


"I do not understand."

Under the dim kerosene lamp, Anson looked at Cole Dorian sitting opposite him with a slight frown, and said in a very confused tone: "What does this have to do with me?"

"Uh...it doesn't actually matter. You don't have to go, really." Cole Dorian blinked and said with an indifferent smile:

"So you don't want to go?"

"What does this have to do with whether I want to or not?" Anson frowned even more: "The key is what I can do. I'm just an ordinary army officer."

"You are still a gifted person!"

Cole rubbed his hands, and his shining eyes seemed to be hinting at something: "The genius who defeated the black mage."

"That's Captain Lawrence's credit. I just helped a little."

Anson, who vaguely felt that something was not right, immediately solemnly stated that this was not because of his modesty: "What's more, you dispatched a total of twenty-five judges this time, plus those who inherited the bloodline of the 'Sea Knight' Sir Louis Bernard, the gifted man, what else do you need from me?”

"You can never have too many manpower, not to mention it is such an important task. Of course, the more reinforcements, the better." Cole Dorian continued to encourage, and said with a smile:

"One more person means more protection. You don't want this credit to be taken away by the Judgment Knights, right?"

"Of course I don't hope, but what does this have to do with me having to go?" Anson spread his hands:

"I am the deputy commander of the Southern Legion. Wouldn't it be more helpful to command the Storm Division to attack the Royal Court head-on?"

"Come on, you also said it was just a feint attack." Cole Dorian waved his hand:

"You can't fool me with this kind of professional vocabulary just because I haven't gone to a military academy - Serra specifically explained it to me. Feint means pretending to attack. It's the same thing if you leave this kind of thing to your subordinates, right?"

"He is indeed the best judge of the Truth-Seeking Cult, and his learning speed is indeed much faster than ordinary people." Anson boasted a little:

"But if you want to completely deceive the enemy and make the 'feint' attack look like a real attack, it also requires a little bit of skill. It is not as easy as it seems."

"Oh..." Cole Dorian suddenly realized:

"So you insist on your decision not to come with us, right?"

"It's not that I don't insist on going, but I feel that even if I go, I won't be able to help much." Anson still vaguely felt that something was not right, and he didn't know where the problem was:

"More importantly, it's clear that keeping me in the Storm Division will help even more."

"Is this your final decision?" Cole Dorian, who suddenly had a formulaic smile on his face, winked at Anson.

"Uh... it should be..." Anson looked at him a little uncertainly.

"Okay, since this is your decision." Cole Dorian flattened his mouth and spread his hands like Anson did just now:

"In that case, I won't stop them."

Um? !

Anson, who was shaken all over, suddenly raised his head and stopped the inquisitor who was about to get up and slapped the table: "Stop who?!"

"I am looking for my colleagues in the Order of Truth." Cole Dorian raised the corners of his mouth:

"...Actually it's just Sera Vigil."

"What is she going to do?!"

"Oh, actually it's nothing, I just want to take advantage of this operation to report some of her little discoveries to the Church of Order." Cole smiled relaxedly at first, and then his expression suddenly turned serious:

"For example, after the riots in Clovis City, several inquisitors responsible for guarding the cathedral were surprised to find that the intact St. Isaac's steam differential engine had signs of being tampered with!"

Anson Bach: "...It might be the black mage who did it."

"Yes, we think so too." Cole Dorian nodded solemnly:

"But even so, we still can't rule out the possibility that the "Great Magic Book" kept in Clovis Cathedral has been leaked; just in case, the Truth Seeking Order has begun to carry out investigation work to carefully verify who had the opportunity to have private contact that day. When we get to that difference machine, we can steal the engraved "Great Magic Book" without anyone noticing."

"Of course, dear Anson, we will never suspect you - although based on the investigation so far, you are the most suspect." Cole said sincerely.

Looking at the judge's clear, big eyes that said "I didn't lie to you at all", Anson forced out a smile: "Thank you for your trust... although I am really innocent."

"It was certain at that time. How could someone who had become an apprentice to a black mage and was 'arrested' once by the Truth-Seeking Cult be so stupid as to steal the Great Magic Book?"

Cole agreed matter-of-factly: "To tell you the truth, many of my colleagues have doubts about you; but as comrades who have fought side by side, Sera and I will never doubt you."

"Especially Sera... In order to clear your name, she also took the initiative to ask the Truth Seeking Order to take charge of this case, as well as the attack on the Old Gods of Thunder Castle and the Imperial Guards on the 'Iron Sky' - to everyone Prove that you are really just an innocent victim.”

A faint smile appeared on Cole's face, as if he was deeply in admiration for Sera's behavior of considering her friends so much.

The corners of Anson's mouth twitched even more.

"Oh, right!" Before he could recover, Cole Dorian slapped his head again:

"There are also some unfavorable rumors about the Truth Society - an informant reported that before the riots in Clovis City, they saw you meeting with a senior leader of the Truth Society to discuss the next riot. "

"There are also several gangsters from the outer city who came to report that they once saw you beating someone in a tavern, and you were suspected of using magic, and there were also traces of curse magic..."


Cole Dorian was still talking, and Anson, who was trying to remain calm, was already in a mess, trying desperately to restrain the urge to kill and silence him deep in his heart.

"Of course, these are pure slanders without any substantiated evidence." Cole Dorian put his hands on his hips and smiled sincerely at Anson:

"The most important thing is, we absolutely believe in you!"

"Originally, I planned to persuade Sera not to investigate seriously and just fool around; but she insisted on making a bet with me, saying that unless you agree to join us to kill the Thirteen Council and rescue the Elf King, she will We must get to the bottom of it and dig out the truth completely.”

After saying that, Cole Dorian, who was clearly about to leave, still stood where he was, looking at Anson with a very playful look.

Anson, who regained his composure from the panic, slowly raised his head and met his gaze.

The two people looking at each other were strangely silent, saying nothing.

"is this necessary?"

Anson sighed.

"It is necessary." Cole Dorian nodded seriously:

"Sela said that only by doing this can you agree - I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that she really knows you better than me."

Anson rolled his eyes.

"So why do you have to drag me along?"

"Honestly? It doesn't matter to me, but it does matter to you." Cole looked at Anson meaningfully:

"I didn't want to say this originally, but you don't really think that the Inquisition is just a group of gifted people and spellcasters in uniforms and uniforms dressed up as the Church of Order, right?"

I really thought so... Ansen shook his head righteously and said:

"of course not."

"That's it." Cole smiled as he should, "So you can understand, we are helping you - helping the Inquisition to annihilate the Thirteen Councils. As long as you have this qualification, we will never do it again." No one can use what happened before to doubt you."

"……I see."

Anson nodded slightly, but at the same time another question popped up: "Why do you want to help me?"

According to someone's evaluation, Inquisitor Cole Dorian is a pseudo-believer who is keen on smashing the heads of the Old Gods, a guy who will do whatever it takes to get the job done, and an executioner in every sense of the word.

It is very unrealistic no matter how you think about letting such a guy let go of an Old God sect that is seriously suspected - Anson even thinks that he has actually been exposed.

"Because we are friends!" Cole said, patting his chest, but under Anson's "I believe" eyes, he gave up in less than a second, rolled his eyes and sighed: "Okay, this In fact, it was what Archbishop Luther Franz meant.”

"The Archbishop?!"

"I don't know the details very well. The person in charge of negotiating with Clovis Cathedral was Sera Vigil. Her original words were 'the content of the negotiations is too complicated and I'm afraid I won't understand', so she refused to tell me. Cole scratched his head and looked a little irritated:

"But there is one thing we have reached consensus on - judging from the information we have, even if you are really a spell caster, you should have been deceived, and it is an excusable type."

"And to be honest, it's not like there are no spellcasters inside the Trial House. Even if you really have something to do with the truth and were once a member of an old god sect organization, it's not like we can't cooperate. What's more, you are indeed a Worthy people – so we unanimously decided to give you a chance.”

Anson suddenly understood and nodded: "So is it because we are friends and have extenuating circumstances that you gave me this opportunity, or is it because I still have enough value?"

"Uh..." Cole thought seriously for a minute, and then looked at him with a very meaningful expression:

"You really want to know?"

Anson: "...Sorry, I won't ask anymore."

I went drinking with my friends yesterday, but I felt dizzy all day, so I posted a little late. Sorry~

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