I will be crowned king

Chapter 396 The Tribulation of the Royal Court

After sending away the "kind-hearted" inquisitor, Anson, who was alone, slowly sat on a chair, picked up the cold coffee, and calmly thought about the content of the conversation between the two.

Anson was not surprised that Archbishop Clovis knew that he was an Old God sect, or in fact, he might have been exposed from the first meeting.

Facts have proved that Luther Franz does not care whether he is an Old God sect or even a spell caster; all he needs is someone who can replace Ludwig and form a new "Guard", and also get rid of the black mage Mace Howe. Nader's tool man.

His appearance perfectly filled this gap, that's all.

As for the Old Gods of Thunder Castle, the Iron Sky incident, the whole story of the Clovis City riots, the altered "Great Magic Book" and the St. Isaac Steam Difference Engine...

With the work efficiency of the Inquisition, Anson absolutely believed that they had figured out the truth of these things long ago; but as Cole Dorian admitted, they could not find any evidence other than suspicion and motive.

Any evidence that may have been left behind has been wiped clean by Anson... As a devout believer in the Circle of Order, he is so serious and cautious in doing things.

But then again, there is no need for evidence to knock on the door of the court.

But precisely because of this, the attitude of the Truth Seeking Order became more and more playful; Cole Dorian may not understand at all how much information was revealed in his words.

The riots in Clovis City, the formation of the Southern Legion, the appearance of the Truth Society, the exposure of the Council of Thirteen, and the intervention of the empire... After quickly sorting out his experiences in the past few months, Anson came to a slightly shocking conclusion.

The Empire and the Kingdom of Clovis... Although the conflict between the two sides has reached an almost endless level, their attitudes on the matter of the Thirteen Council are completely the same - no matter what, the Church of Order will never be allowed to interfere with the Ysel elves. "internal affairs"!

The only difference is the means.

Compared to directly sending troops, preparing to blow up both Hantu and Clovis, and "protecting" the Elf Kingdom of Yser despite the protests of the church, the Kingdom of Clovis is just more "flexible" in its methods, using A legitimate excuse to make a deal with the church.

The most important thing is that the transaction party this time is not even the Clovis Privy Council or the royal family, but Archbishop Luther Franz himself!

And the person he organized to handle this matter before the Church of Order...that would be even more interesting.

The Truth Seeking Order, which represents the power of the Clovis Order Church, represents the interests of the Army and the Franz family, and the Truth Society, which has an unknown position, but definitely has nothing to do with "firm faith".

Thinking about it carefully, there are probably only two things that this group of people have in common - firstly, they are all Clovis people, and secondly, they are basically all related to Archbishop Luther in some way.

Cole Dorian even directly pointed out that it was Luther Franz who asked for a chance to prove his "innocence".

In other words, the person in the entire Kingdom of Clovis who is most opposed to the church’s interference in secular politics is the... Archbishop of the Church in the Kingdom of Clovis? !

This conclusion sounds too magical, but it is the most likely one.

After summarizing all the information he already had, Anson roughly summarized a ridiculous retrospective of the event:

The Elf Kingdom of Yser, which was being used by the Empire, prepared to unite with the Seven Cities Alliance and declare war on the Kingdom of Clovis; so it realized the internal instability and took the opportunity to cause trouble, instigating the Thirteen Councils to use the war to seize power and destroy the increasingly powerful domestic power. Church power.

But something unexpected happened - Clovis declared war in advance, Eagle Point City fell, Thun, the most loyal member of the Seven Cities Alliance, rebelled, and the Guards Corps was almost destroyed...

The war progressed so quickly that even before the Thirteen Council and the Society of Truth took action, the forces loyal to the Elf King suffered a severe blow, and the influence of the supporting church was drastically reduced.

As a result, the originally cautious Thirteen Council's "disobedient heart" quickly expanded, and they set a new "small goal" for themselves who originally only wanted to usurp power - to defeat Clovis and Han in the Alliance Empire. Earth, destroy the church... The Thirteen Council members are in full swing, making Israel great again!

Then as expected, everything failed.

The White Tower City was captured, the plan to assassinate Anson went bankrupt, the former Archduke Mist who was behind the scenes was overthrown, and even the ambush and siege of the Southern Legion was reversed at the speed of light... Iser was almost finished before he could become great. .

Not only that, the self-destructed Council of the Thirteen also gave the Church of Order, which had always wanted to intervene, an excellent excuse; realizing that this was a group of idiots, the Truth Council tried to cut their losses and began to "cooperate" with the Southern Legion and Luther Franz Actions of the High Septon.

The defeated Thirteen Council began to split, and finally began the "usurping power" plan that should have been completed long ago.

From the beginning to the end, the Council of Thirteen, known as "the first Old God organization in history", exposed their stupidity and overestimation to the point that their biggest enemy was themselves.

Archbishop Luther Franz made full use of their clown characteristics to completely destroy the war potential of the Elf Kingdom of Iser. While the situation worsened, he organized a "fire brigade" to prevent the Church of Order from intervening in Iser. Ther Elf Internal Affairs.

As the saying goes, the best way to prevent others from interfering is to intervene first.

Of course, this speculation is just as magical as the previous one, without any support, and there is always one most critical question unresolved.

Luther Franz...what exactly did he want to do?

If the Clovis City riot was to allow the Franz family to join the capital security forces and expand the family's power; then what could he gain by joining the Thirteen Council and even cooperating with "anti-thieves" like the Society of Truth?

Why is an archbishop of the Archdiocese of the Church of Order so disgusted with the church's interference in secular affairs, and even goes so far as to personally come forward to vouch for a "suspect" like himself to the Inquisition?

To be honest, Anson actually regrets it; he is obviously being dragged into a bigger and bigger conspiracy, and the most dangerous thing is that he doesn't even know where the danger lies.

If time could go back to before departure, if I could have guessed that this sudden mission was full of problems, if I could be a little calmer at that time, then...

Well, I will probably agree.

There was no way, the other party offered too much - even if he didn't agree, the Storm Masters would never be able to withstand the temptation of this level.

Now he has just barely broken free from the shackles of Major General Ludwig Franz, but facing the two behemoths of the Franz family and the Rune family, he is still their tool.

The long night gradually passed, and Anson still sat in front of the window holding a cold coffee, looking at the faint morning light rising from the east with a complicated expression.

At this moment, the door behind her was pushed open - Lisa, wearing pink pajamas and cotton slippers, walked in with a Borne rifle in her arms, rubbing her eyes.

"Anson, aren't you happy?"

"No, I just didn't sleep all night." Anson smiled easily and put down the cup in his hand: "I accidentally drank too much coffee and couldn't sleep."

"Anson couldn't sleep because he was thinking about something...right?"

With Borni in her arms, Lisa, who was so sleepy just now that she couldn't open her eyes, suddenly became serious: "Anson's expression now is exactly the same as when he was in Thunder Castle."

Thunder Castle?

It was probably because he hadn't slept all night and his thinking was a little slow. Anson, who frowned slightly, tried to remember for a minute before finally remembering that she was talking about the rainy night of the final attack, and then he laughed dumbly: "Absolutely."

"What's that?"

Lisa, who was wearing cotton slippers, took a step forward and looked at him deeply with wide eyes, as if she would never let him go if he didn't answer.

Looking at the girl's alert look as if she was afraid of running away, Anson smiled bitterly and replied calmly: "It's nothing, there's just someone who wants me to do something I don't like to do, but I have to do it…it’s that simple.”

"Well..." Lisa thought hard for a while, and then asked:

"Is that guy a bad guy?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Is that person very powerful?"

"In a way...yes."

"Then why does Anson have to go?"

"Because if you don't go, many, many people will get hurt... just like what happened at Thunder Castle."

"So that thing is dangerous?"

"There is indeed some danger, just like the time at Thunder Castle."


Lisa, who was holding Borni, opened her eyes wide and looked at him from head to toe for a while. She seemed to have considered it carefully and then said, "In that case, let's go!"

"Don't worry about anything, don't be afraid of danger, because Lisa will protect you!"

It was just because I knew you would definitely go with me that I really didn’t want to go... Anson could only smile bitterly and said: "Thank you, Lisa."

"Because Lisa is Anson's guard captain, and the guard captain's duty is to protect Anson!" Lisa proudly patted Borni in her arms:

"As long as Lisa is here, no one can hurt Anson!"

"Yes, yes." Anson could only agree with a smile: "Both cute and powerful, our Lisa is really amazing!"

"Lisa is not that powerful." The girl shyly scratched her head:

"Anyway, even if there is a bad guy that Lisa can't beat, with the help of sister Talia, she can definitely beat him."

"Yes, yes, even if it's a guy that Lisa can't beat, as long as Talia is there for sure...huh?!"

Anson woke up suddenly: "Talia?!"

"Yes, Sister Thalia." The girl blinked:

"Didn't Anson see it before?"

"Yes, I have seen it, and I have seen it many times, but..." The frightened Anson suddenly stuttered:

"W-What does it mean to have Sister Thalia...just help..."

"This is an agreement between Lisa and Sister Talia." The girl tilted her head and pressed her chin with her right index finger in confusion:

"Whenever she encounters a bad guy that she can't defeat, Lisa will ask Sister Thalia to defeat it, and she will watch from the side, so that Lisa can slowly learn how to use her power... That's what Sister Thalia said. "

So... you said that? !

Why didn't you tell me? !

So Lisa saw all the scenes of her previous conversation with Thalia, right? !

Or is it that she and Thalia have the same field of vision, and can see what is happening on each other's side, or that they can talk directly through the air... By the way, Thalia didn't say anything messy to her, right? !

For a moment, Anson's mind exploded into a ball of mush, and he was in a trance. A certain sense of shame for being embarrassed in front of children and an old father's anxiety that his children would learn bad things blended together. His eyes were straight, and even the original words about Luther Fran Everything about Archbishop Ci was forgotten.

Lisa, who had no idea what nonsense he was thinking about, jumped up and down happily and left the room happily: "Lisa is going on an adventure with Anson again, and she is going to make some delicious food for Anson. Eat With a full stomach, Anson will no longer be afraid..."


On the evening of October 26, the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, in time to meet the deadline set by the Church of Order, five thousand heavily armed Stormtrooper soldiers marched along the road toward Israel, where a civil war had just ended. Royal Court.

Facing the unexpected Clovis army, the Yser Elf defenders gathered all their forces in a panic to defend the west side of the city wall. At the same time, they set up a large number of barricades and roadblocks in the city to prevent large numbers of people from escaping in the chaos. The nobles and common people of the city.

Of course, due to the previous civil war and riots, strictly speaking, there were not many "civilians" left in the city at this time. Most of them were grassroots who realized that the situation was getting worse and planned to run away... After being bloody suppressed , the royal court, which experienced a brief turmoil, quickly entered a state of preparation for war.

At 19:30 on the 26th, after the last messenger who was responsible for delivering a message demanding the immediate surrender of the Yser Elf garrison was almost blown away by a fireball, Karl immediately issued the order for all the artillery to be in position. .

That's right, Anson Bach is currently bedridden due to "indigestion" and "physical health" problems caused by long journeys, so Chief of Staff Major Carl Bain temporarily took over the command of the Storm Division and served as the Storm Division temporary division commander.

On the artillery position, Carl Bain, who had put on the same gray three-cornered hat and military coat as Anson, put his left hand behind his back. He looked at the wall of the Royal Court of Yser opposite with an extremely troubled expression, and then turned to look at The messenger on the side:

"what time is it?"

"Report to the deputy... ah, chief of staff!" The nervous messenger bit his tongue: "It is now twenty-fifty - there is still one minute left before the scheduled start of the war!"

With a long sigh, Karl raised the saber in his right hand above his head, and then slashed forward:

"Artillery in position—fire!"

This is where the battle at the Royal Court of Yser begins.

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