I will be crowned king

Chapter 427 Extraordinary Similarity

When Anson woke up from the fragment, it was already daytime.

Facts have proved that symptoms like seasickness, which are congenital and have a little psychological factor, are not "used to vomiting after vomiting" as some people who have experienced it say, and the more restrained the reaction, the stronger it will be, and may even occur in Certain critical moments cause "fainting" and slight "amnesia" effects.

For example, right now, he has no memory of what happened after he killed those six living corpses.

Alan Dawn was sitting on the desk opposite him, and Lisa was sleeping soundly next to him. From time to time, the voices of soldiers on guard could be heard secretly chatting outside the closed hatch.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Ah...thirty hours!"

The little clerk was startled, and quickly put his index finger to his lips and made a "shh" gesture at him.

Anson understood immediately and picked up a blanket from his hand and handed it over; the little clerk who stood on tiptoes took the blanket and gently covered Lisa.

"Thanks to the blessing of the Ring of Order, you finally woke up."

After confirming that the girl was completely asleep, the young registrar breathed a sigh of relief, looking completely relieved: "During the period when you were unconscious, the entire Storm Division and fleet were in chaos!"

Chaos? !

Anson was shocked: "You mean that monster..."

"Monster, what monster?" Allen blinked doubtfully:

"Are you... implying or using 'monster' to refer to something?"

Looking at his blank expression, Anson's heart moved.

"What happened while I was in coma?"

"Ah, the specific situation is this - because the Crown's navigator, Major Edward, was drunk at work and did not detect a forming storm in time, causing the fleet to rush into the center of the storm without any preparation."

"In the process of fighting the storm, many outstanding crew members and sailors unfortunately encountered shipwrecks, including Major Edward himself - it is said that he first slipped and slipped from the observation deck, and accidentally ignited an ammunition box on the deck... Oh , may the Ring of Order bless him.”

The little secretary shook his head regretfully, and then changed the topic: "But fortunately there were no too many casualties, and he had escaped from the storm and was continuing along the original route to Ice Dragon Fjord. ."

"This is roughly all the information I know, because I stayed in the cabin and did not leave. I am afraid that for other more specific information, I have to ask Captain William Cecil himself - by the way, I will send you back to the cabin. He is also the person."

"Because of your coma, Chief of Staff Carl Bain had a dispute with the fleet; the other side seemed to be planning to arrange you to the captain's cabin of the Crown, under the care of the ship's doctor; but the chief of staff disagreed and insisted on letting the guard company The person and Miss Lisa are responsible for your care."


"Yes, but the problem has been solved, because the Chief of Staff... uh... is also seasick and is lying in his room now. After discussing with Captain William, Lieutenant Colonel Fabian decided to let you return to the cabin, but he will Have the ship’s doctor come over every half day.”

As he said that, the little clerk took out his pocket watch and said, "It's 11:20 now. They should be here almost."


"Oh, that was about the previous storm." The little secretary explained: "You fell into a coma, and we lost a lot of baggage due to the previous storm. In addition, the navigator died, so many middle-level storm divisions The officers wanted to return - you know, they didn't really want to go to the colonies in the first place."

Anson Bach: "..."

Well, this is very much in line with the Storm Master's tradition of being "greedy for life and afraid of death"... Ansen laughed to himself in his heart. Just when he was about to ask about the situation, he suddenly realized that there was a huge loophole in the little secretary's words.

The ammo box explodes!

At that time, there were no less than twenty crew members on the deck who saw him blowing up the navigator with a grenade, including but not limited to middle- and high-ranking officers and low-level sailors. It was impossible to hide this kind of thing... How could he think that it was an explosion of ammunition boxes? ?

Obviously, Alan Dawn will not deceive himself (at least not on matters that have nothing to do with the Franz family). This involves his own professional ethics, so there is only one answer - someone is deliberately covering up the truth.

Based on the situation at the time, if a similar situation occurs on other ships except the Crown, then this is definitely not something that one or two people can do. At least all the crew members and sailors of the entire fleet must be the first to deal with the incident. Time has reached a unified caliber, erasing all traces to the last trace.

Not only that, according to the little clerk's explanation, the spellcaster who suddenly appeared did not continue to pursue the fleet after they broke out of the storm, but simply let them go.

Is this reasonable?

If we continue to follow this line of thinking, even this storm appeared extremely suddenly. It happened that they were already far away from North Port and still a long way from Ice Dragon Fjord; it happened that they were just recovering, from William Sethi. I got the warning from you; it happened that Fabian got information about the "Sea of ​​the Abyss" from the crew.

Too many "coincidences"... Anson suddenly felt a cold feeling on the back of his neck.

If he hadn't been convinced that he was still of some use to the Luen family, he would have even doubted whether Thalia had teamed up with the Cecil and Franz families to kill his loyal minister who was "seriously suspected of being a traitor."

Considering that his life was not worth the price of a battleship, four cruisers and a dozen merchant ships, Ansen was so frightened that he gave up this too terrifying idea.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Please come in."

The little clerk jumped off the chair, stepped forward and opened the door.

William Cecil, dressed in formal attire, appeared outside the door. He coughed slightly and said nervously:

"Can I talk to you alone?"

Anson looked at the little secretary who was looking at him like a reflex, nodded slightly and said:


The little clerk who understood deeply made way for the entrance, turned around and left when William walked into the room, and closed the door from the outside.

The young captain who walked to the bed stood in front of the window. He looked at Lisa, who was sleeping next to him. He pursed his lips tightly and looked around with unusual uneasiness in his eyes.

"Excuse me...what's the matter?" Anson looked at him calmly.

William suddenly trembled, raised his head suddenly as if he had taken great courage, and looked into Anson's eyes:

"You should still have an impression of what happened that day...right?"

"Yes, I still remember."

"Then did you check the situation that night with the clerk just now and found that it was different from your memory?"


Anson, who was silent for a moment, slowly narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to tell you that there is no deviation in your memory of that night; similarly, neither is your secretary." William's expression was extremely solemn:

"That night, except for the Crown, the crew members on the decks of other ships in the fleet and the soldiers of your Storm Division... no one was spared."

"Except for you and me, and those lucky ones who were saved by you... no one will remember them, because they will not have any memory of that night at all; for them, it was just a game with no difference from ordinary times, let alone Just a stronger storm."

Anson looked at his expression and vaguely understood what he meant: "You mean..."

"The Sea of ​​the Abyss." William, with dark circles under his eyes, gave the answer:

"I used to wonder why there are so many legends about the rough sea, but no one has ever actually seen it; now I understand, because those who have actually seen it...are almost impossible to survive."

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to escape the storm so quickly, let alone survive so easily; and for those 'survivors', they wouldn't remember what happened in the storm, they would just remember Just treat it like a terrible shipwreck."

"Although your chief of staff seems to be quite suspicious of us, and even has some kind of Army vs. Navy prejudice, I understand his approach-even though we were completely aligned at the time, we both wanted you to recover as soon as possible."

William's sincere words were filled with immense gratitude.

But Anson did not feel relaxed because of his explanation. On the contrary, he was even more frightened.

If William had not lied or been deliberately misled, judging from the fact that only those who experienced it personally would leave memories, it would be a very standard trace left by black magic!

This means that it is a mystery whether he actually experienced a battle that night, or whether he appeared on the deck at all; the more likely truth is that he and William Cecil experienced a large-scale battle together. hallucination.

If the answer is really like this, then it can be explained that the navigator did not detect the storm in time - because there was no storm at all, it was all an illusion created by the black mage.

And the caster of black magic is definitely still alive!

A spellcaster who can create illusions for thousands of... no, an entire sea area at the same time. This power is not only terrifying, it is simply terrifying.

Compared with him, Professor Mace Hornard, who almost killed himself, was simply a baby in the world of the old gods.

If this is the real core combat power of the Old God World... Ansen suddenly felt that working for the Luen family was actually a great career with a bright future. What core technology, what blood power, what airships... toys to coax children. That’s it!

Why is Saint Isaac, a believer in the Circle of Order and the leader of the Society of Truth, actually a spell caster and mastering three major magics at the same time? This is the ironclad fact. The so-called steam core is just a game he picked up at his fingertips. Production, "The Great Magic Book" is the ultimate result of his true hard work.

Humble believers of the Ring of Order, please slowly enjoy your last proud days and wait for the big plan belonging to the Old God Sect to come. The times will soon change back!

"What's wrong?"

William noticed that Anson's state was obviously abnormal.


Anson, who was shocked, instantly regained his composure and pretended that everything was normal: "Is there anything else?"

"No, I just wanted to come over and express my gratitude to you." The young captain shook his head with a very sincere expression:

"Although many things cannot be explained, the Royal Navy... and the Cecil family will always owe you a favor. If you need any help from us, please don't hesitate to ask, and we will do our best."

Although Clovis was relatively relaxed about the Old Gods, this did not mean that there was no taboo in talking about such things in public; on the contrary, Luther Franz, who was probably the most "conniving" towards the Old Gods in history, "Under the rule of the Archbishop, on the surface, the strictness of management of all topics related to this aspect is also unprecedentedly high.

Especially for the Wang family navy, which often travels to and from the colonies and may have had relationships with many heretical sects and even believers of the Old God sect, they are even more secretive in this regard.

Of course Anson understood this, so he deliberately said seriously: "I am not doing this for your so-called favor."

"I understand." William Cecil smiled slightly:

"From now on, you are a friend of the Cecil family - we will do our best to provide assistance to the Storm Division's activities in the colony, and will apply to the Royal Navy to use the Beluga Port where you are stationed to provide more Safety and security.”

"I can't promise you too much now, but... you know, Beigang's urban security forces have always been short of equipment; if the empire suddenly decides to besiege Beigang from land, the consequences may be disastrous."

"It is related to the territorial security of the kingdom. Your worries are absolutely justified!" Anson nodded solemnly and said:

"August Military Factory is very happy to contribute to the security of Beigang!"

"Ah, thank you so much!"

The two sides went back and forth, happily finalizing an arms trade agreement, and William was secretly relieved to have repaid the favor.

The two of them had a very tacit understanding and did not mention the specifics of what happened that night.

For William Cecil, if he really did this, whether he wrote an anonymous letter to the Inquisition or the church, it would definitely fall into the hands of Archbishop Luther Franz; and he had already learned from his father before setting off. I learned from my mouth that the other party was a close associate of the Franz family.

Regardless of whether the Franz family really intends to infiltrate the Royal Navy, "declaring war" on an archbishop is a very unwise choice.

What's more, the other party also saved his life.

Seeing that Anson accepted his "repayment", William finally felt relieved and stood up to say goodbye and leave. As soon as he opened the door, a crew member suddenly appeared outside the door with a strange look on his face.

A minute later, the young captain suddenly turned around and looked at Anson with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Anson asked curiously.

"Nothing!" William hesitated and shook his head: "The sailors on the ship reported that they rescued a young lady who fell into the water, and then..."


"She... looks very similar to your sister, Miss Lisa Bach!"


I replaced the old glasses that I had been using for four or five years with new ones, but I felt a little uncomfortable because they were too clear...

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