I will be crowned king

Chapter 428 Eyes

Clovis, inner city, Franz Residence.

Sophia sat slumped on the sofa in the living room, staring thoughtfully at the dancing flames in the fireplace with slightly hollow eyes. The coffee on the coffee table in front of her was already cold.

Servants upstairs and downstairs in the living room were busy coming and going.

Franz is not a big family, but every New Year's party at Franz's residence is very lively. The celebrations often start five days in advance and last a full ten days before ending. For this reason, it must start at least one month in advance. Prepare.

Especially on the New Year's Day of the 101st year of the Saint's Calendar, the eldest son of the Franz family, Ludwig Franz, is about to end the war against the Elf Kingdom of Iser, negotiate with it and reach a series of "just friendships" treaty.

Even though there are discordant notes such as "Imperial Expeditionary Force", "Antlers Fortress Frustrated", "Thirteen Councils" and "Judgment Knights" in the middle, it cannot affect the significance of this victory to the city of Clovis at all.

Without him, the Kingdom of Clovis, which had been fighting fiercely for more than a year, really needed such a glorious victory.

As the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army and the eldest son of the Franz family, there is no doubt that the army will no longer be able to stop this young general from showing his extraordinary military talent and talent, nor can it hinder the Franz family in One step further in the Army system.

Instigated by a group of nobles from the "pro-Franz" faction, there had been a lot of rumors in the Privy Council, requesting that the young general be sent to the Western Front battlefield to replace the useless Brigadier Tenid.

Even Ludwig's "Grand Army" concept, which was previously considered childish, has begun to be repeatedly discussed by various newspapers as to whether it really has practical significance at the operational level.

"Still angry?"

Luther Franz, who was sitting opposite her, held a copy of "Clovis Truth" and asked softly.

"How could I be angry?" Sophia smiled sweetly:

"My newspaper is booming, my dear brother has received the honor he wanted most, and my respected father is still the archbishop of Clovis... Maybe you haven't noticed, but I even feel that my life is so wonderful, wonderful It’s a bit unreal!”

The Archbishop sighed softly: "So you are still angry?"

"Of course I'm angry!"

Sophia's face suddenly turned cold: "You exiled my most important investment to a deserted ghost place, and you still expect me to face it with a smile and accept it calmly?"

"That's not some 'deserted ghost place', that's Beluga Harbor - the most important and prosperous colony of Clovis." Luther Franz said solemnly:

"I gave him an army of six thousand men and full financial power. The governor was no more than that, and he was the governor of a prosperous trading port."

"That's my army!" Sophia snorted coldly:

"The Storm Master is mine - please don't forget this when you make a deal with the Rune Family!"

"Your army?"

The Archbishop put down the newspaper and took a sip of coffee in confusion.

"Of course it's my army! I invested money to build this army, and I gave them enough publicity to spread the name Anson Bach throughout the entire city of Clovis!" Sophia puffed up her chest proudly:

“It’s up to the last person to pay for it – that’s your word.”

"Yes, I said that." The Archbishop nodded slightly and said calmly: "So according to this theory, the Storm Division is now my army, because I was the one who made the final bid, and gave him an absolute Irresistible price.”

"That's deception!" Sophia gritted her teeth:

"If he knew in advance that the establishment you promised was in that damn place in Ice Dragon Fjord, he would never have agreed!"

After spending a few days getting to know Clovis' most important colony, Sophia finally understood what her father meant by the "war that was about to be lost."

What kind of trading port is this? It's just a powder keg!

As the most important colony of Clovis, Beluga Port and its supporting raw material trade accounted for almost one-fifth of the fiscal revenue - salt, leather, ores, grain, and even slaves!

Given the level of development of mines and forest farms in Clovis, labor shortages have already begun to appear; in the northern provinces, slaves from colonies and war refugees from the three North Sea countries have begun to appear.

Even the Railway Commission began to consider whether the slave trade should be expanded to fill the labor shortage as the scope of conscription expanded.

They are squeezing manpower and resources, and even the trade surplus has to be taken back by the mainland to replenish the national treasury... There has not been a riot in Beluga Port so far, which is simply an indescribable miracle.

Of course, it is more likely that it has revolted countless times; Sophia absolutely does not believe that colonial officials are good people who are loyal and devoted to the country. It is impossible for such outstanding talents to be exiled to the colonies - with the exception of Stormtroopers .

"On the contrary, I think it is precisely because the colony is very unstable that Anson Bach can be given more opportunities." Luther Franz disagreed:

"Think about it, if you put him in Clovis City, apart from maintaining law and order and cracking down on gangsters in the outer city, what else can he and his... your invincible storm division do? They can't do anything, eat together, etc. Just die."

"According to the intelligence I have received, Anson Bach should not be very good at maintaining law and order with the lowest possible intensity - the port of Carindia is the best example. After he stayed there to maintain a stable army, it turned into destruction. The source of the entire city.”

"Given the current situation in Clovis, I don't think the royal family and the Privy Council can allow him to set up twelve-pound cannons on the streets of Friedrich Street and use cannonballs and cavalry to disperse rioters and protest groups."

The archbishop asked indifferently: "What do you think?"

"I think you are really amazing, my amazing father." Sophia said coldly:

"You are indeed the best genius in the world who is good at making the best use of others... The longer I get along with you, the more I feel that Brother Ludwig's move to stay away from you is a very wise decision - although there is no way to escape it. Off your palm."

"My dear daughter, what are you talking about?" Luther Franz shook his head and looked at Sophia with a paternally doting smile:

"Maybe you don't understand it now, and maybe you'll hold a grudge against me for a long time, but one day you'll understand - and I don't think that's far away."

"Understand what?"

"My purpose for doing all this..." Luther Franz sighed:

"It's all for you."


Thalia Rune is on board? !

Anson, whose expression changed with shock, tried his best to restrain his inner impulse and tried to look calmer: "Where is she now?"


William immediately spoke. Although Anson hid it perfectly, the tension in his tone could still be felt: "She is soaked and has fallen into a coma. I have ordered the ship's doctor to take care of it - Captain Anson, you I have just woken up now, do you want to go to the restaurant first, and then..."

"Take me there!"

Anson intercepted directly and roughly.


Not only was the young captain not angry, he was even quite fond of his actions; compared with the army, the navy valued family even more.

Yes, because of the similarity in appearance, he had already regarded Talia as a relative of Anson - although this was not wrong in a sense, Anson was indeed not nervous because of this.

Two minutes later, William Cecil led Anson, who had changed clothes hastily, out of the room, and headed to the infirmary one after another; peeking at the figure behind him who was covered in cold sweat and walking in a panic, the young captain became even more moved.

Outside the door of the infirmary, several crew members and Fabian were guarding the door. Seeing his boss walking this way, the former Guards officer looked obviously nervous.

"How is the situation?" Anson asked directly.

"She...I mean...that one..." Fabian was speechless for a moment, his eyes evasive, and he didn't know how to answer the words: "It's okay!"

"There is no injury or illness...except for obvious signs of fatigue and lack of nutrition, everything else is normal and very healthy!"

Anson nodded slightly, this was basically what he expected.

While the two were talking, the door to the infirmary suddenly opened; the ship's doctor in a white coat opened the door and let out the figure on the bed behind him.

The girl was sitting on a neat hospital bed. Her long, slightly curly light brown hair was draped over her shoulders. Her cheeks were so fair that the blood was almost invisible. Her long eyelashes covered her closed eyes, as if she was closing her eyes to relax.

She was wearing a close-fitting shirt and a soaked bright red skirt hanging on the opposite wall. The large blanket could not hide her petite figure, but made her look even more adorable.

Like a doll carved from ceramics... William secretly thought in his heart.

Seeing that the cute little girl was safe and sound, everyone present was happy. Although they did not know each other, it was always a happy thing to see a beautiful young lady not injured.

Except for Anson and his loyal grenadier commander.

Fabian's eyes were solemn and his expression was very strange. His eyes quickly switched back and forth between Anson and Thalia. As a former Guards officer, he knew very well that there was absolutely no connection between Anson and this young lady. There is no blood relationship.

Well, just like he also knew that Lisa Bach was not Anson's biological sister, but only an older brother living in the countryside of Central Province.

Anson, who was pretending to be calm, was even more tense now, and his heart was beating so fast under his chest that it could break his ribs and fly out. Cold sweat had soaked him twice from head to toe.

Now he must quickly figure out two things - why did she appear, and how should he explain her identity to others? !

be honest?

I am honored to introduce to you that the Miss Talia in front of you is a member of the famous Luen family, the holder of Lund Manor and the current head of the family.

What, why did the dignified Luen parents appear in the rough sea without any warning, and seemed to have suffered a shipwreck?

Oh, sir, you really know nothing about our richest family in Clovis; just kidding, how could she be shipwrecked? If she wanted it, our whole boat could turn into watermelon juice in no time.

If I dared to say that, the Crown would probably turn into a ship full of watermelon juice in the next second.

But if you lie, you have to consider whether the other party is willing to cooperate with you... Considering how important you are in the other party's heart, Anson thinks there is a high probability that he will not.

This involves the first question, why does she appear at this point in time?

Reminiscent of the sudden disappearance of the "Sea of ​​the Abyss", Anson could probably guess that it might have something to do with her - the reason is simple. It is impossible to stop a black mage who can create large-scale storms on the sea by himself.

Obviously, this is definitely no accident.

As the Clovis caster family and the least well-known wealthy family, the Rune family has always maintained a deliberately low profile, so much so that it has almost become a "legendary" existence. Even the eldest daughter of the Franz family has no idea about them. Almost know nothing about it.

This deliberate low-key is obviously due to the "tacit understanding" with the Clovis royal family and even the Church of Order - if not for this, it is really difficult to imagine that they would allow a blood magic apostle to live in Quanke without any supervision. Lovi is the most important city outside.

Of course, it's more likely that monitoring won't be useful either.

Under this premise, Thalia appeared in public in such a "sudden" way. She... no, what exactly did the Rune family want?

Anson's pupils shrank suddenly.

At the same time, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

The bright sunshine passed through the window, and the girl wrapped in a blanket was enveloped in a soft golden color; she slowly looked back, casting her clear emerald eyes at Anson, who was standing in the center of the crowd.

The infirmary was quiet.

Feeling the girl's gaze and the gazes of everyone behind him, Ansen, who forced himself to remain calm, swallowed as cold sweat streaked across his cheeks.

"Well, let me introduce you." Anson, who forced himself to be calm, stepped forward and forced a smile to everyone: "This is..."

"Thalia August Rune."

The girl who spoke softly interrupted Anson's words, causing his smile to freeze on his face.

She was wrapped in a thick white blanket, as if she were wearing a graceful and luxurious evening dress, with a pair of small feet that fell to the ground, holding the "skirt" and curtsying to everyone:

"I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you. I am the eldest daughter of Lu En, the mistress of Lund Manor, the current nominal head of the Lu En family, and..."

Before he finished speaking, the girl suddenly pounced forward and hugged Anson into his arms before he could react, with a happy smile on her childish face:

"Anson Bach's fiancée!"

At that moment, Anson, who was stiff all over, suddenly felt that the eyes of the people behind him began to look strange - it was not like they were looking at his savior or ordinary comrades, but more like... uh...


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