I will be crowned king

Chapter 431 Advancement

The waves outside the window were gently lapping at the side of the ship, and the bright sunshine was shining on the sea. Only Lisa's snoring echoed in the cabin, and the air was so quiet.

Quiet as a tomb.

Anson, who was smiling, looked at Thalia, who had wide eyes. Her expression was so gentle and refreshing that Anson swallowed his saliva and used his trembling right hand holding the wine glass to cover up his fear...excitement. .

The girl leaned back gently on the chair. She said nothing, as if waiting for his answer.

Time passes minute by minute.

Anson, who had been silent for a full minute, pursed his lips, smiled at first, and then pretended to be relaxed and said: "Well... did I... hear it wrong?"

Thalia looked at him, smiled and shook her head slightly.

"Then... what you just said... are you... using a metaphor... just a slightly exaggerated... metaphor?"

The girl still shook her head.

"...Is there any misunderstanding here?"

This time Thalia didn't answer right away.

She rolled her eyes, slightly raised her right hand to support her chin, and deliberately looked like she was "thinking." The frequency of her eye movements happened to be exactly the same as the second hand of the pocket watch on the table.


"That's right."

While the minute hand was turning, the girl smiled and said in a very affirmative tone: "Everything I just said is just... a bit of an exaggerated metaphor, so that Anson can better understand it."

"You are a follower of Ayton, the master of destiny, and I follow Pluto, the master of blood magic. We are on completely different paths; it is naturally more difficult to exchange learning experiences with each other."

"To use a very inappropriate 'metaphor', it's like learning a language you've never been exposed to before." The girl explained gently:

"Before I completely master the basics, I can only understand its special features using words and methods that Anson can understand."

Well, I understand; learning a foreign language is definitely more complicated and harder to understand than other knowledge... Anson twitched his throat again, and squeezed out a smile very unnaturally:

"In other words, it's definitely not literal, right?"

"Of course, it's definitely not like that." The girl's smile was full of sincerity:

"Dear Anson is Thalia's fiancé. How could Thalia eat her fiancé?"

"Yeah, think about it."

Anson, whose scalp was numb, nodded repeatedly, with a smile of realization on his face: "Sure enough, I am overthinking it myself!"

"This should be Thalia's fault for not explaining it clearly."

"No, no, no...it's my fault. It's all because I like to think too much, ha...haha...hahaha..."

For a time, the cabin was filled with happy air.

After a while, Anson, whose smile faded slightly, took a deep breath and said sternly to Talia:

"How to do?"

"It's very simple." The girl, who was still smiling, said in an extremely natural tone:

"Dear Anson, all you need is to close your eyes, don't feel any fear or nervousness, unlock the 'hidden' imprisonment of your body, and then slowly relax your body and mind."

"The rest..." The corner of the girl's mouth raised slightly, and her folded hands gently pressed on her heart:

"Leave it to Thalia."

Anson nodded silently.

He first took a deep breath, and then snapped his fingers with a "pop!" sound, completely liberating his own confinement and no longer having any restrictions.

Given the strength gap between the two sides, if Talia really wanted to kill herself, there was no need to go to such trouble; no matter how much she thought about it, it was purely superfluous, and it would be more appropriate to simply lie down.

The moment he closed his eyes, the girl's voice sounded in his ears again:

"Of course, this is the first time Thalia has done this. She has no experience in this area at all, so she will try to control the level and not instill too much into Anson. She will take her time and treat it as a small experiment first... okay? ?”

Thalia asked cautiously.


Anson praised with his eyes closed, saying that it was also his first time.

"The middle process may be quite... intense, because blood magic is a very extreme way of evolution, and it will be more obviously reflected in certain senses of the body... OK?"

"no problem."

Anson nodded again, he was somewhat mentally prepared for this.

"Of course! If anything feels wrong, or...can't bear it..." Thalia's voice suddenly became a little nervous:

"No matter which stage it reaches, Anson must, must tell Talia to end the entire experiment immediately - no matter what, Anson's life is always the most important!"

"Okay, I promise you." Anson said without hesitation.


The moment the words fell, Ansen, who closed his eyes tightly, suddenly felt that the whole world suddenly dimmed, and he could no longer hear any sounds in his ears. He seemed to be dragged to another world.

It was as if some kind of warm, viscous liquid was pouring into the cabin from the window - first the feet, then the legs, the torso, the chest, the neck, the head... the whole body was completely wrapped in it.

It's like falling into the depths of the sea. No matter whether you struggle or not, you have to be immersed in it, and the body with consciousness is also falling continuously, falling downwards...

The vague feeling of weightlessness made his consciousness gradually blur.

I can only feel that there are slender tentacles that are constantly climbing up my body; they get into the gaps between the nails, pry open my mouth, overflow the auricles, penetrate into the nasal cavity, and wrap the pupils...

An indescribable feeling of disgust suddenly spread from his chest, and Anson began to twitch involuntarily, as if his body began to react with resistance after being forcibly fed some kind of drug; all the muscles from head to toe seemed to be tightened by chains. , under the closed eyelids, the pupils completely wrapped by the tentacles began to tremble violently.


Weird screams, heart-rending shouts, and roars filled with endless anger began to ring in his ears... They were like hurricanes, constantly echoing around him and filling his mind.

Anson didn't panic at all - he had experienced a similar situation once when he became a conjurer.

The disembodied shouts echoed in his ears over and over again, and Anson could even feel that his mind was being filled, drained, filled, drained... repeated endlessly.

Soon, the shouts gradually disappeared and turned into quiet whispers, echoing in the ears vaguely; like shouting, but also like deep breathing; as if they were telling something, but completely unable to do so. distinguish.

The body was still twitching violently, and the limbs were spasming uncontrollably; the darkness in front of him began to condense into some flickering pictures and intermittent fragments; before he could see clearly, the pictures were already fragmented.

Along with the picture, countless information began to flow into his mind uncontrollably; it was like a dam that had been opened, and the flood was flowing out.

If I had to describe it, it was like someone—and he was a very long-lived person—whose entire life was experienced by Anson at a thousand times faster, and finally, like all memories, condensed into something A vocabulary, a habit, a "situation that evokes emotion".

The heart-rending scream sounded again, running through Anson's body over and over again; the pain was almost equivalent to standing next to a twenty-four-pound explosive bomb and listening to the sound of its explosion in the center of the explosion point.

However, compared to the last time when the body was reduced to ashes, the skin and flesh were dissolved, the plasma evaporated, the bones were scorched, and only the pain of a heart remained, this level of "torture" was not completely unacceptable.


The screams gradually dispersed, and the out-of-control body slowly began to stop falling. The originally blurred consciousness began to wake up bit by bit; the tentacles wrapping the whole body slowly withdrew.

The fierce scream once again turned into a faint gasp, gently echoing in the ears; along with the warm and sticky feeling, the body that had been violently twitching gradually regained consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, this feeling began to fade away, and my closed eyes began to feel the light shining on myself. Everything seemed to have finally returned to normal; except for the itching all over my body and the slight pain in my head, there was nothing Any other unusual...


Anson, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly froze, and continued to completely let go of the spell magic, keeping the casting range in the most natural state - a sphere with itself as the center point.

Then he felt where this abnormal feeling came from.

That's the feeling of distance.

The range of my spellcasting has not been expanded, but the range of distance sense has been expanded, and various senses have also been greatly strengthened.

He closed his eyes, but he could "see" Thalia smiling brightly in front of him, and Lisa sleeping soundly on the bed; the cabin door was locked, but he could hear the faint whispers outside the door, as well as the crew The sound of cautious footsteps as he walked past the door.

No, my senses have not been strengthened, but my ability to distinguish various subtle sounds has been significantly improved and become more acute. I can infer the size and shape of objects based on the distance between them and myself just based on sound and touch. , and even make predictions about the next step the moment the opponent moves.

This situation is the most intuitive manifestation of the spell caster reaching a certain critical point.

For spell casters throughout the Old God World, although most people follow the "Five Stages" set of standards used to measure a spell caster's strength and general level, they also know very well that this set of standards is quite unreliable. To some extent it is completely wrong.

Not to mention that the differences between the three major magics themselves are very big. The symbol of the fifth stage is "creating a magic of your own" - most spellcasters are not keen on this kind of thing. Is it possible for spellcasters with original magic? , is it necessarily better than a spell caster without one?

Of course not, and probably quite the opposite.

However, because the three major magics themselves are extremely difficult to truly quantify, and even the families within each magic have different evolutionary methods, there is no possibility of unification at all, so they can only be measured by the "five major stages".

According to this set of standards, Anson feels that he is probably in the fourth stage, and is only one step away from the fifth stage.

After all, the premise of "original magic" is to have a personal understanding of the entire system; Anson can probably guess why it is listed as a symbol of the fifth stage - because after that, the next step is to advance to the "blasphemous mage".

The so-called original magic is actually a rehearsal and preparation for completely abandoning the identity of "human" and evolving to a higher level of life form.

And Anson, who had obtained the complete memory of a conjurer, was extremely close to this step.

Not only the memory, but all the magic he has mastered, have become part of Anson's memory; as long as you take the time to review these memories one by one, you can completely restore these skills.

Of course, the side effects are also quite obvious - because the process of mastering curse magic is not entirely on his own, but is directly forcibly instilled; like some candidates who crazily answer questions before the exam, filling in the correct answers does not mean that he Really understood the knowledge points.

The way to solve the "side effects" is also very simple, that is, continue to brush the questions, and keep brushing the questions; as long as I brush the questions enough, the difficult points will not keep up with the speed of my progress.

After thinking about this, Anson slowly opened his eyes.

Everything in front of me was no different from when I closed my eyes - outside the window was the warm sunshine and the calm turbulent sea. The cabin with the door closed was silent except for the sound of Lisa snoring while she was sleeping.

Smiling Thalia sat across from her, holding a full glass of rum in her hands and placing it steadily in her hands.

"How does it feel?"

The girl asked with a smile, and there was no trace of tiredness or impatience in her expression.

"...It's okay." Anson smiled.

Before opening his eyes, he had repeatedly confirmed that his physical condition was not abnormal.

"Then...does anything hurt?"


"Are you feeling uncomfortable?"




"Are you hungry?"

"Uh... not very hungry yet."

"That's great!"

Thalia took a deep breath and showed a happy smile: "It was the first time Thalia did this kind of thing, and I thought there might be some accident... I'm so lucky!"

Yes, I think so too... Anson laughed a few times and tried his best to restrain his curiosity to ask "what happened just now?"

For some reason, he always had a very strange premonition that once he asked, something would end badly, and he might even be killed on the spot.

Just when he was breathing a sigh of relief, Thalia, who was in high spirits, suddenly said: "Since Anson has no problem at all, let's continue!"

Um? !

An Sen raised his head in shock, not understanding what she meant: "Continue?"

"That's right." The girl chuckled matter-of-factly: "After all, only fifteen minutes have passed from just now to now - there are still three full hours before lunch time!"

"Before arriving in the new world, Thalia will definitely do her best to train Ansem into a qualified spellcaster!"

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