I will be crowned king

Chapter 432 Traditional “Country People”

"December 1st of the 100th month of the Saint's Calendar. It's sunny. Today is the third day that Miss Thalia August Rune appeared."

"Miss Thalia's appearance is undoubtedly a good thing. It marks that the Luen family attaches great importance to Lord Anson to a new level - as a loyal secretary, I have undoubted sensitivity in this regard!"

"Of course, because of some insignificant age issues and the similarity in appearance between Talia and Miss Lisa, some ridiculous and meaningless rumors have arisen."

"Some people even came to me directly and asked Lord Anson's clerk if he knew the truth; I told them that although they seemed to have some seemingly objective subjective evidence and made metaphysical subjective judgments based on objective facts ."

"However, with only the existing clues, it is still not possible to redefine the legal and traditional dual identities of the people they refer to in the third person, let alone one-sided cognition."

"Even if the corresponding proof is finally found, and the parties involved cannot give a detailed and accurate answer in a calm and sober manner, the third person referent in their mouths cannot give a detailed and accurate answer, then the matter still belongs to speculation, speculation, and subjective assumption; very unfortunately, I - —the humble clerk—does not certify them in the matter.”

"They were not satisfied with my clear answers."

"Some people even think that I am deliberately confusing them, or covering for Lord Anson Bach."

"My attitude towards this sentimental attitude is a mixture of sadness and joy - happy that they think I am confusing them in order to cover for Lord Anson; sad that they actually think that I am trying to cover for Lord Anson, Confusing them.”

"...On December 5th, it was calm and the sailing was very smooth; the only problem is that since Miss Thalia appeared, Lord Anson allowed me to enter his room less and less."

"As a scribe with a church background, I suddenly feel a little worried about my future; ever since your Lordship began his expedition to Hantu, the influence of the Luen Family on Your Lordship has continued to deepen."

"I decided to start studying some books on the history of the wealthy Clovis family. If my future future is not to enter the Privy Council, but to become a heraldry officer or a high steward, this knowledge will be very important."

"...On December 10, Colonel William Cecil told us good news: Although the pilot was killed due to the previous storm, the fleet was still sailing very smoothly and it would be possible to reach its destination ten days early."

"This means we can reach Moby Dick Harbor before December 30th, which is the 101st year of the Saint's Calendar!"

"There is no doubt that this is great news! Not only the officers and soldiers of the Storm Division, but also the sailors of the fleet are also excited - I love the sea, but if I can step on the soil with my feet in the New Year instead of On deck, I’d give half my fortune for that dirt.”

"It's also worth mentioning that Lord Anson Bach has been leaving his room less and less recently, and sometimes he can't be seen for a whole day - I don't know if this is some kind of bad news."

"...On December 13th, your Excellency has not left the cabin for four consecutive days."

"As a humble clerk, it is not my right to disturb your privacy, but I am indeed worried about your health. After all, it is very dangerous to stay out of the sun for a long time at sea."

"I asked Miss Lisa, and she told me - although what she said was actually very vague - that the Lord has been with Miss Talia. He is fine, but a little... tired."

"As a secretary, I really don't know what I can do to help you. I can only wish him good health."

"...On December 20, the first mate of the Crown reminded me that the fleet has entered the waters around Ice Dragon Fjord and will arrive at Beluga Harbor in ten days at the latest."

"This greatly reminds me that I must add some knowledge about the colonies as soon as possible!"

"In fact, Beluga Port, or the entire Ice Dragon Fjord, as the most important colony of the Kingdom of Clovis, also has an extraordinary status within the Clovis Church. There is never a lack of information about her; one of the reasons is The church always wanted to build a cathedral here, but was never able to realize this dream.”

"The entire Ice Dragon Fjord covers an area of ​​nearly 200,000 square kilometers and has a population of more than 100,000. The Beluga Port, the core of the entire colony, is not only the capital here, but also the largest city—and perhaps the only one—is also the most important. The port has a population of about 40,000, and the rest are scattered around large and small settlements, manors, mines and forest farms."

“Even if you don’t count the entire Clovis colony, the fishery, forestry and mineral resources possessed by Beluga Harbor alone are enough to amaze anyone.”

"Take the most important fishing industry as an example. The seafood harvested every year accounts for one-third or even one-half of the entire New World, which greatly boosts the economy of the entire Ice Dragon Fjord and not only balances the demand for the three countries in the North Sea. The salt trade is also the main driver of local population growth."

"Minerals and timber, as her most important industries, provide one-fifth of the kingdom's tax revenue every year. Not only are they an important guarantee for the Iron Cross Plan, they have effectively lowered the prices of timber and ore in the three countries of the North Sea. It greatly promoted the construction of colonies, and in just fifty years, Clovis, which was originally the smallest colony, became the only one in the New World second to the empire."

"Not only that, the land here is also very fertile - although it has only been developed for fifty years, many estates have begun to appear sporadically near Beluga Port, and the food types are mainly wheat, oats, potatoes, carrots and cabbage."

"The livestock industry is not very popular because of the developed fisheries, but because of the lack of labor, cultivating high-quality shipping livestock is also a good local investment."

"As a port, Beluga Port also has a very excellent shipbuilding industry - although it is mainly small ships and fishing boats - and also has completely independent steel factories, machinery factories, gun workshops... light industry and civil industry , and can barely achieve self-sufficiency at a lower level.”

"The land is fertile, and the resources are unimaginably rich... If it weren't for the extremely cold weather and the rumored terrible 'blizzard', it would be like a paradise on earth that only appears in dreams!"

"If it's not too far away from home, maybe starting over in the new world is a good choice..."


Standing on the deck of the Crown, Anson held on to the railing and looked toward the end of the horizon; among the white ice and snow, a bustling port loomed.

Unlike Beigang, it doesn't look majestic at all, and it has nothing to do with prosperity. To put it mildly, it even looks a little dilapidated.

It's like the snow-white canvas is stained with black mud, and a bunch of rotten building blocks are stuck to it.

"This is Beluga Harbor, the most prosperous place in the entire New World." William Cecil patted Anson on the shoulder and smiled jokingly: "How is it? Are you disappointed?"


Anson chuckled: "You should have been to Clovis City, right?"

"Of course, but that happened many years ago." William's expression revealed a bit of nostalgia: "What does this have to do with Clovis City?"

"Then you definitely don't know what my immediate boss, Major General Ludwig Franz, said about that city."

Before the other party could speak, Anson, the boss behind the scenes, directly revealed the answer: "A disgusting cloud of smoke under the blue sky."

William was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"I thought that all the officers from Clovis would think that except for Clovis, all other places in the world are disgusting countryside - just like you always say that our navy must be on board the ship. It's as good as sleeping." The young captain couldn't help but smile:

"It seems that the stereotypes between us are indeed very deep!"

No, your place is the countryside. I really want to be transferred to a civilized society with steam trains, running water, street lights, fireplaces, cafes, and theaters... Anson nodded slightly: "Yes, not everyone likes to live in a big city. As for the city, I prefer the country.”

"After all, our Bach family is a small rural aristocracy in the central province. I am more accustomed to the traditional style manor; such as running water, heating, gas...the so-called 'Clovis modern life'...I still still don't It’s very uncomfortable!”


William was suddenly startled, and suddenly laughed: "Oh...that's just right."

"How do you say that?" Anson asked curiously.

"That's it...the matter of the White Whale Port garrison was actually decided more than half a year ago, but I don't know who to send. The news from the Privy Council at that time was that they would find someone with high moral character and high reputation to retire soon. General, so he urged the colonial side to speed up the construction of headquarters and military camps."

William said truthfully: "In order to ensure that the general can come, the construction standards of the headquarters have been set to extremely high standards - complete and independent water systems and heating facilities, built entirely according to the level of high-end villas in Clovis City."

"But due to various problems, the construction period was not progressing smoothly, and the materials were not up to standard and had to be unfinished. In the end, the headquarters had to be changed to a 'colonial traditional style' - that is, there were no sewer pipes and heating. ’s version, counting the time, the house is probably still a rough house now, I don’t know if the eaves have been repaired.”

"But you don't like the facilities in Clovis City anyway, so you can save all those troublesome things and still have a lot of funds left... Isn't this just right?"

Anson Bach: "..."

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