I will be crowned king

Chapter 439 Immigration Plan

Aboriginal people?

Upon hearing this word, Anson suddenly became infinitely curious and began to carefully observe the figure lying in the bullpen.

From the appearance, he appears to be very thin, with long and slender limbs. He is also very short. His skin is pale and rough, and his body hair is relatively thick. Especially his brown-red hair, which at first glance seems to be almost twice as thick as a normal person's. times.

But other than that, you can't tell any difference.

He is thin and short, and the same is true for the beggars and vagrants in the outer city of Clovis; Hantu is like spring all year round, and the skin of the people there is not that delicate; brown-red hair is not common in Clovis, but it is also Definitely not rare.

Apart from the enviable advantage of having a lot of hair, Anson really couldn't find any "indigenous characteristics" in the other party.

So how did they differentiate between natives and immigrants?


Thinking of this, Anson took advantage of the moment when others were not paying attention, and gently "pop!" he snapped his right index finger, triggering the supernatural power, and the surrounding pictures immediately flooded into his mind.

But the next second, there was a slight tingling sensation in the chest and heart area.

Almost at the same time, the native who collapsed in the mud suddenly trembled. He stood up suddenly and looked behind him with a pair of big eyes!

In an instant, the stunned Ansen and the indigenous people looked at each other.


A wooden stick hit the indigenous people's heads firmly, and blood splattered everywhere.

The figure lying in the mud immediately looked like a puppet with its strings cut off. It opened its eyes and collapsed straight into the pit.

The young man named "Boni" left the wooden stick on the ground and spat on the indigenous people with disgust: "Who took him out? Didn't we agree to lock them all up? !”

As soon as he finished speaking, a villager who looked quite strong ran over in a panic, without daring to speak, and dragged the unconscious indigenous people away from the cowshed with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, the reception was really poor!" The young man apologized immediately, with a guilty expression in his eyes: "I...I really didn't expect that they are usually very docile and don't even have the courage to look up at others!"

"Are there many slaves like this... on your farm?" Anson changed the subject very bluntly.

"Well, I'm really not very clear about this. I'm not in charge of this."

Boni scratched his head in embarrassment: "There shouldn't be too many, right? We are a relatively small farm with only a few dozen people. It can't be compared with those big farms...Uncle Sonny, do you still have any impressions?" "

"Oh! Remember, remember!"

Called "Uncle Sonny" by the young people, the fat villager who had just taken away the unconscious aboriginal people hurried forward. He was so scared that he did not dare to raise his head: "Big, there are about thirty-five...five or six."

"So many!"

Boni's expression was very surprised: "I always thought there were only a dozen or so at most...the number of these beast slaves is almost as large as the population of the entire village!"

"Beast slave?"

Anson noticed the word.

"Ah, this is the name we give to the captured indigenous people, because they are like wild beasts, but easier to tame than animals." Boni quickly stepped forward to explain:

"It doesn't mean to discriminate. I just want to give them a name to distinguish them from my own people."

Well, I understand, that is 100% discrimination... Anson pretended to be curious and looked around: "Is it common to keep... animal slaves here in Beluga Port?"

"It's very common, you can say we've become accustomed to it!" Boney introduced very plainly, with nothing strange in his eyes:

"The number we raise here is still relatively small, and those of large farms probably have at least hundreds... Haha, there is no way, just relying on scattered colonists to join, the efficiency of land reclamation will not be as high as it is now!"

"As for those mines and forest farms, not to mention, most of the beast slaves captured by mercenaries and adventurers were sold to them... Haha, after all, these jobs require more labor and are more dangerous. "

"Not only in colonies, I heard that adventurers would also mortgage slave animals to ocean-going merchants and sell them to the mainland to build railways - it is also a big business."

Anson knew something about this matter - after the Clovis City riots, the Railway Commission, which had been unable to make ends meet, suddenly fell into the dilemma of insufficient labor. The war on the front line again forced the need for resources and manpower, and instead required Speed ​​up railway construction.

According to the information collected by the little clerk, the Railway Committee is now almost starved of food - bankrupt farmers, prisoners in prisons, foreigners, slaves...

There was even a running joke about the railroad commissions in the North: If goats and rats could swing pickaxes or lay sleepers, the commission would happily give them a paycheck.

"Then these beast slaves won't resist?" A soldier from the guard company couldn't help but ask.

"No, never."

Boney's tone was very sure, but at the same time very annoyed: "They are usually so docile that they don't even say much, they don't scream no matter how much work they do, they never resist when they are beaten, and they don't even dare to look directly. Anyone except the same kind - so I really don’t understand where he got the courage to look directly at the Commander!"

"But... please believe that this is really just an example, a very rare example. Most beast slaves are usually very docile, and they will not threaten or attack others."

"If you are interested, I can introduce you to several mercenary groups with good reputation. The prices are also very affordable - although they cannot do particularly detailed work, as long as you buy them, it will definitely be worth the money."

"As for the bastard who threatened you, I will give him to you..."

"No." Anson raised his hand to stop the young man who was desperately trying to express his sincerity:

"Well, I want to buy this beast slave, just give it a suitable price."

"Look what you said, how can I ask the garrison commander for money for a beast slave? Uncle Harold will definitely scold me for being ignorant!"

The young man smiled flatteringly, put his hat on his chest and saluted Anson: "I will ask Uncle Sonny to prepare the beast slave. When you want to leave, just take it away."

The two chatted for a while, with Anson asking mainly about local farming tools and livestock.

The answer was basically the same as Anson's initial guess - because the manufacturing industry was completely dependent on local production, all the production tools in Beluga Port were very crude, and this was most obvious in the metal tools.

Simple production tools intensify the consumption of labor, which is one of the reasons why most even successful farms take three to five years to get back on track.

At the same time, the price of livestock, especially beasts of burden, is also extremely high; although the New World is not without domesticated animals and mature animal husbandry, the areas with the most developed animal husbandry are far away from Beluga Port, and almost all are within the colonial scope of the Western Empire. The originally high price makes merchants and consumers lack interest. Once the number of people willing to buy is small, the quantity will be smaller, and the price will be higher.

Of course, on the other hand, if you can purchase in large quantities and keep the price at a suitable level, this will be an excellent business opportunity - everyone understands this, but to do it requires a very organized Governor's Mansion , but there is no governor in Beluga Port.

Anson fell into deep thought.

Before leaving, the young man very diligently handed over the tied beast slaves to the soldiers of the guard company, and after all kinds of refusals, he accepted the gold coins Anson bought him, and happily took all the villagers in the farm to see him off. The group left.

Anson, who pretended not to care much about this, was carefully looking at the natives of this new world with the corner of his eyes from beginning to end.

Yes, he could now be 100% sure that what he felt at that moment was not an illusion - the indigenous people in front of him, who were called "beast slaves" by the colonists, did indeed have traces on their bodies that were unique to spellcasters.

Even... they are not even the most ordinary, the most "common" kind of spell casters in the old continent: they have only passed the ceremony, know nothing about the three major magics, and have mastered some painless, magic-like skills... Rather, he is a real spellcaster who has actually mutated and is in the process of evolving.

The evidence is the horn growing out of his forehead!


In the next two days, Anson and Lisa continued to patrol the wilderness outside Beluga Port, visiting nearby farms while looking for wasteland suitable for reclamation.

It should be said that the results obtained are quite optimistic.

As a colony that has just been developed on a large scale less than 50 years ago, there is still a lot of space that can be explored near Beluga Port, and the potential in all aspects is very sufficient; at least in the foreseeable future, it will be absolutely vast and sparsely populated. .

Of course, this also brings about a problem. Even if the Storm Division and the Rune Family can occupy these lands, there will not be enough manpower to open up and develop the land. The army can at most provide temporary emergency response, but without sufficient reserve manpower, it is destined to be unable to last long. maintained.

The only solution is to take the immigrants who come to Beluga Port from all over the world every year into their own hands, and at the same time expand the number of immigrants, and expand the base that can be controlled by themselves in a short period of time; at the same time, cooperate with their own promises The Luen family's industrial plan will send all the residents of Beluga Port City to the factory.

In this way, internally it can attract locals with stable jobs, and externally it can attract new immigrants to become its own. The influence of the Storm in Beluga Port will grow rapidly.

Of course, I am not the governor of Beluga Port or Ice Dragon Fjord. I have no right to raise such labor-related demands with the local people, let alone order new immigrants to be loyal to the Storm Division or the Rune Family.

But you may be able to find a way to solve this problem directly from the "source".

So before returning to the station, Anson, who was still on the road, picked up his diary and wrote seriously:

"Dear Miss Sophia Franz:

Today is the end of December, and it is also the last day of the 100th year of the Saints' Calendar. Time flies so fast. Looking at the snowy sky in Beluga Harbor reminds me of the late night when we met by chance at St. Isaac's College.

Because of the Army's order, I can only say goodbye to you without saying goodbye; but please believe that this cannot shake my loyalty to you - no matter how I change my identity, the Storm Division will always belong to you, and I will be your most loyal follower.

To this end, allow me to recommend to you the great opportunity I discovered in the colonies: immigration.

There seems to be a voice within the Kingdom of Clovis that believes that the colonies only need passive development, and that they can bring very considerable benefits at a very low cost without spending a lot of money to organize large-scale immigrants.

With all due respect, this is a very superficial idea.

In fact, regardless of whether colonization is carried out in small quantities or by letting nature take its course, the returns are low and it also suffers from the disadvantage of poor risk resistance; only large-scale organized immigration can completely overwhelm risks through quantity and obtain huge returns in a very short period of time.

And when the number of pioneers in a colony reaches a certain level, even if it is only in the initial development stage, the income will show an exponential growth trend in the next few years, and maintain stable positive income after a certain sustained blowout.

And if even the Franz family invests in immigration, the industrial confidence that emerges as a bellwether will usher in an unprecedented round of development for the colony; many desperate Clovis people will watch in the dark. To a ray of light.

I can even guarantee you that just sending immigrants to the colonies will bring you very considerable profits - whether it is Moby Dick Harbor or any of the Clovis colonies, it will have a huge impact on manpower. There is no possibility of saturation in the short term.

In terms of transportation, I have reached an intention to cooperate with the Cecil family of North Port; actively contacting them can also expand the influence of the Franz family in the north and the Royal Navy.

As I expected, after the peace talks in the Elf Kingdom of Yser, the expansion of Major General Ludwig Franz's influence within the Royal Army has become unstoppable; if you are really determined to compete with him or retain your own To gain a place in the world, we need to find new allies in a wider world.

The Cecil family is a rare choice.

At present, the situation in the colonies around Beluga Harbor is relatively stable, but I believe this is only temporary, or even superficial. In fact, some clues are enough to prove that the situation is developing in an unpredictable direction, and riots and conflicts have already begun. It is an inevitable situation.

But on the contrary, chaos is also an opportunity.

As long as they can seize the current opportunity and seize the opportunity before the conflict completely breaks out, the Franz family will be able to occupy a firm position in the colonial interests, continue to expand and expand with the progress of the war, and become an inseparable part. .

And you, who control this part of the interests, will also have a higher say within the Franz family.

May the Franz family continue to prosper and may we meet again soon.

Your devoted follower, Anson Bach. "

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