I will be crowned king

Chapter 440 The Arms of the Religion

After an inspection that lasted for a day and a half, Anson, who promised Lisa "only take her out" as promised, returned to the garrison station with the satisfied girl.

At this time, the reconstruction work of the station has just entered the right track. It is a bustling scene inside and outside. Everywhere you look, there are Storm Division soldiers sweating profusely. They are as densely packed and orderly as an ant colony, and the division of labor is orderly inside the renovation. External protective walls, trenches were dug, and simple forts were built.

For every Clovis soldier, the thing they did most in their military career was not pulling the trigger, but marching with heavy loads and digging trenches; therefore, in the long years of war, they accumulated a lot of experience in both of them. Many standards.

Whether it is a temporary emergency shallow foxhole or an artillery fort, as long as it continues to be strengthened, stronger semi-permanent or even permanent fortifications can be built on its foundation.

With the strength of the Storm Division, not to mention Beluga Port, even the entire Ice Dragon Fjord would not have a force capable of confronting it. However, out of absolute caution, Anson and the entire Storm Division officer corps unanimously agreed to transform the garrison. Impregnable in a literal sense.

This is not only because of the sense of crisis caused by being far away from the homeland, which makes the Storm Division eager to have an absolutely safe base camp; but also because the location of the station is indeed excellent, very suitable for building a fortress that radiates both the sea and land space of Beluga Port.

Maybe even the White Whale Port Council themselves didn't realize that the wasteland outside the city they casually allocated to the Storm Division was such an excellent location; as long as three forts were built, the city, port and land transportation could be completely blocked, making the entire city and even All the peripheral roads are within the range of artillery attack.

Of course, it is more likely that they did not expect that the mainland would actually send an entire infantry division, and that it was an infantry division that had just fought abroad and was wealthy enough to have two artillery companies and a cavalry battalion.

As the supervisor of the entire project, the former Guards officer actually had no experience in large-scale projects. However, the commander of the artillery company, Captain Jaroshenko, was born in engineering and had a talent for visual distance measurement. Therefore, Fabian really only needed Just supervise the work.

In addition to the renovation and reconstruction of the camp, various supporting facilities are also being constructed simultaneously; although it is still far away from the start of the August Military Factory, Fabian first built a gun repair workshop, a lead bullet and gunpowder workshop in the camp , a military uniform workshop and a shoemaking workshop... At the same time, the road dredging work has also been started simultaneously.

According to the officer corps' estimates, the entire station will be put into normal use within two weeks at the earliest, and the heating facilities (fireplaces and coal stoves) and the most basic sanitation facilities will be completed in another three days.

The only regret is that the sewers and heating that Anson is so concerned about have to be postponed indefinitely - there is no way, whether it is water supply pipes or heating pipes, things that can be done easily in Clovis City can be done immediately in the colony. It becomes as difficult as climbing to the sky.

This is one of the reasons why Anson insists on setting up a steel plant in Beluga Port as soon as possible. It will not only bring stable jobs and basic logistical support, but also have a huge impact on the local area, from quality of life to productivity. There will be a qualitative leap in production capacity growth.

And as long as they control the steel plant, even if Anson and Thalia do nothing next, the Rune family's influence in Beluga Harbor and even the entire colony will still grow day by day.

Of course, the premise is that Universal Sect is really willing to cooperate - without the army to ensure public security, he would not dare to build such an important factory in Beluga Harbor City.

"Bishop Ripper has agreed."

In the living room of the headquarters, Carl Bain, who had just returned from Beluga Harbor, said to Anson with a look of resentment: "The bishop's original words were: If the garrison commander is really willing to serve all the devout believers living in the colony, Providing security, he and all the cultists will do their best to promote the Storm Division."

"In addition, if necessary, the churches in Beluga Port City can be used as military depots and outposts, and all of them can be leased to the Storm Division. I have roughly learned that there are almost twelve, and they are all located in important gathering areas and transportation hubs in the city. .”

Anson nodded slightly. It was natural for the church to be built in the center of the gathering area and in a location with convenient transportation; especially in a place like a colony, it was likely that the entire community was built around the church.

"Then does he have any additional conditions?"

"Yes, just one." Karl raised his right index finger:

"The Storm Division is going to train a 'paramilitary' militia organization for the Ice Dragon Fjord Colony...well, to be precise, the followers of Bishop Riper himself, and give them some weapons so that they can have the ability to protect yourself."

"Protect yourself?" Anson was stunned for a moment.

In his memory, the Universalist Church is one of the most averse sects that interferes with the secular world. If it is possible that they don't even want to build a church, how could they think of establishing a private army belonging to the church like the Church of Order?


"Because this is a colony."

Faced with Carl Bain's confusion, Bishop Ripper's answer was only a complicated sigh.

"Although there have been more and more new immigrants in recent years, not all believers are as pious as you, Chief of Staff, and the Commander of the Guard; for more people, the difference between believing in heretical gods or the Ring of Order... is really Not big."

Bishop Riper frowned: "What's more important is that even followers of the Circle of Order do not have no differences with each other. Many conflicts even exceed the hatred of heretics... This is really heartbreaking. Got it!"

Yes, who made you, the Universal Sect, be the first to stand up against the Holy See? It has refused to stop until now. If it hadn't been for the colonies, you would have been exterminated to death... Carl Bain forced a smile:

"But what does this have to do with forming your own militia... I mean, the Stormtroopers can definitely provide for your personal safety."

"But even you can only point your guns at the heretics, can't you?" Bishop Ripper suddenly asked.

Um? !

Karl immediately became alert: "What do you mean?"

"Please don't get me wrong, I am definitely not saying to point the gun at those companions who have the same beliefs but have some differences with us - even though they have done this to us." Bishop Ripper explained:

"I just think that if there is such an army, it can greatly enhance the cohesion of the colonial Ring of Order believers; let everyone put aside their disputes and unite under the same banner to fight for the future of the Order World."

The chief of staff frowned: "Then who are you going to declare war on?"

No matter what kind of army it is, it must have an enemy. Even if there is no enemy, one must be created - this is very clear to Carl Bain, who has always been the scapegoat.

"Of course they are pagans!"

Bishop Riper said without thinking, but after noticing Karl's expression, he smiled and changed the subject: "Of course, I am referring to those pagans who are hostile to the colonies; to those lambs who are still confused. We will try to lead them to the right path without resorting to violence."

Carl Bain said nothing, only nodded slightly in agreement.

He would only believe such nonsense as a promise not to take the initiative to use violence.

Once the local Church of the Ring of Order has its own armed forces, it is conceivable that conflicts will definitely intensify; the pagans who have been suppressed will definitely not give up, even if the entire Beluga Port and the entire Ice Dragon Fjord fall into civil war. How strange.

But Karl didn't care about the life and death of the heretics, just like he actually didn't care much about the life and death of the heretics in the colony; what he really hesitated about was whether the subsequent chain reaction would affect the Stormtroopers.

Once the church's armed forces are organized, it is almost impossible to disband them; the last time the entire Order World united to reduce the power of the church, they fought a sectarian schism war that lasted for hundreds of years.

If this army swells uncontrollably, the Storm Division may well be forced into a pointless war - and this is not without precedent.

"This is just a slogan, a flag to unite all adherents of the Colonial Circle of Order."

Bishop Ripper's eyes were extremely sincere. He smiled and scanned the church, which had only walls and sculptures of the Ring of Order, and not even a few decent benches:

"In a new world full of primitiveness and crisis, with traces of pagans everywhere, only in this way can the believers of the Circle of Order put aside their disputes over the creed and teachings and avoid the tragedy of killing each other."

"That's my only request."

Karl's brows furrowed even more.

He glanced at the clear water in the cup that was almost frozen into ice cubes. The creaking bench under him made his body feel uncomfortable from head to toe. At the end of December, when the snow and ice were flying, he came to this place with wind leakage from all sides. Being a guest in a church without a fireplace is almost like going to jail.

In contrast, the bishop opposite, who was wearing a coarse linen robe and patched trousers, could not see anything strange, as if he was really happy with this extremely poor life.

"I... can agree to your request, but there is a prerequisite." Karl lowered his voice and deliberately spoke in a hoarse and low voice:

"The Storm Division can train you an armed force belonging to the followers of the Ring of Order, but the wartime command of this armed force must belong to the Storm Division; at the same time, without the permission of the Storm Division, no private actions are allowed, let alone the establishment of What kind of church court or something like that!”

"If you can promise to do this, I can now replace the garrison commander and agree to your request; but if there are difficulties, I can only..."

"No, it's not difficult."

Before the chief of staff could finish speaking, Bishop Riper interrupted with a smile: "I can promise you now that without the permission of the garrison commander, this army, which only belongs to devout believers, will never be used."

"Even so, I still suggest that you seek the opinion of the commander himself, what do you think?"


"That's fine with me."

Anson said without hesitation: "As long as we ensure that the training and command of this armed force are all in our hands, we can agree to him."

"are you serious?"

Karl was shocked: "This... this is a religious army. Once it is formed, don't expect to disband them! What's more, what the bishop wants is definitely more than just..."

"Then you think if we don't agree, this army won't be able to be formed?" Anson asked.


"It's impossible, right?" Anson sighed softly:

"Since he dares to make this request, it means that the bishop and the believers in Beluga Port have made up their minds; even if we refuse, at most we will only delay them for a few years, or find other forces to cooperate."

"I guess the reason why they came to us is that besides the fact that we outsiders urgently need his cooperation and it is easier to negotiate, the White Whale Port Council may have rejected their request in this regard once."

"But refusing once does not mean refusing forever. What's more, even if Beluga Port always disagrees, will they really not do it?" Anson asked.

Karl was stunned and shook his head silently.

Of course it's impossible.

They will still form their own army, and due to the obstruction of external forces, their attitude will only be more radical than now.

"Since it's just a matter of time, it's better to agree while they are just starting to prepare. This way, we can still have some initiative."

This also verified his previous speculation, that is, the power of the local church may overlap with that of the Beluga Harbor Council, but the interests of both parties are not completely consistent; otherwise, the council would have no reason to prevent Bishop Ripper from forming a team of Order. An armed force composed of ring believers.

And Anson also has a bold idea, which is to use this army to infiltrate the power of the Rune family into the Circle of Order believers.

Since the other party has handed over the training and command to him, as long as he can properly promote the Luen family, he can find a way to recruit some people, or more directly develop some "flexible-minded" young people...

After that, many things fell into place.

"Then how many church troops is this Lord Bishop prepared to train?"

"I'm not sure, but I think he seems to be somewhat conflicted." Karl speculated:

"On the one hand, he probably wants to form an elite force of two to three hundred people, but on the other hand, he also wants to form an irregular militia group. The more people, the better. It is best if all believers who meet the physical fitness standards can You can participate.”

Well, that is the difference between the Knights and the army of fanatical believers; Anson nodded: "In that case, then be prepared for both - a large-scale organization, and at the same time, elite troops can also serve as grassroots officers, so..."

Before Anson could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door outside the living room; a young man with a smile followed the little clerk and walked into the room. Before he spoke, he took off his hat and saluted Anson. :

"Dear Commander of the Garrison, my master, Chancellor Harold, ordered me to come and invite you to the New Year's Party in Beluga Harbor..."

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