I will be crowned king

Chapter 451 Please call me Sheriff Lisa Bach

Chapter 451 Please call me Sheriff Lisa Bach

Beluga Harbor, Teapot Street, 6:30 in the morning.

The snow that had lasted all night had just come to an end, dyeing the quiet streets a uniform silvery white, shining with dazzling light in the early morning sun; only a few smoking chimneys melted next to them. The ice and snow revealed a dirty and ugly gray-black color.

For all immigrants who long for freedom and break free from bondage, the colony is their dream place, and Beluga Harbor is the first stop for many people when they come to the dream land; but unfortunately, this stop is They are also divided into three, six and nine grades.

There are twelve communities in the entire Beluga Harbor, including the Beluga Harbor Council and the port, a total of fourteen. Among them, the six closest to the port and the earliest ones are relatively prosperous; there are markets, churches, and many buildings. It is sturdy, with complete sanitation and heating facilities, as well as road construction. The residents are basically small property owners, or the earliest colonists.

The remaining eight are communities established by the "new immigrants" who came to Beluga Harbor one after another - especially those who had nothing; the common characteristics are chaos, filth and disorder; many buildings are not even basic It is impossible to completely keep warm, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the house can be so small that it can be ignored.

In particular, the newer the community, the more obvious the dilapidation is - the empty-handed new immigrants came to Beluga Harbor, and after working hard to fill their stomachs, they could not afford to live in even the cheapest house, and could only use stones, wood and garbage. The piled-up shacks were barely hiding.

Teapot Row is the newest of these neighborhoods.

It takes its name from a tavern in the middle of the street, where there is always a large teapot boiling water.

If you spend a copper plate to buy a cup of boiling water, the tavern owner will allow you to stay in the warm tavern for two hours; if you are willing to buy a cup of light beer mixed with water, the time can be doubled; if you are willing to buy a fish, you can stay All night; and if anyone could buy a meal of beer, white bread, hot soup and sausage...

Then he wouldn't be in this damn place at all.

There was an exquisite four-wheeled carriage parked in front of the street sign with a big teapot on it. Lisa, who was dexterous, kicked the car door open and strode toward Teapot Street.

She wore a slightly old tricorn hat, and her light brown hair grew wildly like weeds under the brim, almost covering her face and emerald eyes. She tied a short ponytail behind her head with red cloth.

The large black long-sleeved windbreaker almost covered her whole body, revealing only a pair of exquisite leather boots, and a scarf with the same color as the collar and headband. She swayed as she walked, looking like a gentleman from Clovis... or so A "miniature" little gentleman.

Lisa was very satisfied with her outfit - now she was not only Anson's guard, but also the Sheriff of Beluga Port appointed by him personally.

[As an excellent police chief, the first thing you have to do is to wear the right outfit - you must be approachable, but you must also let others feel the majesty you exude. 】

[Ah, what is majesty? Uh... you just can make others fear you and obey your orders obediently without drawing a gun. That's called majesty... right? 】

According to this standard, the girl thinks that she is very majestic now.

The newly appointed girl walked up and down the narrow and dirty street, ignoring the buildings on both sides and the figures hiding under the windows peeping at her, and walked straight to the most luxurious building in the whole street - —In front of the Big Teapot Tavern.

Patting the "Sheriff's Code" that Anson had taught her in the past two days hidden in her coat pocket, Lisa pushed the tricorn hat that was a little heavy on her forehead and kicked towards the door of the tavern.


The rotten wooden door opened in front of the calfskin boots, making a loud sound that almost killed her; with the door opening, a warm current carrying the smell of alcohol and sweat rushed towards her face.

Early in the morning is when the tavern business is at its most deserted. Apart from the sleepy owner lying on the bar, there are only a few hangover drunkards and guys spending the night in the empty tavern.

Standing next to the big teapot that made a sound, the girl with her chest raised and her head held high put her right hand behind her back, and then deliberately coughed loudly a few times:

"Ahem, cough, cough - honest and kind-hearted residents of Teapot Street, from today on, Lisa will be everyone's police chief!"

[Sheriff’s Code No. 1: At all times, you must first let those around you know your identity. 】

A childish voice echoes amid the sound of the teapot whistle.

There was dead silence in the tavern.

The next second, the quiet Big Teapot Tavern was shaken by the laughter that resounded through the sky and the roof was blown off.

"Pfft hahahahahahaha...!!!"

"This little girl...hahahaha...this little girl said...she hahahaha..."

"Did you hear everything?! Did you hear everything?! She hahahahaha..."

Faced with the "ridicule" directed at her from top to bottom in the tavern, the girl calmly took out the Inquisitor's Whistle given to her by Anson from her coat pocket.


A shrill whistle echoed over the empty Teapot Street.

Just as the whole tavern was still enjoying themselves, the roaring sound of military boots suddenly came from the street outside; a dozen fully armed soldiers had already smashed the door with rifles with bayonets, and rushed into the tavern in a swarm. .

Before the boss and the guests could figure out what was going on, each had a gun pointed at their head.

[Sheriff’s Code Article 2: Remain calm in the face of any situation, avoid violent disputes, and be able to control the situation as soon as possible. 】

Two Guards Company soldiers stood behind Lisa, stamping their feet hard with "Bang! Bang!" and raising their guns to their shoulders: "Salute to Sergeant Lisa Bach!"

"pay tribute--!!!!"

Amidst the loud and clear slogans, the tavern became quiet again.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, everyone!"

Waving her hands according to the movements taught by Anson, Lisa put the whistle back in her pocket, walked to the bar in front of the boss who had three rifles pointed at her head at the same time, and stood on the bar with her waist in three steps:

"Who owns this bar?"

"Me! I am!"

Hearing this, the tavern owner raised his hands tremblingly and looked up at Lisa, who had a small face.


Seeing how cooperative the other party was, the girl nodded with satisfaction: "Chief Lisa recently received reliable information that the last location of the murderer of four Storm Division soldiers was near Teapot Street!"

"Tell Lisa, when and where was the last time the tavern owner saw the murderer?"

[Sheriff's Code No. 3: Regardless of whether you have definite evidence or not, you must show that you are in control of everything. 】

"When and where was the last time I saw them?" The tavern owner was almost scared to tears:

"I...I haven't seen any murderer!"

Hearing these words, Lisa, who was wearing a waistband, suddenly raised her head:


Almost at the same time, three rifles hit the boss's head again.

"Wait! I've seen it, I've really seen it, I've seen it!"

Hearing the sound of the guards pulling the bolts of their guns, the boss suddenly trembled all over, and his groggy brain suddenly started to vibrate as if it had been electrified:

"Just the day before yesterday, three people came to our place and opened a room!"

"How many people?!" Lisa began to ask.

"three people!"

"How many rooms are there?!"

"one room!"

"Three people just got a room?!"

"We only have one room here—it's an attic!"

"How many people occupy the room?!"


"What time?!"

"The day before yesterday - they only stayed one night...on!"

Looking at the out-of-breath tavern owner, Lisa nodded with satisfaction and showed an angelic smile: "Yeah~ Very good - Lisa believes it!"

The tavern owner let out a long sigh of relief, "Plop!" and fell down on the wet bar counter covered with cold sweat.

Lisa jumped off the counter, fumbled around in her coat, and sadly handed an apple can to the boss: "This is a thank you, please accept it."

[Sergeant’s Code Article 4: Those who tip off the information must be rewarded to make them believe that the risk is worth it. 】

Ignoring the tavern owner and the trembling guests who were holding the cans and looking confused, Lisa, with her little hands behind her back, led the two guards up the stairs.

The rest of the Guard Company soldiers surrounded the entire tavern and blocked the community streets.

[Article 5 of the Sheriff’s Code: Don’t blindly trust intelligence. Seeing is always believing. 】

Arriving at the attic, Lisa stepped forward and pushed the door open in person. Two guards stood guard outside the door, standing back to back in the stairwell.

Unsurprisingly, the entire attic was very dilapidated and pitch-black. Not to mention the bed, there was not even a place where people could lie down comfortably. There were all kinds of clutter everywhere.

There are no windows, only a few thumb-sized holes and gaps between the boards, and the sound of the wind can be heard.

According to the intelligence collected with painstaking efforts by the Second Infantry Regiment, the traces of the murderers disappeared on Teapot Street, and for several days after that, there was no more news about them, and there were no cases of attacks on Storm Division soldiers. .

According to Carl Bain's speculation, there is a high probability that this group of people should still be hiding in the city, and should be on Teapot Street and several nearby communities.

They committed the crime unprepared, and had no plan for their escape route or how they were going to escape. Guys like this would definitely not dare to act rashly, and they would definitely leave a lot of clues behind.

And Lisa has found it.

To be precise, she discovered it the moment she entered the door, before her eyes could fully adapt to the darkness.

It was a faint smell of...blood.

And it smells like blood from several days ago.

Lisa's preference for delicious food has given her a very sensitive little nose, and her rich battlefield experience allows her to accurately identify the time and specific location of blood coagulation.

The above sophisticated nonsense was made up by Anson to fool the officers and soldiers of the Storm Division. The real answer is simpler than this - Lisa is the last blood of August, a direct descendant of the blood magic apostle, and no one understands blood better than her.

Following the direction prompted by the blood, the girl quickly rummaged through a pile of garbage to find her target—a few blood-stained clothes.

The blood on the clothes has completely solidified, but it can still be seen from the coverage and the degree of penetration into the fabric that the amount of blood is extremely large. The dark red blood clots stick to the clothes like glue mixed with grease, and it is almost impossible to see the original color. shape.

There were several holes on the collar and chest, which looked like marks from bayonets and lead bullets, proving that their owners were probably injured when they escaped.

Even the smell of plasma can prove this. Lisa can smell at least six different plasma smells from her clothes, most likely including their own.


The girl frowned, took out a "cigarette" from her arms - the filter was maltose, the cigarette was a licorice stick, produced by Anson - and fell into deep thought.

[Article 6 of the Sheriff's Code: An excellent police chief must always know how to make inferences based on the clues he has. 】

[What, what is reasoning? Uh...you remember Draco, right? Yes, it’s that annoying novelist. What he did to us on the Iron Sky was reasoning. Just follow his example...]

With a small face, Lisa began to wander around the final crime scene; like every master of reasoning, she did not miss any detail of the scene and looked for any possible clues.

The dark attic was silent, and a vibrant heart kept beating in the girl's delicate body, making the young brain think quickly.

Countless possibilities flashed through her mind one by one, countless clues were arranged and combined in her subconscious, and hundreds of pieces of information jumped in front of her eyes one by one.

She makes bold assumptions, she carefully considers, she thinks seriously, she...




The girl who stood still on the spot patted her stomach with a "pop!" and suddenly froze.

The head wearing the three-cornered hat was slightly raised, and the "whooshing" little nose seemed to have discovered something terrible, and he began to lead her closer to the blood-stained clothes.

For a moment, Lisa's eyes widened.

Although it was almost completely covered by the blood stains on the clothes, the scent of their original owners could still be vaguely smelled on these clothes.

This is actually not surprising at all - after all, clothes, especially formal clothes and winter coats, are very valuable possessions. Ordinary Beluga immigrants only have two or three sets of clothes throughout the year, and some may even only have one.

No matter how hygienic you are, it is normal for someone's body odor to remain on the clothes you wear frequently.

Lisa could swear that there was a smell in these clothes that she had smelled before.

And just now!


Almost at the same time, there was a loud bang from the door downstairs of the tavern, as well as the shouts of soldiers.

"What is he going to do?!"

"Stop that man!"

"Don't let him get away!"

Lisa stood up, opened her coat, and ran towards the wall of the tavern.

[Sheriff’s Code Article 7: You must hit a suspect who tries to escape with a heavy blow. As for whether he is a criminal or not, this can be discussed later after he is shot. 】


Sheriff Lisa Bach jumped into the air after breaking through the wall, revealing a shotgun and a bunch of grenades under her lifted coat.

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