I will be crowned king

Chapter 452 Suspect? Kill!

The moment the gunfire rang out, the running suspect raised his head unconsciously and looked in shock at the girl jumping into the air and the shotgun in her hand.

Lisa, holding the gun with one hand, pulled the trigger in mid-air, and exploding lead bullets spurted out from the gun flame, like blooming flowers.

The scene at this moment is frozen in the snowy Teapot Street in winter, and time seems to have suddenly stopped.

But in the next second, the suspect's expression changed from shock to horror - the girl shot not only shotguns at him, but also grenades!


The golden red fire crackled in the snow-covered streets, and the white snow and black mud were wrapped in thick smoke and exploded into the sky, splashing like rain. The deafening roar was mixed with the screams of many people.

The moment the explosion sounded, the suspect was directly knocked out by the air wave. He jumped several times on the thick snow as if he was floating on water. He rolled awkwardly while getting up on his hands and feet, and continued to move forward without looking back. Run wildly.

The soldiers of the guard company who were affected had to lie down and take cover, and their pursuit was blocked by the explosion.

"Even... Sheriff?!"

"Go block the streets and don't let the suspect escape!"

Lisa shouted loudly with a cigarette (licorice stick) in her mouth. She had skillfully loaded the shotgun the moment she landed. The steel beast, which was so hot that it was still smoking, was ready to go again.

[Article 8 of the Sheriff’s Code: Maintaining community security, striking hard at threats that endanger public safety, and nipping incidents in the bud are the most important missions of the Sheriff. 】

"Follow your orders——!!!"

After receiving the instruction, the guard company immediately disbanded on the spot, blowing the iron whistle and running, spreading a siege network along the street; one of the fastest soldiers directly drove the carriage and rushed to the nearest church (Storm Division outpost).

Although the Guard Company has no experience in managing urban security at all, because Anson himself is from the Skirmisher Division, his subconscious preference has led to the entire Guard Company being skirmishers - ambushing, outflanking, gathering and annihilating, chasing and escaping, calling for reinforcements... these all belong to them. Job.

At the same time, the petite police chief had already chased him across the sea of ​​fire, and the shotgun in his arms roared simultaneously.

"No - run!"

The eardrum-piercing gunfire exploded on the deserted streets. The hot lead bullets stirred up the white snow and flew in the drifting smoke, making a sweet sound of water and fire.

The running suspect kept turning, sliding, jumping, rolling, and dodging with extremely agile movements, using the surrounding snow, the narrowness of the street, and the garbage and rags everywhere as cover and dodge space.

Lisa's eyes widened.

In her mind, this was the first time she saw a guy who couldn't hit him.

His physical fitness, reaction time, and instinctive judgment...are all better than those of the soldiers in the Guard Company, even better than Anson.

This murderer (suspect)... is very strong!

But what she didn't know was that the "very strong" suspect in front of her was already looking at her like a monster.

While running for his life, the suspect used the corner of his eye to observe the girl behind him who called himself "sheriff"; not only could he keep up with his speed, but he also loaded the shotgun at an alarmingly fast speed, and each shot fired It is steady and ruthless.

If she hadn't been able to accurately predict the coverage of each shot, I might have been shattered long ago!


The slightly red shotgun was pointed at his back again. The suspect immediately lowered his body, preparing to jump and dodge to the right.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed a grenade in the hand of the running girl.

The suspect immediately guessed Lisa's brain circuit - to use explosions to block the escape space, and then opened fire at the moment when he was forced to stop; with the coverage of the shotgun, he could not escape anyway.

So how many grenades did she carry? !

The suspect cursed in his heart, then turned back without warning and rushed towards Lisa who was chasing him.

Sure enough... the moment he turned around, a black shadow flew behind him close to his scalp. The girl who saw his sudden turn looked startled and did not pull the trigger.


The moment the fire exploded, Lisa, as if she had finally come to her senses, aimed the shotgun in her right hand at the incoming figure.

The gunfire opened a fan in front of her, but the suspect who had already captured its effective range jumped up and rushed towards the fragile and helpless girl from top to bottom. With his right hand, he pulled out the short knife hidden under his left sleeve. .

He saw the girl who pulled the trigger raised her head in surprise and looked into his eyes, and then she...


The suspect was startled when he discovered that the girl's left hand, which should have been empty, suddenly had something dark in it.

Um? !

Catching his moment of astonishment, the excited Lisa bit off the licorice stick at the corner of her mouth with a "click!", and the "dagger" revolver in her left hand looked up to the sky and roared:

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As the standard weapon of the Inquisitor, the characteristics of the dagger are not only its exaggeratedly large gun body and the recoil that is simply unacceptable to ordinary people. From the beginning, it is not a weapon for "ordinary people", but a weapon for spellcasters.

At least before becoming a blasphemy mage, the biggest weakness of all spellcasters regardless of type is the heart, so there is only one standard for making "daggers": blowing out the enemy's heart with one shot.


Along with the black smoke rolled up by the explosion, the suspect staggered and fell to the ground; the lead bullet shattered his right knee, and dark red blood penetrated half of his clothes and dyed the snow on the ground red.

But he didn't have time to scream, because the petite shadow was quickly approaching.


Lisa, holding half of the "filter" in her mouth, shouted happily, and the shotgun with a hot barrel drew a graceful arc in the air and lay quietly in the snow.

The exaggeratedly large "dagger" revolver rotated gracefully in her palm, taking in a lead bullet that was thrown into the air by her every time it turned.


With the crisp sound of the magazine closing, the girl happily pointed the gun at the frightened suspect and gently tapped the hammer.


The bright silver blade knocked away the lead bullet, and the fire flashed in mid-air.

Holding back the blood spurting from his right knee, the suspect clenched his teeth and stood up instead of running away. Instead, he pounced on Lisa, who was still pulling the trigger on the opposite side.

He is very sober now - the soldiers of the Storm Division must have surrounded the entire community. If he does not kill this self-proclaimed "sheriff" girl as soon as possible, he will not even have room to deal with the army in the city!

Time was slowed down infinitely again at this moment. The roaring lead bullets dragged the tail flames one after another, passing by the suspect's side like a meteor, scratching his cheeks, tearing open the hem of his clothes and cuffs... but still... Can't really hurt his body.

Even the shattered right knee seemed to be intact and did not affect his movements at all.

Lisa's pupils expanded as she kept pulling the trigger, and the cold sword light turned into an afterimage and rushed towards her.


The short blade and bayonet collided together, and a harsh sound exploded in the ears of both men at the same time.

The girl who was close to him gritted her teeth, and while dodging, she rotated the "dagger" revolver 180 degrees. She held the hot and red barrel of the gun tightly with her right palm, raised the butt of the gun and smashed it into the opponent's head.


The suspect leaned back sideways, the afterimage of the "dagger" butt passed across the tip of his nose, and the violent force smashed the wall of one side of the house into pieces.

At this moment, he finally saw clearly the weapon hidden under the girl's "wide windbreaker".

Six grenades, four revolvers, two shotguns, magazines hanging from her hips (if she has one), two daggers and a dagger, plus three cans - the flavors are apple and pork. and yellow peach.

This was only what she had hidden on her body, not counting the two grenades she had used before, the shotgun, the dagger revolver and the dagger she had pulled out of her sleeve!

And after having so many things tied up all over her body, this girl was still able to catch up with her, and her speed and reaction were even a step ahead of her. She...

What kind of monster is she? !

The shocked suspect seemed to have forgotten to dodge for a moment, and the short knife that was swung away in his right hand struck Lisa's throat again without hesitation.

The girl who missed the blow did not hesitate, she dodged back decisively and raised her bayonet horizontally to parry.

But this is just an appearance... "Smart Lisa"'s real trump card is still the dagger revolver in her right hand.

There was still the last bullet hidden in the magazine of the revolver that she swung out as a blunt weapon!

The dagger rotated in her palm. Lisa, who was "pretending" to block, dodged backwards. Her right hand holding the handle of the gun slowly raised and she pointed the muzzle at the suspect's chest.

But at this moment, the opponent suddenly raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer; instead of taking advantage of the situation to pursue him, he suddenly opened his left hand and reached for the muzzle of the revolver.

Lisa's eyes widened.


The gunfire spurted out, and the smoke carried the air waves, blowing away the girl's collar and messy hair, revealing a pair of incredible eyes.

The opponent's open left hand held a bullet that could burst the caster's heart...in the palm of his hand!

The expressionless suspect clenched his intact fist tightly. Dark red blood overflowed from his palm and dripped from between his fingers, staining the blackened back of his hand.

The next second, the iron fist hit Lisa hard on the lower abdomen.


Along with the dull alley, the petite figure was unable to resist and was knocked into the air.

The daggers holding the sword light were raised at the same time, stabbing Lisa's neck accurately.

At the last second, the girl raised her bayonet, and finally blocked the blade before her head was cut off, bursting out with a series of dazzling flames.

But this only meant that the blow was "blocked"... With an almost terrifying force, the girl was knocked away like a discharged cannonball, directly smashing through the wall on the right side of the street.

The roar of broken masonry and wood and all kinds of screams finally stopped completely after a few seconds.

The suspect who was standing on the spot gasped softly, slowly opened the left hand that he had just clenched tightly, and dropped a blood-stained lead bullet from the center of his already bloody palm, with some flesh even attached to it.

He did not step forward to confirm whether the "monster girl" had been killed, nor did he plan to do a follow-up attack. He calmed down his breathing a little and then continued to turn around and run wildly.

The previous whistle and the explosion just now... In less than half an hour, the entire Teapot Street will be completely blocked by the soldiers of the city's garrison. Now I can't delay it for even a second!

The suspect ran quickly, leaving bloody footprints on the snow-covered street.

But this is not a problem...Teapot Street is the newest and worst neighborhood in the entire Beluga Harbor. In less than half an hour, the new immigrants and natives who have nothing will come out of their drafty shacks to fight for a day's livelihood. If you work hard, the whole street will be overcrowded.

The pure white streets now will soon turn into black and white mud under the feet of hundreds of thousands of pairs of people; they want to find clues unless they arrest everyone in Teapot Street!

The dilapidated Teapot Street is narrow and messy, but the suspect looks very familiar here, walking up and down between countless shabby old houses and garbage piles everywhere, as if walking on flat ground.

Dragging his right leg, which had a shattered knee, he quickly fled towards the end of the street.

As long as you leave Teapot Street as soon as possible, hide in several nearby communities, and then go to the port area to recover from your injuries for a few days; even if the garrison really seals the city and searches, they will never be found...

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head, and a strong sense of crisis made him stop instinctively.

But I couldn't feel any breath at all. There was not a single figure in front or behind the empty streets. It was so quiet that I could only hear my own breathing, and the only smell was the faint smell of fireworks.

Wait...smell of fireworks?

This is Teapot Street, how could anyone afford a stove...


With the sound of the wooden shed shattering, a petite figure rushed out from the side of the street and appeared behind him.

And what appeared with her was a grenade flying in the air.

The suspect immediately jumped back. He raised his head and was shocked to find that the girl did not dodge. She was proudly holding two smoking grenades and standing there waiting for him.

Staring at a pair of big, scarlet eyes!

No wonder she could keep up with him and didn't show any breath... This was the last thought in his mind one second before the explosion.


Rolling black smoke rose from the loud explosion, and the rising smoke column could be seen clearly throughout Beluga Harbor.

In the thick black smoke, Lisa, whose face was dyed black, coughed and got up from the ground. She patted the unburned sparks on her clothes and walked towards the charred figure in the center of the explosion.

The suspect, whose whole body was burnt to char, was already dying. He desperately raised his head and looked at the figure who picked up the shotgun that fell on the ground and walked towards him.

"So... you... you are actually... the old... old god..."

"Lisa is Lisa!"

The girl suddenly interrupted.

She strode forward and held the loaded shotgun to the suspect's head while placing her left hand on her hip - if she had one.

"Lisa's name is Lisa Bach!"

"It's the Sheriff of Beluga Harbor!"

The girl announced loudly and pulled the trigger in her hand.

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