I will be crowned king

Chapter 465 Small Gift

In the early morning, Anson, who was lying in bed, woke up from his sleep very naturally and opened his eyes.

At five-thirty, Beluga Harbor was still shrouded in darkness, and it was at least an hour and a half before the first ray of morning light illuminating the horizon appeared. According to his usual habit, he almost turned over at this moment. Then it’s time to “really enjoy sleeping.”

But today my state seems to be a little different. There is no trace of sleepiness at all, and I am very energetic. I am full of energy, as if I drank half a liter of black coffee, but not so excited. The muscles in my whole body are very relaxed, as if I have been doing hot springs. Had a full massage.

What's going on... I had to fall asleep after at least one o'clock last night. In addition, I was attending a banquet and a life and death game. It was normal to wake up at twelve o'clock and start at fifteen.

At this time, Anson, who was alert, suddenly realized that he seemed to have little memory of the memory after leaving Wetzler's mansion.

He quickly got up from the bed, and then felt a little...


He opened the quilt slightly and glanced down with a rational and calm gaze.

Well, my clothes are missing.

"Anson, are you awake?"

Gentle words rang in his ears, and Thalia walked towards him with a smile, holding a dinner plate.

The nervous Anson was stunned for a moment. Thalia, who was wearing a nightgown, walked directly to the bed, placed the small table-like dinner plate directly in front of him, and chuckled softly and kindly: "Eat it while it's hot. I made them all with my own hands.”

"You...with your own hands?"

Anson has not yet come to his senses.

"Of course." Thalia nodded lightly and winked at him:

"Do not believe?"

"how come?!"

Anson, who suddenly woke up, categorically denied himself, and quickly squeezed out a smile: "I just think you are really... nice."

"Talia is Anson's fiancée. These are what Thalia should do." The girl shook her head slightly and pushed the dining table towards Anson:

"Eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold."


Anson replied awkwardly but politely, and at the same time pulled the quilt upward: "...don't you want to eat?"

"Thalia has already eaten it, ah... If possible, I suggest you try this bowl of oatmeal first. Some of the unique spices of the Rune family are added to it. I hope Anson likes it."

"Okay...Okay, I will definitely pay attention."

Under Thalia's undivided and tender gaze, Anson enjoyed the most stressful breakfast he had ever had in his life.

To be fair, the girl's cooking skills are quite good: the simple stew of mashed potatoes is fragrant and glutinous, and paired with a simple salty sauce, it can be used as a side dish before the meal; the grilled sausage is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Oily flowers, cut into small pieces and skewered with refreshing cucumbers and roasted garlic, will not make you feel tired at all.

Pair it with a soft-boiled egg that Ansem has never seen since he woke up in Thunder Castle - the Clovis people have no talent in food and can only make eggs into mature eggs, half-boiled egg paste and fried eggs. ——It feels wonderful like returning home.

As for the oatmeal porridge with the "mysterious spices", it was exactly what the girl said - the mellow and warm milk, the soaked soft and glutinous oats, it was endlessly memorable.

After finishing breakfast and washing up, Thalia prepared a new set of clothes that were neat and well-fitting. Although they looked a little bright and did not suit Anson's taste, he had no choice but to acquiesce due to the other party's kindness.

When the sun rose and illuminated the curtains, Anson and Lisa, who had changed into new clothes, said goodbye to each other in front of the master bedroom door and left this room filled with comfort and warmth.

It wasn't until he left the stairs on the second floor that he suddenly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

With a slightly inexplicable emotion, Anson walked through the corridor on the first floor and came to Alan Dawn's room.

The current clerk is not only Anson's personal secretary and accountant, but also "concurrently" the logistics and administrative director of the Storm Division, the garrison's negotiator with the church, and the housekeeper (temporarily)...

Even in order for Anson to handle the increasing workload due to his title, Anson had to prepare a special room for him; the young secretary took a fancy to the small living room on the first floor of the headquarters near the hall; it was spacious enough to be used as a study, and it was close to The hall and his own bedroom were both conveniently close.

The lighting in the room is not very good, but there is not much sunny weather in Beluga Port in winter, so darkness is not a problem for the time being.

When Anson pushed the door open, the little clerk, who had also woken up early, was already sitting behind the desk, holding a magnifying glass and carefully observing the rifle placed in the center of the desk. There was also a copy of "The Eighty-Nine Years of the Calendar of Saints" beside him. "Heraldry Overview" and a half-cup of cold coffee.

"Good morning, Lord Anson Bach!"

Seeing the figure walking through the door, the slightly surprised little clerk immediately put the magnifying glass aside: "Are you okay? I remember you came back very late yesterday."

"I'm fine." Anson smiled unnaturally, pointed to the rifle left by the man in black on the table and said, "How is the inspection going? Can you determine the origin of this weapon?"

"Of course - in fact, I recognized Miss Lisa Bach when she brought it." The little clerk blurted out:

"This is a relatively new model of steam rifle, and it is a relatively special modified version. Its scientific name is the Saint-Pierre II high-pressure steam spray gun of 90 A.D. It has a new steam tank and six rifling lines in the barrel, which is effective The range is up to 700 meters."

"The ordinary St. Pierre Type 1 needs to be loaded with bullets, but Type 2 is specially customized for some talented people with the power of the Wind Knight bloodline; no ammunition is required, and the power of the shot is completely controlled by the person. Skilled talent The shooter can even achieve twenty to thirty rounds per minute, or a shot with the power of a solid bullet of three to eight pounds."

"This weapon was developed specifically for the Knights of Judgment by the 'Ivory Tower Research Institute' at the headquarters of the Church of Order in the 83rd year of the Saint Calendar. It provided the Knights with a high-performance, solid and durable standard weapon; at that time, in addition to steam Spray gun, optional items include thunder shotgun, incendiary launcher, knight sword and gun..."

Looking at the chattering little secretary, Anson's smile froze on his face.

"...Although it is said that knights' swords and guns are more welcome within the Judgment Knights, due to issues such as cost and difficulty of training, the steam spray gun was finally chosen as the standard equipment of the Knights." The little secretary concluded briskly:

"That's roughly the situation. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"……On a."

Anson raised his right index finger, his movements a little stiff: "Since you knew it then, why didn't you say it then?"

"I'm sorry, but when Miss Lisa Bach brought it, she said that I must 'carefully observe' before telling her or you." The little clerk paused and looked at Anson with some embarrassment:

"So after a night of careful observation, I came to the exact same conclusion as before."

Anson Bach: "..."

Well, that's your own problem.

"In addition, there are indeed some new discoveries." The little secretary pointed to the coat of arms on the butt of the gun and said:

"Generally speaking, knights of the Order of Justice will not engrave symbols on the butt of the spray gun, because this is where each gun is marked with the number of the unit it belongs to; its owner should have repainted the gun body. , and this coat of arms was engraved on it.”

"There is only one possible way to do this, and its owner is not a member of the Judgment Knights."

Anson nodded slightly: "Then if not, what should I do to get a steam gun?"

"There are only two ways - members of the Knights escape from the battlefield, or kill a Judgment Knight." The little clerk said without hesitation:

"The Judgment Knights are very strict about weapons management. The use of each weapon and equipment requires layer upon layer of approval and application. Only when the Knight Commander level is performing a mission alone, they can bypass the army and receive the equipment alone with only two approvals. .”

"I prefer the second option."

"Oh, why?" Anson asked.

"The rifling of the barrel is very worn, and the maintenance of the steam tank is also very poor. It is not like what a trained Judgment Knight would do." The little clerk gave the answer:

"Also...it's the coat of arms on the butt of the gun."

"A ring of order connected by three golden swords. The owner of this coat of arms is the Crecy family of the Principality of Adland. It has a history of six hundred years and is one of the oldest families in the Adland region. ;There have been many famous naval admirals and adventurers.”


Anson raised his eyebrows involuntarily when he heard the place name.

"They were one of the three most powerful families in the Principality of Adlan...at one time." The young secretary opened the "Heraldry Overview of the Eighty-Nine Years of the Saints' Calendar" on the table and pointed it out to Anson:

"During the era of sectarian schism, this family was also one of the staunchest members of the Universalist Church. It led fleets to fight against the Church, the Emperor, and the Clovis Navy many times; it blocked the combined fleet led by the Church in the famous 'Battle of the Maelstrom.' The pursuit caused some Universal Sects to successfully escape from the mainland and come to the New World.”

"It is worth mentioning that there is a member of this family who seems to have a very good relationship with Saint Isaac; it is recorded in the church archives that he joined the Supreme Seeking Truth Sect led by Saint Isaac as a universal religious sect. level research organization, the Truth Society.”

"In the ninety-fifth year of the Saint's Calendar, which was the year of the Beigang Riots... the Crecy family was discovered to be secretly researching blood magic. At that time, Grand Duke Adlan and the Emperor of the Empire had to cooperate with the church and rounded up them. As a result, the imperial fleet on the front line lost an important naval commander, and the task of blockading the port had to be carried out by the fleets of the three countries in the North Sea."

"Because it is in the relatively remote Principality of Adlan, the task of rounding up the Crecy family was basically handed over to the owner of Adlan...the Bernard family was responsible. The final report concluded that the former heir of the Bernard family, Kroger Bell Sir Nar is responsible for eradicating the remnants of the Blood Mage."

"Using his famous sword, he beheaded all the remaining fifteen members of the Crecy family, piled their bodies in a pile inside the house, and burned them to ashes with whale oil."

"Obviously, he didn't clean up thoroughly." The little clerk shook his head regretfully.

No, he should have done it on purpose, or made some deal with the blood mages of the Crecy family... Recalling the ferocious figure wielding a sword in Thunder Castle, Anson's face looked a little unnatural.

This means that the Faithless Knights are related to the Crecy family, which pursues blood magic, or are they mutually subordinate? Or will they choose to abandon their faith because this family is wanted by the church?

"So you think the owner of this gun is most likely related to the Cressy family who is wanted by the church?"

"Based on the current clues, this should be the most reasonable inference." The little secretary said solemnly:

"Although the coat of arms of the Cressy family is relatively 'popular' and doesn't have much distinctiveness, except for the surviving family members, there should be no one wandering around with a church traitor and an Old God sect family. "

"Yes, it really won't."

Anson nodded seriously, subconsciously pressed the Luen family ring hidden on his chest, and quickly changed the topic:

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Need it?" The little secretary thought carefully and looked at Anson strangely:

"Do you have any other physical evidence that you need to determine the source of, or any information that you want to check?"

"No, I'm talking about yourself." Anson pointed to the room: "Is there anything else you are missing or want?"


The little clerk was stunned: "Sir Anson Bach, you have already paid me my salary, there is no need to give me anything more."

"But I'm happy to give it." Anson chuckled:

"This is a gift to reward you for all your hard work."

"Oh... here is the ring of order... you... you are so kind." The little secretary's eyes suddenly lit up, and his expression was a little excited:

"I...can I have anything I want?"

"Of course, it has to be something I can afford."

Anson smiled and shrugged.

"Yes!" He pursed his lips tightly, and his restless hands clenched into fists for a while, then hid them again, looking around constantly.

After a while, the little clerk, who had his head lowered, raised his embarrassed eyes and asked cautiously: "Can I...can I have a pair of glasses?"

"Glasses?" Anson was a little surprised:

"Of course, are you short-sighted?"

"Oh, if that were the case, it wouldn't be so troublesome." The little secretary corrected him:

"In fact, it's just the opposite. I can't see things clearly when I'm close, but I can see things farther away - I can see your face clearly from this distance, but not any closer."

Anson Bach: "...farsightedness?"

He tried his best to hold back and finally did not say the word "presbyopia".

"Exactly! Mr. Anson Bach, your wording is very accurate."

The little clerk praised: "According to the usual habits of the Clovis people, I thought you were going to be presbyopic!"

Anson Bach: "..."

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