I will be crowned king

Chapter 466 “Win-Win”

After getting first-hand information from the little clerk and promising to get him a pair of glasses as soon as possible, Anson was not in a hurry to go to the prisoner of the Faithless Knights to confirm his speculation. Now he had a new idea.

I originally thought that the other party was just a group of ordinary empire traitors who had failed in the power struggle and had to flee the country. Unexpectedly, they turned out to be a group of traitors from the Old Gods who were suspected of knowing magic and had a good background.

In this case, you can no longer take it lightly, you must make good use of it!

Just to win them over to his side, to stuff them into the League of Promise Keepers, and to add sand to Bishop Riper's side, it is really unfair to these talented people; how about eating them dry and squeezing out the last bit of residual value, Order The ring will definitely criticize him for not being pious enough.

Moreover, the little clerk also revealed a very important piece of information. One of the ancestors of the Cressy family was a close friend of Saint Isaac; Isaac even made an exception for him and allowed a Universalist believer to join the Truth Society.

Of course, it is the Society of Truth before the first year of the Saints Calendar, the world's leading scientific research institution, the Steam Core and many great groups that have influenced the invention of the entire ordered world. It is not the horror of a third-rate novelist and an intelligence dealer secretly colluding. organize.

It is known that Saint Isaac never left the city of Clovis in his life, but according to the church, his various manuscripts and one of the most important books, the "Great Magic Book", are spread all over the world.

Then there is only one answer: before he was assassinated by the church assassin, he had consciously distributed the manuscripts and his works to others around the world in batches, or sold them privately.

So far, the collection of St. Isaac's writings and autographed manuscripts is still an important task for churches in various parts of the Order Church; regardless of whether there is deliberate misleading by the church, the outside world believes that there are still a large number of St. Isaac's writings left out, tempting some Those with evil intentions take the bait.

Just like Professor Mace Honnard, who spent many years trying to find the "Great Magic Book" lost in Clovis; when he found out that this thing had been in Clovis Cathedral, he would not feel too good. .

And Cressy...a family famous for being "navigators" and "adventurers", and having a background from the Old Gods.

By making an exception and ordering the ancestor of the Crecy family to join the Society of Truth, could it be that Saint Isaac hoped that the other party could obtain some important information and take them outside the city of Clovis?

Moreover, although the church spared no effort to strangle the Old Gods, it was not unable to negotiate in many cases; otherwise, the Luen family would not have appeared in Clovis City with such arrogance; Judge Serra should not have appeared in Clovis Cathedral, and It is a steam valve used for execution.

What reason could there be for the Church of Order to kill a reputable family?

A technical manuscript? "The Great Magic Book"?

Anson thought it was worth a try.

He currently lacks a conjurer of sufficient caliber to serve as his mentor. If he doesn't have one, it would be better to get a "top textbook" like "The Great Magic Book" than to aimlessly "study questions" like now.

After leaving the headquarters, Anson put on his coat and headed towards Beluga Harbor.

At this time, the entire city was still under blockade and martial law. The city's garrison, with less than a thousand troops, controlled important streets and separated various communities. It was more than enough to maintain surveillance over the entire city.

The members of Beluga Harbor and their families, who were under house arrest at home, experienced the most thrilling night in their lives; outside the door were soldiers with live ammunition blocking the door, and occasionally in the distance you could hear cavalry blowing iron whistles and shooting from the air. The sound of rushing through the deserted streets.

Trembling, they learned three things from the Stormtrooper soldiers who were "protecting themselves":

Anson Bach was invited to a banquet by Mason Wetzler.

Anson Bach was assassinated, and the real murderer bribed Mason Wetzler's butler.

Anson Bach and Mason Wetzler were both still alive, but the remnants of the Assassins were still at large.

After briefly weighing the pros and cons, these congressmen quickly concluded almost the same answer - Mason Wetzler defected to Anson Bach, and the angry Speaker Harold decided to kill both of them.

The reason was simple: Harold was the only person in the entire colony who could profit from Anson Bach's death.

But the garrison commander did not die, and even killed the assassin... Most of the members were worried that Anson would use this as an excuse to hang Speaker Harold, dissolve the parliament, and let the garrison directly manage the White Whale.

Obviously, if Anson Bach really intends to hang Harold, although he has ample excuses, neither Beluga Harbor nor the farms and towns with a population of about 20,000 outside the city will accept this result; even if there is a high probability in the end If they end up in a disastrous defeat and let them choose, there is a high probability that they will still side with Speaker Harold.

After all, Anson Bach was an outsider sent by the locals to "supervise" them no matter what, and Harold was still one of his own.

But he didn't do that. Even when the soldiers were attacked before, he didn't directly close the city. Now it's just martial law... So some people's ideas began to become "subtle".

In fact, if the garrison commander is willing to cooperate and preserve their status and wealth, even if he becomes the real colonial governor... there seems to be no problem.

After all, even if you resist, there will be no good outcome, and if the garrison can really fulfill the agreement and repair the roads to maintain public order, it will definitely be beneficial to them, the industrial owners... So why should I resist?

As for oppression and extortion... In the past, when there was no Anson Bach, there was no less oppression of the local people. Beluga Port did not resist; now there is an additional legion, what difference does it make, not to mention they can also get an army protection!

Beluga Harbor provides funds and material supplies, and the garrison commander provides security, and allows him to "occasionally" be corrupt and extort money from the Beluga Harbor Council (referring to themselves).

What is this called? This is called a win-win situation!

Anyway, with or without Anson Bach, they have to be squeezed by the locals. Now that they are squeezed, they can still get protection. They can spend a share of money to satisfy the appetites of both parties and get additional rewards... which is equivalent to the White Whale Port Council (referring to themselves) winning two Second-rate!

Many congressmen who were under house arrest and under surveillance by Storm Division soldiers were surprised to find that as long as they accepted the result and lay down obediently, the whole world would suddenly become clearer.

In just one night, the White Whale Harbor Council, which was originally united because of the appearance of the Storm Division, had begun to divide unknowingly...

But for Anson, separation from Germany is not enough. What he wants is for the White Whale Port Council to be completely divided, so that it can be easily managed (manipulated) and collected (extortion) without affecting its normal operation and management capabilities.

Although the bureaucratic idea of ​​"recruiting a large number of clerks and tax collectors and establishing an efficient management system" proposed by the young secretary is very beautiful, the objective reality is that the Storm Division does not have that many people and does not have that much power. For the time being, it still has to be Let the system of self-government of the colonial parliaments continue.

So when they woke up, they found that the streets between the communities were blocked. The citizens of Beluga Harbor who could not leave their communities could only stay at home or in a nearby pub, asking each other what happened last night.

Before they could discuss it, the answer came to their door.

Although the Storm Division blocked the streets, the "Moby-Dick Port Goodman" as the local "free media" was still able to circulate unimpeded, spreading true and objective first-hand information throughout the streets through the newsboys hawking along the streets.

The price is still so cheap that it’s almost free, and there are still immersive illustrations of explanations. Coupled with the slogans of some literate “newspaper readers” and newsboys hawking on the street, in one morning, “The garrison commander went to the big city.” The news that the wealthy businessman Wetzler's family was at a banquet and was assassinated" spread throughout Beluga Port.

As the most honest local media, "The Good Guys of Beluga Harbor" not only described in an immersive manner how the commander protected the "upright citizen" Mason Wetzler while killing the assassin who wanted to assassinate him, The particularly explicit "suggestion" is that some people secretly paid for the murders, and it was linked to the "heretic organization" and the murder of four soldiers some time ago.

After this report that had no evidence but was extremely objective and credible, the simple people of Beluga Harbor immediately came up with their own answer:

There is a powerful guy who colludes with the pagan natives to kill the commander who protects the people of Beluga Harbor!

The word "indigenous people" was not used in the entire report, nor was it mentioned which powerful person it was, but this did not prevent the drunkards and spectators in the tavern from using their imaginations to create more thrilling stories. Big news.

Anyway, by the time it reached Bishop Riper's ears, the news had already turned out to be "Speaker Harold colluded with the pagan organization, intending to kill the Commander and all supporters of the Promise Keepers Alliance in the Assembly, and let the pagans rule Beluga Harbor! "

Seeing the confident expression on the face of the priest in front of him who was gnashing his teeth in anger and hurriedly came to report the news to him, Bishop Ripper was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

Obviously, he doesn't believe such nonsense "reliable news", but the current situation has nothing to do with whether he believes it or not - the Universalist Church is not a well-organized religious group like the Church of Order, and he, the bishop, is largely Just a "public opinion representative" with a high personal reputation cannot completely influence the opinions of believers.

"Now the believers in each community have spontaneously mobilized, especially those members who have joined the Promise Keepers Alliance, and they have gathered outside the churches in their respective communities!" the priest said with excitement:

"We all unanimously request you to lead the Alliance of Promise Keepers and march to the White Whale Port Parliament to demonstrate, asking the Parliament to hand over the murderer who tried to kill the garrison commander and eliminate the heretics in the city!"

"Put this aside for now. Tell me what the garrison thinks of this matter?"

Bishop Riper said calmly after recovering from the shock.

He knew very well that the core of this matter was actually Anson Bach. If the other party really planned to launch a massive retaliation, the Stormtroopers would have entered the city to blockade it last night, and Harold's head would not be still on his neck now. .

"Everything has been communicated!" The priest became extremely excited:

"They said that if it was just a march and protest demonstration, they would open the road to us - the premise is that order is observed, and cavalry will follow the whole process, no damage to the streets, no harm to anyone, just a collective protest and petition outside the parliament!"

"Not only that, they also planned the most convenient route for us and prepared a lot of flags with the Ring of Order on them. You just need to go to various intersections to pick them up."

"Did they really say that?!"

"Really, absolutely true!"

Bishop Ripper fell silent.

His slightly trembling hands on the table proved that he was not much calmer than the priest in front of him; but his wandering eyes revealed that he was deeply entangled and worried in his heart.

Without him, the timing is really great right now, and the Storm Master is really able to control the situation with ease.

It was as if they had known that things would develop to this point, so... No! No one can predict the future unless they are prepared and deliberately steer the situation in the direction that is most beneficial to them.

But will this future be the future of the New World Order Ring believers...the Universal Sect?

Riper's ability to desperately restrain his inner desires does not mean that others can do the same; for the Universalist Church, which has been in the colonies for many years, it has always been their dream to obtain a status close to that of the Church of Order in the local area.

"So what are you waiting for? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" The priest couldn't help but urge:

"We finally formed the Faith Keepers Alliance and united the believers in Ice Dragon Fjord; and now it's time for the Faith Keepers Alliance to show its power. Let those members of Parliament who collude with pagans and indigenous people go to hell. , the entire colony will be united under the light of the Ring of Order and become a beacon shining on the new world!"

The overly excited priest inadvertently repeated Anson's New Year's speech.

But this was not something he did deliberately, but the "Good People Newspaper of Beluga Harbor" repeated this set of remarks all day long, which had subtly made everyone in Beluga Harbor accept this title.

After all, praise and flattery are always the most acceptable "evaluations", especially when the flatterer still has a certain status, remarks like "Moby-Dick Harbor is really awesome and enviable" are more likely to be accepted.

And this also made Bishop Ripper completely determined - what is his lifelong wish? Isn’t it to spread the gospel of the Circle of Order and the teachings of the Universal Church throughout the new world, and to re-create a new “Order World” that abandons all the ills of the Church of Order?

No matter what ambitions Anson Bach had, apart from him, could there be anyone else who could help him fulfill his wish?

"Gather the priests from various churches and let the believers obey the command of the garrison. The League of Faith Keepers will serve as the leader of the procession."

The determined Bishop Ripper stood up slowly, his firm tone like the evening bell of the church:

"Let's go to Beluga Harbor Council!"

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