I will be crowned king

Chapter 467 Who agrees and who opposes? !

Just as Bishop Ripper finally made up his mind, believers in the Ring of Order from various communities in Beluga Harbor had spontaneously begun to gather at the church, waving newspapers in their hands and various carvings depicting the Ring of Order in their homes and pubs. Ring's items, angrily demanded an explanation from the priests.

As for the truth of the matter - it was stated in the newspapers, how could it be false? !

Immigrants who fled their homeland and came to the colonies to seek life were naturally wary and hostile to the forces coming from the homeland. Their hard life also gave them a high tolerance for "their own people".

Even if Harold really kills Anson Bach, they don't care. Anyway, the disputes between these big shots are beyond their control; some people who hate the royal family and the local people will even secretly applaud him.

The problem is that they connived and even colluded with the pagan indigenous people to attack the house of a wealthy local businessman - and the richest businessman at that.

This seriously challenges the bottom line of immigrants in Beluga Harbor!

They can acquiesce to the pagans living in their own communities in a low-key manner, and they can tolerate having some jobs "taken away" by lowly indigenous people - especially those that no one wants to do - but they can never tolerate a big shot and the pagan indigenous people. Collude with each other and let them divide the interests belonging to the immigrants.

What, not divided? A group of pagan natives killed one big shot for another big shot without any conditions or price - do they think everyone is a fool? !

It is not that there is no group of immigrants who feel that they can live in harmony or even coexist with the indigenous people; but the sober people still account for the vast majority - they know very well that the purpose of coming to the new world is because they can no longer survive and run away. Come to the New World to make a fortune.

How to get rich? Take away their land, their forest farms, their prey, their oceans, lakes, rivers, mineral deposits... and even take away the indigenous people themselves.

That’s how you get rich!

If it weren't for the sake of getting rich, to one day become a master, eat steak, live in a big house, and live a life of spending money...only a ghost would be willing to take such a big risk to cross the ocean and die in a foreign country.

All in all, both sides can coexist - provided there is a clear hierarchy and a line that must not be crossed.

When the priests carried Bishop Ripper's order and went to the churches in various communities in batches, the whole city was in a sensation; Beluga Harbor, which was still covered in silver in the ice and snow in January, was burning at this moment!

At this moment, Carl Bain, who was in the church in the parliament district, was anxiously comforting the believers who kept rushing into the church, and assured them that Anson Bach was not dead yet; A bastard who leaves the troublesome work to him and hides away to relax.

Thanks to him, he now not only has to maintain law and order in a city that has been ignited with a powder keg, but also has to find a way to contain the power and speed of the explosion so as not to blow the entire city into the sky.

Under the arrangement of Bishop Ripper, believers from various communities spontaneously formed a procession; with the hussars as the guide, the Faith Keepers League as the core, and the priests maintaining order, they marched through the roads in a mighty way, toward the Beluga Harbor Council marches on!

The tidal wave of teams soon blocked the streets, but the originally blocked streets were empty. In addition, the soldiers from each roadblock cooperated with each other and assumed the function of "pipeline gates", finally avoiding chaos and chaos. Stampede.

Angry believers waved newspapers or objects engraved with the Ring of Order. The "Promise Keepers" walking in the front row held high the banner of the Ring of Order distributed by the Storm Division. Under the command of the extremely enthusiastic priests, they shouted Uniform slogan:

"Arrest the murderer behind the commander's murder!"

“Arrest the murderer—!!!!”

"Hang the heretics in the Assembly of Beluga!"

“Hang the infidels—!!!!”

"Down with the evil Beluga Harbor Council group and re-establish order in the colony!"

“Down with the Beluga Harbor Council—!!!!”…


Looking out the window at the crowd protesting outside the parliament gate, Harold, who was ashen-faced, yanked the curtains shut, glared angrily at Fabian who was sitting at the wine table behind him, and tried his best to suppress his voice and roared:

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

"I have no idea."

The expressionless former Guards officer crossed his legs and sat comfortably in an easy chair, looking at the wine in the glass of wine in his hand without even looking at him:

"I've been sitting here all night today, protecting you and your family, drinking with you - how could I possibly know what's going on outside."

"You don't know?!" Obviously, Harold didn't believe it at all:

"The grenadier commander of the Storm Division and the deputy commander of the garrison actually told me that he didn't know?!"

Fabian put down his wine glass and glanced at him very indifferently: "Yes, you heard it right, that's exactly what I told you - for the sake of your ears, you can ask me to repeat it as many times as you want."

"By the way, I would like to remind you that the garrison has one and only one commander, that is Commander Anson Bach. There is no deputy commander. Considering that you just lost your temper when you got emotional, I will not pursue the issue of your malicious slander that affects my career. "


Seeing the calm and casual indifferent expression of the other party, the excited Harold was so angry that he was speechless; with his expression so tangled that his brows were squeezed together, he pressed the "Dong Dong!" Down:

"If you really want to kill me, just do it directly. A noose or a buckshot... you can do it now."

"I won't touch a hair on your face, let alone a noose and lead bullets. They are also prepared for those who want to kill you." Fabian raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

"Remember, I'm here to protect you - or are you already drunk?"

"Maybe, but I still have to ask: Why?"

Harold sneered: "Is it because you are worried that people outside will unite because of my death, so that your master cannot easily get the entire colony?"

"It's because my master once made a promise to you, promising not to dissolve or destroy the White Whale Harbor Council... Naturally, he will not harm its speaker, which is you."

Of course Fabian could hear the sarcasm in his words, but he didn't mind at all - at least that's how it seemed: "But that's not necessarily the case for those people outside."

Harold's cheek was slapped hard.

"Anson Bach...what does he want?"

"Shouldn't you be very clear about the commander's thoughts?" Fabian asked back: "Beluga Port, as well as the farms, mines, and forest farms outside...you have so many informants, didn't they tell you?"

Harold woke up instantly and was shocked!

He raised his head nervously and looked at the former Guards officer cautiously:


"Very good." Fabian shrugged, his expression still very casual:

"They don't need to tell you now, and they won't need to tell you again in the future, because there is no need - you are the speaker of the White Whale Port Assembly, and it is enough to run the assembly well. Professional matters such as gathering intelligence should be left to the military. Bar."

"Stop meddling in things that shouldn't be yours to meddle in, and let the Parliament contribute to the prosperity and stability of Beluga Harbor and the entire Ice Dragon Fjord. Then no one will suspect you of assassinating Commander Anson Bach."

"What do you think, Chancellor Harold?"


Compared to Harold, who was frightened and angry, the other members of the Beluga Harbor Council were not so calm.

Listening to the murderous slogans of the parade outside, and looking at the Stormtrooper soldiers with live ammunition outside the door, the congressmen and their families under house arrest remained silent, hiding in dining tables and cellars, trembling with their privately owned guns.

Then it was discovered that most of the guns were in good condition, but the propellant and lead bullets were all damp due to being buried for too long, water seeping through the walls, and poor storage.

Although even if they are not affected by moisture, these congressmen who have never left the wealthy areas and their own homes do not know how to use them at all, and they dare not hand over the weapons to those "loyal" servants butlers - for fear that they will be like Mason's butlers. Bought.

The great fear and the pain caused by not sleeping all night made them fall into a state of mental trance. At one moment, they were worried that the soldiers outside would rush in and kill them all. At the next moment, they were worried that the soldiers would withdraw and let the marching thugs rush in. Kill them all... and suffer endlessly in the endless spiral of contradictions.

But soon they no longer had to worry - at 10:30, the garrison in the city promptly removed the guards stationed outside the houses of each member of Parliament.

The horrified congressmen wanted to stop the soldiers, but what they got was an irrefutable reply: "We were ordered to prevent the congressmen from being assassinated by heretics. Now the streets are full of believers of the Circle of Order. You are safe." ”

The congressman wanted to say that he was actually more afraid of being assassinated by the believers, but he knew better that if he said that, he would be dead, so he changed the question to a more euphemistic way:

"Then what can I do to make you continue to protect me?"

"Uh..." The platoon leader thought for half a minute, and then came up with a way to get the best of both worlds:

"We are going to maintain order outside the Beluga Harbor Parliament. Why don't you go to the Parliament with us, so that we can protect you while maintaining order in the parade - as long as you enter the Parliament, you will be safe."

"If a believer suddenly rushes out to hang me while passing the parade, can you and your soldiers ensure that he is stopped?" the congressman asked worriedly.

"We can guarantee that he will be arrested and locked up, and handed over to the Promise Keepers League or the prison of the headquarters." The line private platoon leader replied truthfully:

"Of course, that was probably after he hanged you - you know, there are already thousands of people outside, and there will be more, and we may not have time to react."

Member: "..."

Under the crisis of life and death, the congressmen who were under house arrest quickly split into two groups: some would rather hide at home and continue to accept house arrest voluntarily, while the other group decided to risk being hanged and go there under the protection of Storm Division soldiers. parliament.

But this is also temporary... At twelve o'clock sharp, Speaker Harold summoned all members to go to the parliament to hold a meeting about the heretic organization of Beluga Port and how to deal with the assassination of the garrison commander last night.

The congressmen who heard the news were stunned for a moment, and then started to curse - Harold was planning to drag the entire congress to bury him with him!

Obviously, Anson Bach would not let this matter go easily, so Harold planned to use this opportunity to take advantage of the entire parliament to express his position to the garrison.

Either accept our concessions and the garrison and parliament will jointly rule Beluga Port, or kill us all and turn the colony into a paradise for fanatics and rioters.

This is definitely an extremely risky plan, but it is also a last resort: after all, Anson Bach has 6,000 soldiers and a fleet. Even if the parliament unites, it may not be able to get any benefits, let alone each member himself. .

Only by negotiating as a whole can the Beluga Port Council of 500 have the right to negotiate with Anson Bach. Otherwise, it would only have the option of lying down and silently accepting reality.

Under the cruel reality, the last group of congressmen finally chose to give up hiding and decided to go to the congress to be with their companions to completely decide the ownership of Beluga Port.

Since Anson Bach wants to become the colonial governor, let's have a formal negotiation!

At exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, a total of 395 members gathered in the Beluga Harbor Parliament with a determined mood.

The depressing atmosphere lingered in the vault of the hall, which seemed a bit tragic.

On the rostrum of the hall, the serious-looking Harold looked at the crowded hall, feeling extremely heavy.

Although it is known as the "Parliament of Five Hundred", it actually includes the entire group with the richest assets in the entire Beluga Port. On weekdays, unless there are specific major events and early convening, there will not be more than one member who can come to discuss the matter at any time. Hundreds of people.

After all, everyone owns their own industry and is not a professional politician. The status of a member of parliament is mostly just a title that facilitates doing things. In addition, most people do not like to be controlled. Unless it is closely related to their own interests, they will not pay too much attention to the parliament. Take it seriously.

But today, it was only one hour early, and nearly four-fifths of the MPs had already gathered here.

Anson Bach's pressing step by step actually prompted the birth of the Parliament!

Thinking of this, Harold, who listened to the slogans of the parade outside the hall, felt a bit of pride in his heart despite being tragic; he couldn't help but say:

"Everyone, today's topic has been announced to everyone before the meeting. Any member who has any ideas or objections does not need to go on stage. He can stand up and put forward his own proposal to everyone, and then..."

"I have a proposal!"

Before Harold could finish his words, a voice immediately sounded from the crowd in the audience; Mason Wetzler, with a solemn expression, suddenly stood up, his eyes widened and he looked at Harold on the stage:

"The current Beluga Harbor Council has been opposed by the entire Beluga Harbor. The sound outside the gate is the best expression!"

"Therefore, I hereby propose to accept the voice of the people of Beluga Harbor, dissolve the current Beluga Harbor Council, and re-establish the election method and candidates for the next parliament."

“I’ve finished my proposal, who agrees and who opposes?!”

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