I will be crowned king

Chapter 468 Parliamentary Reorganization

Before he could finish the last sentence, his remarks had already caused an uproar in the hall.

"Mason Wetzler, are you crazy?!"

"I...he...what does this bastard want to do?!"

"Let him sit down! Let him sit down!"

There was chaos in the hall, and the frightened and angry congressmen were suddenly disrupted. They were all pointing at Mason Wetzler at a loss and yelling, yelling, and shouting at the top of their lungs...

But no one rushed to interrupt, or directly used force to shut him up. They just stared and yelled from the side.

They dare not take action... not only because of the thousands of Universalist believers protesting outside the door, but also because the 500-member Parliament has been essentially split.

The League of Trustees, the Timber Supply and Demand Committee, the Heating Committee... Although they are currently just "small groups" formed voluntarily from all walks of life, their interests have been highly tied to the garrison, and they are veritable "inside ghosts".

What if the gang's attack on Mason was revealed to the commander, causing him to retaliate? There is no need for the other party to take action personally. As long as he is labeled as "colluding with the indigenous pagans", he will be dead!

Cowardly, cowardly and selfish, he was still thinking about how to protect himself even though he was at the last moment. The atmosphere of unity that was finally gathered could not last even half an hour... Harold on the rostrum looked at the "demon dance" in the audience. ", his eyes were almost desperate.

I actually have to fight with the local forces until the last moment for such a group of bastards?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Smashing the gavel on the rostrum, Harold glared at Mason Wetzler, who was already "surrounded" by angry congressmen:

"Let me repeat that, Congressman Mason, do you wish to dissolve this Council?"

"Exactly!" Faced the almost murderous gaze without flinching, Mason said solemnly with his head held high: "Facts have proved that this parliament has no power to resist the erosion of the heretics! The parliament must be dissolved and re-established. Form a council that better meets the needs of Beluga Harbor!”

The moment Anson Bach forgave himself, he knew very clearly that unless he was willing to let his whole family be hanged as heretics, there was no other way out except betraying Harold.

"And I would like to solemnly warn all colleagues here that this is our best choice - to disband and rebuild on our own, it is ten thousand times better than to have people marching and protesting outside rush into the hall, kill us all and rebuild again. !”

"Want to be hanged as a member of Parliament, or disband and restart... I choose the second one, what about you?!"

The hall was still full of one-sided roars and roars.

"Traitor! Traitor!"

"Protest! Protest!"

The shouting was much quieter than before, and many members even chose to sit in their seats and remain silent.

Mason Wetzler still sneered indifferently.

He turned around, left his position, and walked straight towards the rostrum along the passage between the seats.

The crowd was still shouting, but apart from the noise, these angry roars did not cause any hindrance to his actions. It was almost the same as watching him walk onto the podium.

"bring it on!"

Facing Harold who was glaring at him, Mason unceremoniously stood opposite him: "According to parliamentary tradition, after someone comes up with a proposal, there must be a round of voting."

“Come vote and see what the results are!”


The sonorous and powerful shout was like an unsheathed sword.

The hall fell silent for a moment, and no one dared to speak this time.

To agree is to become a traitor to the parliament and be cast aside by colleagues; to object is to be an accomplice of the "heretic killer" in the eyes of the outside protesters, and may be hanged by those who rush in at any time.

The congressmen do not want to be anyone, especially not to stand out. At the same time, they are particularly eager for someone around them to stand up quickly.

Harold looked coldly at the former subordinate who betrayed him. He couldn't figure out why the other party would take such a big risk to betray him.

But whether it makes sense or not, as the speaker, he must save the current unfavorable situation for the parliament as soon as possible: "There are only 390 members in the parliament now. For such a major bill to dissolve the parliament, all members must participate in the vote. .”

This does not solve the immediate problem, but it is a good way to delay... Harold continued: "We can issue a summons now, force the remaining one hundred and ten members to be present, and then start voting on this proposal. "

"That's not necessary at all!"

As Harold's most loyal follower in the past and the leader of the Beluga Port Chamber of Commerce, Mason is all too familiar with this time-delaying method:

"According to the parliament's past habits, ordinary proposals only require at least one hundred members to participate; major proposals only require half to start voting; there are already 390 members present, which is an absolute majority; those who are not present , can be regarded as a waiver!”

"But this time is different!" Harold retorted: "Once this proposal is passed, it will be equivalent to them being deprived of their status as members before they have expressed their position. This is unfair!"

"Then even if they oppose the proposal, that's okay, right?"

"Of course not - we didn't get their own votes, so how can we decide for them whether to agree or not?"

"So I said, let's just count them out!"

"How could such an important proposal..."


The crisp sound of the gavel once again echoed on the podium and echoed in the dead silence of the hall.

"If you plan to delay, allow me to remind you again."

Holding the wooden hammer tightly and gritting his teeth, Mason tried his best to stay calm and look directly into Harold's cold eyes: "There are still thousands of people protesting outside... They are still protesting and demonstrating right now. Then It's because they are waiting for us to make a decision, because there are soldiers from the Storm Division blocking them."

"If we just drag it out here, or give a few indifferent replies... Do you think the protesting people will agree, or will the soldiers of the Storm Division stick to the order and not let them in?"

This was clearly a threat, and Harold's expression changed slightly.

But that didn't wait for him to surrender willingly... Harold noticed the nervousness in Mason's eyes and knew that the other party was actually bluffing and was not 100% sure.

So as long as he can continue to drag it out, avoid the complete dissolution of Parliament, find a way to give an explanation, throw out a few unlucky ones who take the blame and clean out some "traitors", and find a way to meet with Anson Bach in private, The two sides reached a compromise and things turned around.

What the other party wants is nothing more than a piece of cake and the real power of the colonial governor. As long as the boundaries are drawn well, there is no room for compromise... huh?

Harold was suddenly stunned and looked at the door in astonishment.

Not only him, but all the MPs in the entire hall looked back involuntarily, staring at the closed door with different expressions.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the shouts of protest outside the door seem to be getting louder and clearer, and some other sounds can even be heard, such as...


With a loud sound like a battering ram that echoed through the vaults, the main door of the parliament hall was smashed open.

At this moment, the congressmen with stunned expressions finally knew what that strange sound was.

That was... the sound of iron boots as soldiers stepped on the ground.


Thick sounds hit the floor of the parliament hall uniformly. The soldiers of the guard company with live ammunition lined up in two columns with their guns on their shoulders. The gloomy bayonets under the muzzles were extremely dazzling under the reflection of the light.

A figure who was familiar yet unfamiliar to everyone present walked into the hall surrounded by soldiers as if there was no one else around.

He stood calmly in front of the passage to the rostrum, leisurely looking at the faces present that were either frightened or trying to dodge.

Harold's face turned pale at this time on the stage, and Fabian's "promise" to him before was still echoing in his mind.

It's impossible... He doesn't dare to do this... If I kill me, the entire Beluga Port will be in chaos, and the trade volume booked by the mainland this year will not be achieved. He, the garrison commander, will definitely be held accountable... The royal family... He... Beluga Port …I……

Mason, who was standing aside, was keenly aware that Harold was in a trance, so he rushed to the podium, roughly pushed him away, raised his arms and shouted to the audience:

"Warmly welcome Colonel Anson Bach, commander of the colonial garrison, to the Assembly of Five Hundred in Moby-Dick Harbor - all stand and applaud!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the MPs present stood up from their seats as if instinctively, turning their backs to the rostrum and facing Anson Bach in the direction of the door; the next second, rain-like applause erupted in the hall.

By the time they realized something was wrong, it was already too late... Two hundred heavily armed Guard Company soldiers quickly spread out to the passage and the left and right sides, taking control of the entire hall.

The excited applause immediately became sparse, but under the threats of the soldiers, the congressmen did not dare to stop at all. They could only look at each other in panic and nervousness while continuing to slap their palms stiffly.

It wasn't until Anson slowly raised his right hand to signal to everyone that the awkward and messy applause finally stopped.

"Commander, what exactly do you want to do?"

Speaker Harold, who had regained his senses, took a step forward and looked at Anson who was standing on the rostrum and in front of the door: "This is the White Whale Port Assembly. According to tradition, you should not even carry weapons into this sacred building." of halls—not to mention armies.”

As his words fell, the atmosphere in the hall became even more depressing. The congressmen looked at the bright bayonets around them and tried their best to stay calm, using their weak legs to support their trembling bodies and not let themselves go. It turned into mud directly.

Looking at Harold and Mason who were extremely nervous on the stage, Anson suddenly chuckled: "Yes, you are right."

"If these soldiers who care too much about my personal safety and worry about me being assassinated 'again' make you nervous, please accept my most sincere apology." Anson deliberately emphasized the words:

"Please believe that I have absolutely no intention of destroying the tradition of the White Whale Port Council, and I will never threaten you with the military; I just have very good news and I am eager to share it with you."

"Oh, what good news is that?!" Mason on the stage immediately asked eagerly, showing that he must cooperate.

Harold immediately glared at him, but the wealthy businessman from Beluga Harbor didn't even bother to look back at him.

Anson also stepped forward appropriately, cleared his throat, and looked around: "After active consultation with Bishop Ripper and many people in Beluga Harbor who are very concerned about my life and safety, I have thoroughly clarified to them what happened today. Everything is a misunderstanding!"

“The people who assassinated the Honorable Mason Wetzler and me last night were just a group of helpless heretics living on Teapot Street and the Port District of Beluga Harbor, and had nothing to do with the five hundred members of Parliament. "

"Therefore... the people who are currently protesting outside the Beluga Harbor Parliament have agreed to withdraw the accusations made against you without evidence and will no longer ask you to bear any responsibility for this assassination case against me!"

There was silence in the hall at first, and then fierce cheers immediately resounded from every corner, like the side of a stormy sea, rolling up over and over again.

There were even cries mixed in with the cheers... The MPs who were crying with joy hugged each other one by one, as if the fear that had been suppressed for ten thousand years was completely released at this moment, and everyone's face was filled with luck. Down emotions.

Except Harold.

The speaker, whose expression was extremely ugly, was holding on to both ends of the rostrum, supporting his shaky body with trembling arms, while his eyes were fixed on Anson's indifferent expression.

"Then what price will the Beluga Harbor Council have to pay in order to get this 'understanding'?"

Harold's cold words caused the cheers in the hall to gradually stop. The congressmen who had been celebrating just now looked at Anson nervously, as if waiting for the trial to come.

"The Beluga Harbor Council does not need to pay any price, because it has nothing to do with you at this time."

Anson, who looked around, paused slightly and said in a deep voice:

"But this matter also exposed many important issues, that is, as an autonomous institution, the Beluga Harbor Council is seriously inadequate in its ability and efficiency to respond to emergencies and urban governance!"

"This is not because of the problems of the members, but because there are huge hidden dangers in the structure and management of the entire parliament: unclear powers and responsibilities, low efficiency... Apart from maintaining unity, as an institution she can do almost nothing and nothing. If we can’t do it, we can only discuss things when we encounter them, but we can’t deal with specific matters at all.”

“Therefore, in response to the calls of the people of Beluga Port, and in order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, I hereby request that the functions of the Parliament be completely clarified, and departments and committees that deal with specialized matters be established, and that each department and committee, each member of Parliament, and other assume the rights and responsibilities of their positions and establish the most basic accountability system.”

"I...Colonial Guard Commander Anson Bach requests the reorganization of the White Whale Port Council!"

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