I will be crowned king

Chapter 469 Voting

Reconstruction and reorganization, the difference between the two is only one word, but the actual meaning is very different.

The former is to completely push back, completely destroy the former and create a new one. The process is very likely to include various types of eradication of dissidents and counterattacks. What the outcome will be is entirely decided by those in power, and everyone has their own decisions. No guarantee.

Reorganization is to make certain adjustments to the original structure. There may be differences in the size of the rights, and the status of some people may be adjusted within a certain range, but it will generally remain unchanged - at least the seats of the members will still be there. Can be saved.

It was obvious that the members of the Beluga Harbor Council could completely hear the difference. This could be seen from the surprise in their eyes and the smiles on their faces. Excited cheers broke out in many corners of the hall. Voice.

For many congressmen, all they want is a title.

The Beluga Harbor Council, with 500 members, is no longer just an autonomous institution, but also a symbol; with this title, you are a local celebrity, a big shot respected by everyone, and "one of your own."

Without this title, no matter how rich and powerful you are, you are still an "outsider"... just like the Anson and Luen families who have just arrived.

If you want to completely turn Beluga Port into your own territory, the best and most thorough way is to completely eradicate this vested interest group, but that would be too costly; Beluga Harbor is just a port city with more than 40,000 people— -Although it is definitely not small in the new world - just kill five hundred rich people, and the city is basically finished.

So Anson chose to use a more tactful approach and took five steps to completely disintegrate the "parliamentary coalition" formed by Harold to fight against him.

Therefore, after Mason cooperated very well and made a "bold statement" about piercing the ceiling, Anson lost no time in giving the option of "opening the window", which immediately won the unanimous approval of all the members present.

Of course, except for a certain Speaker...

"Then I wonder how Commander Anson Bach plans to 'reorganize' the Beluga Port Council?"

Before Harold could try to stop him, Mason Wetzler spoke first: "If you don't mind, can you share it with everyone first?"

Seeing how cooperative the other party was, Anson smiled calmly: "Of course."

He raised his hand, and the clerk behind him immediately took out a thick stack of documents from the document bag he carried with him, and handed the parliamentary reorganization proposal printed on it to the soldiers beside him to distribute it for circulation to the members present.

"In the past, the parliament was composed entirely of 500 members. There was no division of labor or clear positions among them. The judgments made were entirely based on personal moods, likes and dislikes, which greatly affected the efficiency of the parliament in handling matters." They were still circulating, and Anson lost no time in introducing:

"Therefore, my first request is to establish committees in the parliament covering all walks of life. Each member must participate in at least one - it can be the industry he is operating in, he can represent his favorite group, he can correspond to a certain professional affairs.”

“Once the committees are established, you can require at least one member from each committee to be present every time they meet to express their views on behalf of the entire committee!”

The first step is to differentiate interests.

There are five hundred members in the entire parliament, and there must be various contradictions and conflicts of interest among them. It is just that the vigilance against myself as an outsider has been temporarily overcome; coupled with the sophistication of the world, these contradictions are hidden.

Once committees responsible for specialized matters are formed, they must fight for the interests of their committees within the framework of parliament. All kinds of irreconcilable contradictions will immediately break out and can no longer be hidden.

Just like the two wood and heating committees that have been quietly established... Those forest farm owners definitely want the entire Beluga Harbor to be heated by charcoal, but the heating committee definitely wants the most cost-effective—or the lowest-priced—heating materials. The contradiction between the two parties is obvious.

And when a conflict breaks out, whoever has the ability to mediate can control the entire parliament.

The large council of 500 people turned into a dozen or dozens of small groups, and it was much easier to clean up.

“Secondly, the powers and responsibilities of the parliament in the past were unclear. Although there were various proposals every day, we never knew who should implement them. After implementation, we didn’t know who would be responsible. Those in charge would not be punished if they failed to fulfill their responsibilities. Punishment and in the end nothing can be done as quickly as possible.”

“Therefore, my second proposal is to establish institutions and positions within the parliament that are clearly responsible for specific affairs, elected by all members, responsible for the daily operation of the entire parliament and the implementation of various tasks, and subject to the supervision and questioning of the entire parliament. responsibility!"

The second step is to clarify rights and responsibilities.

The most striking feature of vested interest groups is their opposition to change and to doing anything practical.

Because changes will cause damage to one's own interests, and doing things will affect the interests of other people, which will cause conflicts. Conflicts are not far away.

But with specific affairs and positions to be responsible for, coupled with performance evaluation and business assessment, they are no longer just aristocrats enjoying their success; they have done nothing, and even if the people don't speak up, other members of Congress will not accept it.

"... In addition to specific work, I suggest that we should also clarify what kind of people are qualified to become members of Beluga Harbor and determine the identity, rights and obligations of each member."

The third step is to clarify the status.

This is actually an extension of the second step, and the purpose is also very simple. It is to completely kill everyone's rights and responsibilities, and what are the requirements and prerequisites for becoming a member of the parliament, and turn it into a clearly defined system.

Only what is unclear is power, where there is room to control as one wishes, and what is awe-inspiring and frightening power; once it is clearly stated and proposed, and loses the space for manipulation below the table, it will be lost immediately. Original power.

Just like Harold's status as "Speaker", he is now almost the "Lord" of the entire White Whale Port Assembly and the nominal leader of all members; but if this title becomes a position, there will be a clear relationship of power and responsibility. , is equivalent to falling to the same level as others and no longer as special as before.

It may even... give others the illusion that "I can also be the speaker."

As long as this kind of "disloyalty" appears, it will never disappear, completely crushing the status that Harold has built for himself through habit and external threats.

According to Anson's design (actually the design of the Privy Council of Clovis, and drafted by the junior clerk - but this is not the point), the "complete" White Whale Harbor Assembly was probably a legislative and executive body, dealing with colonial matters. daily routine.

Stormtroopers do not intervene in the specific management of the colony, but are only responsible for maintaining daily security and providing some public services, and conducting arbitration when necessary;

In this way, the colony can be ruled indirectly through the parliament, avoiding responsibility. If something goes wrong, you only need to let the parliament take the blame.

Of course, throwing out a small part of the deliberately dug hole - no more than ten percent at most - essentially Anson still wants to make the White Whale Harbor Council, an autonomous institution that can do nothing, truly take responsibility for the colony. He is even willing to make huge concessions for this.

At the cost of giving up on pursuing the assassination, he asked the Beluga Harbor Council to accept his reorganization plan.

And the good thing about this is that the MPs actually don’t have to pay any price at all – because they still retain their titles as MPs, and the essence of the reorganization is to turn Speaker Harold’s past powers into clear titles and positions. Share with the entire council.

The parliamentarians gained powers that they had not had in the past, or had had but were not guaranteed in black and white. Anson could use the divided parliament to indirectly control the entire colony and become the de facto governor.

A world where only Speaker Harold was injured was born!

Of course, not everyone will be confused by Anson's previous remarks and fail to grasp the essence of the so-called "reorganization" of the parliament - to win over the parliament and sideline Speaker Harold.

For example, a certain speaker himself.

Harold on the podium supported his body with trembling arms, his expression extremely ugly.

Of course he could see clearly what Anson Bach was playing, but this time if he disagreed, he would no longer be fighting against the outsiders' garrison and the Luen family... but also the entire parliament, and even the entire White Whale Port. .

But this does not mean that Harold will be completely surrendered... He first glanced at the document Mason handed to him, ignored the other party's meaningful look, turned to Anson and chuckled:

"With so much content, it is difficult to read it all in a short while; even if it could be done, it would take time to make such a major reform, otherwise it would be difficult for everyone to adapt to the sudden changes immediately."

"Therefore, I propose that the entire reorganization policy be implemented in several phases, one part at a time, and it will take half a year to a year to completely complete the entire reform; first of all, we can start by determining the criteria for selecting members..."

"This is absolutely not okay!"

Before he could finish speaking, Mason Wetzler on the side couldn't wait to interrupt loudly.

The congressmen looked uniformly at the two people facing each other on the rostrum.

"This reorganization plan is not only a reform of the Beluga Harbor Council, but also an explanation to Commander Anson Bach and all the people of Beluga Harbor!" Mason gritted his teeth and said excitedly as if this document was not Anson's hard work (actually It is the hard work of the little secretary), but his own:

“If you break up the entire plan and complete it in one year, you will immediately tell the people outside that the White Whale Harbor Council has no sincerity in this, but is just being forced to do this - this is simply asking for death. !”

"What's more, if the implementation time is extended to one year, it means that each step will produce countless changes. In the end, it is very likely that because some people who cling to power will only do superficial things, there will be nothing in the end. Change!"

"A person who clings to power without mercy..."

Harold turned around suddenly and stared at Mason: "Excuse me, can you tell me who this person you are talking about is?"

"Everyone knows who this person I'm talking about is clear to everyone." Mason snorted coldly:

"If anyone wants to see the powers vested in the White Whale Port Council, the committees and positions that concern everyone's interests, become a piece of paper, then just drag it on!"

“If you don’t want what happened today to happen again, vote now and pass the proposal immediately!”

The gazes of the congressmen kept wandering between the two men, and they all looked at each other, trying to stay calm.

After staying up all night and experiencing a thrilling morning, everyone was mentally exhausted to the extreme. They had already tried their best not to fall asleep, and they simply did not have the energy to read through a document of thousands of words.

at this time……

"This is just a suggestion."

Anson's leisurely words echoed in the hall.

The congressmen turned around and looked nervously at the figure surrounded by soldiers.

"I have no intention of forcing you to accept my ideas. After all... I am not a member of the White Whale Port Assembly, but the garrison commander of the colony." Anson breathed out softly and wrote lightly:

"But Bishop Riper, he is a member of the Beluga Harbor Council, and he also has his own unique ideas for the reorganization of Beluga Harbor."

"For example, establishing a belief supervision system, such as opening the door of the parliament and allowing some devout people to observe the proceedings, such as letting the Faith Keepers Alliance take over some of the power of the parliament, such as..."

Anson paused deliberately and looked around the hall.

Everyone looked panicked, and the calm words were like the sharpest bayonet, stabbing directly into their chests!

Once the main door of the Parliament is opened, outsiders are allowed to visit, and the fanatic believers of the Promise Keepers League are allowed to control Beluga Harbor, it will be the most terrifying disaster, more terrifying than being ruled by heretics!

"Of course, I have persuaded Bishop Ripper not to push forward such radical reforms for the time being - Beluga Port not only needs stability, but also prosperity." Anson added softly:

"But in the end, I am just a garrison commander, not one of you; all I want is the stability of Beluga Port and a parliament capable of managing the colony...that's all."

"As long as I can ensure this, I don't mind whether the people who rule Beluga Port are the congressmen or the priests of the Faith Keepers Alliance. After all, these have nothing to do with me."

"So...please vote."

Anson looked around at everyone and spread his hands to the left and right, finishing his words softly.

There was still dead silence in the hall.

Among the members who looked at each other, no one stood up to refute or protest to Anson Bach; no one raised their hands and suggested that the parliament itself should propose a new reorganization plan.

So, the result was already very clear... Harold closed his eyes in despair and let out a long sigh.

Mason stepped forward proudly, waving the document in his hand like a flag, and announced to the silent majority below that the vote had officially begun.

At fifteen o'clock sharp, the proposal voting ends.

Three hundred and ninety members voted unanimously, on the recommendation of Commander Anson Bach...

Reorganize Beluga Harbor Council.

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