I will be crowned king

Chapter 470 Want a drink?

Although he was absolutely sure of the result, Anson couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief when the sullen Harold announced that the vote had passed unanimously.

Not to mention that there are no opponents, even if the members who support parliamentary reorganization account for an absolute majority, Anson must be prepared to fight a counter-insurgency war.

In his eyes, the entire colony is already his own; no matter how much damage is done, he is the one who will ultimately bear the cost, so of course the less damage, the better.

Winning is only the first step. The real difficulty is how to end after victory. To end, both sides need to show sufficient sincerity, and this also means a certain degree of concessions and compromises.

The best counterexample in this regard is the war between the Empire and Clovis; the Empire launched a surprise attack in order to tear up the agreement, trying to defeat Clovis's rise at once; and Clovis was preparing to launch a desperate counterattack to completely "expose the Empire as a human being". The truth about paper tigers.

As a result, the empire lost its credibility and still failed to defeat Clovis's defense line in one breath; but Clovis suddenly realized that the paper tiger in front of him might be a bit thick, and if he wanted to "completely expose it", he might have to involve himself in it and die together.

Neither side could get what they wanted most, but neither side was willing to give in or make a compromise, so they could only stay there and drag out the war that could have ended in three months for a year.

A wonderful battle for supremacy between a veteran powerhouse and a young rookie ended up dragging on and on and refusing to end; it turned into an infinitely extended overtime, and it was basically a turn-based sit-down. garbage time.

It is precisely because of this comparison that the Parliament did not insist on fighting to the death with itself, and did not need to blow up half of Beluga Harbor into the sky. This is really a thing to be thankful for.

The reorganization proposal was unanimously approved, and Mason Wetzler, who was eager to show his loyalty, forced the members to stay in the seats and continue to vote to determine the specific links and measures between each step of the entire reform.

The first thing that was brought up was how to determine the identity and selection criteria of members.

After a brief quarrel, the standard was tentatively defined as "Anyone with a wealth or fixed assets of not less than one thousand gold coins, other than pagans, natives, native heathens, immigrant native mixed-races and women, living in the colony" "Adult male immigrants who have lived for more than ten years" are eligible to become members of parliament through election.

Basically, this is the "biggest common ground" that these congressmen can find in each other.

The election mode is a differential election - as long as there is a vacancy in the 500-member seat, all the remaining members are eligible to elect new members, and finally the temporarily formed "Election Committee" is responsible for voting.

The biggest effect of this rule is to deprive Harold of the most important means of controlling the parliament - personnel rights, making elections and identities public, and he can no longer sneak his cronies into the parliament without giving or receiving privately.

And with clear rules, members who originally relied on Harold to enter the parliament can also get rid of his mark. After all, who is deprived or elected to become a member in the future is the decision of the entire parliament and has nothing to do with Harold.

The second step to coordinate this is to determine several positions in the parliament.

Doing so is also dividing Harold's power - in order to defeat the lost dog, Mason Wetzler, who is pursuing victory, first adopts the definition of the position of "Speaker": the parliament's external negotiator, responsible for organizing and convening meetings, and maintaining the parliament. order, and be responsible for counting votes every time a motion is voted on.

Basically, Harold was stripped down to only the three powers of "Foreign Secretary", "Disciplinary Committee" and "Teller", and nothing else was left.

Of course, he also did not forget that the reason why Harold was able to become Speaker relied on the support of many farms outside Beluga Harbor; in order to make up for their "loss of influence" in Parliament, Mason transferred one of the two major powers of Parliament to financial rights were given to them.

In this way, even in order to retain the power of "taxation", these farms must unswervingly abandon Harold and side with the "reformers".

As the leader of the Beluga Port Chamber of Commerce and "the first person to rebel against Harold," Mason Wetzler also unceremoniously appointed himself "Chief Chairman of the Council," holding the administrative power of the Council.

At the same time, the Alliance of the Faithful Keepers has also been identified as the "only official faith organization in Ice Dragon Fjord". Any new immigrants must register information with the Alliance, otherwise they will be regarded as heretics who are not protected by colonial laws. Donations to the Alliance and Any fixed assets in his name do not need to pay taxes to the Parliament... which is considered as repayment to Bishop Ripper and his fanatical followers.

After dividing the cake, Mason successively passed the "Commission Establishment Act", "Fishery Resources Development Act", "Garrison Corps Farm Reclamation Act", "Colonial Road Construction Act", "Urban Planning Act"...

The legislators, who had not slept all day and night, were drowsy and worked hard to pass these bills one by one. At first, some people would raise a few objections or ideas, but soon no one had this intention, and only Keep raising your hands and clapping.

Harold on the stage also worked hard and mechanically announced the passage of each bill.

Mason Wetzler's purpose is simple: to use a large number of bills to bundle interests and turn parliamentary reorganization into an established fact, so that even if someone - such as Harold - wants to do anything, or who - such as Harold - If you want to overthrow, the resistance will be much greater.

By this moment, Mason had completely figured out what the "surprise" Anson mentioned in the letter was.

He deliberately pretended not to expose the fact that he had assassinated him, letting everyone believe that Harold wanted to kill them both at the same time; in order to avoid responsibility, he had to betray Harold, and he had to betray Harold completely - because this Only then can everyone believe that he is the one who was betrayed.

In the eyes of others, they thought they were betrayed by Harold before they turned to Anson Bach to take advantage of the opportunity for revenge, but in fact both of them knew that Harold had nothing to do with this matter.

Anson Bach...he didn't need to be tough at all. He had to do everything possible to do all the dirty work for him, allowing him to easily and cleanly take over the entire White Whale Port Council.

Even if Harold's own supporters wanted to hate him, the first person they would hate would not be Anson Bach - because he was an outsider - but himself, the traitor.

So the surprise was that he didn't have to say a word. In order to survive, he had to control the Beluga Harbor Council for him and take all the blame.

This is what he calls "surprise"!

This is the surprise he left for himself!


At 4:25 pm, outside the gate of Parliament.

The meeting to decide the future of the Beluga Harbor Council finally came to an end before dark. Accompanied by cheers celebrating victory, the protesting crowds left in an orderly manner under the guidance of the Storm Division soldiers and returned to their respective communities.

Although they failed to overthrow the Parliament and hang the heretics, they also gained more!

The first and most important thing is that finally everyone can run for election as a member of Parliament.

Although proof of property is required and the premise is that there is a vacancy in the parliament and it must be recommended by a certain member, in practice, the success rate of ordinary immigrants being elected is still infinitely close to zero.

But that's not the point! The point is equal opportunity and everyone can become a master.

Of course, this "person" refers to a particularly wealthy adult man who has lived in Beluga Port for more than ten years.

The belief in the Ring of Order has finally been publicly recognized, which is definitely a great good thing for the overwhelming majority of devout believers in Beluga Harbor - of course, it is definitely a great disaster for pagans and natives.

The exhausted lawmakers also left one after another. The moment they walked out of the door, they received waves of cheers from the protestors.

The people who had hated them and wanted to hang them now held them up like heroes and praised them for their contribution to Beluga Port. This made the congressmen both excited and frightened, and many of them fainted directly.

"Congratulations, His Excellency Anson Bach."

In front of the parliament gate, Harold, who looked extremely ugly, said coldly to Anson, who was surrounded by a company of guards, with bloodshot eyes: "From now on, Beluga Harbor... no, the entire Ice Dragon Fjord Colony is... It’s yours.”

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Faced with Reservoir Dog's resentment, Anson calmly acted as if nothing had happened:

"As you can see, I am just the garrison commander of White Whale Port; the reorganization and reform of the Parliament have nothing to do with me. I just hope that the colony can continue to maintain prosperity and stability."

"Yes, prosperity and stability..."

Harold sneered, his eye circles gradually darkening: "And this prosperity and stability must be under the supervision of your Excellency Anson Bach and the rule of the Luen family...right?"

"What's wrong?"

Anson blinked, neither admitting nor denying.

"No, great!" Harold smiled instead of getting angry:

"I just blame myself a little for not seeing your true thoughts clearly at the beginning and thinking that you were someone I could cooperate with. Obviously, I was totally wrong!"

"On the day you arrived at Beluga Port, if I had greeted you not as a garrison commander, but as a governor, would things have turned out a little differently?"

"I don't know, maybe." Anson chuckled: "But I am indeed just a garrison commander, and I am very happy to cooperate with the Beluga Harbor Council - provided it can complete its responsibilities."


Mason Wetzler on the side suddenly spoke, looking into Harold's eyes without any sign of weakness.

"The long-term inaction of the Beluga Harbor Council in the past led to various problems that continued to erupt during that period and evolved into what they are now!" Mason said solemnly:

"But now that it has been restructured, the council has risen from the ashes and is ready to contribute to the prosperity and stability of Beluga."

"Yes, under the leadership of Chairman Mason Wetzler, Beluga Harbor will be stable and prosperous for a long time." Harold didn't seem to care, and even forced a smile at him:

“I can’t wait to cooperate with your work and contribute my share to the future Beluga Harbor Council.”

Without waiting for a response, Harold turned around calmly and left the Beluga Harbor Council in full view of everyone.

The soldiers on both sides and the congressmen who had not gone far watched him leave without anyone trying to stop him. Some congressmen even took off their hats to salute him.

Mason, who had been feeling so proud just now, his expression suddenly twisted when he saw this scene.

"This is just the beginning. You will need time to completely control the Parliament." Anson looked at Harold's back and whispered to Mason beside him:

"Establish several new committees as soon as possible to divide the forces in the parliament that still secretly support Harold; don't forget that the farms outside the city are his real base."

"Understood, I will put the resettlement work of Legion Farm on the agenda." Mason took a deep breath and said tremblingly: "Ten days, at most ten days, I can convince them."

The Beluga Port Council's most powerful means of threatening the Storm Division is logistics, and most of this must be provided by farms outside the city. Once the Legion Farm is completed, the influence of these farms on the Storm Division will be greatly weakened.

"Very good, then I leave everything to you, Chairman Mason Wetzler." Anson patted his shoulder and said:

"There is also 'that' matter, which must be implemented as soon as possible."

"Definitely!" Mason trembled all over, not even daring to raise his head and look at Anson:

"It's quick, it won't take long!"

He knew very well that Anson was talking about the pagan armed forces.

Supporting mercenary groups, lone adventurers, indigenous people, talented people who hide their identities, and even the Old Gods... This is not even a secret within the White Whale Port Council; except for Bishop Ripper and his fanatic followers Or, almost all MPs will do this.

And Anson Bach didn't even need him to actually dismiss these people, all he wanted was a list.

Saying goodbye to the frightened Mason, Anson directly boarded the carriage Thalia prepared for him, and returned to the headquarters accompanied by Fabian and the soldiers of the Guard Company.

Lying comfortably on the seat in the car, Anson, who was completely relaxed, stretched out his legs, took out a bottle of rum from the drawer of the wine cabinet, bit off the cork with a "bang!", and prepared to drink a few drinks first. Celebrate and then…


Anson, who was looking at the wine bottle in his hand and reaching for the wine glass with his other hand, was suddenly stunned.

He pretended to look at the wine bottle in his hand, blocking his sight to hide his surprise.

Besides myself, there was also a second person in the carriage.

And still is!

Although I can't feel any breath, and can't even find any traces, the "superpower" that has been turned on still reminds me that there is another person sitting opposite!

After hesitating for a few seconds, he sighed softly, took out two glasses from the wine cabinet and placed them on the small table in front of his seat. He poured the wine while not forgetting to put ice cubes in it, and pushed one of the glasses to the opposite side. Seats:

"Rum, Tirpitz - would you like a glass?"

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