I will be crowned king

Chapter 478 The Value of the Dead

White Pigeon Market, "Integrity Warmer" grocery store.

With the help of the night, Ian helped the injured Wild Hunt Knight to avoid the investigation and Luka of the Stormtroopers and the Promise Keepers Alliance, and came to the back door of the store. He took out two wires shakily, and skillfully used his left hand and mouth to Pried open the warehouse.

The warehouse that should have been filled with charcoal and cinders turned out to be a rather exquisite-looking living room; soft and warm blankets, a good-sized fireplace, and a pot of hot stew cooking on the stove, with a spicy and stimulating aroma. There seems to be some pepper.

Derek, who looked pale, was lying on the bed holding his right arm. The wound under his blood-soaked sleeve was slowly healing. His vitality was second only to the Holy Grail Knight and was also one of the characteristics of the Wild Hunt Knight.

For Derek, everything that happened today was terrible. Not only did he fail to make up for his mistake, he personally killed the bastard who blew off Lobo's head. He also broke an arm to protect him and was almost beaten to death by a fool. Blast to death.

But he soon discovered that this wasn't the worst.

"you know?!"

"Of course I know, otherwise how do you think that six-pounder field gun appeared in the tavern kitchen, and how did it happen to be aimed at Anson Bach's seat on the other side of the room?"

"Then why didn't you tell me and Carno?!"

"Because if you want to hide it from the enemy, you must first hide it from your own people - this is also for your safety."

"But we were almost killed by that old antique!"

"Yes, I have to apologize to you about this, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for what?!"

"I'm sorry...for not telling you beforehand."


After spending a minute to figure out the truth, the Wild Hunt Knight was about to collapse; not only did he break an arm to protect Anson Bach, but it was one of his own who did it!

"…I have a question."

Resisting the urge to stab Ian to death, Derek gritted his teeth and said, "Why did you help Harold assassinate Anson Bach? He can't give us anything. Besides, don't you want to make peace with that bastard?"

For this seemingly completely unreasonable question, Ian Clemens gave a very appropriate and reasonable explanation:

"Because Harold gave us ten thousand gold pieces, and we didn't have to do anything except provide the venue and pretend we didn't know about it."

Derek's expression froze, and it took him a while to calm down:

"...This is a really good deal."

"The most important thing is that I didn't understand Harold's purpose at the time, so I agreed in order not to offend the speaker who had just lost power."

There was a hint of regret in Ian's eyes. The Faithless Knights had always been operating underground in Beluga Harbor. They did not understand and were not interested in the struggle for power within the Parliament, which led to his misjudgment due to information gaps.

Only one day had passed from the assassination of Anson Bach by Mason Wetzler to the seizure of power by Parliament by Speaker Harold; he never expected that in such a short period of time, the power structure of the entire colony had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Wild Hunt Knight is completely uninterested in these:

"If it's not to kill Anson Bach, then what is Harold's purpose?"



The shocked Carl Bain's eyes widened and he almost fell off his chair.

"I'm afraid that's the case."

Anson nodded slightly, his expression quite helpless: "If it wasn't to kill me, then his only reason for doing this was probably to run away."

He had now roughly understood Harold's idea: to use the mercenaries he had bribed to cause a large-scale commotion in Beluga Harbor City. Suppressing the riot would definitely result in the Storm Division being short of manpower and unable to take care of the entire city.

Even if Anson Bach did not hesitate to mobilize troops from the military camp to suppress them, the time in between would be enough for him to escape.

As for whether the old antique cannon can kill Anson... it doesn't matter at all. Success is an unexpected surprise, but failure... anyway, the purpose of attracting attention has been achieved, so it doesn't matter at all.

However, his plan happened to overlap with Anson's.

In order to transfer the security authority to the Promise Keepers Alliance, Anson reduced the strength of the Storm Division in the city and deployed almost all troops to the parliament area and the port.

As a result, the mercenaries he bribed didn't cause any commotion at all. They swaggered through the city and streets with the weapons Harold gave them, and successfully arrived at the port area, where they were all wiped out by the cavalry lieutenant.

A turmoil that should have spread to the entire Beluga Port came to an end in less than fifteen minutes at the cost of a tavern and Anson Bach himself who was almost blown up into the sky.

Of course, the end result is still the same: Harold escapes smoothly and escapes the pursuit of the storm division.

At present, the Storm Division's control over the colonies is still very limited. Once they leave the city, it is almost difficult to have any influence; not to mention those remote towns, even those farms close to the city have a distant attitude towards the garrison.

As long as he escapes from Beluga Harbor, it will be difficult for the Storm Division to catch him.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Carl Bain threw the note on the table and sat up slightly: "Send people to hunt down, and then issue a wanted order to the entire colony to arrest the former Speaker who intends to murder the garrison commander?"

Anson hesitated seriously: "Do you think this can be successful?"

Karl also thought seriously for a moment: "I think both of these are useless."

Anson Bach: "..."

"This is a colony, and Harold's influence and connections in the entire Ice Dragon Fjord are much stronger than ours. If someone is sent to chase him, he will definitely run away before the soldiers responsible for the pursuit arrive - this As long as you don't get lost." Carl Bain said:

"The same goes for issuing a wanted order. The premise for this thing to be effective is that the locals are willing to cooperate; one is the garrison that has just arrived and is obviously not very friendly; the other is the Speaker who has been cooperating for many years and has recently lost power. People in the colony must know about this gang. who."

"Oh, if we don't do it right, it might even trigger a counter-reaction, causing Harold to dress himself up as a hero who resists local tyranny, and unite the entire colony to drive us away!"

"...Then why do you still bring this up?"

"Because I am your chief of staff." Hiding the smile on his lips, Karl spread his hands in a matter-of-fact manner:

"You pay me a salary just to think of ideas for you and make suggestions - even if they are bad ideas."

"Thank you. You are so worthy of your sixty gold coins per month, fourteen months' salary a year plus performance commission."

Anson rolled his eyes.

"So what are you going to do specifically?" Karl asked seriously:

"Promote Harold as a heretic, and then let the Alliance of Promise Keepers or bribed assassins kill him quietly?"


"Absolutely not!"

Before Derek could finish speaking, Ian categorically objected: "There must be no connection between Harold and the Cressey family, at all!"


Derek didn't understand that this was obviously a very good plan: as long as Harold became the Cressey family's agent in Beluga Harbor, everything else would fall into place.

As long as Harold's head and the clues about the whereabouts of the "Great Magic Book" are captured alive and given to Anson Bach, he will no longer doubt the identity of the Faithless Knights, and the Cressy family will be completely safe in the colony.

"Because Anson Bach is not a fool who just believes what others say!"

Ian said very calmly: "I can now conclude that Anse Bach's previous words and deeds are enough to show that he already knows about our relationship with the Crecy family!"

"The reason why we didn't take action immediately is because we still don't know what our strength is and whether there is any value in cooperating or being used by him; otherwise, it would not be Harold who was ambushing outside the tavern today, but the soldiers of the Storm Division."

"In addition to the value of being able to continue to deal with him, the more important thing is that he does not have definite evidence in his hand; if we really do this, it will be equivalent to directly admitting to him that we are the Cressy family, and we are afraid of being Someone else discovered this identity!"

Ian knew very well that he and the Faithless Knights were of great use to Anson Bach because they were a group of gifted people wanted by the church and the secrets of the Cressey family regarding the "Great Magic Book".

The former can be a very useful tool in his hands, and the latter involves the ultimate vision of the Old Gods - the "Great Magic Book" records the oldest history of the Old Gods, as well as all theoretical magic.

People who have never obtained it may have doubts about the value of this "encyclopedia", but now that Anson Bach has obtained one of the volumes, he must be aware of how significant it is and eager to get more.

In this case, the best attitude of the Faithless Knights regarding the Harold incident is to pretend to be stupid; anyway, Anson Bach will definitely know the truth about this assassination sooner or later, and there is no point in deceiving him on this matter.

The key to the problem is that if the Cressey family really decides to cooperate with Anson Bach, how can they ensure that he is sincere? From Bishop Ripper who is used as a tool man, to Mason Weitz who is drained of all use value Judging from Le and Speaker Harold who had tragically seized power, Ian believed that the "cooperation" mentioned by the garrison commander might be closer to "obedience to orders."

What can be done to avoid this tragic end and preserve the Cressy family?


"How about giving up the pursuit and simply holding Speaker Harold up... What do you think?"

Anson suddenly had an idea and suggested.

"Hold it up?" Karl raised his hands above his head and looked at Anson in surprise:

"Is it because I didn't understand it or because you, Commander, didn't express it clearly? When you say 'hold it up', do you mean his..."

"It's not the head!" Anson snapped directly.

"...I originally wanted to say a stretcher..."

Karl tugged at the corner of his mouth and muttered softly.

"What I mean is that not only should we not pin the charge of assassinating me on Harold, but we should also try our best to help him get rid of this matter!" Anson explained:

"Let him completely cut off contact with this matter - or go further, let him be the first person to stand up and stop it!"

"Wait a minute, let me understand." He raised his hand to stop Anson who wanted to continue talking. Karl suddenly couldn't keep up with him:

"In other words, the whole process of the incident changed from Harold paying for the murder to the upright Speaker accidentally discovering that someone was going to harm the garrison commander and making up his mind to prevent the result... being brutally killed?"


Anson snapped his fingers:

"And we not only have to make this version of the story, but we also have to make it the most widely circulated version - it's difficult to catch Harold, but telling the world about his 'death' would be great." It’s so much easier!”

"But isn't this kind of false news easy to expose?" Karl frowned slightly:

"As long as he finds an opportunity to show up, or if anyone knows the truth of the matter, the credibility that "The Good Man of Beluga" has finally built up will be gone."

Anson seemed very confident about this, and raised the corners of his mouth proudly: "Not to mention whether he dares to show up, but who knows the truth of the whole thing - does he have any witnesses?"

"Why are there no witnesses? There are hundreds of mercenaries who want to kill you to get the balance of the reward, and each of them can..."

Karl's expression was startled, and his words stopped abruptly.

"Each of them can testify, and any one of them can expose my lies." Anson sat forward and poured a cup of hot coffee for himself and Karl:

"But they are all dead, and now the only person holding their confessions is in his hands..."

"…that's us."

Karl, muttering to himself, took the coffee from the other party.

"So if Harold or his supporters dare to stand up and expose this lie that can be exposed immediately." Anson said with a proud look on his face:

"That's a rebel who pretended to be someone else, insulted the reputation of 'Speaker Harold', and attempted to rebel!" Karl said without hesitation.

The two people who understood each other looked at each other and showed heart-warming smiles in unison.

"So you plan to publish this story in the Beluga Harbor Good Man and spread it throughout the colony?" The chief of staff put down the coffee he took a sip of:

"Can I make a suggestion? You'd better hold a funeral for Harold outside the gates of the White Whale Harbor Parliament. The more grand the better!"

"Well, I have similar thoughts." Anson nodded repeatedly and agreed:

"Actually, I was still thinking about comforting Harold's family in public at the funeral, and then asking Alan Dawn to prepare a touching speech - but it always felt too artificial, so I was still a little hesitant."

"It's indeed very artificial, and if I were Harold, I would be disgusted. I would probably want to rush out and strangle you to death." Karl also agreed:

“But it’s very much your style, so go for it!”

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