I will be crowned king

Chapter 479 The meaning of funeral

With the careful operation of Anson and Carl Bain, and the tacit cooperation of "The Good People of Beluga Harbor", an article titled "Angry! Heretic gangsters assassinated the commander again in the port, and Speaker Harold stepped forward to rescue the distressed man!" Reports came out quickly and freshly.

For remote cities on the edge of the world like Beluga Port, "news" has nothing to do with them; only sailors on ships every year bring local "odd news" from half a year or even a year ago, which can be slightly diluted. Boring daily chores provide something to talk about during the boring time in the coming year.

But since the arrival of the stormtroopers, everything has become different.

Not only does Beluga Port have its own local newspaper, but there is also big news every two days - today is the announcement of the formation of the Promise Keepers League, tomorrow is the assassination of the garrison commander, the day after tomorrow is parliamentary reform, and the day after tomorrow is the commander was assassinated again... So why? Is it "again"?

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the life of the people of Beluga Port has suddenly become particularly exciting, with all kinds of news overwhelming. From a corner on the edge of the world, they suddenly enjoy the treatment of residents in the inner city of Clovis. Life is full of freshness.

Under the "immersive" description in the newspaper, the evil heretics not only did not reflect on their last failure, but instead decided to go even harder and brazenly attempted to use artillery to assassinate Commander Anson Bach!

And Speaker Harold, who had just "assisted" the commander in completing the parliamentary reform, not only did not hold grudges for losing power, but bravely stepped forward to stop the thugs, and was brutally killed!

But his sacrifice was not meaningless - Cavalry Lieutenant Jason Fruhauf, who got the information immediately, arrived at the scene in time, turned the tide and wiped out all the murderers.

A disaster that was supposed to affect the entire Beluga Port was turned into a disaster.

The day after the news was published, Anson held a grand and grand funeral for Speaker Harold, who had "heroically sacrificed his life" in the square outside the gate of the White Whale Harbor Parliament; all 500 members were present. Let’s remember and mourn this hero who gave his life for the prosperity and stability of Beluga Port.

Anson, who was dressed in military uniform, was accompanied by the equally serious Chief of Staff Karl, Commander Fabian, Thalia August Rune, and walked onto the podium with a heavy heart.

Behind him was an empty black coffin. Because the cruel cultists destroyed the speaker's body, there was only a formal suit he usually wore inside, plus a portrait placed outside the coffin... It was a pity.

Of course, this regret is only temporary.

Under the podium, Harold's wife was wearing a long black dress, a veil and a white scarf, standing at the front of the crowd; the well-dressed lady's eyes were distracted, and her expression was more like confusion and confusion than pain.

"It is with heavy hearts that we remember a Beluga hero."

"Harold Lefkas, Speaker of the Beluga Council, was a confidant friend, a wonderful husband and father, a qualified leader and a true hero."

"I don't have much contact with him, but in just less than a month of contact, I realized what an amazing person this amazing speaker is!"

"From him, I saw how strong a person can be, and the spirit of risk and sacrifice that is most worthy of praise; what kind of unprecedented courage and unprecedented openness it is. With him, Beluga Port's future initiative Will be prosperous!"

"Now, he sacrificed; not for me! Not for selfishness, or any dark and dirty thoughts hidden deep in our minds, but for the noble spirit and pure faith."

"He did not sacrifice for Anson Bach, his best friend; but for Beluga Harbor, for the thousands of believers of the Circle of Order, and for this land that he loved deeply!"

"He did not look back, he was generous and never looked back. He sang hymns in front of the gangsters' guns, bayonets and swords, and vowed not to beg for mercy to the death!"

"This is what a hero looks like, this is our hero in Beluga Harbor!"

Anson, who was holding a speech in his hands and speaking in a heavy tone, always lowered his head, with a solemn expression on his face, allowing the audience present to feel the pain in his emotions.

Of course, he was indeed in pain - the little secretary gave him the speech very early in the morning. The whole text was 20,000 words and included a bunch of particularly awkward words, forcing Anson to read in leaps and bounds, and he had to be careful not to miss it. "Pause here", "wave your hand here", "look at the audience here"... and other prompts are also read out.

But this can't be blamed on him. After all, he decided to give a funeral speech at the last minute. There was not enough time left for him to write a new speech. "Sark", only the names of people and places were replaced.

Anyway, it was just a formality. Except for Bishop Ripper, the other congressmen present seemed to really think Harold was dead. Although the rest of them didn't know the real situation, they knew it to some extent.

After all, only the dead Speaker Harold would acquiesce that Anson Bach is his best friend - mainly because he has no way to talk back.

"Some people are alive, but they are just zombies without beliefs and ideals. They are no different from the dead."

"Some people die, but they live forever - not as flesh and blood, but as a noble spirit, a great milestone, a milestone that shines on everyone!"

"Harold Lefkas, my best friend, has left us forever; but his thoughts and achievements will always be with us. It was he who allowed me to see a brand new world, a world within reach. and a better future!”

“And from now on, we will make that future no longer a dream, but truly down to earth!”

Whenever Anson read a sentence, the corners of Carl Bain's mouth twitched in the back row, and he lowered his head desperately to restrain his trembling shoulders.

"January 31st, 101st year of the Saint's Calendar. This is a day that will be remembered forever."

"Today, Port Beluga has a true hero and a great figure who can represent her; the Garrison Corps and the League of Promise Keepers will build a statue of Speaker Harold to stand in front of the door of Parliament. He will hold a torch and illuminate Brighten us all up."

"And on behalf of the garrison, I also formally declare war on all infidels who attempt to invade the Beluga Harbor Colony!"

"Beluga Port...can only be the Beluga Port for the people of Beluga Port!"

As Anson finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from around the podium, and pairs of hands raised high kept slapping each other to celebrate this sacred and solemn moment.


Facts have proved that Speaker Harold's "death" contributed more to uniting Beluga Harbor than he did in his lifetime.

The parliament, which was originally divided due to reforms, suddenly became "sincerely united" - and completely got rid of its previous idle state and became extremely busy.

Four new committees were established every day, and then three old committees were disbanded; the MPs who used to be harmonious began to get into endless quarrels and even fights over appropriations, funding, and division of powers and responsibilities.

Originally, the actual power of the entire White Whale Port Parliament was tightly held in Harold's hands. He relied on private compromises to bribe and control the entire Parliament, barely maintaining a delicate balance between the interests of all parties.

Now that Harold was "sacrificed", five hundred members of Congress divided up the power and brought all disputes of interest to the surface; Mason Wetzler, who was loyal to the commander, obviously did not suppress everyone's prestige, so he could only Choose to let it go and make sure you get the biggest share possible.

The Faithkeepers replaced the Stormtroopers, these passionate fanatics who took to the streets with second-hand weapons and took over the security of Beluga Port.

The results are not surprising at all: various shootings and violent incidents occur every day, and almost all of them are concentrated in the streets and communities where indigenous people and new immigrants live; for a while, Anson felt like returning to Clovis City , the illusion of living in the outer city.

The Promise Keepers Alliance, which has absolutely no experience in public security management, maintains security by increasing patrols. As a result, the few manpower is exhausted, and residents of various communities quickly figure out their patrol routes and time points.

Coupled with the undisguised disgust of the fanatics towards the indigenous people, every incident will eventually turn into a "street trial" - the indigenous people are watched, mocked, and killed...

This extreme targeting behavior naturally aroused resistance from the indigenous people.

Beluga Harbor is only a colony that has only been established for 50 years. Even as the colonist's base camp, Beluga Harbor still has a large number of indigenous people living in it and undertakes a large number of the most basic public services in the city.

Facing the brutal fanatics, the indigenous people who figured out their patrol routes and timings began to attack and ransack the houses of alliance members in their absence, ambush lone patrol officers, and then send high-priced extortion letters to the church.

In just two days, the security of Beluga Port deteriorated to an even more chaotic level than before the arrival of the Storm Division; not only were Alliance members killed, but 300 rifles were even lost one after another.

That's right, they were lost rather than damaged, and they were all scattered in the communities with the worst security and the largest number of indigenous people... The security situation in Beluga Harbor, which was already in chaos, began to decline off a cliff. It was clear that the Promise Keepers Alliance, which was already incompatible with both sides, began to treat the indigenous people even more harshly.

Bishop Ripper is in a state of anxiety all the time - he himself has no good feelings towards the indigenous people, and he thinks it is natural to shoot the heretics, but the chaotic and poor security situation has made all his previous promises come to nothing.

Once it is proven that the Promise Keepers Alliance cannot maintain the security of Beluga Port, Anson Bach will definitely take back this precious power; and this will further affect the alliance's image among believers and make his many years of hard work come to nothing.

But although he himself is very charismatic, he knows nothing about management. He can only rely on those "very motivated" fanatics to handle specific work for him.

The way these fanatical believers deal with this is to attack the places where indigenous people often gather and catch them all in a premeditated and planned manner.

Beating, mocking, arson, looting... Finally, a "faith trial" was held in full view of the public, allowing these indigenous people to either convert or be hanged.

Although Chief Superintendent Lisa Bach is still working hard to crack down on criminals, the citizens of Beluga Harbor can still feel that the atmosphere around them is becoming increasingly tense. In addition to communities outside the parliamentary area, the streets are no longer safe. .

However, considering that every time the police chief attacks, passersby are inevitably affected, it is difficult to say whether it makes the people of Beluga Harbor feel safer or more dangerous.

And in this peaceful atmosphere, there is still one most important matter that must be resolved as soon as possible.

That was the murderer behind Speaker Harold's murder.

Anson does not intend to kill all the indigenous people in Beluga Harbor - it is impossible to kill them all - nor does he plan to perfectly recreate the riots in Clovis City last year in Beluga Harbor, or to destroy half of the city. Explode to the sky.

Therefore, he had to find a scapegoat to bear the "crime" of killing Harold and murdering himself, turning this person into a "heretic" that everyone said.

It was a coincidence that he had such a person... or a group of people in his hands right now.

So the next day's "Moby Dick Harbor Good People" immediately published the latest developments about the "Harold's Death Incident": "After being enlightened by reason and moved by emotion, as well as the most profound spiritual education, Shameless The gangsters finally revealed the mastermind hiding behind them!"

"The midnight attack on Wetzler's residence was no accident. The successive assassinations against the Commander-in-Chief were actually the result of careful planning. The death of Speaker Harold was a huge conspiracy. The entire White Whale Port was shrouded in this layer of terror. Under a layer of treacherous shadows!”

"Hiding behind the scenes, plotting, planning and even implementing all of this is a terrifying and powerful cult organization. It is more terrifying than the Old Gods, more cunning than the indigenous people, and more evil than the indigenous pagans..."

"It is...the Faithless Knights!"


Looking at the newspaper that Carno brought back in his hand, Ian fell down from his chair, and the overturned soup bowl spilled all over him.

"We don't have much time."

Carno, who was expressionless, stepped forward and picked up the soup bowl that had been knocked to the ground: "People from the Alliance of Promise Keepers are already coming here. It's a letter from an indigenous shopkeeper at the nearby market; the alliance promised As long as information about 'Harold's killer' is provided, their safety can be protected."

"If we don't intend to cause a massive commotion in Beluga Harbor, we must leave within ten minutes at the latest - is there any safe place?"

"Yes...and it's certainly safe enough."

Ian stood up and said through gritted teeth, his whole body exuding a strong smell of onion and potato soup:

"Let's go find Anson Bach!"

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