I will be crowned king

Chapter 480 Meet again

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised about this."

"Oh, what are you mainly surprised about?"

"Surprised... I didn't expect that in just two or three days, our Faithless Knights would become famous in Beluga Port."

"Really, then you must be very proud of yourselves, right?"

"That's not true. Mainly thanks to someone who said in the Good People of Beluga Harbor that we were the real culprits behind the murder of Speaker Harold."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."


Seeing Anson Bach admitting unabashedly in front of him, Ian Clemens, who was smiling, clenched the wine glass in his hand tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand popped out one by one.

The prison reception room at Storm Division Headquarters was cold, but it was much safer than any of the brazier rooms in Moby Dick Harbor at the moment.

And all of this is thanks to the commander in front of him. A report turned the Faithless Knights into the culprits who killed Speaker Harold.

As an underground organization that has been entrenched in Beluga Port for many years, the Faithless Knights have of course dealt with all the forces here; only Anson, who has just arrived, knows nothing about them, and most people may not know their details and threats. Although he is not related to the Ziller family, he must be aware of their existence.

And now Speaker Harold, who was originally the best balancer of all forces, is "dead". The mercenaries who were supposed to cause riots in the city were all killed by the Stormtroopers. The location of the riot was the Red Beard Tavern (unknown). The territory of the Knights of Faith)...

Coupled with the high-profile funeral held by Anson Bach, various forces in the colony learned the following information:

Chancellor Harold is probably indeed dead;

Anson Bach, though an enemy of Harold, respected him, gave him a grand funeral and was always looking for his murderer;

Anson Bach claimed that the people who killed Harold were the Faithless Knights, and they did seem to have a previous record of ambushing Wetzler House.

So overnight, the Faithless Knights changed from "anonymous" to "notorious". Everyone in Beluga Harbor City was shouting and beating, and they were targeted from all directions.

Although not everyone likes the Speaker, as a speaker who has been in power in the colony for many years and balances the forces of all parties, Harold's influence is no less than that of Bishop Ripper; especially now that Anson praises him so highly. , the "murderer of the hero of Beluga Harbor" naturally became a heinous public enemy who could be punished by everyone.

Of course, the Faithless Knights can resist, but when the control of public opinion in the entire colony is in the hands of Anson Bach—actually in the hands of Thalia Rune—the only result of the resistance is to completely sit down. actual crime.

Everyone in Beluga Harbor was shouting and fighting, and the only ship that could take them out of the colony was in the hands of Anson Bach... After devoting the last option of "collaborating" with the indigenous people, Ian decided to negotiate with Anson Bach.

"The most important thing is that you must believe that our attitude towards the peace talks this time is quite sincere." Yin En's tone was very cautious, as if the iron chair under him would turn into an execution chair at any time.

And to be honest, it does look similar.

"I would also like to believe in your sincerity, His Excellency Ian Clemens."

Anson's eyes were focused on the other person's face, with a half-smile expression on his lips: "But the problem is, I didn't 'see' your sincerity; but you can see my sincerity at any time."

As he spoke, he pointed to the iron door behind him.

The two captured members of the Faithless Knights were locked up in the back.

Ian pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, staring at the door pointed by Anson.

Dead silence lasted for several seconds.

"In that case, I think the best way is to show you our 'sincerity'."

A trace of regret flashed in the corner of his eyes, and Ian chuckled and said: "I told you when we last met that I was very sorry that I could not tell you the clues about the "Great Magic Book", nor could I capture any of the Crecy family members. a member of."

"But besides the Grand Grimoire, we have something else that might be of interest to you."

"Oh, what is that?"

“Isaac Rand’s…Research Notes.”

Looking at Anson meaningfully, Ian said softly.


Anson didn't react immediately when he heard the name.

But the next second he suddenly raised his head and his eyes widened in astonishment - this guy was talking about Saint Isaac!

"How come you have the notes of St. Isaac?"

"It was discovered accidentally during one of my...our expeditions."

A trace of unnoticeable pride flashed across Ian's lips: "At first we thought the scrawled contents above were just the ramblings of some Old God sect or madman, until a particularly knowledgeable passerby told us that this was probably the Holy Spirit's ramblings. Part of Isaac's own manuscript."

"Judging from the age and handwriting of the notebook, it is not an authentic manuscript, but more like someone's handwritten copy - but the content should be authentic, because there are a lot of annotations and notes made by me, and even Includes some speculation about what will follow.”

"And now, as a token of our sincerity, we would like to give you this note as a gift."

Ian pressed his chest and spread his hands towards Anson: "In exchange, please return our companions to us, and promise to ensure our personal safety and security before we capture any member of the Cressy family. Freedom of movement.”

"How about it, Commander of the Beluga Port garrison...His Excellency Anson Bach?"

Ian looked at Anson, his cautious and somewhat anxious expression looked very sincere and helpless.

Anson frowned slightly.

It's not that he thought Ian dared to lie to him about this kind of thing, otherwise he wouldn't have come to the Storm Division's headquarters alone; but the other party must also be very aware of the value of the Saint Isaac's manuscript. They would not be willing to exchange even a handwritten copy for an authentic copy of a certain volume of "Book".

The former is just an encyclopedia of the old god's world, while the latter is something that has actually changed the entire world.

Moreover, Saint Isaac's notes are not just about the steam core, the research scope is extremely wide... He himself is even the first spellcaster in history to learn the three major magics at the same time, and his status is unique in the world of the old gods.

Usually once you are found to be hiding his manuscripts but not turning them over, it won't take long for you to wait for the inquisitors to come to your home and give you a big "surprise".

Just when Anson was still guessing the other party's intention, there was a crisp knock on the door.

"Thum, thump, thump!"

In the quiet room, the two of them turned around in "tacit understanding" and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Following the slight sound of the door hinge, the closed door was pushed open from the outside; a girl wearing a hibiscus purple dress and a cute little boat hat appeared outside the reception room.


Anson's expression was stunned, and he subconsciously said: "Why are you here?"

"Of course it's because of dear Anson, dear Anson."

The girl's smile was extremely sweet, and she even forgot to curtsey to an outsider on the side, which made Ian who was sitting on the chair stunned for a long time.

"Talia heard that Anson was meeting a very important guest. As the hostess here, of course it is necessary to come and entertain him - what are you doing?"

Anson and Ian looked at each other.

"We were just... chatting." Anson said cautiously:

“Ian told me that he had obtained a manuscript of St. Isaac’s Notes.”


The girl's eyes lit up, and she smiled at Ian with an expression of surprise: "It's really surprising to have such a rare collection - can you share it with Thalia?"


Ian glanced at Anson next to him quickly and imperceptibly: "But this collection is very valuable. Maybe it would be better to give it to Mr. Anson Bach first, and then you two can find time to appreciate it...?"

"It's not necessary."

Thalia showed a very kind smile: "We can share everything with each other, and there is no need to keep anything secret from each other."

"Dear Anson, what do you think?"

Feeling the expectant gaze of his "fiancée" beside him, Anson swallowed hard and nodded with a smile:

"She's absolutely right."

After the words fell, the girl gently leaned on Anson's shoulder, gently hugged his tight arm, her face full of happiness.

"All right……"

Ian, who was completely confused, looked back and forth between the two people in front of him, and whispered in a low voice, unsure of what to pay attention to.

He originally thought that Anson Bach, as a rising star in the army, became the Luen family's support and agent in the New World.

But at that moment, he noticed a trace of vigilance and fear in the eyes of the other party looking at his "fiancée".

Could it be that I guessed wrong? Could it be that this cute and petite girl is the representative of the Luen family, and Anson Bach is just a higher-level... tool man?

With slightly complicated emotions, Ian Clemens took out the notebook he had prepared from his arms and placed it gently on the table.

This is a slightly old, but very well-preserved note; the slight creases in the footer and the depth of the writing color prove that it has been around for some time, but there are still no signs of damage. Even the slightly folded footer has been damaged. Traces of smoothing.

Anson took a deep breath and opened the first page of the notebook in front of the other two people. On the blank cover, a series of beautiful cursive characters were written in black ink:

[In the Seventy Years of the Saint's Calendar, a study of "Notes from the First Eight to Six Years First" - Willan Nova. 】

Willan Nova?

This slightly familiar name made Anson's heart move.

He vaguely remembered that the author of "Seventy-two Years of the Saints' Calendar, A Study of the Three Old Gods" seemed to be named Willan Nova... Could it be the same person?

With a hint of expectation and excitement, Anson solemnly turned to the second page:

[…On March 25th, I have to sort out this mess of drafts.

Little John is becoming less and less interested in my research, mostly probably because he doesn't understand it at all. It's obvious that he doesn't understand the greatest joy of 'education' - that is, he is so confused that he seems to have just been born. The look in his eyes, and I used all kinds of jokes to mock his IQ.

Recently, he seems to have noticed this, which has caused the fun to drop off a cliff.

In order to ensure that he can understand, I must write my research as simple and understandable as possible. There are two main difficulties in this regard: how simple it is to be considered simple, and how simple it is to be "easy to understand" for him. ".

Considering how receptive his ancestrally intelligent brain is to knowledge, I'll assume that I'm teaching Seal how to build a steam core using materials readily available.

First, lest anyone think I'm trying to humiliate anyone, I, Isaac Rand, am here to clarify - it's also much easier to teach a seal to build a steam core than to teach him.

Yes, even though I've never left Clovis, I've seen seals, and I've seen elephants, lions, tigers, and Adelaide's dolphins; you don't actually have to be in the wild to see them. , especially when you have a friend who is a king and he is willing to build you a zoo.

Oh, I was the one who came up with the name ‘Zoo’ – it was originally called ‘White Hall’, which comes from the color of the palace, which is very uncreative...]

The arrogant tone, the unabashed showoff and eccentricity, coupled with the self-satisfaction from the inside out, yes, the author of this note is definitely Saint Isaac himself.

Anson suddenly felt a little pity for the "Little John" mentioned in the note. It must have been very uncomfortable to be humiliated by this genius many times, and the latter was still enjoying it... Anson couldn't help but think of this. The corners of his mouth curled up.

But when he thought that this note was written in six years before the Saints' Calendar, less than five years before Saint Isaac was assassinated and killed, Anson couldn't help but laugh.

[In a nutshell, the core of the three major magics is 'evolution' - no matter black magic, curse magic or blood magic, the common goal is change, transcendence, extraordinary, and the process of moving from imperfection to perfection. .

The understanding of 'perfection' has created three completely different paths. At the same time, there are similarities between the two and completely opposite to the third.

It is certain that the three old gods learned from each other in the early stages of evolution, and most likely realized that similar paths would not be helpful but would cause conflicts, so they chose different paths in order to avoid conflicts.

This makes sense, just like although I don’t like white sausage, I can’t help but try it when I see a guy eating it happily, but I can’t stand the smell of mustard. Choose hot sauce.

From this moment on, the whole 'how to eat weisswurst' thing is divisive, there are more options, more combinations, more flavors and choices... for people who don't originally like mustard. , this food suddenly becomes delicious.

But that’s for food, because food is good through variety—evolution is not.

If we assume that a certain evolutionary result is 'perfect', 'eternal', 'unique', as absolute as one plus one equals two... and 'right', that means the vast majority of evolution The paths are all wrong.

Even all wrong.

Including the three old gods who created this evolutionary system, they may...

It was wrong from the start. 】

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