I will be crowned king

Chapter 482 Important information

Although he failed to obtain the crucial "Great Magic Book", he had the handwritten notes of St. Isaac's manuscript as "compensation". Anson, who always kept his promises to his friends, immediately released Ian and those in prison. Two members of the Faithless Knights, along with the relics of previous deceased persons.

In exchange, Anson received the remaining notes in the hands of the Faithless Knights, plus the list of members of the Faithless Knights; as for how reliable this list was... he didn't believe a word of it.

Anyway, now that the two parties have completed the exchange of interests, as long as they are members of the Faithless Knights who do not appear on this list and are found out, the Storm Master will arrest and kill each one they see.

Absolute belief that only those on the list were members of the Faithless Knights, such was Anson's unreserved trust in his "new friend" Ian Clemens.

All the members on the list were recommended to the Promise Keepers League by Anson's own handwritten letter; in order to prevent Bishop Riper from mistakenly thinking that he was arranging people, Anson specially prepared a special establishment for this group of people, saying that there was no need to doubt. This is the person he specially placed.

And the anxious bishop really needs such a group of helpers with "professional skills" right now.

In the Old World, faith is a "social institution" that everyone must participate in - if you can't prove your piety, you won't be able to get an education, because good schools are all run by churches; if you can't prove your piety, you won't be able to get an education. There's no way to get rich in business or keep your belongings safe because the church has a virtual monopoly on the entire finance...

Relying on the prestige accumulated over thousands of years and the inheritance inherited from various sects after the end of sectarian wars, the Church of Order controls almost every aspect of society.

But under the Universalist system, faith has become a very simple act again - it is just your personal matter.

The disadvantage is that there is almost no grassroots organization in the entire sect, and it is very bad at management.

This shortcoming cannot be seen in the state of autonomy, but when you want to really make a difference, various problems will continue to break out; in addition, the more devout Universal Sect believers are, the simpler and more fanatical they are, it is almost impossible not to cause trouble. impossible things.

With the establishment of the Promise Keepers League, this problem is gradually becoming apparent - the Universalist Church has no bureaucratic organization, and there is no upper or lower class distinction except for the absolute spiritual leader Bishop Ripper. This means that anyone can do anything without having to obey others, even doing Whether or not to do it is completely up to personal wishes and cannot be interfered with.

On the premise that coercive means cannot be used, the only way to stimulate the subjective initiative of believers is to use religious means: either encourage believers to donate, or question someone's beliefs.

The former has been proven to have limited effect. Once the latter is used... it is not a question of subjective initiative, but a question of how many people can survive in an alliance of trustworthy people who question each other's piety.

Bishop Ripper, who was always committed to uniting believers in the New World, could not use such extreme measures unless absolutely necessary.

So now he is eager to get a group of real "professionals" who can avoid the problem of faith and the chaotic management of the Faith Keepers Alliance, capture the heretics lurking in the city of Beluga Port, and end this turmoil.

"And you can provide...some help to the Alliance?"

Putting down the letter of introduction in his hand, Bishop Riper looked cautiously at the man in black who suddenly came to visit: "In terms of...arresting the Faithless Knights?"


Ian Clemens's expression was full of kindness and respect, just like every devout believer does when he sees the bishop: "We are all loyal believers in the Circle of Order and are eager to do our part for the League of the Promise Keepers. "

His expression was extremely sincere, and even if he didn't speak, he was full of persuasion; but as a colonial bishop, Bishop Ripper was not so easily deceived: "In that case, why don't you take the initiative to join the alliance?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ian's expression stiffen across from him, followed by a heavy sigh.

He pursed his lips tightly, with a complex light flashing in his eyes. After being silent for a few seconds, he raised his head and slowly said:

"Regarding this issue, I believe you can definitely tell that it is an Imperial person... Do you understand?"

The bishop understood immediately.

The other party's dress and conversation can prove that he is not an ordinary immigrant; he did not go to the empire but to Clovis's colony. There is obviously something hidden in this.

"If that's the case, what makes you determined to stand up and do your part for the safety of Beluga Harbor?"

"Mainly because of Commander Anson Bach, who 'convinced' me in his own way."

Ian's expression did not change at all, and his sincere eyes showed a flash of gratitude: "He made me believe that if I don't take the initiative to help others now, it will only be a matter of time before trouble comes to me."

"He's right." Bishop Ripper agreed:

"Moby Harbor is the home of all believers in the Circle of Order, and every devout believer has the responsibility to contribute to her prosperity and peace."

"Yes, every 'devout' believer."

As the leader of the Faithless Knights, Ian nodded repeatedly: "Especially Commander Anson Bach, I always think he is one of the most pious people among us..."

"There is no need to hide it, he is the most pious person." The bishop shook his head with a humble expression:

"Faith comes from a person's own strength. As long as he maintains eternal awe and piety towards the Ring of Order, then he is a pious person."

Ian nodded silently.

"In that case, how do you and your friends plan to help?" the bishop asked:

"To be honest, we have no clue at all now... I have heard about the Faithless Knights who killed Speaker Harold. It is said that these people are talented people who betrayed the Ring of Order, and they come and go without a trace. No trace; only a handful of people know their identity, but only a handful have actually seen them with their own eyes."

"Well, not that few."

Ian chuckled: "Although we don't have as much influence as you do, we still have some connections after living in Beluga Harbor for many years, and we are quite confident in capturing the culprit that is causing the current chaos in Beluga Harbor. "

"So you want to be able to go it alone?"

The bishop understood what he meant.

"According to Lord Anson Bach's instructions, he hopes that we can be established as a separate organization." Ian changed his explanation and passed the blame to a real "culprit":

"The Alliance of the Faithful Keepers needs to unite the vast majority of believers, but just like the Church of Order has the Inquisitors and the Knights of Judgment, it also needs a branch that can solve problems more efficiently when emergencies arise."

"And my friends and I... are very happy to serve the alliance in this way."

Bishop Riper nodded slightly. If the other party can really do what they promised, it would not be bad for the alliance - not to mention the other party is quite honest and does not hide that he is here to solve the problem for the alliance on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief.

He was even very grateful to Anson Bach. Although the other party could use this opportunity to take away the alliance's security authority, he still chose to provide help within his ability without harming the honor of the alliance... He was really a kind-hearted and pious man who was loyal to his beliefs. people.

"In that case, how should I call you...and your friends?" The bishop asked very friendly:

"Since you have to act alone, the Alliance should give you a unique organization - just like the Church's Inquisition and the Knights of Judgment."

"About this, Mr. Anson Bach has already thought of it for you." Ian, who was still smiling, suddenly became a little unnatural: "He gave us a very interesting name, called..."

"White gloves."


White Pigeon Market, an "honest and friendly" store.

Following a tip from Ian Clemens, Anson left the headquarters alone and came to this shop selling cinders and charcoal.

It was already late at night, and not a single person could be seen on the empty streets. The Faith Keepers Alliance, which relied solely on the blessing of faith, simply could not insist on sending people to patrol the entire city every night. As a result, various thefts increased sharply, and it basically returned to the time when the Storm Division arrived. previous level.

Pushing the door and walking into the store, you will find a dark and messy house with no light at all; the unlocked door locks, empty containers, and a room where not even a speck of cinders can be seen are enough to prove that it has just experienced a... The fact of theft.

This is not surprising given the current chaos of security and winter in Beluga Harbor.

Without much effort, Anson found a hidden compartment on the floor directly behind the container where an empty box was pressed; he used a bayonet to pry open the boxes together, and the notes carefully wrapped in leather and paper bags lay quietly inside.

He breathed a sigh of relief. He was not in a hurry to check the authenticity of the notes - anyway, the two sides have now completely shown off. If Ian dares to use fake notes to get through, the person who wants to kill him will not be himself, but the head of the Rune family, Thalia. ·August Luhn.

Anson spent a lot of effort to get Talia to give up and arrest Ian Clemens directly, and dig out all the secrets about Saint Isaac and the Crecy family from his mouth-the other party was very Maybe he's just an advanced tool person and doesn't know all the details.

Uh, why do you say "ye"?

Of course, another small reason is that he seriously doubts that what Talia said..."pick it out of the mouth" may not be an exaggerated rhetoric, but a simple objective description.

"So, Ian Clemens, give me another surprise." Putting away the notes, Anson chuckled and said to himself:

"For the sake of your life... and for mine."


"So in order to save our lives, we now not only have to hand over the clues of the "Great Magic Book", but also capture the Faithless Knights - that is, ourselves?!"

In the abandoned dock warehouse, Derek scratched his messy hair with his intact left hand: "In that case, why don't we just join Philby and the others and squat in the barracks prison?!"

"Because catching us is not what he wants." Carno on the side calmly analyzed:

"What Anson Bach really wants is not the Faithless Knights, but the secrets of the Crecy family and Saint Isaac..."

"Of course I know what he wants!"

The Wild Hunt Knight shouted hysterically, scratching his head even harder: "I want to know what to do next now - Anson Bach won't stop until he eats us up!"

"What's even more troublesome is that even if he cleans us up, will he be able to let us and the Cressy family go? No way, right? Who would let a threat that almost kills him stay by his side?! "

"That's not necessarily the case."

In the empty warehouse, Ian's steady voice sounded.

The two people who were arguing turned back at the same time and looked at the figure leaning in front of the door.

"Our previous guess about Anson Bach may have been misjudged... Maybe he is not as threatening as we imagined, or maybe we really thought too extreme." Ian said lightly:

"If we can be honest with each other, maybe we can actually achieve some degree of cooperation with him."

Derek looked startled.

"Talia August Rune." Ian read out the name word by word:

"When I went to negotiate, I met his fiancée...in the reception room of the prison."

Carno frowned slightly: "What do you mean..."

"It's just a hypothesis at this point."

Ian waved his hand and interrupted Carno's question: "Do any of you know anything about the Luen family, or know any rumors about this family?"

The three of them looked at each other.

"Let's not talk about the Luen family. How to solve the current matter?" Derek's voice was quite irritable:

"Not only do we have to capture the Faithless Knights, we also have to find ways to get clues about the "Great Magic Book" - what can we do to avoid falling into a trap?!"

"It's simple, as long as it's not us who fall into the net."

Ian spread his hands leisurely: "Just find a suitable scapegoat, and then find a way to give clues about the "Big Magic Book"...or simply give it to him directly, and let a suitable person discover this crucial clue. , catch this 'culprit' for us, won't everything be fine?"

"The right person?" Derek's tone became more irritable:




At midnight, the hurried soldiers opened the door of the Parliament Church and walked quickly to the corridor in front, their expressions extremely solemn.

The rapid sound of iron boots echoed in the narrow corridor, and the kerosene lamp above his head flickered on and off, reflecting his panicked face; until his back completely merged into the darkness, and the footsteps suddenly stopped.

The upright soldier tried his best to calm down his rapid breathing. He wiped the cold sweat from his face and turned to face the door at the end of the corridor in front of him.

Behind this door, there lay quietly a figure that no soldier in the army would easily disturb.

But now, he must disturb "that person"'s sleep and truthfully report what he just learned.

He has no choice.


There were three knocks on the door, two light, one hard, and two long.

This is a secret code circulated within the Storm Division. It is said that knocking on the door in this way can make "that person" mistakenly think that you are Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, so that he can relax his guard and remain at least friendly to you.

The soldier used all his strength to hold the door handle, desperately overcoming the fear in his heart, and then...


"The situation is urgent. We have received a temporary tip and we are in urgent need of your help!" As he opened the door, the soldier who immediately closed his eyes shouted loudly:

"His Excellency, Chief Inspector Lisa Bach!"

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