I will be crowned king

Chapter 483 You are arrested!

One o'clock in the morning, North Square.

This was originally an open space north of the city of Beluga Port, where timber and coal merchants stacked goods and held gatherings. As the number of immigrants increased, it gradually developed into a "vibrant" community. Next to the poorest Teapot Street and the White Pigeon Market filled with vendors.

This is also one of the largest communities in the entire Beluga Harbor; chaotic and disorderly houses, rotting smells that cannot be covered by snow, no infrastructure at all, dark streets... and Clovis City The outer city is no different.

The west-slanting silver moon reflected the alley, dragging a long shadow behind the slowly approaching carriage.

With the sound of the door shaft turning, a petite figure fell out of the dark carriage; "Plop!" It fell into the snow on the ground, face first.

Ten minutes later, the girl buried in the snow finally "struggled" to stretch her legs. Like a mammal that had just walked from the ocean to land, she turned over.

"Uh huh~~"

She stretched out a long way, yawning feebly like a girl who had just woken up, desperately opened her eyes that said "I still want to sleep", shook her little arms, and walked towards the depths of the alley. Go.

All thanks to someone's anonymous letter:

[To the noble Alliance of Promise Keepers and the respected garrison:

On this dark and stormy night, Beluga Port needs your extraordinary courage and superhuman wisdom more than ever to solve the problems she is facing.

In the North Square, we discovered a group of cultists suspected of being the Faithless Knights. Some creepy rumors are spreading in this community. They have quietly started to act in secret, doing some unimaginable things. Among the indigenous people, and spread horrific and evil beliefs among new immigrants.

We tried to stop it, but the weak force could not even get close to their gathering place; this group of evil pagans seemed to be performing some kind of sacrificial ritual to summon the false gods they believed in.

Even more than that... Rumor has it that they even have some unknown secrets, about a certain treasure from the old god's world, a treasure that also holds evil knowledge.

Beluga Harbor is in danger. She needs a hero who can truly save her to take action immediately, and cannot afford too heavy a price. It is best to nip the crisis in the bud quietly.

We have left this letter outside the Council Church door and pray that you will find it soon - but before we do, we will be proactive and do everything we can to stop this.

The detailed address is on the back of the letter. I hope it can provide some trivial help to the warriors who come.

May the Ring of Order bless this land.

An ordinary Beluga resident who just passed by the Parliament Church.

yours truly. 】

The style of the letterhead is very ordinary, the handwriting is very sloppy, and the content is very convoluted, but in the eyes of the girl, it can basically be classified and summarized into one sentence - if she knows what "classification and summary" means:

"Moby Harbor is almost doomed, and only the amazing Sheriff Lisa Bach can save her!"

For this reason, the girl resisted the heavy sleepiness, and after almost killing the soldier who came to deliver the letter with a shotgun, she came alone to the gathering place mentioned on the letter, a large abandoned warehouse.

It's a bit wrong to say it's abandoned. The residents living nearby are obviously very good at "waste recycling" - the entire warehouse is divided into countless compartments, including residences, pubs, casinos, shops, workshops... …

The entire warehouse is a highly dense, almost self-sufficient small community - the entire warehouse is divided and controlled by several mercenary groups, traders, indigenous and immigrant gangs, which is more similar to a mini kingdom.

The assassination incident at the Red Beard Tavern in the port area some time ago allowed the Storm Division to almost kill all the mercenary groups entrenched in Beluga Port; the large warehouse became the only "community" in the entire city where riots occurred.

But peace seems to have been restored now, and the surrounding communities no longer hear screams here, or the sound of dozens of people fighting with weapons coming from the warehouse.

Not to mention the Promise Keepers Alliance, even the Stormtroopers generally won't come close to this broken place. In Fabian's words, unless you plan to blow it up into the sky, don't expect a dozen soldiers to patrol in the morning and still have a complete patrol in the afternoon. out.

According to the tips on the letter, the girl found the entrance to the tunnel in the wall of another house next to the warehouse; it is said that there are no less than a dozen similar "passages", which are used by residents of the warehouse to "smuggle" or "smuggle" Used for certain daily necessities.

Kicking open the wooden board blocking it, the girl jumped down.

The passage is very narrow, barely enough for an adult to crawl forward; more importantly, there is no light in the tunnel, and it seems that there is no light source in the darkness that is full of strange smells.

But these two fatal problems are not a problem for Sheriff Lisa Bach!

The girl who woke up took steps forward, straightened her slightly old Sheriff's three-cornered hat, and walked into the darkness with her head held high.

Soon there was a fork in the road ahead. The girl poked her head forward, sniffed hard, and then walked without hesitation towards the passage that looked more hidden and narrower.

Sheriff's Manual Chapter... This is not a Sheriff's Manual, it is purely Lisa's "military camp life experience": How to identify the location of the enemy's military camp in the trenches extending in all directions without a map?

It's simple, go in the direction with the strongest smell.

As she got closer and closer, the originally cold and biting passage gradually began to warm up, and the dry air became gradually moist. Of course, the smell also gradually became "mellow" with the warm and moist air.

The smart chief constable immediately realized that she was getting closer to a huge heat source - which proved that she was going in the right direction.

The reason why the abandoned warehouse can gather a large number of residents is that in addition to providing free shelter, like the always-busy pub on Teapot Street, it also has a central heating facility.

Naturally, it is impossible for a place like this to have heating like the apartment in Clovis City. The so-called heating facility is most likely a huge brazier or fireplace; it is destined that only those who are close can enjoy the warmth, and the corners farther away from the heat source are destined to enjoy the warmth. The colder it gets...there is no difference in temperature between the outermost houses and outside.

Standing in front of the exit, Lisa did not rush in and kill all the bad guys, but fell into deep thought.

The letter clearly mentioned that the other party was in great danger and had mastered a terrible secret; the best way to solve the problem was to keep a low profile as much as possible, not to disturb the innocent people, and to completely eradicate the heretics quietly, so...


With the loud noise of the wooden door breaking, Chief Sheriff Lisa Bach kicked the sealed wooden door into pieces and successfully sneaked into the warehouse.


"Is anyone really going to come?"

On a roof not far from the large warehouse, the Wild Hunt Knight looked at Ian beside him in confusion. His right arm was splinted and hung around his neck with a bandage: "It's impossible for anyone to report such an unfounded letter." Do you believe it?"

"The point is not whether anyone believes it, but we have to make it credible." Ian Clemens chuckled, his eyes hidden under the brim of his hat showing a hint of cunning:

"We are going to cause a commotion that can alarm half of Beluga Harbor and attract the attention of the whole city, so that the garrison in the parliament area and the military camp cannot just sit idly by; by then, a 'warm-hearted' good person will naturally discover us. By preparing the report letter, they will know that there are not only gangs and natives in the warehouse, but also a group of pagans."

"And a heretic who possesses evil knowledge...the Great Book of Grimoire."

After the words fell, the Wild Hunt Knight looked up at the moon in the sky, with a look of confusion in his simple eyes.

"The Great Magic Book is what Anson Bach wants most, and Philby has told him before that there is an indigenous pagan organization in Beluga Port that believes in evil gods... and this is also true." Carno took over the topic:

"No matter who discovers the letter, he cannot hide such important information. He must report it to Anson Bach step by step. For the sake of the Great Magic Book, he will definitely go there in person."

"In this way, he got the clues about the "Great Magic Book" with his own hands instead of getting it from us - the tacit understanding between the Faithless Knights and Anson Bach can continue to be maintained, and we don't need to abandon our oaths, we can At some more appropriate time, have a frank negotiation with Anson Bach."

"At the same time, we also used the power of the garrison to eliminate a potential big trouble, and this was originally their obligation." Ian slowly turned his eyes and looked at the large warehouse in the darkness:

“One stone…three birds.”

Pressing the brim of his hat, Ian Clemens's expression was indescribably proud.

In his eyes, he has grasped Anson Bach's most fatal weakness - his identity as a spellcaster, and the fact that he does not want to...or dare not plunge the entire White Whale Port into turmoil.

As long as he grasps these two keys, he can have a one-on-one fair negotiation with the "Governor of Beluga Harbor" who has thousands of troops without using force, and get the most favorable deal for the Faithless Knights. conditions of.

And this is why Harold failed miserably and had to flee Moby Dick Harbor - he always thought that Anson Bach would abuse violence to give him a chance to integrate the colony; but the other party did not give him this opportunity, resulting in a conflict between interests and Under the double blow of panic, the Beluga Harbor Council was torn apart.

What he never expected was that Anson Bach wouldn't use force at all; it wasn't that he couldn't, but he didn't dare.

The seemingly arrogant commander-in-chief is actually extremely cautious and will never take such extreme actions as bombarding Beluga Harbor until the last moment.

"The operation starts in ten minutes." Ian took a deep breath and began to explain the mission:

"Derek, you are causing a commotion near the gate. The louder the better, and the more obvious the movement, the better, to attract attention for Carno; but remember not to enter the warehouse, keep a distance at all times, and be ready to retreat at any time - —We are here to cause trouble, and the job of killing people should be left to Commander Anson Bach."

Derek snorted disdainfully and shook his bandaged right hand.

"Carno rushed into the warehouse after Derek caused a commotion and killed as many gang leaders and gatekeepers as possible; don't be too stubborn and send a signal immediately when encountering any difficult situation. Philby and the others have already sneaked into the warehouse. Cover is always available.”

Carno stood up slowly and stretched his right hand towards the shadow at his feet. He pulled out the pitch-black steel spear bit by bit from the ground and shook it slightly, making a permeating sound in the air.

"I will serve as an observation post outside. As soon as the garrison arrives at the scene, I will immediately issue a retreat order. Everyone has fifteen minutes to retreat. Once the time limit is exceeded, those who have not withdrawn will no longer receive any cover and must escape alone. .”

Ian's voice suddenly turned cold: "The mission goal is to destroy the big boiler in the center of the warehouse. Don't do anything unnecessary - especially unnecessary pity. Am I clear enough?"

The two looked at him in silence.

"Very good." Ian took out his pocket watch and gently opened the cover engraved with the Cressy coat of arms:

"It's now 1:27, there are still 9 minutes and 22 seconds before the official action, the countdown starts..."


A sudden loud noise interrupted Ian's eloquence. The three of them were shaken and looked up in unison. Under the silver moon, the large warehouse originally shrouded in darkness was ablaze with fire.

The fire was so fierce that even the military camp headquarters outside the city could clearly see it!

Carno and Derek stayed there, looking at each other.


The delicate pocket watch slipped from the palm of his hand and fell to pieces on the ground downstairs. Unaware, Ian looked at the flames in the distance in shock and opened his mouth stiffly:



Kicking the wooden door to pieces, the girl walked into the warehouse from the passage.

What appeared in front of her was a rather spacious room, with an iron door directly opposite and on both sides, and a circle of railings surrounding it. It looked a bit like a porch, but more like a stage where gladiators fought each other.

The girl suddenly realized something, raised her head, and found a whole row of figures standing behind the railing, pointing long guns and short cannons at her.

Almost at the same time, messy footsteps sounded from behind the three surrounding iron gates, like floods hitting the dam.

So the girl straightened her three-cornered hat, straightened her collar slightly, and put her right hand behind her back.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

She cleared her throat and shouted:

"Honest and kind-hearted residents of Beluga Harbor, Sheriff Lisa Bach now officially announces to everyone——"



"You! You, you, you... and you!"

The fleshy little hands and fingers stopped on the face of the last person in the first row behind the fence:

"You are all under arrest!"

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