I will be crowned king

Chapter 485 Egg of the Fallen God

Large warehouse, underground.

A serene darkness enveloped the hall filled with the smell of decay. It was clearly directly under the warehouse boiler, but the air was as cold as the wilderness in the countryside, and even the floating dust was stained with frost.

Rotten moss covered the slate floor covered with frost and bloodstains. The dents carved by knives converged towards the center of the hall along the bloodstains that had already penetrated the ground, forming a huge primordial ring.

Accompanied by a slight roar, gravel-like dust was poured between the dents, mixed with shrill screams and looming gunfire; like a battering ram that kept hitting the city gate, trying to break the wall that seemed to last forever. dark.

"They're coming, we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

A voice sounded in the darkness, like dust floating in the air. It was impossible to tell where it came from. It would even make people suspect that it was a voice that sounded in the mind, full of weirdness.

"But it's impossible!"

Another voice expressed anger with sharp and exciting emphasis: "We are well hidden, there is no way we could be discovered so quickly, even... it's impossible!"

"There must be a traitor, definitely!"

"Who?" A calm voice sounded again:

"We all know what the consequences of betrayal are, who would do that?"

"Must be an outsider!"

The angry voice was very firm: "Only those hypocritical heretics will betray us - what they believe in is not the true God at all, but greed!"

"I have warned you long ago what will be the consequences of believing in heretics!"

"But we have no choice." A faint sigh sounded in the air:

"We need these people to do things for us. In a land controlled by outsiders, only they can go anywhere without attracting attention; relying only on orthodox believers, we can't get anywhere at all here."

"It is precisely because of our cowardice that the believers of the true God are unable to move even an inch on their own land!"

The voice suddenly roared, and the anger from the heart could even make one imagine a distorted face: "I warned you, I warned you long ago!"

"It's meaningless to say this now. What's important is how to prevent the other party from destroying the true god's plan." A calm voice spoke lightly, interrupting the hysterical howling:

"The period of judgment has arrived, and believers all over the world, whether they are true or false, have a premonition that the big plan is coming; we must step up our actions and not be interfered by outsiders."

"The other party is an unawakened person, but I can feel the aura of 'traitor' exuding from her. She is similar but different from the intruder who harmed the Lord of the Abyss... If we resist, we will definitely die."

"Not even the Great Punisher can stop her?!"

There was a sound of surprise in the air.

"Of course the Great Punisher can be used, but that will attract invaders - the Lord of the Abyss has never responded to my call. I am afraid that he suffered extremely serious injuries in the battle with the invaders and cannot come back to protect us. ”

The worried voice was mixed with a sigh.

This is not only because the intruder is very powerful, but also because the aura on her body is not pure. The power that even the Lord of the Abyss cannot easily suppress is enough to prove that the other party is not a newly risen traitor, but a descendant of a certain bloodline. .

Behind her stood an apostle.

"You go, I'll stay here."

A middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the center of the hall. He was wearing an exquisite but dusty windbreaker and a half-top hat. He was dressed almost like a gentleman from Clovis City or North Port.

There seemed to be silence in the darkness. After a long time, a voice finally sounded again:

"They won't let you go. You're going to die here."

"I was already dead when I got here."

The middle-aged man said coldly, with a trace of sad self-deprecation mixed in his words: "If you wait any longer, you will be just a walking corpse that needs to eat...it doesn't make any sense."

"But don't worry, I will abide by the promise we made and delay their actions as much as possible to create opportunities for you - I already have nothing, and I don't mind dragging others along to have a taste of having nothing."

"you sure?"

"Probably... To be honest, I hesitated before I made up my mind to find you, but now I am convinced that the legend of the Seven Knights is just a bedtime story for children, and it is only a matter of time before the world ends." The middle-aged man His eyes were extremely calm, and he gently licked the pupils of his forehead with his tongue:

"In that case, why should I hesitate?"

"They are your compatriots!" an excited voice roared:

"They are still your friends, your relatives, relatives with the same blood... What you are doing now is tantamount to sentencing them all to death - and a large part of them would not have ended up in such a tragic end!"

"Yes, but so what?" The middle-aged man chuckled and took a long, deep breath to stretch his exposed lungs:

"For them, I am dead, and this is the best outcome - if I go back now, they will never admit it and will only try their best to hand me over to Anson Bach."

The darkness fell into dead silence again.

"I just want to know how much help that 'thing' you gave me can really help me?"

The middle-aged man's voice suddenly trembled: "That... lively pill?"

His memory went back to a few days ago, a night when he was so lost that he wanted to escape from Beluga Harbor.

In order to avoid the endless pursuit and search by the garrison and the Alliance of Promise Keepers, the middle-aged people had to flee into the only large warehouse that they could not easily enter in an attempt to get shelter.

The mercenary group controlling the periphery of the large warehouse had just been slaughtered by the Storm Division at the port, and the remaining remnants were fighting for territory; the only indigenous pagans who still maintained the most basic order accepted and took him in, and provided him with a A warm enough room, enough food and clean water.

The price is a pill that is bright red for a moment, lively and even sprouts tentacles.

Only after eating it will the native pagans in the warehouse be willing to provide shelter. Otherwise, the middle-aged people will be expelled from the warehouse or handed over to the immigrants who are killing each other.

He had no choice, even though he could vaguely guess the consequences of eating it.

"That's not a pill." A soft sigh sounded in the darkness:

"That's an egg from a certain meteor god."


The middle-aged man suddenly showed a disgusted expression, and his three eyebrows were squeezed together:

“That is, the cub of the Evil…Meteor God?”

"You can understand it this way - unlike the true gods, the meteor gods are similar to the traitors who have abandoned the true gods. Even if there is almost no end to their lives, they must give birth to as many offspring as possible before their reproductive ability disappears." The voice explained:

"Not only to maintain the instinct of life, but also to preserve each step of 'evolution' in this way; climbing towards a higher level of existence is a very dangerous behavior, and no one can ensure that what they are doing is correct. The path...it's more likely to be the wrong one."

"In order to ensure that each 'evolution' state is recorded, the meteor gods will reproduce at the necessary stages and leave their 'fetal eggs'...the one you swallow belongs to someone who has just advanced to a new level. Stage of the Fallen God."

"This is very important to them, and sometimes they even cultivate believers who have not yet embarked on the path of evolution and become their own reproduction tools."

"This is also the reason why the youngest among them who embarked on the path of evolution in the ancient bright era will be called 'Tutor'...that is, 'mentor'." Another new voice in middle age It sounded in people's minds, and it sounded cheerful and funny:

"They must select the most talented and trustworthy believers, so that they can willingly embark on the path of evolution and achieve their own extraordinary achievements. According to legend, the most patient among them are even willing to spend dozens or even thousands of dollars for this. For hundreds of years, we have quietly waited and cultivated the best breeding tools and companions.”

"But those despicable traitors...they completely distorted the motto left by the true God!" The angry voice roared again:

"They spread their bloodline unscrupulously and rely on similar people on the same path to interbreed with each other, thinking that this will make evolution safer - but it won't!"

"In fact, this will only deteriorate them, and even the bloodline of the entire group! The gradual homogenization of all forces means that the path of evolution becomes narrower and narrower, causing every previous mistake to become It is irreversible and has even become the basis for the existence of a certain group!”

"Because of this, their world will be completely destroyed, so that they can only survive under the rule of that group of cowardly believers of false gods, slaughtered and ruled by simple tools, so that the power of false gods threatens the rest of the true gods. soil of!"

"This is their sin that can never be forgiven, and it is evidence that they are never worthy of being near the true God's cemetery!"

"For believers, being chosen is the supreme honor." The calm voice sighed feebly and interrupted again:

"As for the fetal egg left behind...whether it hatches successfully or not, it contains all the power of a certain round of evolution; get it and you will have a chance."

"what chance?"

The middle-aged man's pupils trembled slightly, so much so that he felt itchy on the back of his scalp.

“The achievement…extraordinary.”

It was a voice that sounded full of malice:

"The power of the fetal egg will be completely integrated into your blood, gradually shaping you into the state of the meteor god; if you are strong enough, you may be able to control this power and ascend the path of evolution."

"You will completely get rid of the fragile body of a mortal, transform from an inferior existence to a perfect existence, see the wisdom that you could not see in the past, and leap to a higher level."

"But if you fail... you can at least get a chance for revenge, right?"

Shape... evolve... master?

The middle-aged man suddenly realized something. He raised his hand tremblingly, letting each finger touch his cheek gently, feeling the movement under the skin with his heart:

"How long does it take for it to take effect?"

"No one knows." The malicious voice sounded again:

"It depends on your willpower and the power contained in the fetal egg. It can be a year, a month, a week, a day... it's all possible; no one can confirm it until it finally happens."

"But no matter what, this is an honor." Another voice interrupted:

"The opportunity you have been given is an out-of-reach gift to thousands of believers; may you understand its value and not let it go to waste."

The middle-aged man didn't respond. He didn't even care about what would happen to him next. His life in the past few days had been the most comfortable for him in decades; he was obviously living in a large warehouse with turbid air, eating food that was not even close to him. Pets will also disdain food, but they feel full of vitality from head to toe, and their bodies are as healthy as when they were young.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why so many people were bewitched by the Old God Sect, and would rather be wanted by the church than become a cultist.

Excluding those poor people who have been deceived, who doesn't desire to "evolve", get rid of the weak flesh and blood body, and embark on the path to transcendence and eternal life?

The power of the seven bloodlines may be equally excellent, but not everyone is so lucky to have that noble bloodline; no... it is precisely because of the existence of these bloodline powers that the power of the old god is so fair and treats everyone equally.

For ordinary people, is there really any difference between being ruled by evil gods, being ruled by knights and being ruled by the church?

Maybe the evil god looks cruel, but at least he does give everyone a chance to change their destiny; but in the face of the power of blood, everything is doomed at the moment of birth.

As for the Church of Order... they are always thinking about extending their tentacles to all corners of everyone's life, and are trying to create an eternal, cold and cruel world from beginning to end.

"I'm just asking you one last time, do you really want to do this?"

There was a trace of pity or uncertainty in the calm voice: "Even if you can succeed in revenge, you will still die in the end... The intruder lurking next to Anson Bach is an existence that can harm the Lord of the Abyss. .”

"You will die."

"I don't care." The middle-aged man said calmly:

"He took everything from me. If I don't do it now, I can't imagine having another chance."

"What's more, isn't this the purpose of your rescue me? To mess up the entire Beluga Port or even completely raze it to the ground, and use thousands of sacrifices to sacrifice to those evil gods; I just want to make more demands. , let them become my burial objects, nothing more."

"So don't worry, I will fulfill my promise."

The middle-aged man turned around quietly and walked toward the door with steady steps. Only the slightly trembling back toes of his heels exposed his inner feelings.

"May the King of Dark Magic, Mutt, bless your soul and usher in new life after the fragile flesh and blood disintegrates."

A calm sigh sounded, making the middle-aged man's back tremble slightly:

"...Dear Sir Harold!"

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