I will be crowned king

Chapter 486 Good evening

"How is this going?!"

Looking at the messy scene in front of him, Carl Bain felt like his head was getting bigger.

After experiencing Thunder Castle, Dawn Ice Peak, Eagle Point Pass, the Land Kingdoms, and the Royal Court of Iser... After so many life-threatening journeys, Anson Bach can always prove with facts that being his chief of staff is really a job. Challenge both physical and psychological challenges at the same time.

In front of him, the entire large warehouse had turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the fire was very likely to start spreading to the surrounding buildings. Unless there was a heavy snow or heavy rain immediately, it would not be able to be effectively contained.

As for the Promise Keepers Alliance who came to "help"... To be honest, it's enough to thank God that they don't continue to cause trouble.

Not only do these people completely disobey orders, they don’t even seem to know what they are here to do - the so-called "commanders" only know how to call people over and have no idea of ​​what specific work they are going to do. He doesn't even have the basic common sense to put out a fire.

After stopping countless waves of lunatics rushing toward the fire with buckets of water, Carl Bain simply asked them to be responsible for transporting water trucks and formed a blockade with human walls around the community to prevent a vicious stampede.

But no matter how bad the fire is, Stormtroopers still have to rescue, not only because there are thousands of Beluga residents living in the warehouse, but also because if the fire is allowed to blow up and the entire warehouse is blown up, the damage to Beluga Harbor will be more than just A community with just displaced immigrants and Aboriginal people could wash out the Beluga Harbor Council.

Of course, this result may be very consistent with someone's idea - the bombed warehouse can make room for his new factory, and the displaced immigrants can directly work as workers in the factory. As for the washed-out Beluga Harbor Parliament...

Well, he thought the place was a bit crowded, didn't he?

"Have the reinforcements from the Storm Division arrived? We need support!"

Seeing Captain Alexei coming over with a group of cavalry, Karl, who was already frantic and anxious, shouted to him hysterically: "There are only 600 soldiers in the city, and we can't do anything with your Second Infantry Regiment alone." !”

"You know why you are shouting at me?!" Alexei's expression was even more broken than him:

"There are no reinforcements, and the Storm Division is still gathering urgently - I just escorted the navy people into the city from the city gate and brought them to the port!"


"You don't think we can put out the fire, do you? If the fire really spreads, I think it's quite cost-effective to put out the fire with one or two 68-pound solid rounds."

"Are you crazy?!" Karl's eyes widened and he pointed at the warehouse: "There are thousands of living people in there. Do you think beating them to pieces with one shot would be very good for the image of the storm master? Help?!”

"Even if you don't consider them, I just got the news that Lisa Bach is still inside. Don't you think this attack will have a little negative impact on your career?!"

"Of course I don't dare, but what do you think we should do?" Alexey shouted at him:

"We only have 600 people, and support will not be until an hour at the earliest - if we wait for such a big fire for an hour, how many people can still be alive in the closed warehouse?!"

"So we can't wait any longer and rush in directly!" Carl Bain said decisively:

"Blow the warehouse door with a cannon, and I will lead a team of people to rush in to rescue people, and then find a way to support Lisa - people must be saved, one by one if I can."

This is not only related to the image of the storm in Beluga Harbor... Thousands of young and strong laborers were burned alive, which was a very heavy blow to the strength of Beluga Harbor - Anson expressed it more than once, explicitly or covertly, that the storm division After getting more from Beluga Port than the vast land, the entire officer corps has begun to treat this colony as their own industry.

Someone had to rush in, find a way to extinguish the fire, or at least open a safe passage, rescue as many people as possible, and at the same time support Lisa Bach, who was probably already killing everyone...even if the risk was really high.

"No, you can't go in!"

Alexey grabbed Karl, who was about to lead people to rush forward, and his attitude was extremely determined: "The risk of doing this is too high. We have no idea what the situation is inside."

"Then what do you think we should do?!"

Carl Bain said with a broken face, he was almost driven crazy.

"There is only one way." Holding Karl's arm firmly, Alexei said in a deep voice:

"You continue to stay here and direct the fire extinguishing. I will lead the people to rush in and find a way to join Lisa Bach and rescue as many people as possible!"

"Alexei..." Carl Bain was stunned.

He has always had a very low opinion of the Storm Division officer corps. They are basically a group of money-hungry, timid and cowardly cannon fodder who must be coerced and lured to achieve 100% combat effectiveness. They are also very good at passing the blame unless absolutely necessary. Never willing to take any responsibility.

But now Alexei actually knew that the situation was critical, but took the initiative to take the risk of putting out the fire on his behalf... "Moved" is not enough to describe Karl's current mood, and his eyes were slightly sore:

"I-I don't remember our friendship being this good, right?"

"What does this have to do with friendship?"

Alexey was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Ah! You misunderstood, I am mainly worried that if you go in later, you will most likely cause trouble to Miss Lisa Bach, and then I will have to rescue you; so let's It’s better not to go through so much trouble and just do it in one step so that everyone can worry less.”

"Also, please remember that you owe me a favor - when the legion farm is cleared, the Second Infantry Regiment will be assigned to the one closest to the port."

Carl Bain: "..."


While the two of them were still debating whether to save people or not, the Faithless Knights in the large warehouse had completely given up on this idea and began to think about another crucial question: how could they escape alive? go?

The raging fire, the panicked crowds fleeing in all directions, the gangs who desperately tried to maintain order but made the situation more and more disintegrating, the explosions one after another... became more and more intense in the warehouse. Everywhere you looked was burning, and every escape route was possible. They were all crowded with people, and the screams one after another were enough to make anyone's confidence in escape instantly collapse.

As a community with the densest living environment, the Big Warehouse was originally a very "orderly" place. However, as the mercenary group controlling the perimeter of the warehouse was completely emptied by the Storm Division, the gang that had just established its rule had not yet gained a stable foothold, and was overthrown by Lisa. · Sheriff Bach killed them all by himself,

The old order was completely broken by the disaster, and chaos was completely inevitable.

Although the few surviving gang members were still trying to maintain order and using their weapons to threaten the people they had oppressed and ruled in the past, they were soon surrounded and trampled to death before they even had time to scream; or they simply joined the crowd and fought tooth and nail. Escape.

So the desperate people either tried to find a way out in the fire and escaped from the warehouse that was destined to be engulfed by the sea of ​​fire; or they huddled and hid in a corner that they thought was safe, and waited until the crowd broke through the "very strong" in his eyes. Gate, loot him and then continue to escape...

As for how many lucky people can escape, it is destined to be an unknown number.

"So what are we going to do? If we delay it any longer, we will all be doomed. No one can escape from here!"

With a knife, he chopped off the head of the native who tried to charge forward. Derek, the Wild Hunt Knight who was guarding the entrance of the passage, roared behind him: "Let me make it clear that I won't be able to hold on for long - it seems that some guys have already noticed this!"

"Then just hold on a little longer!"

The pale Ian stood against the wall at the other end of the passage, holding the revolver tightly in one hand and raising it above his head in one hand, maintaining some strange gestures, covering the entire passage with a hidden aura and a mask of appearance.

In the center of the passage, Carno was kneeling on one knee with a spear in his hand. He closed his eyes tightly and nodded slightly. The tip of the spear in his hand sank into the floor.

The current situation has completely exceeded Ian Clemens' plans.

Originally, he had expected that the Faithless Knights would only need to cause a small-scale commotion and attract the Stormtroopers and the Faith Keepers Alliance; the rest, whether it was riots or disturbances by indigenous pagans, had nothing to do with them.

But things didn't go as he expected.

First, there was an explosion in the warehouse. It was suspected that someone entered the warehouse directly from the tunnel and "accidentally" detonated the heating facility; then the entire large warehouse became a mess. Philby and the others completely lost contact and did not arrive at the retreat location as agreed. .

The plan was disrupted, and Ian no longer cared about whether the Faithless Knights would arouse Anson Bach's suspicion. He must find a way to find Philby and the others who had lost contact as soon as possible, and lead everyone to retreat from the large warehouse.

"Haven't found them yet?!"

The Wild Hunt Knight shouted angrily, slashing with both swords at the oncoming crowd, cutting off heads filled with surprise and fear from their necks one after another, and the gushing plasma cut them off. He was washed red from head to toe.

In the eyes of those who desperately fled, they only saw that the person in front lost his head out of thin air before hitting the wall, and his body was torn into pieces without any warning, and the plasma mixed with internal organs was sprayed everywhere.

But even so, this still can't stop their "determination" to hit the wall. Even if they watch the guy in front of them being completely torn into pieces, with half of their head and intestines stuck to their bodies, they still remain unswervingly there. bumped into.

"Crazy, these guys are all crazy!"

"Calm down, Derek, we are safe for now - this is directly above the warehouse. As long as we find Philby and the others, we can retreat at any time."

That's what he said, but in fact Ian's expression was also extremely anxious.

The Storm Division has completely surrounded the entire warehouse. If they delay any longer, they will probably rush in directly. If they want to explain to Anson Bach what is going on, the possibility of an unharmed retreat will be very low.

In comparison, he was not too worried about the indigenous pagan organization; although it was said that they had the power to "destroy the entire Beluga Port in an instant", they would not do such an extreme thing unless it was absolutely necessary.

In addition, the trump cards in the hands of this group of indigenous "beast slaves" are very limited. Otherwise, the fanatical believers of Universal Sect would not have been able to get along with them for such a long time, and they would not have allowed the mercenaries to capture the beasts wantonly. Slaves have become one of the most prosperous sunrise industries in Beluga Port.

"Carno, haven't you discovered them yet?"

Ian asked behind him while pulling the revolver trigger. The figure at the end of the passage fell to the ground and rolled down the stairs soaked in blood.

"Already found."

Carno said solemnly, his calm voice mixed with a trace of undetectable trembling: "They have just left the large warehouse with other refugees and entered the 'safe area' controlled by the garrison. Their identities have not been exposed for the time being... .”

Both of their faces showed expressions of surprise at the same time.

But looking at Carno who was still kneeling on one knee, Ian, who had no time to celebrate, immediately realized that something was wrong, and asked after careful consideration: "Then... what else did you see?"

"one person."

Carno gritted his teeth, and his trembling voice could no longer be concealed.


Ian asked without looking back.

"Ha... Luo... De?"

The unbelievable voice of the Wild Hunt Knight rang in his ears.

Um? !

The stunned Ian didn't even have time to look back. A bone-chilling chill suddenly poured into his body, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably. In a daze, it seemed as if the world in front of him had begun to turn upside down.

Fighting desperately against the fear that came from his heart, he turned around little by little, tried his best to turn his eyes that seemed to be boiling, and aimed his eyes behind him, trying to see the figure that suddenly appeared.

Then, he...


A thing that looked like "Chancellor Harold" appeared in front of him: it looked very kind, with three eyes that almost fell out of its eye sockets and forehead, emitting a soft light, and the corners of its smiling mouth stretched upward to the base of the ears. Revealing his white teeth and gums that were leaking pus and blood, his pus-covered tongue wandered over his squirming cheeks, gently licking the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Only strips of rags remain in the exquisite black dress and white shirt. The open "mind" completely exposes the "moss-covered" heart and lungs. The twelve toes on the left and the fourteen toes on the right are completely broken. The hook-like nails pierced the flesh, and the pus flowing out was extremely pungent even in the thick smoke.

But compared with his unusually thick, tall and twisted body, as well as the squirming hairs all over his body that looked like octopus tentacles, all this was nothing at all.

"This is our first meeting, good evening everyone."

Facing the stunned three people, Harold smiled and greeted; thick pus overflowed between his teeth and flowed along his tongue and all over his body.

"I guess...you are the Faithless Knights that Anson Bach said killed me...right?"

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