I will be crowned king

Chapter 490 Fireworks

Following the precise shot that hit Harold's head, a huge roar exploded on the ceiling of the large warehouse again.

The dazzling firelight once again illuminated the night, blasting Harold to pieces who was bound by layers of "smoke chains"; his shapeless head and eyes "boiled" together, turning into a burnt puddle, and his torso It was almost torn into pieces and was barely held in place by chains. The tentacles all over its body melted directly, and a "meat rain" began to fall on the top floor of the large warehouse.

Even so, Harold is still alive.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……!!!!"

Harold, who was tightly entangled in chains and almost dismembered, let out an almost heart-rending scream; if he were just an ordinary person, he would have died thousands of times at this time, but the out-of-control Egg of the Meteor God gave him almost " The power of "immortality" - even though his head was gone, his heart was blown out, and his muscles were almost completely melted... he could still feel the pain.


Anson, who was standing directly below the top floor, raised his left hand and pointed at the bloody figure and snapped his fingers.

The next second, the chain that tightly bound him began to pull outward; almost at the same time, Lisa, who had finished loading, pulled the trigger again.


The inverted cone-shaped barrage spurted out from the gunfire, hitting Harold's chest like a battering ram; the body bound by the "smoke chain" could not escape, and his ribs cracked with a heart-breaking sound. It was dented, with broken bones piercing the scorched flesh and sticking out from both sides.

With the tacit cooperation of the two forces, Harold flew out like a cannonball - the same free fall as Anson a few minutes ago, and fell into the burning warehouse.


With a heavy muffled sound of falling to the ground, the twisted figure covered in thick wraps was engulfed in firelight and ignited; the smell of burnt flesh and blood came from the billowing black smoke, even mixed with the "aromatic" of grease.

With the help of supernatural powers, Anson's mind reflected that Harold, who was torn apart in the sea of ​​fire, was melted bit by bit, directly; the scattered internal organs and limbs were completely carbonized; the pus spurting out and the remaining plasma were directly evaporated, leaving only A large black mark was left on the floor, the bones were broken piece by piece, and the roasted flesh and blood stuck to the ground.

The heart-rending screams eventually faded away in the billowing smoke, and finally calmed down.

In the midst of the billowing smoke, Ansen finally breathed a sigh of relief and released the [Smoke Entertainment Home] first. The severe pain in his temple immediately eased a lot, at least it was not so painful that he wanted to pass out.

As an advanced branch of [Mist of the Undead], the effect of [Smoke Entertainment Home] is very powerful, truly reaching the level of "distorting reality"; but the corresponding burden on the body, especially the spirit, has also begun to become heavier, and it is no longer as heavy as other previous ones. Magic can be used at any time as long as it is prepared in advance.

For a black mage or a blood magic caster, this level of burden is nothing; but as the only conjurer among the three major magics who chooses to change the "outside world" instead of himself, the improvement of both physical and mental power is very high. Far inferior to the former.

In order to solve this final flaw, it seems that the only option is to advance as soon as possible and become a "blasphemy mage"; while I am desperately "clearing the questions", the memories of other conjuration mages can also prove this point of view, weighing the three major magics against each other. There are advantages and disadvantages. Advancement is the most critical for casters of the curse magic system, and its importance far exceeds the other two.

Just as Anson was recovering and extending his "superpower" downwards along with the casting range, a dexterous figure jumped down from above his head, so fast that he could only capture her afterimage.


Lisa threw away the shotgun and shouted, jumping directly into his arms happily, with an innocent smile on her dirty face, and desperately hanging herself on him with her arms and calves.

Patting the girl's little head, Anson sighed softly, temporarily forgetting about a certain troublesome guy and the indigenous pagans.

Just like every time after something happened, Lisa in her arms completely lost her image as a "big police chief" and was in an extremely embarrassed state from top to bottom - her somewhat old police chief's hat was missing and was messy. A lot of her hair was stuck to her cheeks and neck, only one boot was left, and her windbreaker had a hole in her back, completely exposing the girl's back to the air.

Of course, he himself wasn't much better. His coat and windbreaker were directly burned to ashes, and only his pants and "broken-sleeve shirt" were left intact from head to toe. The rest were all destroyed when he fell into the sea of ​​​​fire.



"Anson—Lisa defeated all the criminals in the warehouse by herself!"

"Oh, is it so?"

"Isn't Lisa awesome?!"

"Hmm...awesome, very awesome."

"Should Anson reward Lisa?!"

"Of course it should! But before that, there is still a small problem. Anson must ask the great Sheriff Lisa for advice."


"It's the great Chief Sheriff. Why didn't she tell Anson the news and situation before she took action without permission? She had to do it alone, and ended up causing a fire that spread to half of Beluga Harbor?"


The girl's dirty little face slowly raised, her big bright eyes full of grievances.

"Do you know you're wrong?" Anson said teasingly, patting Lisa's little head.

"I know...I know..."

The girl nodded hesitantly, and her face that was proud just now immediately turned into a look of fear.

"Do you dare next time?"

"Next time...next time...next time...never again...don't dare..."

"Yeah! Is there a next time?"

"No, no, no... there is no next time! This... this time... just this time... just..."

The panicked girl suddenly began to stutter, her big, overwhelmed eyes became increasingly red with each blink, and she was about to cry in anxiety.

Anson burst into laughter, "Pfft!" and put his aggrieved little head into his arms.

"Okay, okay, how could Anson blame Lisa?" While laughing, Anson comforted:

"Anson is just worried about Lisa - and Karl, and Allen, and of course your dear sister Thalia... everyone is worried about you."

"A good girl won't let everyone worry about her, right?"

Lisa raised her head, blinked her crystal clear eyes, and asked cautiously:

"Then...can the good girl have a piece of cake tomorrow as a reward for eradicating criminals?"

"Uh, well..."

Just when Anson had a headache, how should he explain to the "good girl" that it was impossible to get cakes in this icy and snowy place like Beluga Harbor - mainly because of the lack of good cream and sugar - and when he could replace it with something else, he asked at his feet A sudden change occurred in the large warehouse in a sea of ​​fire!

There was a sudden flash of golden red fire, and thousands of flaming tentacles slowly rose from the flames; while they were being melted, they were still growing wildly and wildly, spreading rapidly around like weeds.

Anson's face froze, Harold...he's not dead yet!

But he quickly regained his composure in the next second and realized that this was no longer Harold, but the Egg of the Meteor God that was completely out of control - because it failed to gestate and hatch normally, the power within it began to leak out uncontrollably and crazily.

The evolution of the three major magics is essentially against the laws of the world. This will become especially obvious after advancing to become a "blasphemy mage"; therefore, even if the out-of-control power no longer has a consciousness to attach to, it will still fight against the laws. , causing widespread destruction... This is their instinct.

"Anson, what should I do?"

The girl immediately became nervous, and as she spoke, her pupils turned scarlet again; even if the blood of August in her body was not fully awakened, she would still be instinctively alert to similar powers.

Without waiting for an answer, she decisively pulled out the shotgun from her arms and pointed the black muzzle at the sea of ​​​​fire directly below; as soon as Anson let go, the girl would rush forward without hesitation.

But the person next to her raised his hand to stop her and took the shotgun away from her hand; the stunned girl turned her head with confusion on her face.

"Don't worry, I have a way to completely solve it." Anson said confidently.

As a "cautious" person, how could he take the risk of facing an out-of-control spellcaster of the "blasphemous mage" level alone without sufficient backup and a perfect preparation plan?

"This is……"

Lisa's curious eyes widened when she saw what Anson took out from his arms.

This is a strange-looking pistol, completely different from anything Lisa has seen before; it looks like a revolver but has no rotating magazine, and the barrel is as thick as a miniature shotgun.

But soon the girl was surprised to find that it was not the "barrel" at all, but the magazine itself - the gun's body and ammunition were actually one.

"I got this from Colonel William Cecil. It is a weapon exclusively issued to the Royal Navy." Anson handed it to Lisa with a look of doting on his face:

"I don't know why the Army is not equipped with this. It is obviously a very practical communication tool whether on land or at sea..."

"So you can use it to defeat the bad guy down there?!"

The girl with a surprised look on her face interrupted Anson and asked impatiently.

"Uh... it should be so." Anson could only nod:

"As long as you confirm that there are no obstacles blocking your view, aim at the sky and fire a shot, you can..."

Before he could finish his words, Lisa immediately raised her gun in the air and pulled the trigger.


The crisp gun flame exploded at the muzzle, shooting a purple-red beam towards the holed ceiling, and rushed straight into the starry sky.

When it reaches a high altitude, the light beam bursts instantly and turns into a beautiful and dreamy flower, which is unparalleled and eye-catching in the dark night.

"Uh wow wow wow wow..."

Lisa, who saw fireworks for the first time in her life, opened her mouth wide, the grand scene reflected in her pupils, and she was completely attracted by the scene in front of her.

So much so that she didn't even notice that Anson next to her was shocked, and his expression quickly changed from shock to horror.


Beluga Harbor, battleship Coronet.

"The signal has been found, and the coordinates are the location of the North Square warehouse, confirmed!"

On the side deck, the first mate, holding a monocular in his hand, looked at the purple-red fireworks rising in the night sky in the distance. He turned to Colonel William Cecil behind him and said solemnly: "This is the order from Colonel Anson Bach. "

With his hands behind his back, the young naval fleet commander nodded slightly: "Are the preparations for each gun position complete?"

"Everyone is ready!"

"Have the coordinates been revised? Do they still need to be adjusted?"


"Very good." William raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"Get all the artillery ready, load it with solid ammunition, aim at the large warehouse in the North Square - fire in ten minutes!"


The first mate responded solemnly, but did not immediately move to issue the order.

"What's wrong?"

William Cecil was stunned for a moment, with a somewhat questioning look in his eyes - although he was nominally the commander of the fleet, he knew very well that his first mate was far more experienced than him; without him and all his fathers, he was stunned. As an old subordinate, I can at most command a cruiser or even a frigate.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little... worried." The first mate's expression was very hesitant and he said hesitantly:

"Although you are only obeying the orders of the commander of the garrison in name, in any case, this is the Royal Navy bombarding the Kingdom's territory. If the news gets out, it will be quite detrimental to your reputation in the future."

This is indeed a very real problem. The young fleet commander frowned slightly.

Although I have a good relationship with Anson Bach, if the final incident involves the Royal Army and Navy, which have many conflicts, it is difficult to say how much pressure the other party can bear for me - not to mention that this is not my business in the first place.

"But the problem is that we have already promised him. It is not convenient to go back on what we have agreed on, right?" William was confused.

"I'm not advising you to break the contract, but I'm reminding you of the possible consequences." The first mate explained:

"You must remember the riot in the ninety-fifth year of the Saint's Calendar. In recent years, the royal family has been very wary of the royal navy, especially this kind of behavior that clearly touched the cordon. If someone investigates, it will be difficult to tell who Anson Bach is. Colonel can really help you."

"So what should we do - change the firing gun to a smaller caliber one, just a little bit more interesting?"

"No, I suggest that the entire ship open fire, including the 68-pound carronade cannon, and replace the shells with explosive shells, and fire a salvo at the large warehouse."


William looked shocked: "Wouldn't that make things even bigger?!"

"Exactly." The first mate nodded, lowered his voice and whispered:

"Only by making the matter bigger will the commander not so easily put the responsibility on you - no one will believe that a naval officer with such a bright future like you would do something without an order. We had to board the ship in the middle of the night and fire several salvos at the port."

"What's more, it was his own request to have the Crown provide naval gun support. He didn't mention how many artillery pieces and what kind of shells to use...right?"

Looking at the meaningful expression of the first mate, the young fleet commander hesitated for a while and said:

"How many more explosive shells do we have?"

"Almost a base number." The first mate said without hesitation: "It's enough for Beluga Harbor to enjoy the 'fireworks' for a whole night."

Hearing these words, William Cecil nodded silently, sighed and said:

"Then give my good friend Anson Bach a surprise and let him spend an unforgettable night."

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