I will be crowned king

Chapter 491 Get down!

Outside Beluga Harbor. Barracks Headquarters.

Late at night, Beluga Harbor is still shrouded in coldness and darkness as usual. The flying snowflakes in the sky turn the earth into spotless silver; the dark night makes even a little bit of light become so dazzling, and the vast and distant stars in the sky seem to Within reach.

In such a literally dark night, the burning warehouse in Beluga Harbor North Square is like a lighthouse on the endless sea, extremely dazzling.

The wind and snow in the sky howled shrilly, and the worried little clerk stood behind the window, looking at the eye-catching light at the end of his sight.

He lowered his head and took out his pocket watch from his jacket pocket. The short hand on the brand-new transparent dial just stopped at four o'clock.

Nearly three hours have passed since the incident broke out.

The entire Storm Division has been dispatched, and all troops have been taken away by Lieutenant Colonel Fabian. Beluga Port has been completely sealed off to prepare for emergencies... Even Miss Talia has left. Except for a few guards and logistics administrators, the entire military camp is empty. Only the little clerk himself was left.

Since coming to the colony to this day, this is the most serious and serious attitude of the storm division in his memory, mobilizing all the strength to prepare for a seemingly accidental fire.

As a qualified scribe, he could smell the tension in the atmosphere; to be worthy of Lord Anson's aggressive action proved that the situation was definitely not just as simple as the discovery of a group of "Old Gods", but there must be a deeper reason.

Although there was no evidence, he had a vague feeling that it might be related to the information about the Cressy family that Lord Anson asked him to search before.

Being at the edge of the world and with no church to contact, he could find very little information; but even the few clues allowed him to discover a lot of shocking information.

The most shocking one is the branch of the Bernard family, the lord of the Principality of Adlan. The knight family with the bloodline of the Sea Knights actually has a long history of studying the old god system.

This family, which is famous for its navigators and adventurers, does not have a high status in the Principality of Adland system, but it is very much connived by the Bernard family. There is a lot of evidence that shows that all the Dukes of Adland actually had a crush on Cressy. The family is well aware of the fact that the family is studying the knowledge of the old gods, but they still don't ask.

In return, the Cressy family will compile their carefully researched knowledge and adventures into a book for successive dukes to browse.

This means that even if this family is not the Old God sect, they probably know a lot about the Old God faith. It is not difficult to understand why the church finally made up its mind to hunt down and completely eradicate this ancient "knight" family.

Speaking of wanted, the Faithless Knights, who were recently hunted by the Stormtroopers, seem to be more dangerous than imagined. According to the church files, they are actually in contact with extremist organizations like the Society of Truth. Is this... huh?

Just when the little secretary was worried, a dazzling light appeared in the corner of his eyes.

Is it...that it will be dawn so soon? Is there something wrong with my pocket watch?

The little clerk, who had been lubrication of his pocket watch on time, raised his head in confusion, instinctively looked in the direction of the rising "sun", and then...

Then he froze.

The bright and eye-catching "morning light" rises from the sea level in the distance, like shooting stars traveling through the sea of ​​stars in the sky, illuminating the entire night sky with blooming fireworks.

Even the little clerk, who had seen a lot in Hantu, was completely stunned by the stunning scene in front of him. He didn't even notice that the pocket watch slipped from his palm, and the broken mirror made a crisp sound.



A roar like thunder exploded on the calm sea surface, and the sound that shook the earth was like a huge wave, sweeping across the entire Beluga Port from the port in an instant.

Countless people who had been immersed in sleep were suddenly awakened. They lay in bed and stared at the crumbling houses and the dazzling light outside the window, dumbfounded.

Of course, there will be no storms in Beluga Harbor in February, let alone thunder without warning, and the sun will not rise from the south before five o'clock... Therefore, many people have just woken up and are in a trance. For a while, I thought I was still dreaming, so I continued to lie back on the bed.

But for some, it's a different story entirely...


Listening to the deafening roar and the shriek of the shells tearing the air, Anson, who screamed loudly, was so excited that he hugged the girl and turned around and ran towards the hole in the ceiling without even having time to let go.

Now is definitely not the best time to follow "safety, don't run around" and "queue and keep to the right", not to mention that there is Harold climbing up in the sea of ​​​​fire directly below!

Of course, despite the dangerous situation, Anson did not panic - any plan must be prepared for the worst before it can be considered a perfect plan; the battleship Crown's early firing and his failure to escape in time were also part of his plan. Medium – Nothing to worry about!

Continuous explosions rang out from the sea of ​​​​fire below, and thousands of tentacles spread like wild grass. The pale-faced Anson hugged the girl tightly, staggered and almost fell directly from the floor, and Harrow Speaker Germany once again had a "close contact".

Fortunately, the floor the two of them were on was only one level away from the ceiling, and they quickly rushed to the roof of the large warehouse. The two of them stuck their heads out of the hole in the ceiling like groundhogs, looking up at the sky with smiles on their lips.

Then they immediately stopped laughing.

In the two men's field of vision, dozens or hundreds of artillery shells were like meteors streaking across the night sky, trailing long tail flames, like a golden-red "rainbow" falling from the sky, dyeing the midnight horizon into the golden-red of the morning sun.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the amount of shells is much more than the agreed amount!

No, I clearly told William that I only need to let the battleships fire a round of concentrated fire to help put out the fire in the warehouse. It seems that I didn’t say that all the naval guns must be fired...

"Jump quickly—!"

Lisa, whose face instantly turned pale, screamed, and Anson, who woke up, took a breath of air, hugged the girl tightly and jumped like a dive.

Almost at the same time, the roar of the explosion exploded at the top of the large warehouse, and dazzling flame flowers bloomed wantonly under the night sky; twenty-four pounds of explosive bombs, sixty-eight pounds of solid bombs...

If one were to choose the strongest solidity in the world of order in the 101st year of the Saint's Calendar, fortresses and warehouses would definitely be among the best, even far surpassing the third or fourth city walls and churches;

The rain of bullets that was dense enough to shatter the city gates was all concentrated on a small and large warehouse. The solid masonry building swayed left and right like a toy amid the near-continuous explosions and impacts.

The ceiling, which had been smashed with a hole, dented directly downwards. The entire wooden floor on the first floor was shattered by the explosion, and was shaken from the cracked ground into the air.

A violent shock wave mixed with extremely hot air waves rushed into the warehouse. Anson jumped down and was still in mid-air when he felt as if he had been hit head-on by a twenty-four-pound cannon. His whole body was severely hit. Slam it down hard!

"Wow ah ah ah ah..."

Holding the girl tightly in his arms who still had time to scream, Anson, who was facing the wind pressure, aimed forward and opened his right hand with all his strength.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire]!

The next second, the air wave that was hot enough to steam the two of them was directly ignited, turning into a "hollow torch" that enveloped the two of them, like a golden-red cannonball, diving straight down.

Boom——! Boom——! Boom——!

The roar of the explosion kept ringing in the ears, and the floors one after another shattered under the impact of the air waves.

However, if this continues, it will only delay the time of being tested into coke. In the end, we will have to collide head-on with Speaker Harold who can't even burn a boiler - we must find a way to stop and dodge the next bombardment, otherwise Still unable to protect itself.

We must find a way!

Resisting the stinging pain in his temples, Anson closed his eyes tightly and turned all his attention to "superpowers".

The scene from nowhere sketched a three-dimensional model of the large warehouse and the North Square area in his mind; the "white dot" in the center was the current coordinates of himself and Lisa.

Countless cannonballs above the coordinates are still falling, deforming the environment and causing area damage that can definitely tear oneself apart; below is the fire area, which can also tear oneself to pieces once it comes into contact with the Egg of the Meteor God and the Boilers that will continue to explode.

You have to avoid the exploding boiler, use naval gun coverage to destroy the Egg of the Meteor God, and change the terrain to find the exit - and at the same time, before that, find an absolutely safe route to avoid being harmed.

As if time stood still, the white dots in the mind of Anson, who was possessed by flames, were moving crazily in the three-dimensional model; even with the conjurer's innate sense of distance, it was extremely difficult to find such a safe route. Things must not only consider all obstacles, but also calculate the best time, and that time...

"It's now!"

With a shout, Anson threw Lisa in his arms towards a half-staircase above his head, and the blast of air disappeared at the same time.

The girl grabbed the stairs with all her strength, and then stretched out her little hand desperately behind her: "Anson!"


A black shadow flashed before her eyes, and huge ceiling fragments fell from the sky, hitting the fallen commander-in-chief of the garrison.

Just when he was about to be Harold's companion, he decisively activated the [Undead Mist]; the scattered smoke was torn into pieces by fragments, and a small stream of it accurately drifted into the girl's palm.

The next second, the smoke condensed into Anson's right hand; Lisa pulled hard and hung both of them on the rickety stairs, with the boiler about to explode beneath their feet.

"Remember! We don't have much time. When I tell you to jump, just jump. Don't hesitate!" Before he could catch his breath, Anson shouted out of breath: "Three, two..."


The battleship Crown anchored in Beluga Harbor shook violently, and its two sixty-eight-pound carronade guns roared at the same time, spitting out cannon flames that symbolized death.

Immediately afterwards, based on the two main guns, all the naval guns on the entire side also opened fire one after another. The dazzling firelight illuminated the entire battleship like firecrackers, projecting shells one after another towards the large warehouse in the North Square that had already been marked.

On the decks one by one, loud sailors were busy around one naval gun after another, using mops dipped in water to quickly wipe away the dirt and remaining gunpowder in the gun barrels, and at the same time cool the gun bodies; the ammunition handlers carefully The propellant and shells were stuffed into the still hot barrel. The gunner of the old company closed the breech with a "pop!" and then yanked hard.


The sound of cannons shaking the air echoed on the sea, and countless cannonballs streaked across the night sky without interruption, heading towards the most dazzling "lighthouse" in the night sky.

In order to be able to transport more than 6,000 Storm Division soldiers and all equipment logistics to the colonies, the Crown did not carry too many artillery shells, such as expensive explosive shells and Caron cannon shells, even less. Not enough to last a small battle.

But even so, these shells are absolutely destructive to a mere warehouse; to the people of Beluga Port... it is something they cannot imagine, comparable to a natural disaster!

The blazing fire, the explosion that shook the earth, the scream that tore the air... took turns in their "dreamland".

Outside the North Square area, the Storm Division soldiers who had just completed the evacuation stood there blankly, looking at the burning large warehouse that was still under constant artillery fire, and they all looked at each other.

I have to admit that compared with the battles on land, the firepower level of the Wang Navy, which often starts with eighteen-pound guns, and the main naval guns are almost all twenty-four pounds, is simply two worlds away.

As for the sixty-eight-pound Caron gun that I heard about in "legends", it is even more like a monster. When placed on land, it can kill most fortresses like dismantling toys.

"What a waste... It's just an abandoned warehouse. Does it need to be fired by the entire battleship? I remember they don't have many cannonballs, right?"

Holding the binoculars, Carl Bain muttered softly as he was thankful that he was almost blown up into the sky.

Of course, he just muttered and didn't care much - anyway, this was a private agreement between Anson and William. Even if the cannons were fired until Anson went bankrupt, it had nothing to do with him and the entire storm division. At worst, his fiancée (Talia) Just pay.

Just as Karl was thinking slightly maliciously, the guard next to him suddenly approached, stood beside him with a slightly frightened expression, and whispered a few words anxiously.

Before he finished speaking, Karl, whose expression suddenly changed, jumped up:

"What, you said Anson and Lisa haven't come out of the warehouse yet?!"


Almost at the same time, there was a sudden explosion in the large burning warehouse. The horrified Karl looked up instinctively and saw only a ball of fire rushing out of the warehouse, drawing a beautiful parabola under the night sky, and rushing towards the crowd.

And in the center of the cannonball-like fire, there was a familiar figure whose whole body was burned to tatters. He was holding a petite figure in his arms and shouting at them at the top of his lungs:

"Everyone - get down and wahhhhhhhh..."

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