I will be crowned king

Chapter 517 Sense of Presence

With the military camp fortress controlling the traffic chokepoint being "occupied" and the militia organization surrendering, the entire Lake Town colony has completely fallen under the control of the Storm Division.

This is not accurate - except for the town itself and a few nearby settlements, almost two-thirds of the area even knows that the two sides have started a war.

But this is not a problem. The colonies are different from the mainland. They must occupy more than half of the local settlements to ensure absolute control; not to mention that this is simply impossible in the new world with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas. More importantly, it is not necessary at all. .

As long as you occupy the largest city and control the treasury and granary, let alone resistance in the remaining areas, the weaker ones will not even be able to be self-sufficient. The lack of necessities will make them unable to survive even one winter... In addition to accepting the results Besides, there is no second way to choose from.

This is also the reason why the rebellion in the imperial colonies broke out so violently: those who really started the rebellion were only the richest group of people who controlled the central settlement area. The remaining farms and villages could only be passive regardless of whether they knew what was happening or not. accept.

For the invader, the advantage is that the cost of occupation and suppression is quite low, and the disadvantage is that the cost of rebellion for the suppressed party is also very low; as long as the control of the core area is slightly weakened and is recaptured by the opponent, the territory will be lost in an instant. Large chunks, and corresponding financial and material resources.

The fight for the colony is the fight for the core city; as long as you control and win over the local city council, you can gather the remaining tens of thousands of people and materials under the banner of your own camp.

Therefore, after confirming that the military camp fortress had been successfully captured, Anson immediately mobilized most of the Storm Division's transportation forces and loaded a quarter of the deposits (gold) in the Long Lake Town treasury and the "ransom" from the city council to the fishing port, where they were escorted by cruisers. Port of Beluga Harbor.

At the same time, another cavalryman was sent to Red Hand Bay to notify Cavalry Lieutenant Jason and ask him to urge the city council to speed up the work of contacting the rebel colonies.

Both directions are east and west, but the purpose is the same - to use the fastest speed to spread the news that "Long Lake Town has formed an alliance with Beluga Harbor and Red Hand Bay", and by the way, show off force to the other colonies.

The Storm Division, which occupied the center of the colony, began to try to copy the "successful experience" of controlling the Carindia Port in Hantu, and use the fastest speed to achieve the looting and rule of Changhu Town.

The first step is, of course, to divide the "spoils of war": after excluding a quarter of the money handed over to Beluga Port, the remaining three-quarters and 10% are used to cover the cost of sending troops, and 5% is included in the fleet's departure costs. It was a little bit of mental compensation for them being dragged aboard the "thief ship" by Anson.

With real money in front of them, the crew and sailors expressed that their inner guilt was instantly cured.

In addition, Anson also directly used 55% to pay or even directly give it to the middle and low-income residents of Changhu Town in various ways - methods and methods include but are not limited to cleaning up the battlefield, rebuilding destroyed houses, and assisting with transportation goods, to provide supplies to the army, to provide compensation to those injured in the war and their families...

For the occupying forces who had to occupy quickly and make the locals accept that the ruler had changed, the strategy of "opening warehouses and releasing grain" would never go out of style, and everyone in the Storm Division could accept it. Anyway, it was the Changhu Town Council that paid the bill.

As for the last 30%, under the operation of the little clerk Alan Dawn, it successfully disappeared from the accounts of the Long Lake Town City Council and turned into various "accidents" Expenses,” “emergency expenses,” and “accident losses”… then fell into the stormtrooper’s public funds.

According to the principle of fair distribution, one-fifth of this money goes to the officer corps, and four-fifths goes to all soldiers. In addition, although the little secretary himself did not make any request, Anson still set aside 0.2 percent as a reward for him. .

After emptying the treasury, the natural next step was to completely disarm the armed forces of Changhu Town: except for a small steel factory, all the military workshops were relocated and sent to the Beluga Port military camp.

In order to ensure the safety of Changhu Town, the empire left a total of 10,000 rifles, eight six-pound cannons and five eight-pound cannons here; this batch of supplies alone is enough to arm at least one Storm Division, or two or three more A small infantry division.

Anson also hesitated about whether to take this batch of supplies back; from a military point of view, it is most cost-effective to leave this batch of supplies and workshops in Changhu Town. It can also be used directly as a bridgehead to attack and seize the rest of the empire's colonies, which is more efficient. It is better than all concentrated in Beluga Port in terms of time and time.

But the prerequisite for doing this is that he can be absolutely confident in Changhu Town and will not betray himself no matter what; although the current situation cannot be said to be completely trustworthy, it is also absolutely untrustworthy.

Now that Beluga Port wants to form an alliance with other rebellious imperial colonies, what it can offer is the armed force to crush them all; apart from this, Beluga Port has nothing to offer.

As for the disarmed Changhu Town militia, after receiving Fabian's guarantee, Anson felt that it would be a pity for such a "realistic" migrant worker to lose his job; not to mention that the two sides were still allies after all, and the armed forces of Changhu Town were completely stripped. It will inevitably make other colonies fearful.

Therefore, after negotiation, the original militia group of almost 2,000 people was reduced to 1,200 people. The artillery was definitely not allowed, but Changhu Town was allowed to retain a company of cavalry.

This order of magnitude is absolutely sufficient to maintain regional security and does not pose much of a threat to Beluga Port. After this battle, the militia force of the Promise Keepers Alliance has almost begun to take shape; Anson is also a rotten fish in the colonial army. I have full confidence in this group of fanatic believers with high morale.

As for not completely dismembering and carving up Chang Lake Town, will it cause dissatisfaction from Red Hand Bay... They are very dissatisfied. If they could push back Chang Lake Town, Anson would probably really want to give some sweetness to Red Hand Bay. , but now the entire battle is fought by the Storm Division. For a group of allies whose contribution has been negative, it would be the greatest mercy not to annex them as well.

The only use value of Red Hand Bay to the Storm Division is to establish contact with other colonies, and the city council of Lake Town can also do this.

So if they can't complete their mission as soon as possible and show their presence, Anson doesn't mind letting Chang Lake Town be responsible for this work at all.


Beluga Harbor, port area.

Accompanied by the rapid ringing of the dock bell, the cruiser "Serious" and two clippers slowly sailed into the dock; Mason Wetzler, who had been waiting on the shore for a long time, and a group of Beluga Harbor MPs hurriedly greeted them. The entourage asked them to come forward with the porters.

Under the gaze of pairs of desperately widening eyes, the containers sank so heavy that it took four or five porters to use trailers to move them. One after another, the containers with the seals of Beluga Port were being lifted from the ship's deck as if they would never be interrupted. Transported to the dock.

A few hours later, the panting porters were completely exhausted beside the piles of cargo boxes, and piles of cargo boxes were piled on the decks of the three ships; the city council and the Beluga Port Chamber of Commerce were not allowed to temporarily recruit workers. The originally empty pier has attracted half of the people from Beluga Harbor, who flocked to watch this "grand occasion".

This large, quiet gathering reached its peak at the moment when a careless indigenous migrant worker "accidentally" missed it - when a dazzling light burst out from the broken wooden box, the entire port boiled. !

Sounds of exclamation and cheers intertwined in the air. Even the "well-informed" Beluga Harbor councilors felt indescribable shock at this moment; especially when they looked at the mountain of piles of When opening the wooden box, all kinds of speculations beyond imagination were running through everyone's minds.

Could it be that the Speaker, Your Excellency, evacuated the entire Changhu Town?

And after the shock, there was endless ecstasy!

To be honest, although the Beluga Harbor Council chose to side with Anson Bach on whether to go to war against Long Lake Town - or must side with him - in fact, most people were also worried. Uneasy and very unsure about the outcome.

Yes, they don't doubt that Anson will definitely win, but that is Changhu Town, which has complete weapons, solid defense facilities, and sufficient logistics... But if they suffer heavy losses in order to win, or even just hurt some fur , which will also shake the rule of Storm Division.

But Anson Bach won the battle. Not only did he win, but he also conquered the entire Lake Town unscathed - this was shocking!

As a remote colony of Clovis, Port Beluga has never had any direct conflict with the imperial army, so it has no idea of ​​the difference between the imperial regular army and the colonial army; the Long Lake Town militia is well-equipped and even has artillery and fortresses. This is the standard image of the "Imperial Army" in their minds.

What does it mean that Anson Bach can conquer Chang Lake Town so easily?

It shows that in front of the invincible Clovis army, the imperial army is simply helping rotten fish and shrimps that are not worth mentioning; all the worries and worries in the entire White Whale Port are completely unnecessary; conquering Changhu Town, Conquer Red Hand Bay, conquer Sailing City, conquer all colonies, everyone unites to make the dream of making Beluga Harbor a lighthouse in the new world... is just around the corner!

This once seemed to be just the laughter in the tavern, the fantasy in the midnight dream, the arrogant declaration of a newly arrived garrison commander, a slogan just used to inspire and unite more people, a perhaps great ideal; as Changhu Town The fall of the country is gradually...

It became real.


In addition to the crowd cheering for the Storm Division's victory, there was another group of people in a secluded corner of the port silently watching the carnival.

Looking at the mountains of cargo containers already piled up at the port, Red Hand Bay MP Pete Chatham pursed his lips tightly, his expression so stiff that he could not see his expression, as if he had been completely frozen by the turbulent sea breeze in early spring.

If the Beluga Harbor Council was in a state of infinite ecstasy at the moment, then he was in a state of overlapping surprise and joy.

The joy is that Red Hand Bay finally escaped from the hands of Changhu Town. The horror is that there is such a strong "ally", which is also not good news for the weak Red Hand Bay that has suffered a heavy blow.

According to Peter's original prediction, even if Anson Bach could defeat Long Lake Town, the war would last at least three to five days or even a week. Even though Long Lake Town would fall in the end, Beluga Harbor would not remain unscathed; Sail City The Imperial forces would surely have received the message and contacted the rebellious colonies in order to prevent the Clovis invasion.

By then, Red Hand Bay will be sandwiched between the two major forces, and it will be able to use its unique geographical location and contacts between the two parties to obtain better conditions for itself - if Beluga Port wants to go further, Red Hand Bay can They became the bridgehead for the empire to control the movements of the Clovis people; on the contrary, they were the intermediaries between Beluga Port and all the rebellious imperial colonies.

But now... he just hopes that Beluga Port can continue to abide by the agreement, instead of treating them as chess pieces that can be thrown aside after being used.

"Pete Chatham MP?"

A gentle voice suddenly sounded from behind, and the astonished Peter subconsciously turned his head to look, his eyes widening like a thief exposed during a theft:

"You...are you Miss Thalia Rune?"

Peter had only a little impression of the petite and lovely girl in front of him. He vaguely remembered that she seemed to be Anson Bach's fiancée and a wealthy local family.

As for why a local wealthy man would marry an officer who was "exiled" to the colony, and why he would be alone, this seems to be an impossible secret in Beluga Port. Even the cavalry lieutenant who was drunk by himself was concerned about it. Keep it secret.

"It's me." Thalia looked at him with a slight smile on her lips:

"I hope the noise at the port didn't cause you any trouble - everyone is so happy today because of the Storm Division's victory. I apologize for slightly affecting the traffic in Beluga Port and the trade order of the port."

"Oh, what do you mean... No! No, there is nothing to forgive!" The panicked Pete quickly changed his words:

"The evil Changhu Town gang was defeated by the righteous forces of Beluga Port. This is the good news that the entire Red Hand Bay has been waiting for for a long time. It is great news! If possible, I even want to give this good news now Tell my family and friends and let them celebrate with Beluga Harbor!”


Thalia's eyes lit up: "Then I'll leave it to you. With a respected and influential person like you spreading this great good news, it will be more convincing than us Clovis people saying it ourselves!"

"No, you are exaggerating." Peter smiled and said:

"But you are right. I should hurry back and write a letter to inform the Red Hand Bay Council about the situation; so if you don't mind, please forgive me for having to say goodbye to you immediately."

"What are you talking about? Thalia is Anson's fiancée, and you are his good friend - there is no need to be so polite between us."

Thalia, who was still smiling, looked at the back of Peter as he left in a panic, and the headlines of tomorrow's newspaper were already in his mind.

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