I will be crowned king

Chapter 518 Accident

Clovis Kingdom mainland, Northport.

"What, the tickets are sold out?!"

In the port ticket hall, a shocked Karin Jacques shouted at the small ticket gate; he took out his pocket watch in disbelief and confirmed several times whether there was something wrong with his eyes or the pocket watch: "But it's still morning It’s half past five!”

"That's right, but I regret to inform you that the tickets have indeed been sold out." The conductor in black and white uniform kept a steady smile and glanced at the black-robed man shouting in the empty hall with a slightly disgusted look. Priest:

"Not only are today's tickets sold out, but all tickets for tomorrow and the next three days are also sold out, and from now until the end of May, there will be no more passenger or cargo ships leaving the port."

“We understand your desire to immediately embark on a journey with your family and friends, but there is really nothing we can do about it – if you are really in a hurry to embark on your journey, I suggest you try your luck at the cargo terminal.”

Freight terminal?

When Karin Jacques heard this term, he immediately thought of damp decks, small and crowded cabins, cost-cutting food, rancid-smelling drinks, swaying hammocks, and countless infectious diseases...

Although most of them came from hearsay in the tavern, the black-robed priest couldn't help but shudder.

But even so, if the eldest lady of the Franz family knew that she waited until the end of May or early June for this reason, the price she would have to pay would definitely be worse than spending one or two days in a dark cargo ship cabin. Yue is a hundred...a thousand times more terrifying!

Just when the black-robed priest was extremely entangled, hesitating whether to drag his brother David Jacques and some bastard to "experience life", a seductive voice sounded behind him.

"Sir, it sounds like you are planning to go to the New World with your family, right?"

"I want to go to the New World, but not with..."

Karin Jacques, who answered subconsciously, paused and looked at the middle-aged man who appeared behind him in astonishment. He was wearing a well-dressed suit and a bowler hat. A gold pocket watch chain could be seen on the vest pocket on his chest. As eye-catching as his bright little bow tie.

Combined with the smile on the other party's round face, the black-robed priest immediately thought of those treacherous salesmen who walked the streets of Clovis City and pretended to be "rich people doing charity."

"Sorry, who are you?"

"My name is Plain, and I am the general representative of the 'Beigang Happy Immigration Company'!" The middle-aged man enthusiastically shook hands with the bewildered black-robed priest:

"I just heard that you were discussing buying tickets with the conductor at the port, so I couldn't help but stepped forward to listen to a few words. It just so happened that our company had an immigration ship that was about to leave soon, so if you don't mind, I'm very grateful. Happy to provide some help in this regard.”

"Oh, really?!"

"Of course it's true!" Plain replied enthusiastically:

"The original intention of our company is to help all people who want to immigrate or just want to go to the new world, reduce all the costs they have to pay to realize their dreams, and provide help to everyone within our ability!"

"Now that the old world has become unstable due to the war between Clovis and the Empire, the new world has become the best choice for all those who want to avoid war and enjoy a peaceful life - by the way, the destination you are going to Is it Beluga Harbor?”


"Then today is really your lucky day, because our destination happens to be Beluga Harbor too!"

Prine showed a happy expression and took out a business card and handed it to the black-robed priest: "At three o'clock this afternoon, the fast sailing ship 'Believer' will go to the port and hand over the business card and shipping fee to the sailor in charge - wait a month After that, you and your friends can set foot on the new world!"

"Of course, because it is an immigration ship, the cabin may be relatively small and there will be a lot of people; but I can assure you that every four people can have an independent cabin, and the food and drinks are as safe and hygienic as possible."

"Sounds good, I think I can take the exam..."

Karin Jacques, who was smiling softly, suddenly paused and thought of something: "Wait, did you just say the number 'Believer'?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just the Royal Fleet... There seems to be a battleship with this name."

"Correct, it's her!" Plain's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at the black-robed priest in surprise:

"You are really a well-informed gentleman. Of all the guests I met, you are the first one to know her name!"

The black-robed priest's face froze, and he didn't hear the compliment at all: "Didn't you say that the new world is very peaceful?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Then why do you want to rent a warship?"

"Uh...because although the new world is generally peaceful, of course, if you want to go to a place that has not yet been completely civilized, it is reasonable to be armed a little in case of some accidents, right?"

"A little bit armed?"


"A cruiser with forty guns and a ramming horn, and a little armed?"

"Well...sometimes certain accidents may have a relatively high risk, so of course you have to be as prepared as possible - of course! I believe that a lucky person like you will never have that kind of accident!"

"What kind of accident?"


"that is?"

"It is possible to encounter an interception from the imperial fleet."

Karin Jacques: "..."


Inner city of Clovis, outside Osteria Palace.

Dressed in a black formal dress, with her hair pulled up and a top hat, Sophia sat waiting in the carriage. While looking in the direction of the palace gate, her crossed fingers kept tapping the back of her slender hands.

Thirty minutes later, it felt like a century had passed for the girl to finally see the figure she had been waiting for for a long time - the archbishop who walked out of the palace was obviously startled when he saw the carriage, and then acted as if nothing happened. He stepped closer and got into the car with the help of Angelica, the maid who was also disguised as a male coachman.

"You are too bold." Luther Franz, who had just sat in the carriage and had not yet breathed a sigh of relief, looked at his daughter with a slight frown:

"I just had a secret royal meeting with your Majesty's cabinet ministers, which involves the highest-level secrets of the kingdom. If the Privy Council or the club salon knows about it, it will put your Majesty in an irreversible situation..."

"Yes, yes, that's why I put on a disguise. They won't know!" Sophia waved her hands to apologize, and respectfully presented the pipe she had prepared:

"So, can you tell your good daughter the outcome of the discussion?"

"When you were asking around for my whereabouts, everything that shouldn't have been exposed has been exposed; once you know the identities of the attendees, it's only a matter of time to figure out the content." The archbishop sighed helplessly and took his daughter. The handed pipe:

"What do you want to know?"

"Of course it's about the colonies!"

Sofia looked at her father eagerly, her eyes filled with endless light: "Carlo... Your Majesty, has he agreed?"

"In principle, it's impossible. Since the Storm Division is just a garrison regiment, it can act without the army's strategic plan and official orders from the Privy Council. How is it different from a separatist warlord?"

The archbishop gently nodded and said: "But in terms of specific implementation...the colony is too far away from the mainland. It is impossible to designate any comprehensive plan and ensure its implementation."

"More importantly, because the Royal Bank is unable to make ends meet this year, the royal family owes the Luen family a huge favor; so as long as Anson Bach does not 'cross the line' too much and ensures the tax revenue of the colony increases, the royal family can acquiesce to him in order to protect the colony. certain actions performed 'as a last resort' for safety reasons."

"Really?" Sophia leaned forward slightly, rubbing her restless little hands:

“How much can you cross the line?”

The archbishop, who was smoking a pipe, did not answer directly, but shook his head: "Dear Sophia, you have not noticed the key point of this matter."

"...The point?"

"Do you still remember the private conversation we had last year - right after one of your 'big plans' was ruined by me?"

Seeing that his daughter still didn't react, the archbishop had no choice but to further remind him: "I told you why Anson Bach had to be sent to Beluga Port instead of Clovis City. How much impression do you still have now?"

"...You said it's because there is a war that is about to be lost and he is needed." Sophia thought for a while and answered very cautiously.

"I guess you must now think that what I said at the beginning was just to fool you, because the current situation does not look like a game that is about to be lost." Luther Franz blew out the smoke and said softly:

"On the contrary, Anson Bach easily controlled the colonies, integrated local resources, attracted investment, and even had the power to intervene in the empire's colonial rebellions... It looked very beautiful, and it seemed that it wouldn't take long for the King of Clovis' flag to be It can cover the entire new world.”

"But is it really so?"

Sighing slightly, the Archbishop asked to himself.

"I have not witnessed the current situation in the New World with my own eyes, and I don't know why Anson Bach made this decision; but there is no doubt that once he starts to interfere in the rebellion of the colonies, he will definitely attract the attention of the empire, and the war will start from the old The world burns until the new world.”

"Yes, and I know this very well." Sophia nodded in agreement:

"So as the colonial governor, I am also doing my best to gather resources to support this war that is crucial to Clovis - the resources of the New World are related to Clovis's lifeline, and we should spare no effort to fight for and win the war. Capture more colonies!"

"Naturally, this war will definitely attract the attention of the empire; but isn't it just right? Once the changes in the new world contain more of their power, Clovis will be able to gain more advantages on the Western Front; by then, as long as possible A little support for Anson Bach would do..."

"We can't give you anything," the Archbishop said coldly.

"That's right! You don't need to give too much, just a little bit will do..."

Sophia, who was talking eloquently, suddenly noticed something. When she stopped suddenly, her face was startled, and she looked at her father in disbelief:

"You...what did you just say...say..."

"I said, we have nothing to give."

The expressionless archbishop looked at his daughter and said in a cold tone:

"Clovis himself will not provide any form of support to the colony - any resources, except what he can find his own way - and this is the result of today's meeting."

"Why?!" Sophia was stunned:

"Aren't colonies very important to the mainland and the royal family?!"

"Of course it is important, it can even be said to be very important - so important that the empire will definitely think that as long as it devotes all its efforts to controlling the colonies, Clovis will be completely defeated." Luther Franz's tone was very calm:

"As long as Anson Bach goes too far and goes beyond the limit, the empire will increasingly believe that Clovis hopes to open a second battlefield in the New World, and must plunder and conquer more colonies in order to bring this war to an end. The point where the war goes on.”

"When they realize this, the Hred Emperor will use all his strength to win the war that determines the ownership of the colony."

"This...is the reason why His Majesty Carlos and all his ministers acquiesce in Anson Bach's wanton behavior."

The car suddenly became quiet.

Facing the Archbishop's calm gaze, Sophia opened her eyes wide with disbelief, staring at her father who was still smoking his pipe and sighing softly.

"No...you are not acquiescing."

After being silent for a long time, Sophia, who looked stiff, said softly with a slightly trembling voice: "You are using him... more than 5,000 Storm Division soldiers... Beluga Harbor Colony... as bait."

"You know that Anson Bach could not turn a blind eye to the imperial colonial rebellion. He would definitely intervene even if he wanted to protect himself, but he chose to acquiesce...in the end, when he was most in need of local support...stayed out of it."

Suddenly, as if she suddenly realized something, Sophia was shocked: "Wait... making me the honorary governor of the colony is also part of your plan, right?!"

"An honorary governor who poses no threat to him can also give him the illusion that he can get the approval of the Franz family, mistakenly thinking that he can get local support!"

Facing his daughter's question, the archbishop just remained silent, his unsettled pupils reflecting her extremely ugly expression.

Sophia gritted her teeth.


The girl who suppressed her anger suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

“Send my dad home—or wherever he wants to go!”

The little maid pretending to be a coachman was startled by her master's voice and tightened the reins in a panic, finally preventing the carriage from hitting a lamppost on the side of the road.

Before the carriage came to a complete stop, the girl had already grasped the door handle and eagerly wanted to push the door open and jump out of the cigarette-smelling carriage.

The moment she rushed out of the carriage, the silent archbishop suddenly stretched out his right hand.

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