I will be crowned king

Chapter 519 Loyalists


Sophia, who was about to rush out of the car, felt a pain in her wrist, as if she was stuck in a cold and rusty iron pliers. No matter how hard she tried, she could not break free.

The girl with half her body hanging outside turned her head in shock and anger, looking at the dark carriage behind her; the little maid next to her shivered and huddled in her seat, desperately lowering the brim of her hat, pretending not to see anything.

"As a father, you need to give your daughter a minimum warning when she is about to do something impulsive that will hurt herself."

Luther Franz said softly, and the smoke that filled the entire carriage could not block the sharp eyes under his eyebrows:

"Dear Sophia, I know what you are trying to do - it is a useless effort and you will get nothing but disappointment and pain."

"Maybe." Sophia gritted her teeth and snorted softly:

"But as governor of the colony...if I do nothing now, that is what will cause me pain and disappointment!"

"You were just affected by your temporary emotions." The Archbishop slowly raised his head, his voice as calm as ever:

"As long as you calm down, you will understand that this is the best choice - for the kingdom, for Franz... and for yourself."

"Before the empire is completely trapped by the colonies, the native land will acquiesce to all Anson Bach's actions. He can do anything unscrupulously to stir up the nerves of the native land; I can even guarantee that the kingdom will never be like it was before from top to bottom. There are no restrictions like the Yser War."

"You can continue the media career you have always wanted to do before, portraying him and Stormtrooper as heroes of the Kingdom of Clovis in newspapers; and you... you will become the governor who leads the new world against the tyranny of the empire."

"Honorary Governor!" Sophia laughed angrily:

"I'm just a part of your plan, a sign used to tell the world how much Clovis attaches great importance to the colony - yes, the more ostentatious and prominent I am, the more I can convince the empire that Clovis will not Abandoning the colony...isn’t it?”

"of course!"

The archbishop's expression gradually became solemn and he said: "But this is also your opportunity. You will no longer be just the eldest daughter of the Franz family, but a guest of all banquets and gatherings; the Privy Council will invite you to participate in meetings, the army and navy You will be invited to serve as a consultant, and you will even have a seat at the Imperial Council..."

"It's just a decoration!"

Sophia laughed at herself: "To you, I am just the doll that is placed on the top of the counter and marked 'not for sale', or the fine porcelain that is taken out to show off in the salon - the value is not important, what is important is that it is placed there. Make your old antiques look trendy and tasteful!"

"Even so, this is still a success." The archbishop emphasized:

"You have become the first honorary governor in the history of the Kingdom of Clovis. In the future, you may even become the second woman besides the queen who is qualified to step into the Privy Council and participate in the fate and future of the kingdom."

"Then what's the point?!"

Sophia's eyes widened: "Isn't it still the same as before, sitting in the corner of the kitchen or living room, silently accepting the decision you made?!"

"Because I was allowed to enter the smoking room and watch, I have to be grateful to you and accept it with a thousand thanks?!"

The girl who looked at each other forcefully broke away from her father's hand and jumped out of the carriage.

Looking at Sophia with a gloomy face, Angelica, who had never spoken a word, raised her head tremblingly and couldn't help but said: "Miss..."


Before she could finish speaking, Sophia closed the carriage door heavily and looked at her with bloodshot eyes:


The little maid trembled with fear like a rabbit, quickly picked up the reins and drove away.

Looking at the carriage disappearing on the street, Sophia pressed the brim of her hat, and her face hidden in the shadows quickly regained her composure.

She can immediately think of two options: inform Anson Bach of the "decision" of the kingdom's top leaders, or find ways to speed up the intensity and efficiency of investment and enhance the importance and strength of Beluga Port to the local area.

But...none of them are good ideas.

The former is undoubtedly a leak - if the news of this level of decision is leaked, even the identity of the daughter of the archbishop cannot protect herself, let alone using the identity of honorary governor to gain more power.

The latter perfectly met his father's expectations for him, but no matter how hard he strengthened the colony, it was unrealistic to expect a small Beluga Port to defeat the empire.

We must find another way to weaken the power that the empire can project into the colonies, and to weaken the power that Emperor Hred can use...Emperor Hred?

Why would I think of Emperor Hered... No, why would I, the eldest daughter of the dignified Franz family, be so stupid as to regard Emperor Hered as the entire empire?

This is so stupid, so stupid!

Even in the Kingdom of Clovis, there are various factions, and the conspiracy of rebellion and the struggle for power have never stopped; why do you subconsciously think that Emperor Herred can suppress the princes under his command and make the entire empire loyal to him? Submissive?

Would a war that completely destroyed the colonies really not affect the interests of the Grand Duchy and Free City-States under the Empire?

For a war that is so absurd that it has no reason and has to continue until now because of the pride of the emperor himself, how willing are those wealthy families to continue to persevere without any complaints?

The imperial giants most closely related to the interests of the colonies should be Bernard after the "Sea Knight", and... "Holy Grail Knight" Roland!

"The Roland family... they are very powerful in the north of the empire, operating in the ore and leather trade... Well, I seem to have seen a Roland in Lady Catarina's salon... Philippe Roland, the general representative of the Northern Chamber of Commerce, He’s the guy who’s very interested in railroads!”

Sophia, who was talking to herself, no longer hesitated and boarded the passing taxi.

"Go to the headquarters of the Northern Chamber of Commerce!"


New World, Changhu Town.

On April 2, 101 in the Saint's Calendar, more than ten days after the "Long Lake Town Counterattack" ended, representatives from various colonies invited by Red Hand Bay finally arrived one after another in the easternmost part of the empire in the New World. territory.

The roaring salute awakened the sleeping city. When the sun rose from the snow-covered horizon, the roads and houses that had been damaged by the previous war were given a new look thanks to the financial support of the Storm Division (Changhu Town Treasury) and the efforts of the town residents. Under the morning light, it was as dazzling as a flat mirror.

The spacious streets were decorated with colorful strips and banners on both sides, and the flags of the Ring of Order were hung outside the windows of every house. It was originally planned to hang the King of Clovis flag, but considering that the locals of Changhu Town had to be taken care of. In addition to emotions to attract other rebel colonies, the Ring of Order should be the greatest common denominator that can unite all colonies.

In the early spring of the New World, it is extremely difficult to get fresh flowers and plants, but it is still easy to get some cold zone green plants... When the dusty "distinguished guests" arrived outside the city, almost all of them were amazed by the vibrant life in front of them, like a garden. The city was shocked.

In the Changhu Town in front of her, it was impossible to believe that she had experienced a war less than half a month ago.

But when the Storm Division line soldiers marched in neat steps and appeared fully armed on both sides of the street, it seemed to remind them that this city no longer belonged to the empire.

Accompanied by the rhythmic salute, the Stormtrooper soldiers who stepped on the drums held their heads high, their bright bayonets dazzling in the early morning sun... The soldiers walked through the streets in a majestic manner, changing in companies and platoons. The formations and colorful flags dazzled and shocked the representatives of each colony.

After experiencing the "Beast Slave Rebellion" incident and forming their own armed forces, the members of the colonial parliament finally no longer had any idea about the "army".

Not to mention the uniform uniforms and weapons, the cannonballs that are so rich that they can even be extravagant... Just the uniform movements, the formations commanded by the arms, and the smooth queues in the narrow streets can give them a clear feeling. I saw how big the gap was between the army in front of me and the militiamen they trained respectively.

Even though they knew that the other party was deliberately intimidating and showing off their force, the colonial representatives were still deeply affected and began to gradually believe the words of the Red Hand Bay representatives. They believed that the Clovis army in front of them might indeed be enough to compete with the imperial army and help them. Win the independence you crave.

They have this idea entirely because the Storm Division's "Military Parade" routine is copied from the Empire's template - it will fit the tone of a bunch of Empire colonial country people, just like the fans attending a concert for the first time and being greeted by the live audience. The atmosphere was completely shocked and so reasonable.

As a late-developing power and absolute "country people" from the old world, the Clovis people have always been in the learning stage in terms of forms and rules and regulations; those with high emotional intelligence are said to be pragmatists, while those with low emotional intelligence have never seen the world and feel good about everything they see. , all want to imitate.

The Stormtrooper, who was born in the former levy corps, can be called a country boy among country people, but he had the honor to watch the military parade of the Principality of Aiden before during the Hantu War - what the colonial representatives saw was basically that scene. A "fanfic" of the military parade.

Although there is still a big gap between it and the "genuine" version, it is definitely enough to fool a group of colonial people.

So the representatives sitting in the carriage, surrounded by soldiers, all looked pale, and came to the Changhu Town Municipal Council with surprise and joy.

The parliament hall, which suffered heavy damage during the siege, has been decorated. The roof that was cut off by the shells has been repaired by surprise. There is no difference at all. The bright carpets cover the cracks on the floor. All the seats are long. The tables were all replaced... Even the wall that originally faced the gate and was painted with the golden fleur-de-lis of the Empire was replaced by a huge map of the new world.

While the "distinguished guests" were marveling in the parliament hall, in the side hall, the Red Hand Bay representative who had been urgently summoned from Beluga Harbor was lying on the small coffee table in the smoking room, staring at him with widened eyes. He was sweating profusely while reading a small piece of paper on the table.

"Your Excellency Peter Chatham, we are friends, so I will give you a chance to explain."

Anson, who looked extremely ugly, said in a deep voice, tapping his knuckles on the table with his right hand that was clenched into a fist: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"This this……"

"Red Hand Bay, Gray Pigeon Castle, Black Reef Port, Winter Torch City...the four colonial assemblies claiming to get rid of the tyranny of the empire and seek freedom and independence actually all accepted the call of the imperial colonial minister and sent envoys to Sailing City. Peace talks?!”

"And Gray Pigeon Castle actually accepted the empire's invitation right away and didn't even send an envoy to Changhu Town!"

"Do you know how I feel now? I feel like myself...and the entire Beluga Harbor have been deceived." Anson's tone became colder:

"When I decided to form an alliance with Red Hand Bay, I thought we were friends fighting side by side; I told my soldiers and the Beluga Port Council that we were not invading, but helping them seek liberation and independence!"

"Now that this situation occurs, how do you want me to explain to them, how to explain to the tens of thousands of people in Beluga Harbor who support this war?!"


"Even this is not the most outrageous thing - there are other colonies, but among the colonies that accepted the call of the empire, there are actually representatives from Red Hand Bay!"

Anson, who became increasingly excited, let out a heavy sigh: "Do you know how angry I was when I learned this news?"

"I understand, I understand!"

Peter Chatham understood very well, because he was also very angry - but he was not angry at the two sides of the Red Hand Bay Council, but at the fact that these idiots could leak the news about such a big matter, putting him in a dilemma!

Faced with Anson Bach, who had caught the handle, Peter Chatham had no choice at all; at this critical moment that determined his life and death, he chose to break the pot and break the pot.

"...Dear Lord Anson Bach, at this point, I can only drag out the offer to you."

After a moment of silence, Peter slowly raised his head and said as if he was about to make a generous sacrifice: "In fact, even now, even within the Red Hand Bay City Council... there are still forces loyal to the empire."

"They are generally rich and powerful mining owners, or own huge plantations and ranches, or run chambers of commerce, and have very close ties with the empire. I don't know much about other colonies, but in Red Hand Bay they only It accounts for one-fifth of the number of people in the parliament, but more than half of its financial resources!”

"It's just because of the small number of people, and the fact that they barely participated in the formation of the army, and they were even more unwilling to send their own family members to become officers to fight against the rioting beast slaves and the attacks of the indigenous people, that led to the rebellion because they had no say in the militia. Accept the decision of the majority...but privately, they are always in contact with the Imperial Governor of Sailing City."

"These people...we call them 'Loyalists'!"

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