I will be crowned king

Chapter 540 Death of Adlevant

Chapter 540 The Death of Ed Levent


After gently unscrewing the locked hatch, Anson, who was holding the handle, was about to push the door open when a small white hand pressed his shoulder.

"Dear Anson, wait a minute."

Thalia, who frowned slightly, said softly, and stood in front of Anson calmly: "Something's not right, someone must have been here."

Has anyone been here?

Anson was stunned for a moment. His first reaction was the sailors on the Crown, but he soon realized that the "people" mentioned by Thalia might just be a proxy - what he really wanted to say was the spell caster.

And he is also a very strong spell caster, otherwise he would never let the dignified head of Rune's family feel like a formidable enemy!

"Can you confirm?"

Anson's expression gradually became serious, and he quietly cracked the knuckles of his right hand behind his back to activate the "superpower". At the same time, he prepared the two magics of [Undead Mist] and [Smoke Entertainment Home] in case of unexpected events.

Although [Smoke Man] can block fatal damage for himself once a day and has the ultimate trump card of "bloodline power", the methods of high-level spellcasters are quite mysterious. Even the talent of Captain Lawrence Anyone who wants to fight will be crushed into a pulp in an instant - the opponent is still a black mage who is not very good at fighting.

The girl shook her head slightly, and her clear eyes instantly turned scarlet, emitting a faint light in the dark cabin:

"The other party's whereabouts are very cautious, and Thalia can only vaguely detect a little bit of the remaining breath... It hasn't been gone for long, maybe it's still nearby."


Anson's heart "thumped" and his cheeks twitched as the picture in his mind came to mind.

The next second, the hatch slowly opened.

Looking at the two people in the cabin, his vision was instantly filled with blood red.

Ed Levent, who was captured by the crew of the Crown, was lying at the end of the room in a posture that ordinary people could not complete, looking at them with wide eyes.

His neck was nailed to the bulkhead with wooden ends, and the two were twisted into the shape of screws, and were firmly "screwed" into the wooden boards on both sides; the ribs were broken and the flesh was turned outwards, and they spread out like wings... A stuffed eagle.

The heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines... The forcibly expanded torso was clean, and all the internal organs were neatly hung on the chandelier on the ceiling. The overly neat style was like some ancient of artwork.

The two legs were pulled out together with the lower body. The legs were put together, the soles of the feet were close to the buttocks, and the hips were vertically upward. He "knelt" in an extremely upright manner directly under the work of art, surrounded by primitive figures outlined with blood. ring.

As for the one who was looking at the two people with wide eyes, Ed Levent's stiff face maintained a smile of relief at the last moment before his death. There was nothing abnormal about it.

But except for the cheeks, the entire flesh and blood of the skull had been shaved clean, without leaving any traces. Even the brain had disappeared along with the hole in the top of the skull; it was like putting a mask on the skull. A leather face mask that looks very funny.

There was deathly silence in the dark cabin. There was no sound except the sea breeze outside the window. There was no smell except moisture, not even the slightest smell of blood.

"Because his blood has been drained, what we see is just the warning that the other party wants us to see." Thalia said slowly, with an extremely sure tone:

"The person who killed him must be the blood mage."

"A blasphemous mage level... blood mage."


Rune House, Smoking Room.

William Cecil, with dull eyes, sat on a chair, his expression still in trance, still recovering from the shock, and his whole person was in a state of trance.

The gloomy-looking Anson sat opposite him, smoking his pipe silently; I don't know if it was an illusion, but he originally just wanted to use his "little hobby" to cover up the magic items he carried with him. Recently, he has become more and more accustomed to being nervous and needing to think. Take two puffs.

This is not a good sign.

Although the paths between different magics are vastly different, there are still similarities in some places - whether it is the description of the black mage in the "Great Magic Book" or Thalia's words and deeds, it is mentioned that from a fifth-level spellcaster to In the process of desecrating the mage, any little detail may have huge changes later.

This change involves not only the understanding of magic, but also the structure of the body, and even some subconscious "habits"; after all, the essence of magic is evolution, and any detail may become an inducement that affects evolution.

Refer again to the "controllable" evolutionary method mentioned in St. Isaac's notes, constantly jumping between the three major magics; although he most likely failed in the end, since his method is controllable , doesn’t it prove that the original paths of the three major magics are “uncontrollable”?

If it is true, as St. Isaac said, that the evolution of the three major magics is like flying a kite. The further you get to the back, the more you rely on "inertia" and you can only make a little adjustment in subtle ways. Then the evolution farther forward is It becomes more and more important - especially at the stage from ordinary spell caster to blasphemous mage.

Just when he was wondering whether he should quit smoking, the young captain, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised his head and said regretfully with an expression of extreme self-blame:

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me that things will turn out like this - at first I was worried that I would give him a chance to escape from Beluga Harbor when we moved out, so I didn't agree to let you move him from the cabin. I didn't expect... "

"It doesn't have to be like this, the matter is over." Anson could only say with relief:

"This is not your fault. No one would have thought that someone from the Old God Sect could sneak into the battleship, and..."

"No!, this is my fault!" William Cecil intercepted:

"do you know who he is?"

"Ed Levent?" Anson raised his eyebrows. He had no idea about the surname Levent, let alone Ed.

"Ed Levent, he is one of the heirs of the current generation of the 'Wind Rider' Levent family. He is famous in the southern part of the empire. He is also a close friend of Bernard Morweis, the colonial minister of the empire. !”

Seeing that Anson didn't understand, William had to explain: "It doesn't matter if we just capture him. It doesn't matter if he dies in the storm or is shot by pirates demanding ransom. But he must not be captured in the new world." Kill an old god sect!"


"Because the relationship between the Levent family and the Church of Order is too deep!" William said anxiously:

"During the sectarian schism war, the Levent and Morwes families openly opposed the emperor and sided with the Church of Order against the 'Protector' supported by the empire... Forty-seven years after the Saints' Calendar, Levent The family also strongly supports the church in expanding its power in the southern part of the empire, and even takes the initiative to send talents within the family, especially talented people with the power of blood, to join the Judgment Knights."

"So to this day, one-third of the members of the Judgment Knights are talented people with the power of the 'Wind Knight' bloodline; it is said that the leaders of the Levent family in the past generations also have the title of 'Honorary Grand Knight Commander'."

So that’s it! Anson suddenly realized.

No wonder the Wind Knight exclusive steam rifle that he could get from the Faithless Knights was actually the standard weapon of the Judgment Knights. It seemed that it was not just because of the number of Wind Knights.

"In short, if the heir of the Levent family dies in the New World without any explanation, and the news that it is at the hands of the Old Gods reaches the mainland, it is impossible that the Levent family will not intend to take revenge, and the Church of Order will also take the opportunity to make a fuss. , trying to expand its power to the new world again."

This is what William Cecil is worried about - if the power of the Church of Order enters the new world, the "Coal Mine Investment Bank" they have longed for will be out of business.

As the most powerful financial institution in the world, the Church of Order's penetration into the old world's economic system is so pervasive that most banks are either equivalent to private financial companies (such as the Royal Bank of Clovis), or they can only be seen as churches. The nature of the business that does not go up is similar to that of an underground bank.

To be honest, Anson's initial idea was to introduce the forces of the Church of Order into Beluga Port, after all, the other party's financial resources were there; he did not give up this idea until the Promise Keepers Alliance was successfully established - if the Church of Order takes root in Beluga Port, it will soon be They may compete with themselves for the right to speak to the lower-class believers, and they are also a potential threat to the Luen family's rule in the new world.

"So we have captured Sir Ed Levent, and he has died at the hands of the Old Gods. We must not let the news leak out!" William said worriedly:

"I have ordered the crew members of the Crown and the Disciple to keep their mouths shut and try to avoid mentioning the Green Dragon naval battle to the outside world. I cannot avoid it and cannot reveal any information about the 'Emperor's Envoy' - the unified statement is that he disappeared on the day of the naval battle. No one has found his whereabouts."

"But if someone really wants to investigate, especially if the Green Dragon is currently anchored in Beluga Harbor, I'm afraid it can't be bypassed. Therefore, the situation of the Old God Sect must still be strictly investigated, even if it really needs to be investigated by the Church of Order and Levent If the family is held accountable, they must be given an explanation no matter what!"

"Of course."

Anson nodded slightly. He had never let down his guard against the Aboriginal Old God Sect lurking in Beluga Harbor: "I have entrusted a special person to take charge of it. You don't need to worry too much about this matter - there are more important things at the moment. , I may have to trouble you."

"Please speak." William Cecil's expression immediately became serious.

"Now that representatives of the rebel colonies have signed the Declaration of Resistance and declared the establishment of the Free Confederacy and the United Rebel Front, it means that it is imminent for us to officially go to war with the Empire - no later than mid-May, the Storm Division must start and head west March on.”

"What do you need me to do?"

"I would like to entrust you with a trip to the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea."

Putting down his pipe, Anson said in a deep voice: "To be more precise, I hope you will visit the colonies of the three countries in the North Sea and persuade them to join the United Resistance Front and join us."

"You want me to convince them?!"

The young captain was startled, and his expression was astonished: "This, this should be a matter that can only be decided by the local Privy Council and Osteria Palace!"

"Yes, but we no longer have time to repeatedly seek the opinions of the Osteria Palace." Anson admitted very frankly:

"The Empire's colonial minister also took a risk and sent a special envoy to visit the three North Sea countries without the emperor's permission because their geographical location and the salt trade behind them are extremely important to us; inappropriately speaking, even to the point where To the extent that lives are at stake.”

"If the three North Sea countries want to protect themselves and stay out of the situation, they will terminate the salt trade with us under the threat of the empire, and even send troops to threaten Beluga Port."

"Even if their invasion can be thwarted and the important source of salt is lost, the economy of Beluga Port will be greatly affected, and the combat effectiveness of the army will be severely reduced - we cannot afford such consequences."

"But, if you want me to convince them, I..." William Cecil looked at a loss:

"Of course I don't want that to happen, but I really don't have much experience in persuading others!"

"It doesn't matter."

Anson nodded and showed a very sincere smile: "You only need to go to the colony as the 'Clovis Secret Envoy' to attract the other party's attention and let them know that we are serious."

"As for dedicated persuasion work, we have other more suitable candidates."


"Ah sneeze!"

In the not-so-spacious office of the Beluga Harbor Goodman newspaper, the editor-in-chief, Draco Wirtes, who was sleeping on the table, was awakened by his own sneezing.

Also awakened was David Jacques beside him. In addition to being the private tutor of the Wetzler family, this painter was also a newspaper illustrator and was responsible for making commemorative works for the upcoming "First Supreme Congress of the Free Confederation". Oil paintings often have to travel between the White Whale Harbor Council and the newspaper office.

Seeing the novelist suddenly wake up and shuddering, David rubbed his eyes that were still awake and said, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Draco trembled again, looking around with fearful eyes:

"It's just a familiar feeling, as if it's coming back."

"Familiar feeling?"

"Pretty much, every time trouble comes to your door." Draco raised his eyebrows nervously: he huddled up in his chair in fear.

"Uh...this is different from what I heard." David scratched his head:

"My brother said that every time it was you who took the initiative to cause trouble, and finally made things completely out of control, causing trouble for everyone."

"My dear David, this is a huge misunderstanding." Draco shook his head:

"No, what I do every time is very simple... I just find the right person, sort out the whole thing for him from beginning to end, and then tell him the best option to solve the problem. That's it."

"But every time I did it, things got out of hand or triggered some wonderful chain reactions that I didn't even expect."

"Oh, why is that?"

"I don't know." Draco shrugged:

"Just like a butterfly flapping its wings, it doesn't know it's going to cause a storm... maybe that's life."

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