I will be crowned king

Chapter 541 Equality, freedom

Facts have proved that Draco's premonition was absolutely correct: that night, he was knocked on the door by two soldiers from the Guard Company, asking him to pack his luggage immediately and prepare to board the ship, destined for Naxir Port - the capital of the Naxir Kingdom. The largest commercial and trade center in the three countries of Beihai.

Anson thought this way: Since the empire can think of wooing the three countries of the North Sea, it is impossible for the other party to have no idea about it.

In the ninety-fifth year of the Saint's Calendar, the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea cooperated with the empire to siege Beigang, proving that they were not satisfied with being excluded from the world of order and became a "marginal" country with little influence; and their traditional sphere of influence was concentrated in the turbulent world. There is a certain conflict of interest between Hai Yidong and Clovis; it is actually a little unrealistic to completely bring them in.

So Anson made two preparations: first, he placed a sky-high price order to satisfy the appetites of the three countries in the North Sea, imported salt and various easy-to-store pickled products in large quantities, and at the same time increased the export volume of "beast slaves" to fill the gap between the three countries. Labor shortage caused by war.

And if the Free Confederation can successfully become independent, it will definitely break away from the imperial system. In the short term, it may even cut off trade with the empire due to the hatred caused by the war; such a brand new market with unified tariffs and administrative systems will become A cake that Clovis and the three North Sea countries can share among themselves.

And compared with Clovis, they also have the advantage of distance, and can more easily incorporate the newly born Free Confederation into their trade network. By then, they will have a foothold in the North Port and look at the Bird Port, and completely establish their economic hegemony in the northern part of the order world. .

Of course, if this set of words cannot fool the opponent, then activate the "emergency plan": secretly support the Naxir Kingdom and unify the North Sea!

With the relationship between the three countries in the North Sea, it is unrealistic to buy them at the same time. If you win over one party, the two will become enemies. If you spend money in all directions, they will definitely raise the price accordingly; in this case, just support one and completely muddy the water.

And he is not a random supporter - among the three countries, Naxir has the most prosperous port, and its economic system is somewhat similar to that of Beigang. The royal family is also similar to Clovis's Osteria family, which is relatively young. The upstarts with only four to five hundred years of history can't afford to compete with the established wealthy families, but at the same time they try to be strong and feel that they are not bad either.

The high degree of similarity makes the two countries have a common language and make it easier to understand each other's ideas. The cost of wooing and negotiating is much cheaper than buying the other two "Northland giants", and the success rate is also higher.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is to ensure the stability of the Eastern Front without any surprises. As long as the armies of the three North Sea countries do not appear at the border of Clovis Colony, does it make any difference whether it is because of an alliance or a melee?

The commander-in-chief of the garrison thought there was a difference, but only a little.

William Cecil, who knew the seriousness of the problem, did not delay. Before the Crown was completely reorganized, he immediately weighed anchor and set sail early the next morning, trying to complete the mission before the Imperials were aware of it.

Naturally, his enthusiasm was not unrewarded - Anson made a promise to him. When the "Coal Mine Development Bank" in Beluga Port was formally established, he would personally own at least 100% of the total investment amount regardless of the final amount. Five shares.

Considering that this bank is destined to be a cake shared by many forces, especially Franz, Rune and even the royal family will take a large part of it, the young captain is already very satisfied with this ratio.

At the port of Beluga Harbor, Anson, who waved off the Crown, breathed a sigh of contentment and returned to Luen Mansion before the dawn bell.

After finalizing the issue of the Three Kingdoms in the North Sea, the next thing to be solved is the Old God Sect organization of the indigenous people of the New World and the newly established United Front of the Resistance Army.

Miss Talia and the great Sheriff Lisa Bach are in charge of the Old God organization and the evil gods. As the commander-in-chief, all he really has to care about is the newly formed Free Confederacy.

It should be said that the response speed of the various rebel colonial parliaments was quite fast - not only did they quickly purge their loyalists after the "Operation Red Hand Bay" newspaper was published, they even passed the "Customs Union" that had been delayed in implementation before. ” and “open borders” are the two most difficult policies to implement.

That's right, this is the "protection fee" in exchange for the Storm Division's military alliance, and the "letter of surrender" to show loyalty to Port Beluga and Clovis.

Once the borders are opened and tariffs are unified, it means that in addition to the empire, Clovis's caravans will be able to travel unimpeded throughout the new world to exchange resources and purchase industries; Beluga Port no longer has to worry about the empire's face and can directly purchase resources from the entire new world. , while dumping various local industrial products at low prices.

Even if such a "unified market" lasts only three months, as long as the local area can mobilize sufficient transportation capacity, Anson is confident that it can complete the local "taxation" quota for a full year, or even a year and a half, before midsummer.

Since the final resistance failed and the empire retaken the colonies, the cost of suppression and post-war reconstruction alone would be enough to bring down the empire, or push the colonies back again - the Storm Division may not make any money, but the empire will definitely lose blood.

Of course, as a "messenger of justice" and a "beacon of freedom", how can the things Beluga Port do be called "protection fees" and "voting certificates"? That should be the "United Front Treaty" and "Most Favored Party Treatment."

According to this agreement, although the Free Confederation has just been established and the parliament and government no longer exist, all Beluga and Clovis ships can berth at any port at will, and only the lowest tax rate will be charged for any purchases and sales. At the same time, the same subsidies and preferences as local colonists will be given to the purchase of properties and land reclamation.

But Anson is still not satisfied with this situation - although each colony has used practical actions to clarify its position, in the final analysis, the two sides are still allies who use each other; the more actively the other party expresses loyalty, the more it shows that it does not want him to interfere too much with them .

In order to deal with these prejudiced ideas, Anson can only adopt many methods: to appease and win over (coercion and inducement) Chang Lake Town and Red Hand Bay, needless to say, more importantly, to ensure that in the future Free Confederacy, there will be people who truly understand themselves. Bosom friend".

Regarding this candidate, Anson believed that the currently helpless Frey sisters of Pigeon Castle, especially sister Paulina Frey, were particularly considerate.

In order to help the two sisters build momentum, Anson not only arranged for them to give speeches at the Beluga Harbor Council and let the "Beluga Harbor Good People" do a series of various reports, but also "persuaded" Talia to temporarily rent the Lunn Mansion in the council area. Give them as the base camp of the liberal remnants of Gray Pigeon Castle.

With the personal endorsement of the Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Division, coupled with the momentum generated by "best-selling" newspapers throughout the New World, the aim was to turn them into a flag against the empire, with absolute influence and voice within the Free Confederacy.

As long as the Frey family is included in the future, the Rune family will only need to operate behind the scenes and control every move of the Free Confederacy without having to show up in public. Coupled with the financial resources of the Coal Investment Bank and the communication power of "The Good People of Beluga Harbor", The influence of the League of Promise Keepers…

From top to bottom, there is no dead end to hold a newly born brand-new country in the palm of your hand.

From this aspect, Anson really likes the system of "Confederation" and "Autonomous Parliament"; if it were a feudal monarchy, it would be almost impossible to control a country so seamlessly... As expected, the times are progressing. , society is developing, and new versions will have new gameplay.

As soon as the carriage stopped outside the mansion, old butler Frey, who had changed into a Clovis costume, immediately stepped forward to salute, welcomed Anson into the living room, skillfully fetched a glass of Tirpitz Rum and a cigarette case, and immediately bowed respectfully. of retreat.

Five minutes later, Polina came to the living room with a bright smile, still holding tightly in her arms the "Declaration of Resistance" - a work jointly created by Anson and the little secretary.

This is also part of the "packaging" for the two sisters: after all, although they have the support of the liberals of Gray Pigeon Castle, they are still children after all, and their reputation is not prominent in the entire order world; they want to have a place in the soon-to-be-established Free Confederation as soon as possible, and write a book Direct transfer is the lowest cost shortcut.

So relying on Anson's memory of some not-so-serious "masterpieces" from his previous life, and the writing style of the little secretary, in just one night, the two sisters' independently original "Declaration of Resistance" was born.

Since all the rebel colonies signed this declaration and used it as the slogan and program of action to resist the empire, then as its authors, the status of the Frey sisters is unshakable and they are a flag for the Free Confederacy against the empire.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I'm currently studying this book. I hope I can perform better and be more emotional when I give my speech next time."

As the girl spoke, she sat down next to Anson and spread the scroll on the coffee table: "There are so many things about this work that attract me. It is tailor-made for Gray Pigeon Castle! I mean... Those words and metaphors are so appropriate that only those who have lived in Gray Pigeon Castle for many years can refine them from life and experience and condense them into such powerful sentences!"

No, for a skilled clerk, he only needs enough documents and reports... Anson thought secretly in his heart.

Compared with when they first met, Polina was obviously much more cheerful, and the fear in her eyes was replaced by enthusiasm and joy, even mixed with a trace of ingratiation.

Obviously, she has realized that she and the Stormtroopers are the helpers for her to regain Gray Pigeon Castle and the Frey family property, and even gain a place in the Free Confederation.

Anson is not disgusted with this change, and even appreciates it - otherwise, his hard-earned investment would be in vain.

"However, there are still some things that Polina doesn't quite understand."

Just when Anson was secretly proud, the girl suddenly changed the subject and said with a hint of doubt: "You mentioned more than once in the article that the new world is free and equal...Does this kind of freedom and equality also include beasts...indigenous people? Of?"

She originally wanted to say "beast slave", but obviously she was worried that she would anger the other person, so she immediately changed her words.

Regarding this unnecessary worry, Anson smiled slightly and said: "Of course not - in fact, I have already reached it at the beginning of the whole article: the pursuit of a happy life and freedom from any restraint are two rights that only belong to colonialism. It does not include the indigenous people, and certainly does not include the indigenous people of the New World.”

"Compared with the native people, you have freedoms that people under the royal authority of the old world did not have; compared with the indigenous people, you represent the extension of the civilized world; you have the advantages of both and abandoned all the shortcomings. Qualify for both of these unparalleled privileges.”

Of course he knows what the other party is worried about: compared with the Clovis colony, these rebellious imperial colonies are large and small, and the "beast slave trade" is an important support in their respective economic systems; if Anson really wants to defeat the imperial promise beast The freedom of the slaves was an absolutely devastating blow to their mines and plantations.

Not to mention others, the Frey family owns thousands of acres of plantations in Gray Pigeon Castle, and has hundreds of beast slaves under their name. It is natural for them to be sensitive to this kind of thing.

Although it was ironic to lead a group of slave owners to talk about equality and freedom; but anyway, everyone just found a reason to resist the empire, and the details were not important at all.

"What about you?" Polina suddenly said: "Do you think you are special too?"


Anson chuckled: "Of course not - as a Clovis officer, I will always be loyal to the Osterian royal family and the kingdom, and of course I will not be completely free."

"But Polina doesn't think so." The girl shook her head:

"Without you and your soldiers, Sarah and I...and many, many other liberals from Gray Pigeon Castle would never have arrived at Beluga Harbor alive, let alone become the leader of the liberal faction in Gray Pigeon Castle, dreaming of having a One day I can still take revenge.”

Speaking of this, the girl suddenly chuckled to herself: "On the first day we escaped, all we could think about was whether we could take a hot bath and sleep on a feather bed tonight; the next day, we thought Can I have a glass of milk, because Sarah has a cold, and every time she catches a cold, my father will prepare hot milk with honey and sugar for us."

"On the tenth day... when your soldiers found us, we all thought he was an imperial cavalry. At that time, we only hoped that he would shoot a little later; if he was willing to wait for us to eat After finishing the bread, Sarah and I will pray for him."

"He turned out to be better than we thought. He came to save us... on your orders."

"And this is what every conscientious Clovis man would do." Anson comforted softly: "So it's a pity... we are comrades in arms, but we are not one of you."

"Then..." Polina suddenly made a long sound and looked at him with burning eyes:

"Are you interested in trying the taste of equality and freedom?"

After the words fell, the air suddenly became quiet.

The stunned Anson looked at her, his confused expression completely frozen on his face. After a long time, he said:


Polina no longer hesitated and stepped forward calmly.

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