I will be crowned king

Chapter 549 Assassination of the Commander-in-Chief

The moment Anson's roar fell, the air-piercing scream rushed straight towards them, hitting the wall of the Winter Torch City Council with an unstoppable momentum.

It was a solid twelve-pound bomb—the thought flashed through Anson's and Carl's minds almost simultaneously.

Time was running out, and neither of them had any room to think: Karl decisively held his head and closed his eyes, life or death depended on it; Anson stood guard directly above him, and at the same time activated [Smoke Entertainment Home], turning the thick smoke from the mist pipe into " "Smoke wall" blocks the top, and at the same time arranges "smoke bombs" around them. If necessary, they can be blown away directly to avoid the most fatal damage.

After all, he still has the curse magic [Smoke Man] that can withstand a fatal injury and the blood power of "resurrection from the dead", but Karl is just an ordinary person - he can survive no matter what, if he is blown up, Where can I find another such a satisfactory adjutant?


Facing the twelve-pound solid bullet, the thin masonry wall instantly shattered - if the main body of the parliament hall might be able to withstand this shot, the problem is that the lounge where the two of them were staying was in the second phase of the expansion. The sturdiness of the auxiliary buildings can only be said to be very limited.

The black shadow penetrated the entire room and was firmly embedded in the main wall; the gravel and rubble rained down under the collapsed ceiling, smashing the "smoke wall" above the two people; the scattered smoke gathered together again, extremely Slowly repair the broken parts.

Karl, who was lying directly below, was lying on the ground, and the air was torn apart and screamed in his ears, followed by the sound of countless masonry and rubble falling above his head, which vaguely reminded him of something in Hantu. Very unpleasant memories.

The violent vibration continued for a full minute, until there was no more sound of falling rubble, Anson finally stood up slowly and removed the [Smoke Wall] before the adjutant opened his eyes.

"Is this...over?"

After Yu Sheng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, the cautious Karl did not get up immediately. Instead, he lay down in the ruins and slowly moved his body, looking towards the direction of the artillery fire with the help of the fireplace that had not been blown down.

"I'm afraid not."

Anson gasped for breath. Even if he had already become a fifth-level spellcaster, the instant [Smoke Entertainment Home] was still very taxing, not to mention the fact that he had to create a shield that could withstand a cannonball.

If it were replaced by the power of blood, at least a talented person of the level of Lawrence, the former captain of the Truth-seeking Order, would be able to do it.

"The opponent has a twelve-pound field cannon in his hand, which means there is a mole in Dongju City. Not only can he get the arms, but he also knows that there is someone in the lounge at this time. He may even be here for me." Anson analyzed patiently. road:

"Are there any of our troops in the city?"

"Yes, not much."

Karl twitched his throat hard, and while staring at the direction of the artillery fire, his body was ready to retreat: "In order to build a base, Fabian led a large army to camp directly outside the city. Only Norton Crow was in the city. Lieutenant Colonel Purcell’s half regiment of infantry and company of guards.”

"Then you go find Norton so that he doesn't have to rush to counterattack. Be sure to control the city gates and several important passages to ensure that the main force enters the city smoothly." Anson's mind turned quickly, and plans were quickly formed in his mind:

"I have to go back to the council quickly to maintain stability, lest they really think I'm dead."

"Okay... wait, what about the assassin on the other side?" Karl looked at Anson nervously, and gestured to the other side with the corner of his eye: "He is still alive."


With the help of the "superpower" after changing the casting range, Anson's mind reflected the overlooking picture of the entire parliament hall, and shrugged nonchalantly:

"Don't worry, he won't live long."


Winter torch city council, main hall.

There was chaos in front of the crowded fireplace, and panic quickly spread among the crowd like some kind of infectious disease; a group of people who were talking about unity and common interests a few minutes ago have become completely The frightened birds are only half a step away from flying separately when disaster strikes.

In the panic, the Speaker of Dongju City was the first to stand up to "stabilize the situation" by virtue of his status as the host; but it was obvious that after the "cordial exchange of views" just now, and the sudden situation of the attack, not many people were willing to sell him. This face.

In particular, the representatives of Black Reef Port had the biggest reaction - they were the closest to the Imperial troops, and their hostile reaction after the incident was that the Empire was coming. When they were panicked, they looked at everyone like a traitor, and they rushed directly to confront the parliamentary guards who were blocking the door. If they disagree, prepare for a fight.

Speaker Hollande, who noticed the direction of the loud noise just now, proposed to "confirm" the situation first, especially since the shelling just now may have caused some "accidents" and a "careful investigation" needs to be organized immediately.

As Red Hand Bay is second only to the Frey sisters in its dependence on Beluga Port, Speaker Peter Chatham immediately stepped forward to stop it. He exposed the ill intentions of "some young men" on the spot and let the elderly Orang Speaker Germany was so angry that his beard was trembling... The representatives of the two colonies were entangled in a group, shouting and beating each other constantly.

The weakest liberal group in Gray Pigeon Castle was still ignored by everyone. Polina Frey didn't even dare to stay in her seat anymore. She hid under the table near the direction of the loud noise when everyone wasn't paying attention - Because the people here are the least and most inconspicuous.

When Anson found her, the girl was curled up in a ball with her head in her hands, shivering like a little rubber ball.

"Lord Anson!"

Looking at the intact figure half-crouching in front of her, with a faint smile and a helping hand, Polina's frightened eyes flashed with light, and her voice trembled with excitement.

The white and tender catkins tightly held the calloused palm. Just when the girl who was bumping into her thought that the other party would take advantage of the situation to wrap her in his arms, the other party suddenly held her shoulders and pushed her to the corner with a little force. , and walked towards the crowd in the hall without looking back.


The girl who was pushed into the corner turned around and found the little clerk wearing a silk bowler hat standing behind her. While paying tribute to Anson, he also saluted to herself.

With Polina's face full of astonishment, the expressionless commander-in-chief took out the "dagger" from his arms, pointed the barrel twice longer than the usual revolver at the vault, pulled the hammer, and dazzling fireworks burst out from the muzzle. out:

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The explosive gunshots were fired six times in everyone's ears.

The hall fell silent instantly.

Everyone who had stopped fighting and arguing turned their heads and looked at the expressionless figure who jumped onto the long table... and the smoking revolver in his hand.

Surprise, horror, surprise... the deputies had different expressions, and their eyes were more complicated than the last.

Anson looked down at the surrounding crowd coldly, turned the "dagger" in his hand, and put it back into the holster:

"Have you had enough noise?"

No one responded, and no one dared to respond.

"Are you still going to continue the quarrel?" Anson asked again, looking at the excited Speaker of Winter Torch City, the nervous Speaker of Black Reef Port, the relieved Peter Chatham, and the pale Hollande:

"Or I can be the referee directly for you. You don't need to wait for the people outside to come in. How about you just duel here by yourself and die together with one shot?"

There was silence in the hall.

Looking at the nervous faces, Anson snorted and sneered: "You won't say anything anymore, will you?"

"Very well, if you don't tell me, I will."

"The Free Confederacy convened its first official meeting and the Stormtroopers arrived in Wintertorch City. This was the headline news published in all local newspapers. The purpose was to let all people in the New World know about this important matter to them. Big event, let the new world get out of the haze of imperial tyranny and prepare to welcome a new era!"

"Since this is already a well-known thing, does our enemy, the Imperial Colonial Chief Minister of Sail City, know about this? Of course he knows!"

The expressionless Anson suddenly raised his voice: "In this case, will the empire send assassins, mercenaries or even small groups of troops to attack us - of course!"

"Because he knows very well that if this meeting cannot be prevented and the confederation, which has finally been united, becomes a ball of sand again, the empire's rule in the new world will be completely bankrupt, and the possibility of reconstruction will be lost forever."

"Sacrificing a small army and a few dirty gold coins can make the Confederacy kill each other. How could the empire miss such a cost-effective business!"

He slowly looked back and looked at the several speakers behind him: "Therefore, I can responsibly tell you that Dongju City is innocent and this emergency has nothing to do with them - the attackers were based on the public information we released. , we prepared an ambush in the city in advance, instead of having a traitor among us."

After the words fell, the face of the Dongju City Speaker immediately showed gratitude, and many Dongju City council representatives also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course, I'm not saying that they didn't make any mistakes at all - they were infiltrated by the enemy so easily. Dongju City must take responsibility for this and thoroughly investigate your army!" Anson changed the subject and faced Dong. Chairman Jucheng said coldly:

"Now immediately ask all the Winter Torch City militiamen in the city to disarm and return to the camp, open the city gates and let the storm divisions enter the city to eliminate the attackers; anyone who dares to hold weapons in front of the storm division soldiers will be treated as enemies without exception - no need Censorship, everyone has the right to kill on the spot!"


The Speaker of Winter Torch City was agitated. He raised his stubby hand and clenched it into a fist and pounded it hard on his chest: "I am giving the order to withdraw them all and place them in the military camp, waiting for your army to take over the city defense!"

Feeling the strange looks around him, of course he understood that this was actually Anson trying to smooth things over for him - at this time, the defense would only get darker and darker, so just don't defend yourself, and the unlucky guy who was caught would just press "Borrowed by the Empire" Dealing with "traitor" is the best way to stop losses.

Even if the representatives of the other colonies know that this is intentional favoritism, on the one hand, Winter torch city accepts it decisively, and on the other hand, this is indeed their home field. If they want to escape this attack safely, it is impossible without the cooperation of winter torch city. - although this does not make certain stereotypes and ideas any less powerful.

In the depressing and tense atmosphere, the representatives from all parties with their own ulterior motives finally regained their composure, looked at each other tremblingly, and "unified" again under Anson's pressure... for the time being.

Anson didn't feel any nervousness at all, and sat down on a chair behind the long table without any concealment, holding a mist pipe in his mouth, with his feet on the table, protecting or monitoring the colonial representatives present.

He can be very sure that the person who attacked must know that he is still alive, and there may even be their agents in the hall now, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate him.

But as long as the hall is in order, everyone is forced to calm down, and there is no sign of chaos, the assassin has nothing to do - he loses the suddenness at the beginning, and if he can no longer find an opportunity to frame the blame, he will act openly. Even if it succeeds, it will only make everyone share the same hatred. Regardless of whether it is voluntary or not, they must fight to the end to prove their innocence and the empire.

According to this idea, the next time the enemy takes action should be the time to fight the Storm Division.

Taking advantage of the chaos to attract the attention of the Stormtroopers... No matter whether they can hold the city gate or not, as long as they can create chaos in the city and spread to the council hall, they will definitely take action.

Until then, I - the commander-in-chief of the Beluga Port garrison and the chief of staff of the Freedom Corps - is absolutely safe.


"What, are you sure?!"

Under a snow pit outside the hall, lying behind the artillery cart, a young man wearing a turban and holding a pipe in his mouth, dressed like a businessman, stared at his companions in astonishment: "Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?!"

"Definitely not!" The companion dressed similarly nodded solemnly and pointed to the right eye patch with his thumb:

"Anson Bach, and that other guy whose name I don't know, they are all still alive - I can see clearly with this eye!"

"Not only that, they also escaped from that room: Anson Bach escaped into the hall, and the other guy... I didn't pay attention, he probably ran to some safe place."

"Then what should we do now?!" The young man grabbed the scarf on his head and roared as if he was giving up on himself:

"The contact person in Sail City gave us a total of three artillery shells, and one was a dumb cannon that only spit smoke but did not come out of the barrel. Now there is only one cannon shell left. Do we want to push the artillery into the parliament hall?!"

Obviously, this is absolutely impossible - it is not that two people cannot move a twelve-pound field cannon, but by the time the two of them move the cannon into the parliament hall, the Storm Division may have already moved towards Sail City.

"Let's wait and see if others will come to cover our retreat, or if the people in the hall can help us..." My companion cautiously suggested:

"Anyway, our original mission was just to create chaos. Even if we fail, it's not... bad!"

Looking at the suddenly frightened expressions of his companions, the young man was suddenly stunned; when he finally realized the problem, an extremely childish voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Oh oh oh...I see you!"

That was the only sound they heard.

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