I will be crowned king

Chapter 550 Beast Slave Mercenary Group

"La~ la~ la~ la la la, la~ la~ la~ la la la..."

Humming a light-hearted tune, Chief Sheriff (former) Lisa pulled the rope and dragged the two suspected corpses on the ground into the snow pit she had just dug, while skillfully using only one hand and mouth to give her beloved Shotgun loaded.

The reason for this good habit is entirely due to the sense of responsibility that the girl has consciously developed: the new world covered with ice and snow is a very dangerous place, and if the recently dead body is not disposed of as soon as possible, it is likely to become someone Food for animals—and sometimes not just animals.

A wild beast that has seen blood is one of the most terrifying hazards to community security in a vast and sparsely populated colony. And if the beast that has seen blood is...if it causes an unknown disease or even a plague, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the already sparsely populated colony.

Of course, in addition to these important reasons, a small reason is that the great Sheriff has recently become more and more obsessed with convenient and easy-to-use weapons such as shotguns.

Cleaning up the mess after work and not causing trouble to others is what a good girl should do.

And Lisa is a good girl!

Sprinkling the "endgame" into the snow pit, the girl casually inserted the gun into the snow, and started waving the shovel with "Hey yo~ Hey yo~", and soon the scene that was shattered by her gun was restored to its original state. ——Except that there is no “original status quo” anymore.


Staring with big curious eyes, the girl picked up something that looked like an animal horn from the snowdrift. The blood stains proved that it must be something from the two criminals just now - the most important thing is that the girl suddenly felt that this The thing looked particularly familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before.

"Where exactly is it?"

Lisa tilted her little head and looked up at the sky. Taking advantage of the faint sunlight, she put the object between her eyes and observed it curiously.


"Beast slave?!"

Perhaps he was too shocked to think. Karl, who was in a daze, blurted out, and his hands that pressed the shoulders of the black-robed priest unconsciously exerted force.

"It's the beast slaves... mercenary group!"

The blushing Karin Jacques' facial features were twisted into a ball. He was choked by the chief of staff until he couldn't breathe but did not dare to resist: "Sailing City has hired a large number of adventurers and mercenary groups to offer bounties to liberals and Anson Bach." Head, they are one of them!”

"Ah...how, how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible! A group of beast slaves betrayed their clans and took refuge in the colony in order to survive. They became thugs hired by the Autonomous Council to eliminate compatriots operating near the colony for them. Believe me, this is what happened in Moby Dick. The port is a bit rare, but for a large colony like Sailing City that has been around for hundreds of years, it is nothing at all."

Karl's attitude towards this answer was dubious, but Anson did mention that the trainee priest named Karin Jacques and the "novelist" had some special information channels:

"What else?"

"No, really no more, that's all I know!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black-robed priest suddenly changed his words: "Wait, there is another one!"

"What?!" Karl asked excitedly.

Karin Jacques: "Let go, you're going to strangle me to death!"

Carl Bain: "..."

Looking at the black-robed priest lying on the ground coughing desperately, Karl, who had just breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he was safe, tensed his nerves again.

He was looking anxiously for a cigarette, but suddenly he remembered that when he was left in the ruins of the lounge, Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell, who was already fully armed and holding a Leopold gun in his hand, pushed open the door. enter.

"The troops are ready and can take action at any time - Miss Lisa's guard company has also set off in advance and is hunting exposed attackers all over the city." Lieutenant Colonel Norton, who always had a serious face, said in a deep voice, unhurriedly Put a bayonet on Leopold in your hand:

"It's chaos outside now. There are mercenaries and bandits appearing out of nowhere, or guys who are both mercenaries and bandits, killing and robbing all over the city."

"We have a total of eight companies. You take five companies to control the gate and the city defense stronghold. The rest stay with me in the city and go to the parliament hall to protect the Commander-in-Chief and the colonial representatives."

This is also the result of the two people's previous discussion - since there are not many troops, they should simply give up direct suppression and let the attackers mistakenly think that the Storm Division is preparing to escape; when they completely make trouble and no longer hide, it will be convenient for a large force to suppress them.

"Okay, but Lieutenant Colonel Norton, there is something I need to remind you."

With the corner of his eye, he glanced at the black-robed priest who had hid in the corner at some point. Karl said with a solemn expression: "According to the important information I just received, there are not only ordinary assassins in the city, but also a group of members hired by Yangfan City. The mercenary group composed entirely of beasts and indigenous people has also... What is your expression?"


Norton subconsciously denied it decisively, but his continuously shrinking pupils and the expression that quickly changed from not surprised to extremely frightened said everything:

"Just when we arranged for the troops to take over the Winter Torch City military camp, there seemed to be a few unfamiliar beast slaves nearby. It was said that they were helping the militiamen with some chores in the camp..."

"Well, I didn't mean to interrupt you two."

The trembling voice of the black-robed priest suddenly sounded from the corner, and his trembling right hand pointed to the window beside him: "But you'd better come over and take a look at this."

Um? !

Realizing something, the two men turned around at the same time and rushed out of the room decisively: amidst the white snow, the golden-red firelight formed a wall of fire along the long house of the militia camp; the blazing firelight was blown by the cold wind howling on the top of the mountain. It continues to surge upwards and even has a tendency to spread.

Firecracker-like gunshots could even be heard in the flames, mixed with shrill screams echoing in the sea of ​​​​fire... Even if they had not seen it with their own eyes, it was not difficult for the two of them to imagine the tragic situation of the militiamen - the dense gunfire was always There were sounds, and it was obvious that the battle had turned into a one-sided massacre.

"Strange, even if they are attacked by the enemy, a group of heavily armed militiamen should not be surrendered to unarmed indigenous people... Wait a minute!"

Carl, suddenly enlightened, suddenly looked back at Norton, and found that the other party was looking at him with the same expression: "You, you can't be..."

"The militiamen in Winter Torch City have been disarmed." Lieutenant Colonel Norton's expression turned extremely ugly:

"Intelligence says that the attackers have sneaked into Winter Torch City, and are probably among the militiamen - but all the weapons are locked in the arsenal of the military camp. The weapons on the opposite side should have been brought by them when they sneaked into the city."

"What weapons are there? I mean in the arsenal!"

"Not many, only two thousand muzzleloading rifles and one..."


Before they finished speaking, the stunned two people heard a loud noise and watched helplessly as a roaring black figure rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire and smashed the Ring of Order badge at the top of the council hall.

Looking at the direction where the gunfire came from, Karl couldn't help but twitch his throat:

"You just said they had a...what?"

"One..." Lieutenant Colonel Norton, whose cheeks twitched, paused for a moment, and took a deep breath to regain his composure:

"Old-fashioned, twenty-four-pounder."


"Long live--!!!!"

Looking at the marble relief of the Ring of Order that was shattered by a cannon and turned into a pile of tattered ruins in the smoke, fierce cheers immediately broke out in the burning military camp - the ecstatic beast slave mercenaries were excited Waving the messy and bizarre weapons in his hands, he expressed his heartfelt hatred for the colonists and their beliefs in the most direct way.

Even though they had actually betrayed their compatriots and beliefs and became the lackeys of another group of colonists.

While cheering, they have not forgotten their "work": in the military camp, which was submerged in fire and thick smoke, there were screams and wailing everywhere; dozens or hundreds of unarmed Winter Torch City militiamen were not even seen in the past. The "beast slaves" who dared to look up and face them slaughtered them wantonly.

Military camps, warehouses, walls, trenches, fences...layers of corpses huddled together in a pool of blood, slaughtered wantonly like livestock, their ferocious faces seemed to have exhausted their last bit of strength in wailing.

Some of the "lucky ones" who escaped the initial attack and successfully escaped were also treated as prey and moving targets for practicing marksmanship. They fell on the road to the military camp gate without exception; A "river of blood road" made of corpses formed.

"Okay, stop it!"

In the chaos, an extremely angry voice sounded in the carnival: "Stop wasting time with these bastards, we still have business to do!"

Looking at the bastard who was still jumping on a pile of corpses, celebrating his victory, as the nominal leader of this "beast slave mercenary group", Segren felt that his horn was aching.

The reason why it is only "in name" is because Yangfan City has never given him any official name. Those "senior congressmen" who are rich and afraid of death will only give a beast slave like him a sum of money, plus enough money to fill the tank. Three or four carriages of salt, cotton cloth and bread, and then let them recruit those compatriots who are not afraid of death.

Although Segren never felt that these guys were his compatriots, he was only one-quarter of the blood of beast slaves, and the remaining three-quarters were the purest human blood, one-quarter of which even came from a certain imperial noble. ——He cares about this.

Under his urging, the beast slave mercenaries reluctantly gathered in the open space in the center of the military camp; although he was not their real leader, the other party held precious salt and cotton cloth in their hands, which their clan could not Something that is produced but indispensable.

In addition, none of them are Segren's opponents - conquering an indigenous warrior is sometimes as simple and crude as that.

Ten minutes later, looking at the three to four hundred fully armed beast slave mercenaries assembled in the open space, Segren finally showed a slightly satisfied expression, and even the pain was relieved a lot: "Have the arsenals been emptied? "

"Evacuated - except for the cannon, everything that can be taken away has been taken away. If not, we will destroy them all according to your instructions. Only a pile of scrap metal will be left to the enemy!"

The beast slave mercenary who took the initiative to report was extremely excited: "Now each of our soldiers has three guns and dozens of rounds of ammunition!"

"So many?!" Segren was equally surprised. This number was beyond his expectation.

"That's all - and even now, the Clovis people in the city are still refusing to save them. There's almost chaos outside, and the council doesn't even have guards. It's basically an empty city!"

"Empty city?!"

"Empty city!"

"In this case, there is no need to wait any longer!" Xieglun said excitedly:

"Everyone, follow me and take down the parliament - the 'lord' of Yangfan City said that each traitor's head is worth ten gold coins. If you bring back the complete body, it will be twenty!"

"And...and that Clovis man named Anson Bach. Do you know how much he is worth?"

Without waiting for others to guess, Xieglun opened his left hand and gave the answer: "Five carts, five carts of salt!"

"The gentleman himself told me that as long as anyone can give him Anson Bach's head, he will be given enough salt to fill five four-wheel carriages - not those yellow and black salt blocks, but like snow. White, as fine as beach sand, table salt in a linen bag!”

In fact, it's ten cars... Xieglun added in his heart; after all, a mercenary leader who is not good at deducting project payments is definitely not a good contractor.

For example, the head of the liberal group had a bounty of one hundred gold coins in Sailing City. If he captured two hundred alive, he directly exploited nine-tenths of it. It was because it was too difficult to kill a commander-in-chief that he was so "generous".

But even though there were only five cars, the beast slave mercenaries present were excited - even though they had been living with the colonists for two hundred years, the indigenous people still loved convenient and warm cotton cloth and food more than gold coins. Snow-white table salt that will not cause illness or poisoning.

Those "shining little sequins" will not only attract the curse of the Shadow Demon, but they will also be of no use to their own clan; after all, ordinary indigenous people will not be able to buy anything even if they have money when they walk into a colonial store. Being caught as a thief or robber and sent to a mine or prison.

When he thought that these men could not spend the gold coins they had earned, but had to "trouble" themselves to go to the city to exchange them for what they wanted, Segren's heart aching because of his generosity immediately eased a lot.

"Brothers—my dearest brothers!"

Segren opened his arms and shouted at the beast slave mercenaries, whose eyes were already burning: "Wintertorch City has surrendered at our feet. The people in that council hall are not enemies at all, but piles of them." The gold coins are treasures waiting for us to get and snatch them!"

"Now... is there any warrior who is willing to join me to take away those good things that belong to us?!"

"I would-!!!"

Wave after wave of cheers resounded through the sky.

Hundreds of heavily armed and bloodthirsty mercenaries rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire, pouring into the already chaotic streets like a torrent, heading straight towards the undefended landmark building, only a group of trembling cowards with their own hidden agendas.

A one-sided massacre is about to take place in Winter Torch City in late spring.

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