I will be crowned king

Chapter 571 “Keeping the Agreement”

Compared to the worried Alexei, Anson, who had "successfully disguised himself", was quite happy. He even dug out the treasured Tirpitz Rum after returning to Black Reef Port, bit off the cork and blew out half of the bottle. .

After a few satisfied burps, he took out the diary that had been "idle" for a long time and prepared to write down a few words from his heart.

Speaking of it, from the end of the Hantu War to the time when he arrived in the New World, he seemed to have never written a diary. Instead, he entrusted the little secretary to slightly change his daily schedule records, and changed the subject to the one he sent to. Clovis City and Hantu...so much so that the moment he picked up the pen, Anson felt a little unfamiliar.

Yes, to this day he still sends his daily diary in batches to Sophia Franz and Leon Francois - of course, after Thalia has verified and checked it.

Emotions and friendships all require patience and careful care, and the more you cannot see each other in a short period of time, the more attention you need to pay attention to. You cannot be negligent just because the foundation is deep. Many "blood is thicker than water" relationships are those that are not in contact for a long time. Then they gradually drifted apart, and finally met as passers-by.

Although the Francois family far away in the vast land can't give him any help for the time being, and it will be difficult for the two sides to have any intersection in the long run, but it is better than nothing. One more friend is always better than one more enemy.

Of course, forget about friends like a certain novelist. If possible, Anson really hopes that he will be shot to death on his way to the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea - even if the price he pays is to be attacked from both sides, he is willing to do so:

"...On May 18th, after experiencing a turmoil, I finally took control of the situation in Black Reef Port and negotiated with Bernard Morweis to obtain a three-day rest opportunity - this docking The battle that follows will play a vital role.

Because although there are still 50,000 people and a complete defense line of 7,000 army monks in Black Reef Port, there are not many supplies left. In addition, the port has been destroyed by imperial bombardment. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as being completely exhausted.

The good news is that the imperial army besieging the position is also at the end of its strength, and it only has a slight advantage over Black Reef Port - the other side has obviously determined that the Storm Division will abandon Black Reef Port and build a defense line in the Red Hand Bay area.

This information gap will become our biggest advantage in the next battle!

In order to continue to confuse the enemy, I will gradually dismantle the Black Reef Port militia in the next three days and reduce the garrison from 7,000 to 3,000. This is not only to show the enemy's weakness, but also to reduce material losses.

The use of troops in Black Reef Port is really wasteful. More than 7,000 people are scattered evenly along the entire defense line like peppercorns, leaving only a reserve force of less than 500 people - and this reserve force is already shelling the port. When the entire army was wiped out - replaced by the Storm Division, the two regiments could achieve the same effect with less than 3,000 men.

However, considering that although their morale is high, their combat effectiveness is really hard to describe, it is more appropriate to retain 3,000 people just in case.

The four thousand people who were abolished were responsible for repairing fortifications and transporting luggage as specialized engineers. Their weapons were only equipped with spears, hand axes and homemade grenades. They served as free skirmishers and reserves when necessary.

As long as the ammunition stored in this way is used sparingly and combined with the captured trophies, it is definitely more than enough to last for two or three days.

On the Empire side, although Bernard Morweis verbally promised to open a gap in three days to ensure our safe evacuation, I have seen through his lies - the peace talks are a lie, and taking the opportunity to eliminate the resistance of the Free Confederacy is the real thing!

I will be vigilant about this. It would be best if the Empire adheres to chivalry and keeps its promise. If it is just a despicable lie to deceive the pure and kind people of Black Reef Port and the Stormtroopers, I guarantee that he will regret it for the rest of his life..."

He lightly clicked on a few ellipses as the ending to be continued. The satisfied Anson carefully checked it several times before writing.

Compared with the previous diary, this should be the first time that I have analyzed the situation of both sides of the battle in detail, as well as my subsequent preparations. It is very different from the "narrative" that Hantu used to deal with.

In addition to product iterative upgrades, the pursuit of self-improvement is also to improve the user experience-the main thing is always to express emotions. Even with Leon's intelligence level, he can tell that he is dealing with things.

As for Sophia... with the help of the little maid Angelica and the guidance of Archbishop Luther, it shouldn't be difficult.

Of course, he would not write his inner words and true thoughts in his diary - not only because of immorality, but also for self-protection, to prevent the truth about his bloodline power from being discovered by outsiders.

The only motivation for him to write a diary was to ensure that in the most extreme situation, he who was resurrected by the power of blood could grasp most of the information he needed at the first time.

After putting away the diary, Anson picked up the bottle and drank the remaining rum in one gulp. He lay down on the bed with his drunkenness, intending to sleep until noon the next day before starting the next plan - the more time is pressed, the more important it is to Be methodical.

An hour later, Anson, who turned over repeatedly in bed, finally fell into a dream.


Three days later, outside Black Reef Port City.


As the loud and long bugle sound echoed in the morning mist, thousands of golden irises bloomed in the wind.

The siege position, filled with ravines, debris, scorched earth and craters, turned into a blue and white ocean in the blink of an eye.

After a full rest, nearly 10,000 Imperial Army soldiers who were full of energy now walked out of their positions in full force, and spread out into a rare three-row line to the brisk drum beat.

Even the cavalry units, which had almost never appeared on the scene before, lined up in four loose horizontal lines at the front of the main attack position on the west side and made a grand appearance.

The breastplate with embossed patterns is still shining in the morning mist. The exquisite saber and the embossed carbine are hung on the saddle of the tall horse. The flag gun with the swallow-tail flag is held high in the hand... far away Looking from a distance, it looks like a rainbow falling from the sky.

Not to mention attacking the city, even the defense may not be able to block such a formation; but if the defenders of Black Reef Port look down from the retaining wall at this moment, even a fool can find that they have been surrounded from all sides - symbolizing Heri The golden irises of the German royal family bloomed in every corner outside Black Reef Port City.

This is the "farewell ceremony" carefully prepared by Bernard Morweis for the traitors of Black Reef Port and the advance army!

He wanted to use the most straightforward way to show off his force to this group of bastards who had resisted his siege for more than ten days.

On the main offensive position, the former colonial minister, surrounded by hundreds of knights, honor guards and "loyalist" representatives, stood high-spirited in front of the formation and watched from a distance.

"It finally begins."

Bernard, who raised a gold-plated three-section monocular and locked the position on the north side, whispered behind him without looking back: "In half an hour, the advance army and the liberal traitors in Black Reef Port will be there." Evacuate from the north side—are you all ready?”

"You can do it at any time."

Facing the inquiry from the Minister-in-Chief, the commander of the cuirassier battalion, Sir Sado, seemed a little absent-minded and said with a dazed expression: "The troops on the north side have received the signal. After the defenders of Black Reef Port have retreated more than half, they will immediately launch an assault along the trench. Cut it off at the waist."

"Your herald is also waiting at the artillery position. All artillery is in place. Immediately carry out a covering artillery bombardment on the advance army and the defenders of Black Reef Port who have passed the siege position."

"Even if they can survive five minutes of non-stop artillery fire and still maintain a considerable degree of organization, the hussars will then completely defeat them, leaving them no room to fight back."

"Very good." Bernard nodded with satisfaction:

"Tell the soldiers to open the gap as wide as possible, and don't leave too many defenders on both sides - we can't let the Clovis accuse the Imperial Knights, they are all despicable people who don't trust their word."


"During the cavalry raid, focus on causing casualties to the liberal traitors. As for the group of Clovis people in the advance army, we must capture them alive as much as possible; in the subsequent Battle of Red Hand Bay, they may become an important bargaining chip. .”


"If you catch Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, tell him, tell him... uh..."



Bernard, who was interrupted from thinking, frowned slightly and turned to look behind him: "Sir Sado, are you okay?"


The commander of the cuirassier battalion, who answered subconsciously, looked startled. Only then did he notice the expression of the minister in charge, as if waking up from a dream: "I'm fine!"

"Really? Then I'll be relieved."

Bernard forced out a smile, his stiff expression just like "I don't believe it" written on his forehead: "Is there anything you need to report to me?"


After hesitating for a few seconds, Sado decided not to report the information that "a cuirassier was missing" to the minister in charge, which would ruin his good mood at the moment: "Everything is normal, the cuirassier can take action at any time."

"Very good." Bernard nodded slightly and put away the monocular telescope in his hand:

"Then act as soon as possible. I would also like to trouble you to go to the northern front position to supervise the battle in case of accidents - if there is any accident, you can act first and then report. If there is any situation or need, send someone to contact you at any time."

"As you command!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressionless Sir Sado saluted the Minister in Charge, then turned and left without looking back.

Bernard Morweis, who stayed where he was, kept staring at the back of the cuirassier battalion commander with the corner of his eye until he disappeared in the morning fog.

I didn't mention the cuirassiers at all, so why bother?

Bernard was very confused, and reason told him that there was definitely something wrong with this, but the problem was that the army under his command had too many problems - if he wanted to figure everything out, it wouldn't be long. When the Clovis attacked, they had to fight a civil war first.

With a slight sigh, he turned his attention again to the Black Reef Port not far away.

When the morning fog gradually dissipated with the rising sun, the army in Black Reef Harbor finally began to retreat.

On the undulating hills, several columns in neat formation passed through the defense line of Black Reef Port and began to slowly move towards the northern position of the imperial army.

Despite the distance, the orderly queue and red and black military uniforms illustrate their identity as "Storm Division" or Clovis Army.

Bernard nodded slightly, this was the same as what they had agreed on at the beginning.

Facing the majestic military power of golden iris flowers, the soldiers of the advance army did not show any fear or panic. They also held high the blue-backed gold-ringed flags and moved forward steadily amidst the rhythmic drumbeats and military music, constantly approaching the attack. City position.

There, the imperial army had reserved a gap and cleared out all the weapons and redundant fortifications on the position, leaving only an open space with ravines and crisscrosses.

The strange thing is that there are no Black Reef Port defenders behind the advance army - although there is no figure on the defense line.

After arriving at the position, the advance army did not leave immediately. Instead, they deployed defensive formations on the east and west wings, and even sent many skirmishers to expand to the two wings of the gap... maintaining a high degree of vigilance against the imperial army.

Bernard could only sneer at this meaningless vigilance; although he was really not prepared to abide by the agreement, the other party looked down upon him too much.

An hour later, the advance army that had been "stationed" on the north side not only firmly controlled the position, but had even begun to dig new fortifications.

At the same time, there was still no movement in the direction of Black Reef Port, and there was no sign of anyone wanting to evacuate.

Just when Bernard vaguely felt that something was wrong, a messenger was suddenly sent from the advance army; first, on behalf of Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, he expressed gratitude to the empire for its willingness to abide by its promise, and then apologized for the current "accident":

"Because there are a large number of women, children and the elderly among the retreating liberals, it will be difficult to persuade them to leave the city; and there are irregular trenches everywhere on the position, which is very unfavorable for the movement of large baggage vehicles. Therefore, please extend it for one more hour to allow the advance army to There’s time to level the ground.”

Bernard agreed to the messenger's request and immediately entrusted a messenger to go to the northern position after the other party left, asking Sir Sado to send someone to monitor the movements of the advance army.

Half an hour later, the messenger returned breathlessly to report the situation: the advance army did not lie, they were indeed leveling the position and using readily available tools to build passable roads between the trenches.

But Bernard's face did not improve at all, because there was still no sign of evacuation from the direction of Black Reef Port.

Another hour later, the advance troops in the gap in the position were still busy. The smoke and dust rolled up blocked the view of the Imperial cavalry who were monitoring them. Even Bernard, who was far away in the west position, could see clearly. .

As for the direction of Black Reef Port, it has not moved at all.

Bernard's face became more and more ugly. He suddenly had a suspicion that raised his blood pressure, and it was becoming more and more similar to the scene in front of him.

At ten o'clock sharp, that is, there was one hour left before the final retreat time - and it was delayed - Sir Sado suddenly sent someone over and reported a very terrible situation:

"The advance army didn't want to retreat at all. They rebuilt a new defensive position directly on the gap, dividing the entire army into two - we were deceived!"

Facing the furious messengers, Bernard's face was stiff and there was no wave in his expression. He stared at the position and didn't need anyone else to tell him the bad news.

Because on that battlefield filled with smoke and dust... Clovis' Unicorn King flag was raised!

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